「Blood Queen Lana'thel」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Blood Queen Lana'thel - (2010/01/18 (月) 10:13:59) の1つ前との変更点



*Blood Queen Lana'thel  かんたんそうにみえるけれど おそらくはPutricideを超えるとんでもないDPS Race *Abilities  Health 6250万 **Delirious Slash  75%の武器ダメージに加え、3秒毎に6125-7875 x スタック数の出血ダメージ。15秒続く。 **Twilight Bloodbolt  対象とその周囲6yardに9250-10750ダメージ。 **Swarming Shadows  対象の真下に0.5秒毎にVoid Areaを作り出す。  Void Areaの上に立っていると毎秒数千ダメージ。 **Pact of the Darkfallen  (25manで)3人のプレイヤーをリンクさせる。  だんだん上昇していくShadowダメージを、本人とその周辺のリンクされていないプレイヤーに与える。  この能力はリンクさせられたプレイヤーが全員5yardの範囲内に集まると消滅する。 **Shroud of Sorrow  常時展開型オーラ。  Blood Queenの周囲(見る限りMelee Range)にいるプレイヤーに対して2秒毎に4500ダメージ。 **Blood Mirror  タンク二人をリンクさせる。  一人のタンクが食らったダメージはもう一人のタンクにも転送される。 **Bloodbolt Whirl  一定時間毎に、Queenはマップ中央に走っていき、空中から数発のBloodboltを飛ばす。  対象と周囲6yard?にいるプレイヤーにダメージ。 **Essence of the Blood Queen  Vampiric Bite(後述)を受けるとつくDebuff。  45秒間攻撃力が倍になり、攻撃にDrain Lifeの効果がつく。  45秒後に"Frenzied Bloodthirst"に変化する。 **Frenzied Bloodthirst  Essence of the Blood QueenのDebuffが消滅した際に発動。  時間内にVampiric Biteを任意の味方一人に対して使用しなければ永続Mind Controllされる。  血を吸った場合この効果は一時的に消滅し、再びEssence of the Blood Queenの効果を45秒得られる。 **Vampiric Bite  Frenzied Bloodthirst状態の時に使用可能。というかこれしか使えなくなる。  対象に13875-16125ダメージを与え、自身のFrenzied Bloodthirstを解除する。  更に、この能力の使用者と被使用者はどちらもEssence of the Blood Queenを受ける。 **Uncontrollable Frenzy  一定時間内に血を吸えなかった場合につく永続チャーム。攻撃力/ヒール量/被ヒール量増加。 Phase 1: Ground Phase Phase 1 is a tank and spank with a few special abilities. Due to the Blood Mirror ability this phase requires two tanks who should stand on top of each other. The ranged and healers should be spread out in order to deal with the Swarming Shadows ability. While this ability is active the targeted player will leave a trail behind them that deals damage to any player who touches it. This is similar to the flame effect on Jaraxxus. Melee must move out of their clump quickly to avoid killing others with the trail. The best way to deal with the debuff is to take the trail to the wall and kite it along the wall in order to maximize the free space in the room. At times 3 people will be selected and debuffed with the Pact of the Bloodfallen. Red lines will appear connecting the afflicted players and they must move toward each other (perhaps using a designated meeting spot). Until they get within 5 yards of each other and clear the debuff they will take damage and deal damage to non-linked allies every 2 seconds. It is important to move quickly to minimize the effect of this debuff. The Blood Queen will select players and debuff them with Frenzied Bloodthirst. After afflicted they will have 15 seconds to sate their thirst for blood. While under the effects of this debuff the player will gain the ability "Vampiric Bite". This ability must be used on another player and will sate the thirst. The player who is bitten will be debuffed with the Essence of the Blood Queen, significantly increasing damage and causing no threat for attacks done for the duration of the debuff. If the player does not sate their thirst for blood they will become Mind Controlled, it is very important to not let this happen. Phase 2: Air Phase In Phase 2, Blood Queen will run to the center of the room and fly up in the air. While in the air she will cast Bloodbolt Whirl. In order to prevent this from killing the raid, you must spread out. The splash radius on the Bloodbolts is 6 yards so raid members should spread at least that far. After casting Bloodbold Whirl, Blood Queen will return to the ground and resume Phase 1. Tank Tips Consider placing raid symbols on the tanks. This will allow them to easily find each other after Phase 2 as well as if the boss must be moved during Phase 1 due to poor Shadow debuff "fire" placement. Heal Tips Have grid setup to show those who have the Shroud of Sorrow and Essence of the Bloodfallen debuffs, as they will require healing. Melee Tips Watch your debuffs closely and get out of the melee clump quickly when you have Shroud of Sorrow.
*Blood Queen Lana'thel  かんたんそうにみえるけれど おそらくはPutricideを超えるとんでもないDPS Race *Abilities  Health 6250万 **Delirious Slash  75%の武器ダメージに加え、3秒毎に6125-7875 x スタック数の出血ダメージ。15秒続く。 **Twilight Bloodbolt  対象とその周囲6yardに9250-10750ダメージ。 **Swarming Shadows  対象の真下に0.5秒毎にVoid Areaを作り出す。  Void Areaの上に立っていると毎秒数千ダメージ。 **Pact of the Darkfallen  (25manで)3人のプレイヤーをリンクさせる。  だんだん上昇していくShadowダメージを、本人とその周辺のリンクされていないプレイヤーに与える。  この能力はリンクさせられたプレイヤーが全員5yardの範囲内に集まると消滅する。 **Shroud of Sorrow  常時展開型オーラ。  Blood Queenの周囲(見る限りMelee Range)にいるプレイヤーに対して2秒毎に4500ダメージ。 **Blood Mirror  タンク二人をリンクさせる。  一人のタンクが食らったダメージはもう一人のタンクにも転送される。 **Bloodbolt Whirl  一定時間毎に、Queenはマップ中央に走っていき、空中から数発のBloodboltを飛ばす。  対象と周囲6yard?にいるプレイヤーにダメージ。 **Essence of the Blood Queen  Vampiric Bite(後述)を受けるとつくDebuff。  45秒間攻撃力が倍になり、攻撃にDrain Lifeの効果がつく。  45秒後に"Frenzied Bloodthirst"に変化する。 **Frenzied Bloodthirst  Essence of the Blood QueenのDebuffが消滅した際に発動。  時間内にVampiric Biteを任意の味方一人に対して使用しなければ永続Mind Controllされる。  血を吸った場合この効果は一時的に消滅し、再びEssence of the Blood Queenの効果を45秒得られる。 **Vampiric Bite  Frenzied Bloodthirst状態の時に使用可能。というかこれしか使えなくなる。  対象に13875-16125ダメージを与え、自身のFrenzied Bloodthirstを解除する。  更に、この能力の使用者と被使用者はどちらもEssence of the Blood Queenを受ける。 **Uncontrollable Frenzy  一定時間内に血を吸えなかった場合につく永続チャーム。攻撃力/ヒール量/被ヒール量増加。 Phase 1: Ground Phase Phase 1 is a tank and spank with a few special abilities. Due to the Blood Mirror ability this phase requires two tanks who should stand on top of each other. The ranged and healers should be spread out in order to deal with the Swarming Shadows ability. While this ability is active the targeted player will leave a trail behind them that deals damage to any player who touches it. This is similar to the flame effect on Jaraxxus. Melee must move out of their clump quickly to avoid killing others with the trail. The best way to deal with the debuff is to take the trail to the wall and kite it along the wall in order to maximize the free space in the room. At times 3 people will be selected and debuffed with the Pact of the Bloodfallen. Red lines will appear connecting the afflicted players and they must move toward each other (perhaps using a designated meeting spot). Until they get within 5 yards of each other and clear the debuff they will take damage and deal damage to non-linked allies every 2 seconds. It is important to move quickly to minimize the effect of this debuff. The Blood Queen will select players and debuff them with Frenzied Bloodthirst. After afflicted they will have 15 seconds to sate their thirst for blood. While under the effects of this debuff the player will gain the ability "Vampiric Bite". This ability must be used on another player and will sate the thirst. The player who is bitten will be debuffed with the Essence of the Blood Queen, significantly increasing damage and causing no threat for attacks done for the duration of the debuff. If the player does not sate their thirst for blood they will become Mind Controlled, it is very important to not let this happen. Phase 2: Air Phase In Phase 2, Blood Queen will run to the center of the room and fly up in the air. While in the air she will cast Bloodbolt Whirl. In order to prevent this from killing the raid, you must spread out. The splash radius on the Bloodbolts is 6 yards so raid members should spread at least that far. After casting Bloodbold Whirl, Blood Queen will return to the ground and resume Phase 1. Tank Tips Consider placing raid symbols on the tanks. This will allow them to easily find each other after Phase 2 as well as if the boss must be moved during Phase 1 due to poor Shadow debuff "fire" placement. Heal Tips Have grid setup to show those who have the Shroud of Sorrow and Essence of the Bloodfallen debuffs, as they will require healing. Melee Tips Watch your debuffs closely and get out of the melee clump quickly when you have Shroud of Sorrow. *動画 #Video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UGqHjztD0g) #Video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESHpu5aoxfs)

