

「鍛冶の手をしているな 多くのものを修理してきたんだろう」
"You've got the hands of a smith. Must have spent some time repairing your gear".

「健康そうな体をしてるな よく走るのか?」
"You're a fit one. Been running a lot?"

"Looks like you're handy with a blade."

"Your shield arm looks strong."

"You look like you've swung a mace or two in your time."

"Seems you've bloodied your knuckles a few times."

"You look like someone who's comfortable in heavy armor."

「薬の調合はよくやるのかい? 錬金術が得意そうだが」
"How about mixing up some potions? You look like quite the alchemist."

"You look skilled in Alteration. Maybe you can teach me something."

「死骸の臭いがする 死んだ生き物でも召喚してたのかい?」
"You smell of death. Been conjuring up dead things?"

"There's a charge in the air. Been casting some destruction spells?"

"You have the hands of an illusionist."

"There's an air of Mysticism about you."

"You have the hands of a healer."

「足取りが物凄く軽いな 軽業師かい?」
"You've got a real bounce to your step. I'll bet you're quite the acrobat."

I heard you know how to move in light armor.

"You have the eyes of a trained marksman."

"You look like a shrewd businessman."

「手先が器用そうだね どこに潜り込んでたんだい?」
"You've got some nimble fingers. What have you been getting into?"

"You're a sneaky looking sort."

"You've got quite the silver tongue."


"Look at the muscles on you!"

"You look like a bright one."


