

コメット - (2012/04/17 (火) 21:54:58) のソース




声が届かないんだ ちぎれるほど張り上げても
君を覆う歓声にかき消されて 音は埋もれてた

またひとつ季節が過ぎて またひとつ遠くへ行く君を

コメット 燃え尽きるまで追いかけてたい!
コメット あの日 夜空を焦がした光
今でも胸を焼いてる コメット

想いが乗らないんだ 破れるほど描き殴っても
押し寄せる歓声も 止むのが恐くて耳塞いでた

憧れて此処へ来たけど キミのようには愛されなくて
泣きじゃくりながら また 彷徨い始めた

コメット 辿り着けないなら諦めたい!
コメット でも 孤独に挫けそうなとき
ひらひら 心を泳ぐ コメット

背を向けられないのならば 息の続く限りその名を叫ぼう
蔑まれたって構わない 追いつくって決めたなら



近づけばもっと眩く見える それでも目を逸らさないで

今 群青の尾を引いて ふたつ煌めく コメット

No man could listen to my song.
No matter  how hard I tried...
My voice was drowned out in the cheerto you.

Seasons passed,
and you took another step to the height.
I looked up you, and I felt loneliness.

Comet... I'll chase you until either of us burns up to the last!
Comet... You lit the sky of me that night.
Even now...
You are burning my heart with love, Comet...

No man could hear my thinking.
Even if I dashed off all my heart,
I couldn't create any world in my mind.
And I covered my ears
'cause I was afraid the cheer to me would be lost.

I wanted to be loved... like you.
So I came here... but I couldn't catch love as you...
I was running again with tears.

But I couldn't go anywhere else...
Comet... Where's the place I have to go?
Comet... You wrap me whenever I'm about to lose hope.
Every time...
You exist in my heart with love, Comet

I can't forget you,
so I'll call your name as long as my breath lasts.
I'm not afraid of anything more.
"I wanna get the success look as you...
I wanna live with you! I wanna stand by you forever!"

I never forget the day I found you.

I make a pledge to your song.

I get closer to the light, and it dazzles me.
But I don't turn away my eyes from you...
"I wanna have success like you!"

Now the two comets flash far away ever after...

- まさかの1コメ。ミクリンかわゆすw  -- 名無しさん  (2011-08-18 10:31:40)
- 2コメめ。透き通ったいい曲だこと。  -- 名無しさん  (2012-04-17 21:54:58)