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メンバー募集案内 Member Request

Member request

Member request

The new voice of Yume competition!

参加希望者は、Youtube, Soundcloud, Mp3, Wav. video file等のファイルを下記までお送りください。

Yume is the official mascot of the Vocaloid concert group Synthesized Reality Productions.
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Synthesized Reality Productions
8月9日 8:36 ·

We have started to get in tracks for the new voice of Yume competition! So fare we have some great Stuff!
But is there is still time!!
It end on August 25th!

Tag your friends!

This is a exclusive SRP contract for the new Yume!

This is the dream!

You could be the next Vocaloid.

Please sing, talk or more! and send to

English please, Japanese is a plus!

synthesizedrealityproductions @ gmail.com
(Please change @ to @)

It can be Youtube, Soundcloud, Mp3, Wav. or even a video file!

We are looking for a female voice!

Sorry guys! Not this time!!

Again all entries must be in by August 25.

Good Luck and Thank You!

  • SRP

[MMDPV] Nekomimi Archive [SRP's YUME Cathood vers.]

Please find the separate page for the information of Synthesized Reality Productions SRP.
LIVE/海外/Vocaloid Concerts of Synthesized Reality Productions SRP


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最終更新:2014年08月20日 14:20