英文史料を正しく読む!ビルマ従軍慰安婦に関する米軍尋問調書 @wiki




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The soldiers often complained about congestion in the houses. In many situations they were not served and had to leave as the army was very strict about overstaying. In order to overcome this problem the Army set aside certain days for certain units. Usually two men from the unit for the day were stationed at the house to identify soldiers. A roving MP was also on hand to keep order. Following is the schedule used by the "Kyoei" house for the various units of the 18th Division while at Naymyo.

兵士たちは慰安所の混雑に関してよく不平をいった。軍は長居に関して非常に厳しかったので、彼らはサービスを受ける事なく去らねばならないという状況が数多くあった。この問題を克服するため、軍は部隊ごとに曜日を設定した。その日の割り当ての部隊から、通常2人の兵士が、客となる兵士を誰何するため慰安所に配置された。また秩序を保つため、憲兵が近くを巡回した。以下は、第18師団の様々な部隊が Naymyoにいた間、"Kyoei"慰安所により使用された部隊別スケジュールだ。

Sunday 18th Div. Hdqs. Staff:日、第18師団. 指令部スタッフ
Monday Cavalry:月、騎兵
Tuesday Engineers:火、技師
Wednesday Day off and weekly physical exam.:水、休日および毎週の身体検査
Thursday  Medics:木、医療スタッフ
Friday Mountain artillery:金、砲兵隊
Saturday Transport:土、兵坦部隊

Officers were allowed to come seven nights a week. The girls complained that even with the schedule congestion was so great that they could not care for all guests, thus causing ill feeling among many of the soldiers.


Soldiers would come to the house, pay the price and get tickets of cardboard about two inches square with the prior on the left side and the name of the house on the other side. Each soldier's identity or rank was then established after which he "took his turn in line". The girls were allowed the prerogative of refusing a customer. This was often done if the person were too drunk.

