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【訳注:ワシントン・ポストのサイトにももちろん記事があるのですが,登録しないと読めないので,登録しなくても読める記事を探してみました。→San Francisco Chronicle なお,white phosphorousは検索をして「白燐(榴弾)」という訳語を見つけたのですが,『リーダーズ英和辞典』では「黄燐」となってました。訳語の確定をしている時間的余裕がないので,こういうかたちで付記しておきます。】


【訳注:ロイターに答えたこの医師は,Sami al-Jumaili医師。往診に行った負傷者の家で電話で答えたとのことです。この名前は何度も見たような気がするのだけれど,情報量が多すぎてわかんなくなってしまいました。】


イラク・イスラム聖職者(法学者)協会(Iraq's Muslim Clerics' Association)は,過去においてファルージャでの停戦の交渉を手助けしてきたが,イラクに米軍が駐留していることに対する反乱(revolt・・・revolutionじゃないのね)の最前線のスンニ派たちに呼びかけ,1月27日に予定されている選挙の信頼性を揺るがすことができるだろう。【訳注:仮定法の文。訳がぎこちないです。】

Posted by: Raed Jarrar / 10:11 PM
translated by: nofrills, 11 November 2004


白燐榴弾を人のいるところに投げているとは常軌を逸している。火器というよりは化学兵器になってしまう。米軍が使っているであろうM-15白燐榴弾は,爆発半径は17メートルあって,燃焼温度は5000度だ。身体に付着した破片を取り去ると,空気に触れて自然発火する。だから取り去る前に怪我をした箇所を水につけなければならない。破片はすぐに水にひたさなければならない。白燐(黄燐)は酸素の少ない水に触れるとホスフィンを出すが,これがおそろしいのガスだ。煙を吸入すれば,「phossy jaw」と呼ばれる症状が起きる。口に傷ができるがそれは治ることなく,顎の骨自体が砕けてしまうこともある。白燐(黄燐)は少量(小匙1杯未満)摂るだけで,吐き気,嘔吐,肝臓障害,心臓障害,腎臓障害,ひどい眠気をもよおすし,時には死に至ることもある。



# posted by Rei : 11:30 PM

# posted by Anonymous : 12:28 AM


bombed hospitals, White Phosphorous, and Falluja
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I have a strong headache today. Yet, i found some interesting news, that u cant read everywhere on the net, about the librating efforts of the U.S. army in Falluja:

U.S. Reportedly Firing White Phosphorous Rounds

The Washington Post reports that the U.S. has begun firing white phosphorous rounds that create a screen of fire that cannot be extinguished with water. Iraqi doctors are reporting that corpses are being brought into the hospital with their skin melted -- a reaction consistent with white phosphorous burns.

Report: 20 Medics Killed in Clinic Bombing

The city's medical system is in shambles. The Chinese news agency Xinhua is reporting that dozens of Iraqis, including 20 medics, were killed when the US bombed a medical clinic in Fallujah yesterday. The clinic was just erected to substitute for the main hospital which was seized by the U.S. on Monday. One doctor told Reuters "There is not a single surgeon in Fallujah. We had one ambulance hit by US fire and a doctor wounded. There are scores of injured civilians in their homes whom we can't move. A 13-year-old child just died in my hands."

Red Cross Warns About Actions in Fallujah

The International Committee of the Red Cross issued a statement on Fallujah. It read in part "The ICRC urges the belligerents to ensure that all those in need of such care - whether friend or foe - be given access to medical facilities and that medical personnel and vehicles can function without hindrance at all times." In the initial days of the attack, the US has destroyed one hospital, seized a second, destroyed a medical supply center and bombed a first aid clinic.

Sunni Leaders Call for Iraq Election Boycott

An influential group of Sunni Muslim clerics on Tuesday urged Iraqis to boycott the first democratic election in decades in protest at a U.S.-led offensive against the rebel-held city of Falluja.
The call by Iraq's Muslim Clerics' Association, which has helped negotiate cease-fires in Falluja in the past, could appeal to Sunnis at the forefront of a revolt against the U.S. presence in Iraq and undermine the credibility of the election due on Jan. 27.
"The clerics call on the honorable people of Iraq to boycott the coming election that they want to hold on the remains of the dead and the blood of the wounded from Iraqi cities like Falluja and others," said Harith al-Dhari, its top official.
"(The election) intends to achieve the aims of the occupying authority in Iraq and the authorities cooperating with them."

Posted By Raed Jarrar at 3:11 PM

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