Cutscene after containment

「Cutscene after containment」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Cutscene after containment - (2008/12/31 (水) 20:05:37) の1つ前との変更点



Containmentクリア後のカットシーンです。 &link_edit(text=編集する) |BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){行}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){項目}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){原文}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){訳文}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){半角文}| |1081|containmentend_1|I've been working on a design for a Weapons Platform that the Darwinians can use to fight the Virus.|今まで私はダーウィニアンがウィルスと戦うための兵器を生産できる工場をデザインしていたんだ。|| |1082|containmentend_1b|There's still a lot of work to do, but we can manufacture these weapons within Darwinia.|まだやることは山ほどあるが、とりあえずダーウィニアの中で兵器が製造できるようにはなった。|| |1083|containmentend_2|Darwinia already has a solid engineering system for building things, but like everything else, it's offline.|既に製造システムは完成しているが、他の建物と同じく、まだ動かすことは出来ない。|| |1084|containmentend_2b|The system is built over three locations - the Mine, the Generator, and the Yard.|作成したシステムは3箇所、Mine、Generator、そしてYardにある。|| |1085|containmentend_3|Let me show you the Mines first.|まずMineから見ていくことにしよう。|| |1086||||| |1087|containmentend_mine1|This entire location is one giant mining facility, unfortunately now overrun by this damn Virus.||| |1088|containmentend_mine1b|Raw Polygons are ripped out of the hillside and dumped onto the passing mine carts.||| |1089|containmentend_mine2|Those Polygons then pass through this Refinery which converts them into Primitives.||| |1090|containmentend_mine3|I designed this world to be owned and operated entirely by the Darwinians. All these buildings need Darwinians at their controls in order to function.||| |1091|containmentend_mine3b|Entire generations of Darwinian miners have worked these quarries before the Virus arrived.||| |1092|containmentend_mine4|Anyway,||| |1093|containmentend_mine5|Once the Primitives have been refined, they need to be transported to the Construction Yard where we can make some use of them.||| |1094||||| |1095|containmentend_5|So the Mines produce refined Primitives and send them to the Yard.||| |1096|containmentend_5b|The Yard also requires Energy, which comes from the Generator.||| |1097||||| |1098|containmentend_generator1|This is the Generator. Here the Energy that drives Darwinia is produced and regulated.||| |1099|containmentend_generator1b|The Solar Panels dotted around this location harness the energy radiated out by the Soul Repository at the centre of Darwinia.||| |1100|containmentend_generator2|Like most buildings in Darwinia, these Solar Panels require Darwinians at their control pads in order to operate.||| |1101|containmentend_generator3|This building is Darwinia's Primary Power Generator.||| |1102|containmentend_generator3b|It modulates the power from the Solar Panels into a Regulated Energy Stream that we can use.||| |1103|containmentend_generator4|That Energy Stream then passes through the Trunk Port to the Construction Yard.||| |1104|containmentend_generator5|Unfortunately this Trunk Port is broken, so we'll have to enable the link from the other end once we reach the Yard.||| |1105||||| |1106|containmentend_6|So the Generator produces the Energy.||| |1107|containmentend_6b|The Yard receives the Energy and the Primitives, and that's where we will be building the new weapons platform.||| |1108|containmentend_7|If you need help with these tasks, open the Objectives Screen...||| |1109|containmentend_7_kbd|If you need help with these tasks, just hold [KEYICONSTASKMANAGERDISPLAY] and push your mouse to the right for the Objectives Screen...||| |1110|containmentend_7_icons|If you need help with these tasks, open the Objectives Screen...||| |1111|containmentend_7_icons_kbd|If you need help with these tasks, just hold [KEYICONSTASKMANAGERDISPLAY] and push your mouse down for the Objectives Screen...||| |1112|containmentend_7b_kbd|...There you can click on an objective and I'll do my best to clarify it for you.||| |1113|containmentend_7b_xin|...There you can select an objective and I'll do my best to clarify it for you.||| |1114|containmentend_8|Good luck!||| **コメント #comment(,disableurl)
Containmentクリア後のカットシーンです。 &link_edit(text=編集する) |BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){行}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){項目}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){原文}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){訳文}|BGCOLOR(#e0e0e0):&bold(){半角文}| |1081|containmentend_1|I've been working on a design for a Weapons Platform that the Darwinians can use to fight the Virus.|今まで私はダーウィニアンがウィルスと戦うための兵器を生産できる工場をデザインしていたんだ。|| |1082|containmentend_1b|There's still a lot of work to do, but we can manufacture these weapons within Darwinia.|まだやることは山ほどあるが、とりあえずダーウィニアの中で兵器が製造できるようにはなった。|| |1083|containmentend_2|Darwinia already has a solid engineering system for building things, but like everything else, it's offline.|既に製造システムは完成しているが、他の建物と同じく、まだ動かすことは出来ない。|| |1084|containmentend_2b|The system is built over three locations - the Mine, the Generator, and the Yard.|作成したシステムはMine、Generator、Yardの3箇所にある。|| |1085|containmentend_3|Let me show you the Mines first.|まずMineから見ていくことにしよう。|| |1086||||| |1087|containmentend_mine1|This entire location is one giant mining facility, unfortunately now overrun by this damn Virus.||| |1088|containmentend_mine1b|Raw Polygons are ripped out of the hillside and dumped onto the passing mine carts.||| |1089|containmentend_mine2|Those Polygons then pass through this Refinery which converts them into Primitives.||| |1090|containmentend_mine3|I designed this world to be owned and operated entirely by the Darwinians. All these buildings need Darwinians at their controls in order to function.||| |1091|containmentend_mine3b|Entire generations of Darwinian miners have worked these quarries before the Virus arrived.||| |1092|containmentend_mine4|Anyway,||| |1093|containmentend_mine5|Once the Primitives have been refined, they need to be transported to the Construction Yard where we can make some use of them.||| |1094||||| |1095|containmentend_5|So the Mines produce refined Primitives and send them to the Yard.||| |1096|containmentend_5b|The Yard also requires Energy, which comes from the Generator.||| |1097||||| |1098|containmentend_generator1|This is the Generator. Here the Energy that drives Darwinia is produced and regulated.||| |1099|containmentend_generator1b|The Solar Panels dotted around this location harness the energy radiated out by the Soul Repository at the centre of Darwinia.||| |1100|containmentend_generator2|Like most buildings in Darwinia, these Solar Panels require Darwinians at their control pads in order to operate.||| |1101|containmentend_generator3|This building is Darwinia's Primary Power Generator.||| |1102|containmentend_generator3b|It modulates the power from the Solar Panels into a Regulated Energy Stream that we can use.||| |1103|containmentend_generator4|That Energy Stream then passes through the Trunk Port to the Construction Yard.||| |1104|containmentend_generator5|Unfortunately this Trunk Port is broken, so we'll have to enable the link from the other end once we reach the Yard.||| |1105||||| |1106|containmentend_6|So the Generator produces the Energy.||| |1107|containmentend_6b|The Yard receives the Energy and the Primitives, and that's where we will be building the new weapons platform.||| |1108|containmentend_7|If you need help with these tasks, open the Objectives Screen...||| |1109|containmentend_7_kbd|If you need help with these tasks, just hold [KEYICONSTASKMANAGERDISPLAY] and push your mouse to the right for the Objectives Screen...||| |1110|containmentend_7_icons|If you need help with these tasks, open the Objectives Screen...||| |1111|containmentend_7_icons_kbd|If you need help with these tasks, just hold [KEYICONSTASKMANAGERDISPLAY] and push your mouse down for the Objectives Screen...||| |1112|containmentend_7b_kbd|...There you can click on an objective and I'll do my best to clarify it for you.||| |1113|containmentend_7b_xin|...There you can select an objective and I'll do my best to clarify it for you.||| |1114|containmentend_8|Good luck!||| **コメント #comment(,disableurl)

