「INITIATES > Modern Times」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

INITIATES > Modern Times - (2017/03/29 (水) 19:05:27) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


Modern Times(近代史)

1 - THE WIDOW CHING, LADY PIRATE(清王朝の未亡人、にして女海賊)

// SOUTH CHINA SEA // 1807
// 南シナ海 // 1807年

Ching Shih , also known as Cheng I Sao, was a former prostitute who married the notorious pirate Cheng I.


In 1807, following the death of her husband, Ching Shih took command of the entire operations and became the most important pirate in China.


Ching Shih married her lieutenant, Chang Pao, and organized her pirate enterprises into a brutally efficient organization.


After several unsuccessful attempts to put an end to her rule by the Cantonese officials, in 1810, Ching Shih negotiated an amnesty and retired from her pirate career.
