

ケモノのワルツ - (2016/09/17 (土) 19:40:33) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

日本語版 英語版


  • 歌う英単語シリーズ第二弾。
  • 日本語verでストーリーを把握してから英語verを繰り返し聞くと覚えやすいと思います。 (投稿者コメントより)
  • 作曲:Nem、絵:たま、動画:まきのせな、翻訳:KoKo、ガットギター:成田旬、発音指導:ノワール、作詞、漫画原作、漫画の動画化:辰野つみき
  • この楽曲を元にした漫画verはこちら




中世の王国 とある城
支配する 傲慢な王

異国の珍しい 哺乳類

合図をすれば 奇妙なケモノ
その身をひねって へんてこダンス
飼いたくなって 見つめる王は
夢中になって 不思議な魅力に溜息ついた

大臣の忠告 無視をして
けれど エサを与えても

禁ずる条約 施行せよ!

国じゅうの奴隷 耕すのやめて
貴族も役人も クルクル踊る
幼いケモノは 優雅な曲に



子を孕んでは 孵化して増えて



A Medieval Kingdom deep in a castle
There reigns a king but, he's an arrogant hassle.
With politics all he shows is indifference
He's always napping away.
Participating in summits, he doesn't.
During discussions, he yawns when he shouldn't
A fancy diplomat from a neighboring country
Enters and speaks fluently.

Kill all your boredom by looking this way
A mammal exotic and rare has come to play
This is an endangered species, after all
and when instructed, it dances when you call

Then upon hearing its cue
This creature so odd and so new
Twisting her body askew
A peculiar dance will ensue
Owning this guest is tempting
The king is intently gazing
Fascinated and intrigued
This charming creature is making him swoon and sigh

The king is jealous and filled with envy
His minister's warnings, disregarded completely
The king's only interest refers to importing
The new creature onto his lap
Despite attempting to feed this creature
She glances at it but the gesture won't reach her
The king is begging and needs to consult him
Exaggerating, he replies

Loneliness often is this creature's trait
Feasting every night would make it feel great
Labor is simply an absurdity so
A treaty to ban it all must be enforced

Slaves nationwide left at hand
cease cultivating the land
Aristocrats and the officials
Get to twirling and dancing away
This creature, still in infancy
Hears graceful tunes it fancies
Satisfaction is filling its mind
Rapidly growing, it moves and skips in time

The seasons rotate and change, winter has set in
Virtually all of their grain's (has) been eaten
The creature, fostered and loved, shifted with its fur
This wild instinct awakens the beast deep inside...

My, what a miserable sight to behold
In appreciation of silly favors
Beasts flock together in revolution
They occupy colonies that were strong

Pregnant and breeding at night
They hatch and then multiply
Fierce and savage in a fight
Eating flesh that's still raw from the bone
Widespread, they're all causing harm
The nation appeals in alarm
All their protest is in vain
The invasion is disastrous all the same

Territories gone, and stripped of title
From his old palace he has been displaced
Afterwards the beast indulged in the forest
where the king sits all alone.
Today he'll laugh some more

+ PC向け対訳表示
日本語歌詞 英語歌詞 強調された英単語

中世の王国 とある城 A Medieval Kingdom deep in a castle 中世の:Medieval 王国:Kingdom 城:castle
支配する 傲慢な王 There reigns a king but, he's an arrogant hassle. 支配する:reign 傲慢な:arrogant
政治なんかにゃ無関心 With politics all he shows is indifference 政治:politics 無関心:indifference
今日も居眠り He's always napping away. 居眠りする:nap
会談にも参加せず Participating in summits, he doesn't. 首脳会談:summit 参加する:Participate
議論中も大あくび During discussions, he yawns when he shouldn't 議論:discussion あくびをする:yawn
そこへ隣国の外交官 A fancy diplomat from a neighboring country 外交官:diplomat 隣の:neighbor
流暢に語りだす Enters and speaks fluently. 流暢に:fluently

退屈しのぎにご覧あれ Kill all your boredom by looking this way 退屈:boredom
異国の珍しい 哺乳類 A mammal exotic and rare has come to play 異国の:exotic 珍しい:rare 哺乳動物:mammal
絶滅危惧種の生き物よ This is an endangered species, after all 絶滅寸前の:endangered 種族:species
さあさ命じりゃ踊りだす and when instructed, it dances when you call 指示する:instruct

合図をすれば 奇妙なケモノ Then upon hearing its cue. This creature so odd and so new 合図:cue 奇妙な:odd 生物:creature
その身をひねって へんてこダンス Twisting her body askew a peculiar dance will ensue ひねる:twist 変な:peculiar
飼いたくなって Owning this guest is tempting 所有する:own 魅惑する、~する気にさせる:tempt
見つめる王は The king is intently gazing 熱心に:intently じっと見つめる:gaze
夢中になって Fascinated and intrigued 魅了する:fascinate
不思議な魅力に溜息ついた This charming creature is making him swoon and sigh 魅力的な:charming ため息をつく:sigh

嫉妬深い王はうらやんで The king is jealous and filled with envy 嫉妬深い:jealous うらやむ:envy
大臣の忠告 無視をして His minister's warnings, disregarded completely 大臣:minister 警告:warning 無視する:disregard
輸入させる指示をした The king's only interest refers to importing 指示する:refer 輸入する:import
ケモノひざの上 The new creature onto his lap ひざ:lap
けれど エサを与えても Despite attempting to feed this creature にもかかわらず:despite エサを与える:feed
チラと見て食べやしない She glances at it but the gesture won't reach her ちらっと見る:glance
助言乞うと外交官 The king is begging and needs to consult him 乞う:beg 助言を求める:consult
大げさに言った Exaggerating, he replies 大げさに言う:exaggerate

ケモノの習性寂しがり Loneliness often is this creature's trait 習性:trait
毎夜宴会開きなさい Feasting every night would make it feel great 宴会:feast
労働なんぞ馬鹿げてる Labor is simply an absurdity so 労働:labor 馬鹿げたこと:absurdity
禁ずる条約 施行せよ! A treaty to ban it all must be enforced 禁ずる:ban 条約:treaty 施行する:enforce

国じゅうの奴隷 耕すのやめて Slaves nationwide left at hand cease cultivating the land 奴隷:slave 耕す:cultivate やめる:cease
貴族も役人も Aristocrats and the officials 貴族:aristocrat 役人:official
クルクル踊る Get to twirling and dancing away
幼いケモノは This creature, still in infancy 幼年期
優雅な曲にうっとり満たされて Hears graceful tunes it fancies. Satisfaction is filling its mind 優雅な:graceful 曲:tune 満足:satisfaction
ぐんぐん育って跳ね回る Rapidly growing, it moves and skips in time 急速に:rapidly 跳ねる:skip

季節は巡り冬の始まり The seasons rotate and change, winter has set in 循環する:rotate はじまる:set in
穀物ほとんど食い尽くし Virtually all of their grain's (has) been eaten ほとんど:virtually 穀物:grain
育ったケモノ毛並みを変えて The creature, fostered and loved, shifted with its fur 育てる:foster 変わる:shift 毛皮:fur
呼び起こされた野生の本能 This wild instinct awakens the beast deep inside.... 本能:instinct 呼び起こす:awaken 獣:beast

なんと哀れな光景だ! My, what a miserable sight to behold 哀れな:miserable
愚かな好意に感謝します In appreciation of silly favors 愚かな:silly 好意:favor 感謝:appreciation
ケモノの群れの革命だ Beasts flock together in revolution 群れ:flock 革命:revolution
さあ植民地乗っ取れ! They occupy colonies that were strong 植民地:colony 占領する:occupy

子を孕んでは  Pregnant and breeding at night 孕んだ:pregnant 育てる:breed
孵化して増えて They hatch and then multiply 孵化する:hatch 増える:multiply
獰猛野蛮 Fierce and savage in a fight 獰猛な:fierce 野蛮な:savage
生肉を喰らう Eating flesh that's still raw from the bone 肉:flesh 生の:raw
広がる害に Widespread, they're all causing harm 広げた:widespread 害:harm
民は訴え The nation appeals in alarm 国民:nation 訴える:appeal
抗議をすれど  All their protest is in vain 抗議する:protest 
ケモノの侵略大惨事 The invasion is disastrous all the same 侵略:invasion 悲惨な:disastrous

地位も領土も失って Territories gone, and stripped of title 領土:territory 肩書き:title
宮殿追われ From his old palace he has been displaced 宮殿:palace 追い出す:displace
その後はケモノにふけり森の中 Afterwards the beast indulged in the forest その後:afterwards ふける、おぼれる:indulge
王様ひとり where the king sits all alone.
微笑ってた Today he'll laugh some more


  • テーブルだけよりテーブル+改行の方が良いかな....英語歌詞の方は後で頑張る -- 名無しさん (2016-09-16 16:46:52)
  • おおッ!頑張ってください! -- 名無しさん (2016-09-16 17:39:05)
  • スマホで見た時に崩れることからテーブル表示はPCように折りたたみ。それぞれの歌詞を上に追加しました。あとは適宜お直し下さいませ。 -- 名無しさん (2016-09-17 11:30:42)
  • すげえ! -- 名無しさん (2016-09-17 12:05:40)
  • ↑↑お疲れ様! -- かのん (2016-09-17 15:41:59)