
Magtheridon - (2007/04/01 (日) 04:30:07) の1つ前との変更点



*Overview & Preparation Magtheridonは3つのステージに分かれたエンカウンターで、最初のステージが 最も難しく、続く2ステージは簡単な計画を実行するだけである。 Magtheridonの部屋に入ると、南/南西/南東/北西/北東にいる5人のHellfire Channelerに 縛られ、Banishされた状態のMagtheridonを見る事ができる。 Channelersは攻撃しない限りAggroしないので、プレイヤーは部屋に入り、それぞれの位置につく事が可能である。 Channelersと交戦状態に入ると、プレイヤーはMagtheridonが彼自身の縛めを解き、ステージ2に入るまで2分の時間を持つ。 ステージ3はMagtheridonのHealthが30%になった時に開始される。 Tank用の消費アイテムを使用する事は非常に推奨され、そしてもしそれら無しで倒す事ができたとしても、 また、TryRaidの間でも、それら消費アイテムを全力で使用する事でTankの生存力を大幅に上げることができるだろう。 Flask of Fortification、Elixirs of Greater Defense、Elixirs of Major AgilityやIronshield Potionを持っていくこと。 他のメンバーに関しては特に消耗品を必要とはしないが、他のエンカウンターと同様、 消耗品を使う事で難易度を下げたり戦闘時間を短縮することができる。 *Group Composition 5体の攻撃力が高いAddsがあるため、どのRaidでもGearの揃ったTankを要する。 挑戦段階のRaidでは5人揃える事が望ましいが、経験を詰む事で削ることもできる。 Tankを揃えた後は、この戦闘ではWarlockが二番目に重要なクラスとなる。 5wlksが理想だが、これだけの数を用意できるGuildは限られているだろう。 3,4人のWlksでも倒す事は可能だが、何人減るにしても難易度は上昇するだろう。 他のDPS Classはこの戦闘中十分に力を発揮できるが、詠唱妨害のスキルが必要になる。 なのでこの戦闘においてRogueやMageはHunterよりも優秀である。 10-12DPS classと8-10Healerにするのが良いだろう。 *Hellfire Channeler Abilities **Shadow Bolt Volley 1063-1437 Shadow Damageを30yard以内のプレイヤー全員に。 **Dark Mending Channelerは彼ら自身、またはお互いに強力なHealを行う事ができる。 これは30y以内にいる対象を69375~80625回復させる。 ChannelerがHealを行うのは自身、もしくは他のChannelerのHealthが50%以下になった時のみである。 **Summon Burning Abyssal Channelersは定期的にBurning Abyssalをランダムで選んだプレイヤーの上に召喚する。 Abyssalが召喚される際の衝撃で、選ばれたプレイヤーの周囲10yに2625-3375のFireDamageが入る。 Abyssalsは20y以内にいるプレイヤーに2700-3300dmgのFire blastを撃ち、Meleeによる攻撃も行う。 一人のChannelerが一度に2体以上を召喚する事はなく、Abyssalは1分で消滅する。 *Magtheridon's Abilities **Melee Magtheridonの通常攻撃はTankに約6000のダメージを与える。 **Knockback lairにいるプレイヤー全員を5秒に渡ってKnockbackさせる。 プレイヤーは5秒間に5回、短い距離(約2y)をKnockbackさせられる。 これはChanneled Spellを妨害するだろう。このアビリティは5,60秒のCooldownを持ち、 Knockbackを行う時には地面が揺れる。 **Blast Nova Channeling Spellで、Lairにいる全員に2188-2812のダメージが2秒毎に1回与えられ、詠唱は10秒間続く。 **Conflagration MagtheridonはFireballをLair内の地面にランダムで撃つ。 その地点は数分間燃え続け、その炎に触れたプレイヤーはDesorient状態になり、 継続的なFire Damageを受け、周囲にいるプレイヤーに秒間300dmgを与える。 **Cleave 正面にPlate Classに8000のダメージを与えるCleave。 Cooldown10秒で、かなり正確に予測できる。 *Strategy *Buffs 使用する事が明白であるFort/MotW/AIは別として、RaidメンバーはShadow Bolt Volleyの ダメージを抑える為に、Shadow Protectionから大きな利益を得ることができる。 Raidに二人しかPaladinがいなかった場合、耐久力と攻撃力はThreat減少よりも優先され、 よってMeleeにはKings/Might、CasterにはKings/Wisdomを使用すること。 Tankの生存力を強化する為に、ImpやDevotion Auraを使用するべきである。 最後に倒す事になっているChannelerをTankしているプレイヤーには特に。 *The Pull RaidメンバーはLairのどこにでも位置どる事ができ、戦闘はChannelerに攻撃的な行動をとった時のみ開始される。 どのChannelerにもTankと彼へのHealerを割り当てなくてはならない。 全DPS Classは南のChannelerに位置することができる。 追記: このエンカウンターはTankが5人未満の時でも戦う事が可能であり、 Tankが4人の場合はHunterがMisdirectで南西か南東のChannelerを南のTankに持っていく。 **Positioning For initial positioning use this diagram: Magtheridon raid positioning, first minute Tanks must keep their Channelers as far from each other as possible. Initially, the best spots are the platforms on which they spawn, but after the first Channeler has died, the SW and SE Channeler can be pulled further south and away from the NE and NW Channelers. Maximizing distance minimizes Shadow Bolt Volley damage, as well as makes Channelers unable to heal each other, they will however still attempt to heal themselves. Magtheridon raid positioning, second minute The Magtheridon tank is shown on this diagram assuming position in front of Magtheridon after the death of the second Channeler. Of course healers must also be ready for Magtheridon's release. Magtheridon raid positioning, second minute Once Magtheridon becomes active he is best tanked near the wall of the lair, on the south side which by now must be clear of Channelers. Magtheridon raid positioning, killing last Channelers He can be kept in that position until the end of the encounter, which reduces the risk of targets other than the MT being Cleaved and ensures that the MT is only slightly affected by the knockback. Magtheridon raid positioning, fighting Magtheridon alone A general positioning tip during stage 1 is for all ranged classes to try and maintain a 10 yard distance between each other in order to minimize splash damage taken from Burning Abyssal spawns. Fight Progression Stage 1 As the encounter is engaged, DPS must start killing Channelers as soon as possible. Start with all the DPS on the Channeler in the S position, while the other Channelers are just being offtanked for now. Tanks on the Channelers that are being offtanked must try and interrupt the Shadow Bolt Volley as often as possible using Shield Bash, in order to reduce damage taken by themselves and their healers. On the S Channeler that is being burned down rogues and mages can interrupt the Shadow Bolt Volley, as well as the Dark Mending that Channelers start casting when they are below 50% HP. It is very important to keep Curse of Tongues up on every Channeler to slow down the casting time of these spells, which makes it much easier to interrupt them. All through stage 1, the primary responsibility of warlocks is to keep the Burning Abyssals under control. Always Banish the first spawn, then DPS the Channeler that is being killed. When the second Abyssal spawns, keep it chain feared until the first Banished Abyssal despawns. Then banish the feared target and continue DPS-ing. Repeat until all Channelers are dead and all Abyssals have despawned. Killing the first Channeler within the first 40 seconds is expected from a raid with well geared DPS. Once the first Channeler has died, DPS can shift to the Channeler in the SW position. The SW and SE tanks can adjust their position by moving slightly southwards. The second Channeler should die within another 40 seconds. DPS classes can then move north, to the SE Channeler, and should have him down within the 2 minutes before Magtheridon releases. Stage 2 At the 2 minute mark Magtheridon breaks free and must be picked up by an available tank, one that has tanked one of the killed Channelers. The tank can position Magtheridon in the empty SW corner, with his back to the wall. About 40 seconds after he breaks free, Magtheridon will perform his first knockback. Knockbacks are a very sensitive moment, since the healers will be unable to channel spells, and rogues may be knocked out of kick range and be unable to interrupt spells. During a knockback, healers should use instant heals if needed (such as Nature's Swiftness), priests can also shield their tank. Interrupts during knockbacks are best handled by mages, since they can Counterspell even while being knocked back. While a knockback is imminent, have a look at your surroundings and position yourself away from any flames on the ground, to avoid being knocked back into them and taking Conflagration damage. With Magtheridon released and 3 Channelers dead, this is now the critical moment of the encounter. As each Channeler dies, all the other Channelers receive a buff that increases their damage by 30% and their casting speed by 30%. Interrupts become harder, but are still possible with Curse of Tongues on the Channelers. Healers that become available from the early Channelers must be split amongst helping heal the tanks that are now taking increased damage from Channelers, and healing the MT, who will be taking significant damage from Magtheridon. Manicron Cube, manned by a Channeler Dealing with Blast Nova One minute after Magtheridon has broken free, he will begin to channel his first Blast Nova. Blast Nova essentially does 10,000 damage over 10 seconds to everyone in the raid, and with Channelers up it is completely unhealable. However the spell can be interrupted by players using the Manticron Cubes on the platforms where the Channelers initially spawned. In order to interrupt Blast Nova, all 5 cubes need to be clicked at the same time. Clicking a cube starts a 10 second channeling beam that will hit Magtheridon. If the 5 beams are all active at the same time, Magtheridon will become bound again, which interrupts his Blast Nova. While he is bound, Magtheridon takes 300% damage from player spells and abilities. Channeling the beam however damages the players clicking the cube. They take 800 damage every second while they are channeling. A player can interrupt the channeling any time by moving away from the cube, and Magtheridon will break free once again. Interrupting the channeling before all 5 cubes have been clicked is fatal for the raid, since Magtheridon's Blast Nova will not be interrupted. After they stop channeling, players will be affected by Mind Exhaustion which makes them unable to use a Manticron Cube for 90 seconds. Since Blast Nova is on a 1 minute cooldown, a rotation must be established, where 2 players are assigned to each cube. Once the 2nd Blast Nova has been interrupted, Mind Exhaustion will have faded from the first player in the rotation, and he can interrupt the 3rd Blast Nova. This rotation must be repeated until Magtheridon is dead, throughout stages 2 and 3. A simple calculation shows that 10 people are needed for the rotation, 2 players for each of the 5 cubes. Try to use players not essential for interrupting or healing for this job, and make sure they are well practiced and alert. A poor cube operator can burn a lot of health (both their own and others'), or cause a wipe if they release prematurely. Even though the 300% damage buff certainly helps the DPS, it is never worth risking the life of a player clicking a cube. They should always break channeling immediately after Blast Nova has been interrupted, which only requires everyone clicking together for the briefest amount of time. It is very important that players only click the cube once Magtheridon begins casting his Blast Nova, and only when it is their assigned turn to click it. If a cube operator dies, others can of course step into the role. Have all your main and backup cube clickers defined before the attempt. Stage 3 At 30%, stage 3 will begin. Magtheridon will shatter the walls of his lair and debris will hit every player in the lair for 5250-6750 physical damage, knocking them down. Heal the main tank first, then the rest of the raid. Using Healthstones or healing potions is recommended at this point. Timing is important: it may be worth it for a raid to stop damage on Magtheridon at 31%, wait for his next Blast Nova, interrupt it, heal everyone to full HP, and then push him over 30%, triggering stage 3. For the rest of stage 3, fragments of the ceiling will continue to drop inside the lair. Players can anticipate where they will land by looking at the falling dust from the ceiling. Players that fail to move from the areas where dust is falling will be hit by debris, for 87,500-112,500 damage. If debris is going to fall next to a cube, it is possible for the player assigned to click it next to rotate to a new position, as cubes can be clicked from any direction. Apart from the initial AoE debris damage, and the falling ceiling debris, stage 3 is identical to stage 2. Class Comments Tank Comments In a 5-tank scenario, the tank on the S Channeler must build good threat as fast as possible, as DPS will be going all out trying to kill it as soon as they can. All other tanks can play more defensively, their priorities being Shield Bashing to interrupt Shadow Bolt Volleys and Shield Blocking to reduce damage taken. Once the first 2 Channelers have died, it's time for the 3 remaining tanks to use Ironshield Potions to compensate for the 60% increase in damage. Be ready to use a cooldown (Last Stand / Shield Wall), a Healthstone or a Nightmare Seed, especially during knockbacks when healing is limited. Magtheridon held by the ChannelersThe best geared tank should be tanking Magtheridon, but you will still need two well geared tanks for the last 2 Channelers, which deal the most damage. Consummables help significantly during late stage 1/early stage 2, which is the hardest section of the fight, therefore come prepared with Ironshield Potions, Elixirs of Greater Defense, Elixirs of Major Agility and Elixirs of Mastery. Once you no longer need to tank, remain in tank gear until all Channelers are dead and all Abyssals have despawned. You can Taunt a Channeler and tank it if the assigned tank dies, or you can Taunt a recently spawned Burning Abyssal off a healer until warlocks Banish or fear it. Once the Channelers have been defeated and the Abyssals have despawned, switch to your best DPS weapon and start DPS-ing Magtheridon. For a 4-tank raid group, a hunter must Misdirect an additional Channeler to the tank already assigned to the S Channeler. Feral druid tanks are particularly well equipped for this task as they can build aggro on two targets more easily than warriors. Kill these 2 Channelers first if this is your setup. Healer Comments While 5 Channelers are alive, one healer is enough for every tank. Try to conserve mana for when Channelers die, and the remaining ones start doing additional damage. A second healer is required to keep tanks alive after 2 Channelers have died. After 3 Channelers are down, you can assign 3 healers to each of the remaining 2 tanks, which leaves 3 healer for the main tank on Magtheridon. Therefore, if your assigned tank has been released from tanking, reposition yourself and heal another tank. During stage 1, healers are particularly at risk from Burning Abyssal spawns, as their heals will pull aggro onto them. As a priest, fear them away from you and ask a warlock for assistance. Once the Channelers have been defeated and the Abyssals have despawned, there are very few targets beside the main tank that need healing, but you can for example heal the players that are clicking the Manticron Cubes. This will allow them to easily channel for the full 10 seconds and maximize Magtheridon's 300% vulnerability phase. DPS Comments DPS as hard as you can, to kill as many Channelers as soon as possible, to reduce the duration of the critical stage where the raid has to deal with both Magtheridon and the Channelers. Aggro is only an issue with the first Channeler, but once you switch to the other Channelers, tanks will have been building aggro for a long time, and you can therefore use all your cooldowns at will. The same goes for Magtheridon. As a rogue killing Channelers, try to save enough energy to Kick the Shadow Bolt Volley and Dark Mending. As a mage, make sure your Counterspell cooldown is up, especially during knockbacks after Magtheridon has broken free, as rogues may be knocked back out of Kick range. As a warlock, always deal with Abyssals first, then worry about DPS. Hunters cannot interrupt spells, and Channelers are immune to Silencing Shot, but you can contribute by helping control the Abyssals, with Freezing Traps and Concussive Shot. Pets can be used freely to DPS Magtheridon.
*Overview & Preparation Magtheridonは3つのステージに分かれたエンカウンターで、最初のステージが 最も難しく、続く2ステージは簡単な計画を実行するだけである。 Magtheridonの部屋に入ると、南/南西/南東/北西/北東にいる5人のHellfire Channelerに 縛られ、Banishされた状態のMagtheridonを見る事ができる。 Channelersは攻撃しない限りAggroしないので、プレイヤーは部屋に入り、それぞれの位置につく事が可能である。 Channelersと交戦状態に入ると、プレイヤーはMagtheridonが彼自身の縛めを解き、ステージ2に入るまで2分の時間を持つ。 ステージ3はMagtheridonのHealthが30%になった時に開始される。 Tank用の消費アイテムを使用する事は非常に推奨され、そしてもしそれら無しで倒す事ができたとしても、 また、TryRaidの間でも、それら消費アイテムを全力で使用する事でTankの生存力を大幅に上げることができるだろう。 Flask of Fortification、Elixirs of Greater Defense、Elixirs of Major AgilityやIronshield Potionを持っていくこと。 他のメンバーに関しては特に消耗品を必要とはしないが、他のエンカウンターと同様、 消耗品を使う事で難易度を下げたり戦闘時間を短縮することができる。 *Group Composition 5体の攻撃力が高いAddsがあるため、どのRaidでもGearの揃ったTankを要する。 挑戦段階のRaidでは5人揃える事が望ましいが、経験を詰む事で削ることもできる。 Tankを揃えた後は、この戦闘ではWarlockが二番目に重要なクラスとなる。 5wlksが理想だが、これだけの数を用意できるGuildは限られているだろう。 3,4人のWlksでも倒す事は可能だが、何人減るにしても難易度は上昇するだろう。 他のDPS Classはこの戦闘中十分に力を発揮できるが、詠唱妨害のスキルが必要になる。 なのでこの戦闘においてRogueやMageはHunterよりも優秀である。 10-12DPS classと8-10Healerにするのが良いだろう。 *Hellfire Channeler Abilities **Shadow Bolt Volley 1063-1437 Shadow Damageを30yard以内のプレイヤー全員に。 **Dark Mending Channelerは彼ら自身、またはお互いに強力なHealを行う事ができる。 これは30y以内にいる対象を69375~80625回復させる。 ChannelerがHealを行うのは自身、もしくは他のChannelerのHealthが50%以下になった時のみである。 **Summon Burning Abyssal Channelersは定期的にBurning Abyssalをランダムで選んだプレイヤーの上に召喚する。 Abyssalが召喚される際の衝撃で、選ばれたプレイヤーの周囲10yに2625-3375のFireDamageが入る。 Abyssalsは20y以内にいるプレイヤーに2700-3300dmgのFire blastを撃ち、Meleeによる攻撃も行う。 一人のChannelerが一度に2体以上を召喚する事はなく、Abyssalは1分で消滅する。 *Magtheridon's Abilities **Melee Magtheridonの通常攻撃はTankに約6000のダメージを与える。 **Knockback lairにいるプレイヤー全員を5秒に渡ってKnockbackさせる。 プレイヤーは5秒間に5回、短い距離(約2y)をKnockbackさせられる。 これはChanneled Spellを妨害するだろう。このアビリティは5,60秒のCooldownを持ち、 Knockbackを行う時には地面が揺れる。 **Blast Nova Channeling Spellで、Lairにいる全員に2188-2812のダメージが2秒毎に1回与えられ、詠唱は10秒間続く。 **Conflagration MagtheridonはFireballをLair内の地面にランダムで撃つ。 その地点は数分間燃え続け、その炎に触れたプレイヤーはDesorient状態になり、 継続的なFire Damageを受け、周囲にいるプレイヤーに秒間300dmgを与える。 **Cleave 正面にPlate Classに8000のダメージを与えるCleave。 Cooldown10秒で、かなり正確に予測できる。 *Strategy *Buffs 使用する事が明白であるFort/MotW/AIは別として、RaidメンバーはShadow Bolt Volleyの ダメージを抑える為に、Shadow Protectionから大きな利益を得ることができる。 Raidに二人しかPaladinがいなかった場合、耐久力と攻撃力はThreat減少よりも優先され、 よってMeleeにはKings/Might、CasterにはKings/Wisdomを使用すること。 Tankの生存力を強化する為に、ImpやDevotion Auraを使用するべきである。 最後に倒す事になっているChannelerをTankしているプレイヤーには特に。 *The Pull RaidメンバーはLairのどこにでも位置どる事ができ、戦闘はChannelerに攻撃的な行動をとった時のみ開始される。 どのChannelerにもTankと彼へのHealerを割り当てなくてはならない。 全DPS Classは南のChannelerに位置することができる。 追記: このエンカウンターはTankが5人未満の時でも戦う事が可能であり、 Tankが4人の場合はHunterがMisdirectで南西か南東のChannelerを南のTankに持っていく。 **Positioning 初期位置 「画像」 Tankは彼らに割り当てられたChannelerをできるだけ離してKeepしなければならない。 初期状態ではChannelerがいる地点が最良のTank位置だが、最初の(南の)Channelerを 倒した後は、南西と南東のChannelerをもっと南に引くことで北西、北東のChannelerから引き剥がす事ができる。 最大限の距離をとる事でShadow Bolt Volleyのダメージを下げることができ、 Channelerはお互いをHealすることができなくなる。 しかしながら、彼らはまだ自分自身をHealしようとするだろう。 「画像」 MagtheridonのTankは2nd Channelerが死んだ後にMagtheridonの正面に移動する。 もちろんHealer陣もMagtheridonが開放された時に備えて準備しなければならない。 「画像」 MagtheridonがActiveになったら、彼の最良のTank位置は南の壁の近くである。 MagtheridonがActiveになった後からChannelerが倒れるまで 「画像」 彼はこの位置で戦闘終了までTankすることが可能であり、MT以外がCleaveを食らったり、 MTへのKnockbackを抑えることができる。 「画像」 Magtheridonのみになった後 ステージ1における一般的なRanged Classの位置どりとして、Abyssalが召喚された時のAEダメージを 最小限に抑える為にお互いに10y以上離れるよう試みるべきである。 **Fight Progression *Stage 1 エンカウンターと交戦状態になった時、DPSはChannelerをできる限り早く倒さなければならない。 全DPSは南にいるChannelerにDPSを行い、他のChannelerはOfftankする。 OfftankしているTankはできる限りShadow bolt VolleyをShield Bashで妨害し、 彼ら自身やHealerへのダメージを軽減させる。 南のChannelerはRogueやMageがShadowBoltや50%まで削れた時に使うDarkMendingを妨害する事ができる。 Curse of Tonguesを全Channelerに入れる事はとても重要で、そうする事で詠唱妨害をより簡単にすることができる。 All through stage 1, the primary responsibility of warlocks is to keep the Burning Abyssals under control. Always Banish the first spawn, then DPS the Channeler that is being killed. When the second Abyssal spawns, keep it chain feared until the first Banished Abyssal despawns. Then banish the feared target and continue DPS-ing. Repeat until all Channelers are dead and all Abyssals have despawned. Killing the first Channeler within the first 40 seconds is expected from a raid with well geared DPS. Once the first Channeler has died, DPS can shift to the Channeler in the SW position. The SW and SE tanks can adjust their position by moving slightly southwards. The second Channeler should die within another 40 seconds. DPS classes can then move north, to the SE Channeler, and should have him down within the 2 minutes before Magtheridon releases. Stage 2 At the 2 minute mark Magtheridon breaks free and must be picked up by an available tank, one that has tanked one of the killed Channelers. The tank can position Magtheridon in the empty SW corner, with his back to the wall. About 40 seconds after he breaks free, Magtheridon will perform his first knockback. Knockbacks are a very sensitive moment, since the healers will be unable to channel spells, and rogues may be knocked out of kick range and be unable to interrupt spells. During a knockback, healers should use instant heals if needed (such as Nature's Swiftness), priests can also shield their tank. Interrupts during knockbacks are best handled by mages, since they can Counterspell even while being knocked back. While a knockback is imminent, have a look at your surroundings and position yourself away from any flames on the ground, to avoid being knocked back into them and taking Conflagration damage. With Magtheridon released and 3 Channelers dead, this is now the critical moment of the encounter. As each Channeler dies, all the other Channelers receive a buff that increases their damage by 30% and their casting speed by 30%. Interrupts become harder, but are still possible with Curse of Tongues on the Channelers. Healers that become available from the early Channelers must be split amongst helping heal the tanks that are now taking increased damage from Channelers, and healing the MT, who will be taking significant damage from Magtheridon. Manicron Cube, manned by a Channeler Dealing with Blast Nova One minute after Magtheridon has broken free, he will begin to channel his first Blast Nova. Blast Nova essentially does 10,000 damage over 10 seconds to everyone in the raid, and with Channelers up it is completely unhealable. However the spell can be interrupted by players using the Manticron Cubes on the platforms where the Channelers initially spawned. In order to interrupt Blast Nova, all 5 cubes need to be clicked at the same time. Clicking a cube starts a 10 second channeling beam that will hit Magtheridon. If the 5 beams are all active at the same time, Magtheridon will become bound again, which interrupts his Blast Nova. While he is bound, Magtheridon takes 300% damage from player spells and abilities. Channeling the beam however damages the players clicking the cube. They take 800 damage every second while they are channeling. A player can interrupt the channeling any time by moving away from the cube, and Magtheridon will break free once again. Interrupting the channeling before all 5 cubes have been clicked is fatal for the raid, since Magtheridon's Blast Nova will not be interrupted. After they stop channeling, players will be affected by Mind Exhaustion which makes them unable to use a Manticron Cube for 90 seconds. Since Blast Nova is on a 1 minute cooldown, a rotation must be established, where 2 players are assigned to each cube. Once the 2nd Blast Nova has been interrupted, Mind Exhaustion will have faded from the first player in the rotation, and he can interrupt the 3rd Blast Nova. This rotation must be repeated until Magtheridon is dead, throughout stages 2 and 3. A simple calculation shows that 10 people are needed for the rotation, 2 players for each of the 5 cubes. Try to use players not essential for interrupting or healing for this job, and make sure they are well practiced and alert. A poor cube operator can burn a lot of health (both their own and others'), or cause a wipe if they release prematurely. Even though the 300% damage buff certainly helps the DPS, it is never worth risking the life of a player clicking a cube. They should always break channeling immediately after Blast Nova has been interrupted, which only requires everyone clicking together for the briefest amount of time. It is very important that players only click the cube once Magtheridon begins casting his Blast Nova, and only when it is their assigned turn to click it. If a cube operator dies, others can of course step into the role. Have all your main and backup cube clickers defined before the attempt. Stage 3 At 30%, stage 3 will begin. Magtheridon will shatter the walls of his lair and debris will hit every player in the lair for 5250-6750 physical damage, knocking them down. Heal the main tank first, then the rest of the raid. Using Healthstones or healing potions is recommended at this point. Timing is important: it may be worth it for a raid to stop damage on Magtheridon at 31%, wait for his next Blast Nova, interrupt it, heal everyone to full HP, and then push him over 30%, triggering stage 3. For the rest of stage 3, fragments of the ceiling will continue to drop inside the lair. Players can anticipate where they will land by looking at the falling dust from the ceiling. Players that fail to move from the areas where dust is falling will be hit by debris, for 87,500-112,500 damage. If debris is going to fall next to a cube, it is possible for the player assigned to click it next to rotate to a new position, as cubes can be clicked from any direction. Apart from the initial AoE debris damage, and the falling ceiling debris, stage 3 is identical to stage 2. Class Comments Tank Comments In a 5-tank scenario, the tank on the S Channeler must build good threat as fast as possible, as DPS will be going all out trying to kill it as soon as they can. All other tanks can play more defensively, their priorities being Shield Bashing to interrupt Shadow Bolt Volleys and Shield Blocking to reduce damage taken. Once the first 2 Channelers have died, it's time for the 3 remaining tanks to use Ironshield Potions to compensate for the 60% increase in damage. Be ready to use a cooldown (Last Stand / Shield Wall), a Healthstone or a Nightmare Seed, especially during knockbacks when healing is limited. Magtheridon held by the ChannelersThe best geared tank should be tanking Magtheridon, but you will still need two well geared tanks for the last 2 Channelers, which deal the most damage. Consummables help significantly during late stage 1/early stage 2, which is the hardest section of the fight, therefore come prepared with Ironshield Potions, Elixirs of Greater Defense, Elixirs of Major Agility and Elixirs of Mastery. Once you no longer need to tank, remain in tank gear until all Channelers are dead and all Abyssals have despawned. You can Taunt a Channeler and tank it if the assigned tank dies, or you can Taunt a recently spawned Burning Abyssal off a healer until warlocks Banish or fear it. Once the Channelers have been defeated and the Abyssals have despawned, switch to your best DPS weapon and start DPS-ing Magtheridon. For a 4-tank raid group, a hunter must Misdirect an additional Channeler to the tank already assigned to the S Channeler. Feral druid tanks are particularly well equipped for this task as they can build aggro on two targets more easily than warriors. Kill these 2 Channelers first if this is your setup. Healer Comments While 5 Channelers are alive, one healer is enough for every tank. Try to conserve mana for when Channelers die, and the remaining ones start doing additional damage. A second healer is required to keep tanks alive after 2 Channelers have died. After 3 Channelers are down, you can assign 3 healers to each of the remaining 2 tanks, which leaves 3 healer for the main tank on Magtheridon. Therefore, if your assigned tank has been released from tanking, reposition yourself and heal another tank. During stage 1, healers are particularly at risk from Burning Abyssal spawns, as their heals will pull aggro onto them. As a priest, fear them away from you and ask a warlock for assistance. Once the Channelers have been defeated and the Abyssals have despawned, there are very few targets beside the main tank that need healing, but you can for example heal the players that are clicking the Manticron Cubes. This will allow them to easily channel for the full 10 seconds and maximize Magtheridon's 300% vulnerability phase. DPS Comments DPS as hard as you can, to kill as many Channelers as soon as possible, to reduce the duration of the critical stage where the raid has to deal with both Magtheridon and the Channelers. Aggro is only an issue with the first Channeler, but once you switch to the other Channelers, tanks will have been building aggro for a long time, and you can therefore use all your cooldowns at will. The same goes for Magtheridon. As a rogue killing Channelers, try to save enough energy to Kick the Shadow Bolt Volley and Dark Mending. As a mage, make sure your Counterspell cooldown is up, especially during knockbacks after Magtheridon has broken free, as rogues may be knocked back out of Kick range. As a warlock, always deal with Abyssals first, then worry about DPS. Hunters cannot interrupt spells, and Channelers are immune to Silencing Shot, but you can contribute by helping control the Abyssals, with Freezing Traps and Concussive Shot. Pets can be used freely to DPS Magtheridon.

