

Outro - (2008/12/26 (金) 18:13:51) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


項目 原文 訳文 半角文
1367 outro_biosphere_1 I don't think the Darwinians will ever truly forget what has happened.
1368 outro_biosphere_1b In fact, I think this will turn out to be a defining moment in their history.
1369 outro_biosphere_2 They're much more ambitious now, bolder and stronger and smarter than they ever were. But their innocence has been lost.
1370 outro_biosphere_2b The battle at the Biosphere is without doubt the darkest chapter yet in Darwinia's history.
1371 outro_biosphere_3 The horrific loss of life in such a short period of time, and the very concept of Darwinians fighting and killing their own kin, makes it particularly potent for me.
1373 outro_receiver_1 Of all those who died, the Darwinians who fell under the Soul Destroyers will linger most in the survivors' memories.
1374 outro_receiver_2 Their Souls are irretrievably lost, with no possible hope of afterlife or rebirth awaiting them.
1375 outro_receiver_3 Their broken spirits will continue to haunt the places where they fell, until the end of the world.
1376 outro_receiver_4 Because of this, the Darwinians now understand, for the first time I think, what it truly means for one of their kind to die.
1378 outro_containment_1 It is my dream that Darwinia will continue to evolve and grow, long after I am gone.
1379 outro_containment_1b I started the Darwin Digital Life project over a decade ago, and I've worked on it every single day in virtual isolation for all this time...
1380 outro_containment_2 ...only for my life's work to be saved today by a total stranger.
1381 outro_containment_3 I want you to help me continue my work. I'm transferring a profile to you that will give you access to every location in Darwinia.
1382 outro_containment_4 It is clear to me now that I am no longer capable of running Darwinia on my own. I want to give you the tools I used to build this world.
1383 outro_containment_5 I want you to help me finish it.
1385 outro_10 I'm transferring permissions to the World Editor to your computer. That's the tool I used to build every location you've seen so far. You can access it from the Main Menu when you're up in Heaven.
1386 outro_11 I'm also transferring a new user profile to your system, which I've called AccessAllAreas. You can load it from the Profiles menu. It will give you full access to all the locations you've visited in Darwinia.
1388 outro_1 When I think of the number of stories and legends that must have been created since this outbreak occurred, well, it scares me.
1389 outro_2 I'm afraid the Darwinians have a very long memory. They still tell mournful stories of the island that was lost in the Server crash last year.
1390 outro_3 I don't know what effect this war will have on the Darwinians. And I don't know what they'll want to do next.
1391 outro_4 But I do know that our actions here will live on through tale and folklore, for generations of Darwinians to come.

