「Shivering Isles/魔法」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Shivering Isles/魔法 - (2010/05/16 (日) 05:34:13) のソース



|アージャズダズ・パラノイア|激昂 最大レベル25-50ft-10秒-近距離|-|サブクエスト「迫り来る嵐」||
|Risen Flesh|甦り 60秒-近距離|-|Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides, after liberating all 5 ghosts.|Reanimates a corpse for 60 seconds.|
|マニアの祝福|激昂 最大レベル12-30ft-30秒-遠距離|-|メインクエスト「狂気のフリンジを抜けて」でマニアの門から入る||
|ディメンシャの祝福|恐怖 最大レベル12-30ft-10秒-遠距離|-|メインクエスト「狂気のフリンジを抜けて」でディメンシャの門から入る||
|ダーク・セデューサー召喚|ダーク・セデューサー召喚 60秒-自己|-|メインクエスト「継承の儀式」|ディメンシャの公爵になった時|
|ゴールデン・セイント召喚|ゴールデン・セイント召喚 60秒-自己|-|メインクエスト「継承の儀式」|マニアの公爵になった時|
|Angry Mind (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|ステータス上昇(気力) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Angry Mind body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|力の兜 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|ステータス上昇(腕力) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Helm of Power body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|Heart of Spell Turning (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|呪文反射 20pts-30秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Heart of Spell Turning body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|傷分けの神像(ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|ダメージ反射 20pts-30秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Heart of Wound Sharing body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|炎盾の腕 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|炎の盾 20pts-30秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Arm of Fire Shielding body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|雷盾の腕 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|雷の盾 20pts-30秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Arm of Shock Shielding body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|氷盾の腕 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|氷の盾 20pts-30秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Arm of Frost Shielding body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|斬撃の腕 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|スキル上昇(刀剣) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Arm of Slashing body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|Arm of Chopping (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|スキル上昇(殴打) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Arm of Chopping body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|Arm of Bashing (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|スキル上昇(殴打) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Arm of Bashing body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|Breast of Life (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|体力上昇 100pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Breast of Life body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|魔力の胸 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|マジカ上昇 100pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Breast of Magic body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|敏捷の足 (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|ステータス上昇(敏捷性) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Legs of Nimbleness body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|Legs of Fortitude (ゲートキーパーの贈り物)|ステータス上昇(持久力) 20pts-60秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper. Upon finishing the Gatekeeper, activate him to gain a Gatekeeper Gift Power.|If you have picked the Legs of Fortitude body part for the Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.|
|Summon Golden Saint|Summon Golden Saint 120秒-自己|-|The Helpless Army|If you are Duke/Duchess of Dementia.|
|Summon Dark Seducer|Summon Dark Seducer 120秒-自己|-|The Helpless Army|If you are Duke/Duchess of Mania.|
|肉体の精霊召喚|肉体の精霊召喚 120秒-自己|-|Rebuilding the Gatekeeper.|The Flesh Atronach summoned is dependent on player's level; see Summon for details.|
|Manipulate Weather|Manipulate Weather* 15秒-自己|-|メインクエスト完了|長いので表外※参照|
-※Alters the current weather in the Shivering Isles and temporarily grants the player a corresponding ability Manipulate Weather randomly forces one of these weather conditions:
--Fog (25% chance)
---生命探知 120ft-自己
--Rain (25% chance)
---体力回復 10pts-自己
--Thunderstorm - (25% chance)
---ステータス上昇(腕力) 20pts-自己
---ステータス上昇(持久力) 20pts-自己
---ステータス上昇(敏捷性) 20pts-自己
---ステータス上昇(速度) 20pts-自己
--Snow (20% chance)
---不可視 75%-自己
---防御 50%-自己
--Torrential Downpour - (5% chance)
---ダメージ反射 30%-自己
---呪文反射 30%-自己

|ハスキル召喚|ハスキル召喚 5秒-自己|0|メインクエスト「罠にしかける餌」(upon reporting back.)|Haskill will give you advice on current quests. Please note that you must be in the realm to use this spell.|
|Sheogorath's Protection|Revive at New Sheoth Palace 120秒-自己|100|メインクエスト完了|Reappear in Palace Throne room if you are about to die while in the realm.|

|Summon Hunger|Summon Hunger 20秒-自己|44|見習い|Earil||
|Summon Gluttonous Hunger|Summon Gluttonous Hunger 20秒-自己|122|修行者|Earil||
|Summon Decrepit Shambles|Summon Decrepit Shambles 30秒-自己|120|修行者|Earil||
|Summon Ravenous Hunger|Summon Ravenous Hunger 20秒-自己|246|熟練者|Earil||
|Summon Shambles|Summon Shambles 30秒-自己|262|熟練者|Earil||
|Summon Voracious Hunger|Summon Voracious Hunger 20秒-自己|487|達人|Earil||
|Summon Replete Shambles|Summon Replete Shambles 30秒-自己|450|達人|Earil||

|Snow Flare|炎ダメージ 7pts-遠距離&br()冷気ダメージ 5pts-遠距離|21|素人|Earil||
|Glimpse of Death|体力低下 60pts-3秒-近距離|50|見習い|Earil||
|Hail Flare|炎ダメージ 15pts-遠距離&br()冷気ダメージ 10pts-遠距離|57|見習い|Earil||
|Icy Blaze|炎ダメージ 25pts-遠距離&br()冷気ダメージ 20pts-遠距離|120|修行者|Earil||

|Salve|体力回復 5pts-2秒-自己&br()スタミナ回復 10pts-2秒-自己|22|素人|Earil||
|Remedy|体力回復 10pts-2秒-自己&br()スタミナ回復 20pts-2秒-自己|56|見習い|Earil||
|Remedy Friend|体力回復 10pts-2秒-近距離&br()スタミナ回復 20pts-2秒-近距離|56|見習い|Earil||
|Rejuvenate|体力回復 20pts-2秒-自己&br()スタミナ回復 40pts-2秒-自己|136|修行者|Earil||
|Rejuvenate Friend|体力回復 10pts-3秒-遠距離&br()スタミナ回復 20pts-3秒-遠距離|126|修行者|Earil||
|Revive|体力回復 35pts-2秒-自己&br()スタミナ回復 75pts-2秒-自己|289|熟練者|Earil||

|Mirili's Apprentice Command|生物操作 最大レベル5-30秒-近距離|62|見習い|Mirili Ulven||
|Mirili's Journeyman Command|生物操作 最大レベル12-30秒-近距離|191|修行者|Mirili Ulven||
|Mirili's Expert Command|生物操作 最大レベル20-30秒-近距離|368|熟練者|Mirili Ulven||
