UTAU-Synth 言語リソース Ver 1.0.0.b??
/ * [コメント・・・] * /
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "組込みツール"; ObjectID = "3646"; */
"3646.title" = "Built-in Tools";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "組込みツール"; ObjectID = "3647"; */
"3647.title" = "Built-in Tools";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "おまかせツール..."; ObjectID = "3648"; */
"3648.title" = "Omakase Tool";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "8分音符以下は除外"; ObjectID = "3666"; */
"3666.title" = "8th Note or Less Excluded";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "+"; ObjectID = "3677"; */
"3677.title" = "+";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "-"; ObjectID = "3678"; */
"3678.title" = "-";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "↓"; ObjectID = "3686"; */
"3686.title" = "↓";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "ビブラート"; ObjectID = "3728"; */
"3728.title" = "Vibrato";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ビブラート..."; ObjectID = "3746"; */
"3746.title" = "Vibrato";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "環境設定"; ObjectID = "3751"; */
"3751.title" = "Preferences";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "編集"; ObjectID = "3754"; */
"3754.label" = "Edit";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "レンダラ"; ObjectID = "3755"; */
"3755.label" = "Render";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "歌詞変更時に音符のデフォルト設定を適用する"; ObjectID = "3761"; */
"3761.title" = "Apply defaults to note when changing lyrics";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "複数選択時でも移動・長さ変更は単独音符に適用する"; ObjectID = "3763"; */
"3763.title" = "Changes applied to single note within a selection";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "選択範囲全体にビブラートのオン/オフを適用する"; ObjectID = "3765"; */
"3765.title" = "Apply vibrato to entire selection";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "全てデフォルトに戻す"; ObjectID = "3767"; */
"3767.title" = "Revert to Default";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "トレース"; ObjectID = "3782"; */
"3782.title" = "Trace";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "閉じる"; ObjectID = "3789"; */
"3789.label" = "Close";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; paletteLabel = "閉じる"; ObjectID = "3789"; */
"3789.paletteLabel" = "Close";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ライセンスコードを表示"; ObjectID = "3801"; */
"3801.title" = "Display License Code";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "~"; ObjectID = "3803"; */
"3803.title" = "~";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "レンダリング"; ObjectID = "3807"; */
"3807.title" = "Rendering...";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "中断"; ObjectID = "3812"; */
"3812.title" = "Stop";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "音符の長さ変更時にピッチを伸縮しない"; ObjectID = "3817"; */
"3817.title" = "Don't stretch pitch when changing note length";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "L"; ObjectID = "3822"; */
"3822.title" = "L";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "sel"; ObjectID = "3875"; */
"3875.title" = "sel";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "set"; ObjectID = "3876"; */
"3876.title" = "set";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "3889"; */
"3889.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "5"; ObjectID = "3890"; */
"3890.title" = "5";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "3891"; */
"3891.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "3892"; */
"3892.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "4"; ObjectID = "3893"; */
"3893.title" = "4";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "3"; ObjectID = "3894"; */
"3894.title" = "3";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "3895"; */
"3895.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "1"; ObjectID = "3896"; */
"3896.title" = "1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "2"; ObjectID = "3897"; */
"3897.title" = "2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Surffix/Prefix操作..."; ObjectID = "3989"; */
"3989.title" = "Suffix/Prefix...";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "倍率"; ObjectID = "3996"; */
"3996.title" = "Magnification";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "追加"; ObjectID = "3998"; */
"3998.title" = "Add";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "再生時の待ち時間"; ObjectID = "4000"; */
"4000.title" = "Playback Latency";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ms"; ObjectID = "4005"; */
"4005.title" = "ms";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "レンダリングが遅れたら再生を一時停止する"; ObjectID = "4007"; */
"4007.title" = "Pause the playback, when rendering is delayed.";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "4152"; */
"4152.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4153"; */
"4153.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "1回"; ObjectID = "4154"; */
"4154.title" = "Once";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "2回"; ObjectID = "4155"; */
"4155.title" = "Twice";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "クロスフェード最適化と再レンダリング回数"; ObjectID = "4157"; */
"4157.title" = "Number of Optimization & Crossfade Re-render";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "3回"; ObjectID = "4158"; */
"4158.title" = "Thrice";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "再レンダリング回数"; ObjectID = "4163"; */
"4163.title" = "Re-rendering Number";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "再生時"; ObjectID = "4165"; */
"4165.title" = "Playback";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "レンダリング時"; ObjectID = "4167"; */
"4167.title" = "Rendering";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "再レンダリング回数"; ObjectID = "4170"; */
"4170.title" = "Re-rendering Number";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "4172"; */
"4172.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "3回"; ObjectID = "4173"; */
"4173.title" = "3";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "2回"; ObjectID = "4174"; */
"4174.title" = "2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "1回"; ObjectID = "4175"; */
"4175.title" = "1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4176"; */
"4176.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Channels"; ObjectID = "4196"; */
"4196.title" = "Channels";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "キャッシュを消去"; ObjectID = "4207"; */
"4207.title" = "Clear Cache";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Volume"; ObjectID = "4230"; */
"4230.title" = "Volume";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4233"; */
"4233.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OK"; ObjectID = "4237"; */
"4237.title" = "OK";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Cancel"; ObjectID = "4239"; */
"4239.title" = "Cancel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "dB"; ObjectID = "4243"; */
"4243.title" = "dB";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Volumeを変える..."; ObjectID = "4247"; */
"4247.title" = "Change Volume";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Prefix and Surffix"; ObjectID = "4256"; */
"4256.title" = "Prefix and Suffix";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Prefix"; ObjectID = "4263"; */
"4263.title" = "Prefix";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Surffix"; ObjectID = "4265"; */
"4265.title" = "Suffix";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OK"; ObjectID = "4267"; */
"4267.title" = "OK";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Cancel"; ObjectID = "4269"; */
"4269.title" = "Cancel";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; title = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4271"; */
"4271.title" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4271.objectValuesCopy[0] = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4271"; */
"4271.objectValuesCopy[0]" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; title = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.title" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4273.objectValuesCopy[0] = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.objectValuesCopy[0]" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4273.objectValuesCopy[2] = "↓"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.objectValuesCopy[2]" = "↓";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4273.objectValuesCopy[3] = "↑"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.objectValuesCopy[3]" = "↑";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Channels"; ObjectID = "4286"; */
"4286.title" = "Channels";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "m"; ObjectID = "4351"; */
"4351.title" = "m";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "s"; ObjectID = "4353"; */
"4353.title" = "s";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "a"; ObjectID = "4358"; */
"4358.title" = "a";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "All"; ObjectID = "4361"; */
"4361.title" = "All";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4362"; */
"4362.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Radio"; ObjectID = "4363"; */
"4363.title" = "Radio";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "1"; ObjectID = "4364"; */
"4364.title" = "1";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "2"; ObjectID = "4365"; */
"4365.title" = "2";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "3"; ObjectID = "4366"; */
"4366.title" = "3";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "4"; ObjectID = "4367"; */
"4367.title" = "4";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "5"; ObjectID = "4368"; */
"4368.title" = "5";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "4369"; */
"4369.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "4370"; */
"4370.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ch"; ObjectID = "4415"; */
"4415.title" = "ch";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "音符長"; ObjectID = "4432"; */
"4432.title" = "Length";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "reset"; ObjectID = "4440"; */
"4440.title" = "reset";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "全て初期化"; ObjectID = "4444"; */
"4444.label" = "Initialize ALL";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; paletteLabel = "全て初期化"; ObjectID = "4444"; */
"4444.paletteLabel" = "Initialize ALL";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "5"; ObjectID = "4451"; */
"4451.title" = "5";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "9"; ObjectID = "4452"; */
"4452.title" = "9";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "8"; ObjectID = "4453"; */
"4453.title" = "8";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "4454"; */
"4454.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "4455"; */
"4455.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4466"; */
"4466.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "4467"; */
"4467.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "4468"; */
"4468.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "8"; ObjectID = "4469"; */
"4469.title" = "8";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "9"; ObjectID = "4470"; */
"4470.title" = "9";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "範囲をレンダリング..."; ObjectID = "4476"; */
"4476.title" = "Render Play Region...";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "インストール中"; ObjectID = "4479"; */
"4479.title" = "Installing...";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "中止"; ObjectID = "4482"; */
"4482.title" = "Cancel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Label"; ObjectID = "4486"; */
"4486.title" = "Label";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "原音"; ObjectID = "4500"; */
"4500.label" = "Voiceset";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto.iniは更新しない"; ObjectID = "4503"; */
"4503.title" = "No update 'oto.ini'";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto.iniもSJISで更新する"; ObjectID = "4504"; */
"4504.title" = "Update 'oto.ini' in Shfit-JIS";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Radio"; ObjectID = "4505"; */
"4505.title" = "Radio";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto.iniもUTF-8で更新する"; ObjectID = "4506"; */
"4506.title" = "Update 'oto.ini' in UTF-8";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto_ini.txtを読み、無い場合はoto.iniを読む"; ObjectID = "4508"; */
"4508.title" = "Read 'oto_ini.txt'. if is not exists, read 'oto.ini'.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "常にoto.iniのみを読み込む"; ObjectID = "4509"; */
"4509.title" = "Always read 'oto.ini'.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Radio"; ObjectID = "4510"; */
"4510.title" = "Radio";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "読込み"; ObjectID = "4512"; */
"4512.title" = "Reading";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "書込み"; ObjectID = "4514"; */
"4514.title" = "Writing 'oto.ini'";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "440"; ObjectID = "4530"; */
"4530.title" = "440";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ベースピッチ"; ObjectID = "4532"; */
"4532.title" = "Base pitch(Hz)";
UTAU-Synth 言語リソース Ver 1.0.0.b??
/ * [コメント・・・] * /
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "組込みツール"; ObjectID = "3646"; */
"3646.title" = "Built-in Tools";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "組込みツール"; ObjectID = "3647"; */
"3647.title" = "Built-in Tools";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "おまかせツール..."; ObjectID = "3648"; */
"3648.title" = "Omakase Tool";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "8分音符以下は除外"; ObjectID = "3666"; */
"3666.title" = "8th Note or Less Excluded";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "+"; ObjectID = "3677"; */
"3677.title" = "+";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "-"; ObjectID = "3678"; */
"3678.title" = "-";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "↓"; ObjectID = "3686"; */
"3686.title" = "↓";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "ビブラート"; ObjectID = "3728"; */
"3728.title" = "Vibrato";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ビブラート..."; ObjectID = "3746"; */
"3746.title" = "Vibrato";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "環境設定"; ObjectID = "3751"; */
"3751.title" = "Preferences";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "編集"; ObjectID = "3754"; */
"3754.label" = "Edit";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "レンダラ"; ObjectID = "3755"; */
"3755.label" = "Render";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "歌詞変更時に音符のデフォルト設定を適用する"; ObjectID = "3761"; */
"3761.title" = "Apply defaults to note when changing lyrics";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "複数選択時でも移動・長さ変更は単独音符に適用する"; ObjectID = "3763"; */
"3763.title" = "Changes applied to single note within a selection";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "選択範囲全体にビブラートのオン/オフを適用する"; ObjectID = "3765"; */
"3765.title" = "Apply vibrato to entire selection";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "全てデフォルトに戻す"; ObjectID = "3767"; */
"3767.title" = "Revert to Default";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "トレース"; ObjectID = "3782"; */
"3782.title" = "Trace";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "閉じる"; ObjectID = "3789"; */
"3789.label" = "Close";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; paletteLabel = "閉じる"; ObjectID = "3789"; */
"3789.paletteLabel" = "Close";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "ライセンスコードを表示"; ObjectID = "3801"; */
"3801.title" = "Display License Code";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "~"; ObjectID = "3803"; */
"3803.title" = "~";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "レンダリング"; ObjectID = "3807"; */
"3807.title" = "Rendering...";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "中断"; ObjectID = "3812"; */
"3812.title" = "Stop";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "音符の長さ変更時にピッチを伸縮しない"; ObjectID = "3817"; */
"3817.title" = "Don't stretch pitch when changing note length";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "L"; ObjectID = "3822"; */
"3822.title" = "L";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "sel"; ObjectID = "3875"; */
"3875.title" = "sel";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "set"; ObjectID = "3876"; */
"3876.title" = "set";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "3889"; */
"3889.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "5"; ObjectID = "3890"; */
"3890.title" = "5";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "3891"; */
"3891.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "3892"; */
"3892.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "4"; ObjectID = "3893"; */
"3893.title" = "4";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "3"; ObjectID = "3894"; */
"3894.title" = "3";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "3895"; */
"3895.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "1"; ObjectID = "3896"; */
"3896.title" = "1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "2"; ObjectID = "3897"; */
"3897.title" = "2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Surffix/Prefix操作..."; ObjectID = "3989"; */
"3989.title" = "Suffix/Prefix...";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "倍率"; ObjectID = "3996"; */
"3996.title" = "Magnification";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "追加"; ObjectID = "3998"; */
"3998.title" = "Add";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "再生時の待ち時間"; ObjectID = "4000"; */
"4000.title" = "Playback Latency";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ms"; ObjectID = "4005"; */
"4005.title" = "ms";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "レンダリングが遅れたら再生を一時停止する"; ObjectID = "4007"; */
"4007.title" = "Pause the playback, when rendering is delayed.";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "4152"; */
"4152.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4153"; */
"4153.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "1回"; ObjectID = "4154"; */
"4154.title" = "Once";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "2回"; ObjectID = "4155"; */
"4155.title" = "Twice";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "クロスフェード最適化と再レンダリング回数"; ObjectID = "4157"; */
"4157.title" = "Number of Optimization & Crossfade Re-render";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "3回"; ObjectID = "4158"; */
"4158.title" = "Thrice";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "再レンダリング回数"; ObjectID = "4163"; */
"4163.title" = "Re-rendering Number";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "再生時"; ObjectID = "4165"; */
"4165.title" = "Playback";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "レンダリング時"; ObjectID = "4167"; */
"4167.title" = "Rendering";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "再レンダリング回数"; ObjectID = "4170"; */
"4170.title" = "Re-rendering Number";
/* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "OtherViews"; ObjectID = "4172"; */
"4172.title" = "OtherViews";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "3回"; ObjectID = "4173"; */
"4173.title" = "3";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "2回"; ObjectID = "4174"; */
"4174.title" = "2";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "1回"; ObjectID = "4175"; */
"4175.title" = "1";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4176"; */
"4176.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Channels"; ObjectID = "4196"; */
"4196.title" = "Channels";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "キャッシュを消去"; ObjectID = "4207"; */
"4207.title" = "Clear Cache";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Volume"; ObjectID = "4230"; */
"4230.title" = "Volume";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4233"; */
"4233.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OK"; ObjectID = "4237"; */
"4237.title" = "OK";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Cancel"; ObjectID = "4239"; */
"4239.title" = "Cancel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "dB"; ObjectID = "4243"; */
"4243.title" = "dB";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Volumeを変える..."; ObjectID = "4247"; */
"4247.title" = "Change Volume";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Prefix and Surffix"; ObjectID = "4256"; */
"4256.title" = "Prefix and Suffix";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Prefix"; ObjectID = "4263"; */
"4263.title" = "Prefix";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Surffix"; ObjectID = "4265"; */
"4265.title" = "Suffix";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "OK"; ObjectID = "4267"; */
"4267.title" = "OK";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Cancel"; ObjectID = "4269"; */
"4269.title" = "Cancel";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; title = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4271"; */
"4271.title" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4271.objectValuesCopy[0] = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4271"; */
"4271.objectValuesCopy[0]" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; title = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.title" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4273.objectValuesCopy[0] = "(変更なし)"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.objectValuesCopy[0]" = "(no operation)";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4273.objectValuesCopy[2] = "↓"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.objectValuesCopy[2]" = "↓";
/* Class = "NSComboBoxCell"; 4273.objectValuesCopy[3] = "↑"; ObjectID = "4273"; */
"4273.objectValuesCopy[3]" = "↑";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "Channels"; ObjectID = "4286"; */
"4286.title" = "Channels";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "m"; ObjectID = "4351"; */
"4351.title" = "m";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "s"; ObjectID = "4353"; */
"4353.title" = "s";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "a"; ObjectID = "4358"; */
"4358.title" = "a";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "All"; ObjectID = "4361"; */
"4361.title" = "All";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4362"; */
"4362.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Radio"; ObjectID = "4363"; */
"4363.title" = "Radio";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "1"; ObjectID = "4364"; */
"4364.title" = "1";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "2"; ObjectID = "4365"; */
"4365.title" = "2";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "3"; ObjectID = "4366"; */
"4366.title" = "3";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "4"; ObjectID = "4367"; */
"4367.title" = "4";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "5"; ObjectID = "4368"; */
"4368.title" = "5";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "4369"; */
"4369.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "4370"; */
"4370.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "ch"; ObjectID = "4415"; */
"4415.title" = "ch";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "音符長"; ObjectID = "4432"; */
"4432.title" = "Length";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "reset"; ObjectID = "4440"; */
"4440.title" = "reset";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; label = "全て初期化"; ObjectID = "4444"; */
"4444.label" = "Initialize ALL";
/* Class = "NSToolbarItem"; paletteLabel = "全て初期化"; ObjectID = "4444"; */
"4444.paletteLabel" = "Initialize ALL";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "5"; ObjectID = "4451"; */
"4451.title" = "5";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "9"; ObjectID = "4452"; */
"4452.title" = "9";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "8"; ObjectID = "4453"; */
"4453.title" = "8";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "4454"; */
"4454.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "4455"; */
"4455.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "0"; ObjectID = "4466"; */
"4466.title" = "0";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "6"; ObjectID = "4467"; */
"4467.title" = "6";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "7"; ObjectID = "4468"; */
"4468.title" = "7";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "8"; ObjectID = "4469"; */
"4469.title" = "8";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "9"; ObjectID = "4470"; */
"4470.title" = "9";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "範囲をレンダリング..."; ObjectID = "4476"; */
"4476.title" = "Render Play Region...";
/* Class = "NSPanel"; title = "インストール中"; ObjectID = "4479"; */
"4479.title" = "Installing...";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "中止"; ObjectID = "4482"; */
"4482.title" = "Cancel";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Label"; ObjectID = "4486"; */
"4486.title" = "Label";
/* Class = "NSTabViewItem"; label = "原音"; ObjectID = "4500"; */
"4500.label" = "Voiceset";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto.iniは更新しない"; ObjectID = "4503"; */
"4503.title" = "No update 'oto.ini'";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto.iniもSJISで更新する"; ObjectID = "4504"; */
"4504.title" = "Update 'oto.ini' in Shfit-JIS";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Radio"; ObjectID = "4505"; */
"4505.title" = "Radio";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto.iniもUTF-8で更新する"; ObjectID = "4506"; */
"4506.title" = "Update 'oto.ini' in UTF-8";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "oto_ini.txtを読み、無い場合はoto.iniを読む"; ObjectID = "4508"; */
"4508.title" = "Read 'oto_ini.txt'. if is not exists, read 'oto.ini'.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "常にoto.iniのみを読み込む"; ObjectID = "4509"; */
"4509.title" = "Always read 'oto.ini'.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Radio"; ObjectID = "4510"; */
"4510.title" = "Radio";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "読込み"; ObjectID = "4512"; */
"4512.title" = "Reading";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "書込み"; ObjectID = "4514"; */
"4514.title" = "Writing 'oto.ini'";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "440"; ObjectID = "4530"; */
"4530.title" = "440";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "ベースピッチ"; ObjectID = "4532"; */
"4532.title" = "Base pitch(Hz)";