The Little Mermaid

【検索用:TheLittleMermaid  登録タグ:2022年 T VOCALOID nina 巡音ルカ 曲英
+ 目次
原作:Hans Christian Andersen
絵:Honor Charlotte Appleton


曲名:『The Little Mermaid』(ザ リトル マーメイド)
  • nina氏の2作目。
  • 原作:The Little Mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen



On my fifteenth birthday, rose up to the surface of the sea for the first time in the wonderful dusk.
Saw the great ship, dressed people, and the beautiful prince.
Countless fireworks illuminated the prince, while the music rang out.

It grew late, but I could not take my eyes off.
Now the ship began to move on faster,
for a fearful storm was coming on.
The water rushed into the hold, I realized that they were in peril.

When the ship came apart,
I saw the prince sink in the deep sea.
No, he must not die!

Dived deep down under the water,
reached him avoinding the drifted wreckage.
Kiss his forehead, and wihsed that he might live;
his eyes remained closed.

When the storm was over,
I got to the dry land with the prince.
A number of young girls came out of a nearly convent
Hid behind foams and watched the prince,
one of the girls noticed him and fetched some others.

The prince regained consciousness smile at the girls.
He did not smile at me, I felt so sad.
I watched over him taken into the convent,
then returned to the palace under the sea.

Could not forget the beautiful prince,
how softly his head had rested on my breast,
and how tenderly had kissed him.
Increasingly, I grew to like human beings and longed to live among them.
When mermaids die, turn into mere foam on the sea and cease to exist.
while humans have a soul which lives forever long after the body have turned to dust.

Want to be a human being, and be loved by prince.
Went to the sea witch, and got a magic potion in exchange for my voice.
If drink it, I will get a human legs, but can never be a mermaid again.
The first morning after his marriage with another.
my heart will break, and will turn into foam of the sea.
At the shore where the prince's palace is,
drank up the magic potion.

Woke up and felt sharp pain,
but just in front of me stood the prince.
When turned my eyes down, saw I had a pair of humans legs.
No matter what the prince asked me, I could gaze upon him.
but he took my hand and led into the palace.

Danced more gracefully than anyone else,
climbed any high mountain with the prince.
No matter feet bled or how much it hurt.
just smiled at him.

But now, the prince was to marry the princess of the heighboring country.
Because he found out she was the one saved his life at the convent,
and the only person he could love in this world.

At the night of the wedding ceremony of the two,
on the ship full of merriment and joy.
could not help thinking of the first time I surfaced from the depths.
A hush came over the ship,
and I looked eastwards for the dawn,
thinking of all I had lost.

Then I saw my mermaid sisters rise up mong the waves.
They said, in exchange for their lovely long hair, got a knife from the sea witch.
“You must plunge it into the prince's heart, and when his warm blood falls upon your feet, you will once more be a mermaid.”
“Kill the prince and come back to us!”
“Hurry! Soon the sun will rise!”

The lovely bride was asleep with the bridegroom.
Looked at the sharp knife, and again the prince.
Kissed his forehead,
and he whispered his bride's name.

The sun rose, and rays fell so gently and warmly on the cold sea-foam.
There were hundreds of beautiful, transparent forms,
and their voices were sheer music.

From now on, we will bring cooling breezes to the hot countries,
spread the scent of flowers through the air, and do all the good we can.
Then, after many long years, we can obtain a soul that will never die.
and a share in the eternal bliss of humans.

On the ship, the prince with his bride searching for me,
stared sadly at the bubbling foam.
Before I left here, through unseen by them anymore,

gently kissed the bride's forehead,
and smiled at the prince.

+ 和訳

15歳の誕生日 初めて浮かんだ素敵な夕暮れの海の上で
大きな船と着飾った人たち そして美しい王子さまを見た
王子さまを照らす数えきれないほどの花火と 鳴り響く音楽

夜が更けても ずっと目を離すことができなかった
船が速く走り始めた 恐ろしい嵐が来たのだ
海の水が流れ込んで 乗っている人たちの命が危ないのがわかった
船が二つに裂けて 王子さまが深い海に沈んでいくのが見えた

ただよう船の残骸を避けながら 王子さまのところにたどり着いた
目を閉じたままの王子さまの額にキスをして どうか生きていてくれることを位のていた

嵐が去って たどり着いた入江
泡に隠れてみていると 1人の少女が王子さまに気付いて助けを呼んで
意識を取り戻した王子さまが 少女たちに微笑んだ
私には向けてくれなかった笑顔を見て とても悲しくなって
王子さまが修道院の中に運ばれていくのを見守ってから 海のお城に帰った

どんなに優しく王子さまの頭を胸に抱いて どんなに心を込めてキスしたか
次第に人間が好きになり 人間の中で生きたいと願うようになった
人魚が死ねば ただの海の泡になって消えてしまうけれど
人間は魂というものを持っていて その体が朽ちても永遠に生き続けるという

海の魔女のところに行って 声と引き換えに魔法の薬をもらった
飲めば人間の足が手に入るけれど 二度と人魚の姿には戻れない
次の朝 私は心臓が砕け散って海の泡になる
王子さまのお城のある海辺で 魔女の薬を飲み干した

思わず目をふせると 私に人間の足が生えていることが分かった
王子さまから何を聞かれても 見つめ返すことしかできなかったけれど
王子さまは私の手を取って お城の中へと迎え入れてくれた

他の誰よりも美しく踊って 王子さまと一緒にどんな高い山にも登った
足から血が滲んでも どんなに痛くても

でもそのうち王子さまは 隣の国のお姫さまと結婚することになった
王子さまが世界でただ一人愛している人だという 修道院で命を助けてくれた女性だとわかったから

初めて海の上に浮かび上がった晩のことを 思い出さずにはいられなかった
なくしてしまったすべてのことを考えながら 夜が明けつつある東の空を眺めていた

そのとき 人魚の姉たちが海の上にあがってくるのが見えた
長い髪と引き換えに 海の魔女から短剣をもらったのだという
“王子さまを殺して 私たちのところに帰ってきて!”
“急いで! もうすぐ日が昇ってしまうわ!”

鋭くとがった短剣を見て もう一度王子さまを見つめた
王子さまの額にキスをしたら 王子さまは花嫁の名前をつぶやいた――

日が昇って やわらかい光が 冷たい海の泡の上を照らしていた

花の香りをふりまいたり できる限りのいいことをして過ごすのだという
そうして長い時間のあとで 死ぬことのない魂と

船の上では 私をが足ていた王子さまと花嫁が
ここから旅立つ前に もう誰の目にも見えないけれど



+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • T
  • 曲英
  • 巡音ルカ
  • nina
  • 2022年

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