fake it, destination

「fake it, destination」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

fake it, destination - (2013/05/21 (火) 22:00:54) の最新版との変更点



#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15962316) 作詞:[[nexus]] 作曲:[[nexus]] 編曲:[[nexus]] 唄:初音ミク **曲紹介 -nexus氏 の10作目。 -今回は、英語の歌詞に挑戦してみました!が・・・主は英語力が皆無のため、多少のミスはお許しください (((( ;゚ω゚)))) (作者コメ転載) -イラストは 香与氏 が手掛ける。 **歌詞 I'm just looking around. Now, it rises, now it sinks...×4 (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. By the time the sun sets, we will arrive at the destination.×4 (lalala...) (fake it, fake it...) (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. By the time the sun sets, we will arrive at the destination.×4 (wow... wow...) I'm just looking around. Now, it rises, now it sinks...×4 **コメント #comment()
#right(){&furigana()&furigana()【登録タグ:&tags()】} &nicovideo(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15962316) 作詞:[[nexus]] 作曲:[[nexus]] 編曲:[[nexus]] 唄:初音ミク **曲紹介 -nexus氏 の10作目。 -今回は、英語の歌詞に挑戦してみました!が・・・主は英語力が皆無のため、多少のミスはお許しください ( ( ( ( ;゚ω゚) ) ) ) (作者コメ転載) -イラストは 香与氏 が手掛ける。 **歌詞 I'm just looking around. Now, it rises, now it sinks...×4 (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. By the time the sun sets, we will arrive at the destination.×4 (lalala...) (fake it, fake it...) (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. (wow... wow...) He watched the sun set below the horizon. (wow... wow...) I don't wanna cry. Please tell me, show now. By the time the sun sets, we will arrive at the destination.×4 (wow... wow...) I'm just looking around. Now, it rises, now it sinks...×4 **コメント - この曲ホント好きやわ~ -- 名無しさん (2013-05-22 13:05:49) - 英語非対応のミクに歌わせてるのが拙い感じでいいね -- 名無しさん (2013-05-24 15:18:05) #comment()

