
怒攻略(英語)対訳その5 - (2007/02/24 (土) 23:31:10) の1つ前との変更点



############################## ## Area 4 ## ############################## Start ===== 3面でハートをとらなければ4面でパワーアップできない。もし3面が終わったときにハートを取ってなければ、パワーアップとはお別れだ。もしハートを取っていれば、全てをキープできるが、一度死ぬと全て失う。なので、また別のハートを見つけるまでは注意深く進みなさい。もし前の面(3面)が終わるときに何も身に着けていなくても、失うものは大きくなく、進む時にまだ守られている。 すぐに背景色が違うことに気づくはずだ。あなたは今、内部要塞にいて、暗い背景の中で戦っているのだ。左側にいて、上がっていくと、黄色い戦車がいる。赤い敵兵が右側から現れる。彼はBを落とす。北側にはまた別の黄色戦車がいる。それは赤い床に沿って、斜めに動く。それを破壊すると、別の黄色い戦車が右側に見つかる。これも破壊しよう。 さて床が戦車のすぐ傍で黒い三角形になったのに気づくはずだ。黒い三角形の右側に立つと右の赤い床の隣にいる。次に北に向かって、上に射撃し、隠されたSSを見つけなさい。前進すると、両側に2人の要塞番人が見える。中心には赤い兵士がいる。彼はBを落とす。この2つの要塞番人の間には動く大砲がある。2人の要塞番人を最初に破壊せよ。それから動く大砲を破壊せよ。あなたが真ん中に向かうとさらに2人の赤い兵がみえる。彼らはどちらも後ろにFを落とす。 さて、真ん中を走ると橋が見える。橋の足元の地雷に注意せよ。両側に神風兵がいて、あなたが橋に上がる前に落としてくる。すぐにその交差を渡れ。その交差部分の左側足元を撃つと、隠されたトリプルショットが見つかる。橋を渡り続けよ。自爆兵が橋の両側に現れるので、彼らを殺すようにおびき寄せろ。橋の終わりに自動誘導式ミサイルがあるので、それを避けるために水の中を歩け。2人の赤兵が橋の最後の真ん中辺りから降りてくる。彼らは二人ともLを持っている。左側のあなたの上に要塞番人がいる。彼の隣に戦車がある。それを得たいなら、B手榴弾で彼らをしとめろ。もしできなければ、要塞番人を最初に倒せ。さて真ん中を突き進め。 たくさん戦車が見える。そのほとんどは動いてない。黄色い戦車が左から攻撃してくる。どの戦車が攻撃してるのかはとてもわかりやすい。それを破壊して進め。真ん中部の地雷に注意せよ。二つの黄色い戦車に攻撃されるだろう。一方は真ん中から下がってきて、もう一つは右側にいる。真ん中を裂きに壊せ。それから右の戦車を壊せ。赤兵が真ん中の戦車の後ろから追尾してくるはずだ。もしその赤兵が見えなかったら、真ん中の戦車を破壊した時に殺したんだろう。彼はSしかもってないので大きな損失はない。左側に戦車が見つかるが、まだ乗ってはいけない。北側に二人自動誘導式ミサイル兵がいる。戦車に乗る前か、その兵が戦車を壊す前に左の兵隊を殺しておきたい。もう1人の兵隊はスルーするか、手榴弾兵になると殺せる。最初のゲートの元についた。硬い門の周りに同じく前に見た要塞番人がいる。彼らを倒し、門をぶち破れ。後ろに残ってる燃料と銃弾を手に入れ、通り過ぎろ。 Gate 1 ====== 門のすぐ北側にある黄色いパイプを撃て、すると隠しSSが見つかる。左側にいる黄色戦車から攻撃されるのでそれを壊して進め。ただし地雷に注意せよ。右側に別の黄色戦車がいる。それを壊して進め。すると赤兵が見える。彼を殺してBを得よ。さて中心に要塞番人と動く大砲がある。時間を置いて大砲が戻ってくるまで待って壊せ。その間に要塞番人を殺せ。死にやすいので大砲を追いかけてはいけない。さて通る道が二つある。左側は3つ自動誘導式センサーがお互い近くに置かれているので、右側の道を通れ。右の道を進むと、赤兵が見える。かれはFを落とすが心配するな。あなたの上の壁に2人兵がいる。左はFL兵で、右側は要塞番人だ。FL兵が最 優先だ。何よりまず彼を倒せ。要塞番人はその後だ。 進むと4つの紫トンネルがあり、ピンクのパイプで隔てられている。それぞれのトンネルに2つの区画がある。どのトンネルを通ってもそれぞれのトンネルに何かがある。ここでこのトンネルを左から順に1~4と呼ぶ。一番左がトンネル1で、一番右がトンネル4だ。それぞれのトンネルには隠しアイテムがあり、進みながら撃つと簡単に見つかる。 トンネル1前半部には隠しナイフと手榴弾がある。 トンネル2後半の終わり近くに隠しハートがあるが、ハートの近くに自動誘導式センサーがある。 トンネル3の前半部にはトリプルショットがある。 トンネル4の後半部にはゴールドボックスがあるが、トンネルの後半部に2つ自動誘導式センサーがある。この記述に基づき、私は最初にトンネル1前半部のナイフを取り、それからトンネル2に切り替えてハートも取る。もしあなたが何もなしで燃え尽きたいなら、トンネル3を通れ。神風兵がトンネルを追っかけてくるが、戦車があるはずなので、脅威にはならない。トンネルを過ぎた後、中心に要塞番人が見える。彼の左に赤兵がいて、Lを落とす。これをどちらも殺して、右側を通れ。壁の上にFL兵が見える。彼を殺し、中心部を進め。2人の赤兵に出くわす。彼らはどちらもSを持ってる。2人の赤兵の右にいる自爆兵に気をつけて。彼を殺すためにFL兵の壁に退却することを勧める。それから中心部に自動誘導式ミサイル兵が見える。彼を注意深く見ろ。門の元に到着する。3つ硬い扉があるが、要塞番人はいない。扉を壊せ。左の扉に燃料が落ちており、真ん中の扉には手榴弾、右の扉には銃弾が落ちている。左と右の扉はどちらも下に地雷があるので、通り過ぎる時にそれを避けろ。私は弾薬を補充するために燃料を取り、そして真ん中の扉には地雷がないので通るのを勧める。(扉を全部通れとは誰も言わない)2人要塞番人が見える。どちらも殺せ。すると硬い扉が見える。ドアの上に要塞番人がいる。そいつを殺せ。それから左はフェイクなので、右の扉を壊せ。燃料を得て、通り過ぎろ。 Gate 2 ====== You will see water above you. Do not enter it yet. Look at the floor between the gate and the water. The top half should be purple floor tiles while the bottom half is all black. Go left along the black floor and fire at the floor on the far left side to find a hidden gold heart. Now you have the firepower necessary to cross the water. Now head up into the water. Stay on the right side. You'll soon see a kamikaze soldier above you. Kill him and move on. You then see two red soldiers. The left is real and carries an F while the right one is a fake. Head forward and you'll see three things. The first is a red soldier from the right side. He carries a B. The second is the fortress guard on the island to your north. The third is the self destruct soldier heading towards you from the left. Kill the red soldier first because he's closer to you. Then take aim and kill the self destruct soldier. This should be no problem thanks to the gold heart you grabbed earlier. Kill the fortress guard last. 上に水地帯が見える。まだ入ってはいけない。門と水の間の床を見てみろ。上半分に紫のタイル床があて、下半分は黒いはずだ。黒床の左に沿って進み、一番左の床を撃て。すると隠しゴールドハートが見つかる。 さてあなたは水をわたるために必要な射撃能力を持っている。なので水の中を進め。右側にいろ。すぐに上から神風兵がくる。彼を殺して進め。2人赤兵がみえる。左側は本物でFを持っているが、右側はフェイクだ。先へ進むと3つのものが見える。1つ目は右側からの赤兵で彼はBを持っている。2つ目は北の陸地にある要塞だ。3つ目は自爆兵で、左側からあなたの方へ向かってくる。まず最初に近づいてくるので、赤兵を倒せ。これは先にとってるゴールドハートのおかげで問題はない。最後に要塞兵を殺せ。 Continue onward and you'll soon see another kamikaze soldier. The next submerged soldier after him is a self destruct soldier. You'll then see a fortress guard on a small island in the center. Kill him and head up. A green soldier runs out from the left while a self destruct soldier will approach from the right. Kill the green soldier for the K and use it to kill the self destruct soldier. Head up and you may see another self destruct soldier depending if you got him with the K. Kill him if you do see him. You'll now find yourself in oil drum country again. Just grenade every oil drum and you'll kill them all. Go wild with the grenades because the fuel that the soldiers drop is more than enough for you to lay waste to the area. Just remember, if there are too many oil drums grouped together, then you can expect one or more of them is an oil drum soldier. You'll encounter a red soldier at the end of the oil drums. He drops an F behind. 先へ進むとすぐに神風兵が見える。その後ろにいる水中兵は自爆兵だ。それから中心部の小さな島に要塞番人が見える。彼を殺して進め。緑兵が左側から突進してきて、自爆兵が右側から近づいてくる。緑兵を殺してKを手に入れ、自爆兵を殺すためにそれを使え。先へ進み、もしあなたがKで彼をしとめていたら、別の自爆兵が見える。もし見えたら殺せ。再びオイル缶の土地にいることがわかる。全てのドラム缶を手榴弾で撃ち、それらを全部壊せ。兵隊が落とす燃料はあまるくらいあるので、どんどん手榴弾を使ってもいい。 もしたくさんのドラム缶が集まっているなら、その一つ以上がドラム缶兵だと予測できることを覚えておけ。ドラム缶の最後で赤兵に出くわす。彼はFを落とす。 Now to your left on the wall is a moving cannon. A red soldier will come down the left path. He carries a B. You have two paths to take. Go with the right path. Stay against the right wall as you head up to avoid the land mine. At the end of both paths are flame thrower soldiers. Just stay out of their line of fire and you'll be ok. Now above you should be an red octagon shaped pattern in the floor. Shoot the center of it to find a hidden heart. Now to the left is a moving cannon. It is hard to hit because it is moving diagonally. You'll need to get close to it to nail it with your grenades. Then head up and you'll see a chopper to the left that you can take. Two moving cannons will be on the right side. You'll need to destroy them both before getting into the chopper. The red soldier in the area drops an L. 左側の壁には動く大砲がある。赤兵が左の通路から出てくる。彼はBを持っている。あなたは2つの道を通れる。右側を行け。地雷を避けるために右の壁にいなさい。両通路の最後に火炎瓶を投げてくる兵隊がいる。その火のラインの後にいれば大丈夫。あなたの上に赤い8角形のものがあるはずだ。その中心を撃つと隠しハートが見つかる。左側に動く大砲がいる。斜めに動くのでこれを撃つのは難しい。その近くにいて手榴弾でしとめなくてはいけない。それから先に進むと左にヘリコプターがあって乗れる。2つ動く大砲が右側にある。ヘリコプターに乗る前にそれを壊す必要がある。この地帯の赤兵はLを落とす。 Get in the chopper now. You have 28 seconds of fuel left so there isn't much time. You will fly along the left side and make a beeline straight up. Do not stop for anything. The only thing you need to watch out for are self destruct soldiers and land mines. Do not blow up enemy choppers or you'll get caught in the explosion. You'll encounter some red soldiers as you fly across. They drop F, B, S, and S in that order. You can find a hidden triple shot by firing at the yellow piping to the right of the first purple triangle wall above the chopper. Now just fly north but make sure that you are all the way to the left. You'll soon see an island in the center with pink and yellow piping. There will be underwater soldiers below you but don't worry because they are merely kamikaze soldiers. Now there should be a narrow strip of land running up the left side. It should be under you if you are flying on the far left side. Just keep firing north as you fly over this strip of land and you'll uncover a hidden SS about halfway up. ヘリコプターに乗れ。28秒の燃料が残っているが時間はない。左側に飛んで、最短距離をまっすぐ進め。絶対に止まるな。注意すべき唯一のものは自爆兵と地雷だ。爆発に巻き込まれるから敵のヘリを吹き飛ばすな。飛んでいる時に赤兵に出くわす。かれらはF,B,S,Sの順にアイテムを落とす。ヘリの上の最初の紫トライアングルの壁の右にある黄色パイプを撃つと、隠しトリプルショットが見つかる。さて北に飛んでいるがずっと左にいるか確かめなさい。まもなくピンクと黄色のパイプの中心に陸地が見える。下に水中兵がいるが、単なる神風兵なので心配いらない。左側に狭い滑走路がある。もしあなたがいちばん左側を飛んでいるならあなたの下にあるはずだ。この滑走路を飛びながら北を撃ち続けろ、そうすれば半分行ったところに隠しSSが見つかる。 Now keep flying north. A chopper passes down the center. Ignore it. Then you'll see an island to the north that has mainly yellow piping on it. Fire at the center of the south side to uncover a hidden gold box. Then continue flying north. You should see some small islands and another chopper. A self destruct soldier on the left side will be unable to kill you if you keep flying up along the far left side. You should run out of fuel right as you pass the three small islands. Head up the steps to the north to find yourself in front of the third gate. Go around the pink piping by way of the left side. Destroy both doors and you'll see the usual bullets and grenades. Do not enter the left door. That passageway is rigged with land mines. You can always just walk around them by hugging the sides of the passageway. I find it's easier to just take the right door and not have to avoid any mines at all. 北を飛び続けろ。ヘリは中心を通るが無視しろ。すると北に主に黄色いパイプのある陸地が見える。未が身側の中心を撃つと隠しゴールデンボックスが見つかる。そして北を撃ち続けろ。小さい陸地と別のヘリが見える。もしいちばん左側を飛んでいれば、左側にいる自爆兵はあなたを殺せないだろう。3つの陸地をすぎるとすぐに燃料が尽きる。歩いて北に進むと、3つの門の前に出る。左側を経由して、ピンクのパイプを進め。両扉を破壊すれば使える弾丸と手榴弾が見つかる。左の扉に入ってはいけない。その通路には地雷が設置されている。通路の傍に沿って進むことによって歩いて通り抜けられる。右側の扉を通る方がラクなことに気づきました。地雷を全て避ける必要がないからだ。 Gate 3 ====== Head up and you'll see plenty of tanks. A yellow tank appears from the middle. Destroy it. Then you'll see a yellow tank move across from the left side. Destroy it and then head left until you are standing between the two left columns of tanks. You should have triggered a land mine. Shoot the floor above the mine to find a hidden heart. Now go north and stay between the left tanks. Now you'll see another yellow tank to your north and two more yellow tanks on the right hand side. A red soldier will also be there. He drops a B. Destroy only the left yellow tank. Then head up until the bottom tank on the right goes off the screen. Now you only have one tank to deal with. Be careful when going near the center because there are land mines and homing sensors placed in the center. 進むと戦車がたくさん見える。真ん中から黄色い戦車が現れる。これを壊せ。それから黄色戦車が左側から来るのが見える。それを破壊して左に向かい、残った戦車の間に立て。そこで地雷を駆動させなくてはいけない。地雷の上の床を撃ち、隠しハートを見つけよ。北に向かい左の戦車の間にいろ。北側にまた別の黄色戦車が見え、さらに右手側にさらにまた黄色戦車が見える。赤兵がそこにいて、彼はBを落とす。左の黄色戦車だけを破壊しろ。右側の下の戦車が画面外に出るまで進め。処理する戦車は一つだけだ。中心には地雷と自動誘導式センサーが置かれているので、近づく時注意せよ。 You will see another red soldier approach from the center. He has a B. Now there will be more purple tunnels to pick from. There are five altogether. I will label them 1-5 again starting from the left. Tunnel 1 has a missile soldier inside. Tunnel 2 has nothing. Tunnel 3 has a land mine at the end. Tunnel 4 has nothing. Tunnel 5 has a hidden knife. Just fire up into it to find it. Based on this evaluation, tunnel 5 is the preferred tunnel if you don't have a knife. Otherwise go for tunnel 4. Now you'll see an area split into three paths by pink pipes. The left path has a homing sensor at the opening in the pink pipes to the left so don't take it. Go for the middle path instead. If you are in a tank, then you are probably running low on fuel. Quickly navigate your way to the northernmost cone. Shoot the yellow pipes directly south of this cone to find a hidden H. This will add 200 seconds of fuel which is far more than you need. 中心からまた別の赤兵が近づいてくるのが見える。彼はBを持っている。紫のトンネルがあって5つの進路を選べる。また左から順に1~5と名づける。トンネル1の中にはミサイル兵がいる。トンネル2には何もない。トンネル3には最後に地雷がある。トンネル4にはなにもない。トンネル5には隠しナイフがある。そこを撃って見つけよ。これに基づくともしナイフを持っていないならトンネル5が好ましい。そうでなければトンネル4だ。ピンクのパイプの通路は3つのエリアに別れているのがわかる。左の通路には最初に左の方に自動誘導式センサーがある。真ん中の通路を進め。もし戦車に乗っているのなら、少ない燃料で走っているだろう。ずっと北の円錐にいって、すぐ南の黄色パイプを撃て。すると隠しHが見つかる。これは燃料を200秒増やしてくれる。 Head up and you'll see a yellow tank. Don't bother hiding behind the cones because it is equipped with missiles. Destroy the tank and head up by way of the left side. There is a homing sensor near the center so keep an eye out for it. You will now see four land bridges leading up. Yellow tanks will be patrolling every bridge except the far left one. Take the left bridge. This means that you only need to destroy the left tank. Then you can cross without fear of getting shot. You will see some water after you cross the bridges. There will be two red soldiers on the screen. Kill them both for L's. Now I hope you haven't moved the screen too much. You should still be able to see the end of the four bridges. Now look at the water between the two bridges closest to the left. Line yourself up so that you are north of this water. Then head up and fire at the second stream of water (the one with the land mine) to find a hidden SS in the water. If that sounds confusing, then just stand on the land between the two water streams and then stand on the fourth block from the left side. Fire north and you'll find it. 進むと黄色戦車が見える。ミサイルが装備されてるので、わざわざ円錐の後ろにかくれなくていい。この戦車を壊して左側経由で進め。4つの橋が続いてるのが見えるだろう。黄色戦車は一番左以外の全ての橋をパトロールしているので、左の橋を通れ。これは左の戦車だけ破壊すればいいということだ。そうすれば撃つ心配なく渡れる。橋を渡った後、水辺が見える。画面に2人赤兵が現れる。Lを持つ彼らを殺せ。次はあまり画面を動かないことだ。まだ4つの橋の最後部が見えるはずだ。左にいちばん近い二つの橋の間の水を見てみろ。あなたが北に進めるようにラインを引け。進んで2つの水の流れ(一つには地雷がある)を撃って、水中の隠しSSを見つけろ。もしよくわからないなら、2つの水の流れの間の陸地に立って、左から4つ目のブロックに立て。北を撃つと見つかる。 Now you'll see a yellow tank moving across the land bridge. Destroy the tank from the southern land bridge or you'll get hit by the mines in the water. Cross after you've taken care of the tank. Head up and you'll see stairs that cover nearly the entire screen. You don't have time to admire the scenery though because a self destruct soldier will be coming at you from the left side. He is the one that runs down the left side of the steps near the mine. You might want to move left or right because he has difficulty climbing stairs. As an aside, if you get the self destruct soldier to explode near the land mine, it will also be destroyed. Anyway, head up along the left side of the stairs and you'll see a second self destruct soldier coming towards you from the right side. Kill him and then get in the water. Face north and fire at the steps. You'll find a hidden heart. Now head up and you'll see more stairs and two tanks on a narrow path cutting through the stairs. Do not enter the bottom tank because there is a land mine placed directly under that tank. Take the top tank instead. There are two things to do before you enter the top tank. First, get on top of it first. Then turn right. Fire at the steps directly to the right of the tank to uncover a hidden triple shot. Now the second thing you need to do is to slowly move up until you can see the two homing missile soldiers to the north. Do not move too far up or you'll lose the tank or get attacked by the homing missile soldiers. Now here's how to take them out. You probably have noticed that you automatically start sliding whenever you are on any stairs. Well, you are going use this knowledge to your advantage. Make sure that you are out of the homing missile soldiers' attack range. Now you will get on the stairs, face north and start sliding. Then fire and kill the soldiers as they come into your line of fire. Note that this tactic only works if you have long range shots. Otherwise you may have to sacrifice your tank to get past them. Now you will see a land bridge zigzagging to the northeast. The red soldier in the water drops an F. The submerged soldier is just a kamikaze soldier which is nothing against your tank. Head up and you'll see another submerged soldier north of the land bridge. This one is a self destruct soldier so take him out while he's still in the water. You'll now see a red soldier coming from the center. He has a B. Don't go after the red soldier because there are land mines on the bridge. It is very easy to lose your focus and land on the mine if you're too busy going after the red soldier. It should not be a surprise that the red soldier appears directly north of a mine. Now you'll see a bunker at the end of the land bridge. Watch out for the mine south of the bunker. Destroy the bunker for bullets and grenades. Now you have two paths heading north. Take the left one and fire at the floor tiles as you head up. You'll uncover a knife on the tiles left of the top right pool. Now you'll be fighting black soldiers. Don't worry because they die as easily as regular soldiers. You'll then be in front of four tunnels. I'll call them tunnels 1-4 starting from the left again. Tunnels 1 and 4 are safe. Tunnels 2 and 3 both have land mines in them and there is no way to walk around them. Taking tunnels 1 or 4 would be the smart thing to do right? Well, tunnel 3 has a hidden triple shot in it. It's not particularly useful unless you don't have other gun powerups. However, if you do choose to get it, then you need to stop right after you get it because there is a land mine directly above the spot it appears. Now take either tunnel 1 or tunnel 4 up to the gate. You'll then realize why tunnels 2 and 3 both had mines. The reason was to make killing the two fortress guards by the gate more difficult. This isn't a problem for those with long range or B- grenades. However, killing them without powerups requires good timing and a little luck. Take them both out and then destroy the skull door. Then get the fuel and head through the gate. Gate 4 ====== You'll be greeted immediately by a fortress guard on the wall above you. Clear the area of soldiers first. The red soldier drops an S. Grenade the guard after you have cleared enough soldiers. Now head up along the right side. Stay close to the right side the entire time. You'll come across another red soldier. He also drops an S. Now you'll see a very tight opening between the purple walls on the right. You should be able to see the mine. What you need to do is to carefully move into the small space between the left of the mine and the purple wall. It is tricky but possible to squeeze through. As you head up you will see an FL soldier on the wall to the north. Squeezing through the small space gives you a perfect vantage point from which to kill the soldier. The red soldiers that you see on the screen both have L's. Carefully head down the center but keep an eye out for land mines. Now stay to the left side. You'll see fortress guards on the walls on both sides. Two flame thrower soldiers are between them. Kill the fortress guards first. Then pick off the flame thrower soldiers. You'll need to do all this on foot. This also applies to those with tanks because the tank will not be able to past the stairs so there's no point in staying in the tank any longer. There is a hidden heart under the left flame thrower soldier. You should have found it as you were killing the soldier. After you wipe out everyone, just head north. Stay on the steps. They may slow you down but not as much as walking in water does. Watch out for kamikaze soldiers as you charge ahead. You'll soon come to two tunnels. A fortress guard is positioned high atop the wall between the tunnels. Take him down first. Now you have a choice. The left tunnel has a hidden H in it while the right tunnel has a hidden SS. Both are found by just shooting inside of each tunnel. Unless you really, really need ammo, I advise taking the right tunnel. If you are careful, you can get your cake and eat it too because you can move up to get the H and then double back around to the right tunnel and be on your way. Watch out for a self destruct soldier in the tunnels. Now on the other side of the tunnel is the reason why we took it instead of the left one, the FL soldier. He is high on the right wall. If you had taken the left route, then he would have had an easier time sniping you. In the center is a fortress guard. Left of him is a homing missile soldier. Kill the fortress guard. Don't waste your time with the homing missile soldier. Just head up the right path. You'll now be at the foot of a gate. Shoot the top of the oil drum to find a hidden heart. Now you have the same old fortress guards to take care of. Kill the left one first because he's easier to kill. Now the cone on the right will make killing the right guard a pain. Try to find a good angle and let him have a taste of your grenades. Destroy the skull door afterwards. Grab the fuel and bullets that the door leaves behind. Now move up slowly until you see the next pair of fortress guards. Killing these two will be tough without F or L powerups. If you have them both, then just run back to the front of the gate, line up under them, and fire away. If you don't have these powerups then you'll need to quickly run up, turn and toss a grenade, and then run back. Hopefully, you will dodge the guards' B-grenades. Now head through the rest of the gate. Gate 5 ====== You'll immediately see a red soldier. He carries an F. Then you should spot a homing missile soldier on an island to the northwest. Head down the center of the screen and you'll see a self destruct soldier rush out from the center. You are in the perfect position to kill him so waste him before he wastes you. Head up and you'll now see a missile soldier to the right. A red soldier appears in the center. He carries a B. Now head up and you'll see a stationary yellow tank on the left island. Although the pink pipes to the left prevent an easy grenade toss, it won't matter since you picked up B- grenades. A red soldier will come at you from the right side. He also drops a B. Head up the center and a self destruct soldier comes down. Kill him quickly. Now you should see that pink pipes split the path forward in two. Do not go up the right side. It leads to a dead end. However, if you stand on the far right side and shoot north towards the water at the top, then you will find a hidden heart. Unfortunately, after you get this heart, the screen will be too far up and you will be forced to die. This renders getting the heart completely useless and detrimental if you already had a heart because now you will lose everything if you die again. Save yourself the headache and take the left side instead. Now you should have already spotted the two yellow tanks waiting for you ahead. Destroy the left one by attacking from atop the yellow pipes. Then run up along the left side. Turn right and destroy the other tank. Do not engage the other tank while you are in the water or you will surely die. Head north until you see another yellow tank to the left. It will be on top of pink pipes. Grenade it and then look at the island east of the one that the tank was one. It will have four purple floor tiles on it. Shoot the northern purple floor tile to find a hidden SS. Head up the middle and you'll see another yellow tank on the left island. Stand to the right of the leftmost pink piping and face north. You'll be safe from the tank's missiles at that location. Then grenade the tank. Now you have two paths to take. Do not go right or you'll get stuck in a dead end and this time there is no hidden heart there to save you. Continue to head down the center. You'll quickly spot a self destruct soldier swimming towards. Take him down and continue onward. You'll see four land bridges leading up. Two yellow tanks patrol the two middle bridges. You can destroy them both with one B-grenade by tossing it in the center pool of water. The explosion radius is wide enough to take them both out. Now head up through the middle pool of water. A red soldier comes at you from the right pool of water. He leaves an L behind. A self destruct soldier will run at you from the left pool of water. Killing him will be easy since he has trouble scaling the steps. Don't get careless and get shot by him. Now you will come across four tunnels. I'll label them 1-4 starting from the left. Tunnels 1 and 3 both have homing sensors in them so take tunnel 4 instead. Tunnel 2 is also safe but tunnel 4 is faster. Now you'll see three skull doors but no fortress guards. Take out the doors. The right door is the only one that drops nothing behind. The other two both have land mines in them so take the right door to avoid the mines. You've now passed through gate 6. Gate 6 ====== You'll be immediately attacked by two moving cannons. The right cannon will be your immediate threat if you took the right door through the gate. Destroy whichever cannon is closest to you. Then take out the other. Now head up along the left side. You'll see two more moving cannons on the right side. You should see a red octagon pattern on the left side. Stand under it. Now wait for an opportunity to attack the left cannon. Then you should have noticed that the other cannon is nowhere to be found. It actually went up off the screen and will return in a little while. Move over to the right and wait for it to come back. You can move the screen forward to help speed things up. Destroy the cannon after it reappears. Then stand to the right of the red octagon pattern and head up to fight a super tank. It's been awhile since you last fought one of these so take it out with some grenades. Now head up. You'll see five tunnels. I'll label them 1-5 starting from the left again. Do not take any of them. Every one except the middle one is rigged with a land mine that is unavoidable. Instead, stand in front of tunnel 4. Then shoot up through it. You'll uncover a hidden heart. Then head up. You will see a new enemy, the armored soldier. This guy can be treated like a regular soldier except for two differences. The first difference is that he fires lasers. Although the lasers may look deadly, they will not kill you if you have a knife. The second difference is that the soldiers will explode (regular grenade sized explosion) if you kill them. This means that you cannot use the knife powerup to kill them through contact. Getting the immunity from lasers more than justifies losing the ability to kill the soldiers through contact. Just keep away from them and you'll be fine. Now you should run up through the opening between tunnel 2 and the cone. Then you will see two moving cannons. You only have a second to quickly toss a B-grenade up after you see them. The grenade will destroy both cannons if you threw it fast enough. If you weren't fast enough, then you will need to move left or right to avoid the missiles that got fired by the cannons. Head up and you'll see red carpeting going down the center. This should clue you in that you are in the final area if you haven't already figured it out from fighting the armored soldiers. Head up the center of the carpet and fire away. You'll find a hidden heart on the near the center of the carpet between the second and third row of purple floor tiles on the sides of the carpet. Head up the middle and you'll soon see two more moving cannons. Quickly toss a grenade to destroy them. Now to the right is an armored L soldier. Think of him as an FL soldier. Take him down. Then head up and you'll see another armored L soldier come out from the left side. Take him down as well. You'll now be at a gate. The left soldier above the gate is an armored L soldier. The right one is an armored fortress guard. Take out the L soldier first. Then kill the fortress guard. Destroy the door to find fuel. Head on through the gate. Gate 7 ====== Start firing down the middle to find a hidden heart at the bottom of the carpet. Now I hope you still have a knife on you or the armored soldiers will be difficult to pass. Leave nothing to chance and waste everyone as you head up. Stay to the left of the carpet. You'll soon come to gray flashing floor tiles. To your north are two armored missile soldiers. These guys will chase after you and explode with B-grenade radius if you kill them. The left soldier will be your immediate threat. Quickly shoot or grenade him from a distance. Do not kill him in close range or the explosion will kill you. The other soldier should have been caught against a wall if you were far enough to the left. Run diagonally to him and finish him off. Now stand on the far left or far right side of the carpet. I strongly recommend the far right side. Make sure that you are still on the carpet however. Then head up and you'll face the final boss of the game. Since he looks like a skull, why not call the boss "Skull Face?" Now his attack is to spit out two fireballs that explode like B-grenades. However, his aim is just like every other enemy in the game. So if you stay to one side of his face, you can dodge his shots. Do not stand left or right of the red carpet or Skull Face will shoot diagonally at you. Standing directly in front of Skull Face is obviously a suicide mission. Before I forget, you can no longer use the continue code once you start fighting Skull Face. Now if you look carefully, you should see six blocks in front of Skull Face that look different from the other floor tiles. These blocks cannot be passed through. This is the reason why you should stay on the right side of the carpet. If you look at it, you will see that you can approach Skull Face from the right side without having to waste time going around the blocks. However, heading up via the left side of the carpet will force you to go around the block in your way. Doing so will definitely cause Skull Face to fire diagonally at you. It should be apparent that the black and gray striped lines running diagonally out from Skull Face are actually walls and cannot be passed through. It is also interesting to note that you can stand on Skull Face himself without dying. Only his shots can kill you. Anyway, just get within grenade range and toss grenades at Skull Face until he blows up. You need to be close enough or you'll get caught by Skull Face's shot explosions. His face will start to flash red after you inflict enough damage. It takes around 10-15 grenades to destroy him. He will leave a gold heart behind. Now you have two options. You can finish the game now or continue playing from the beginning with your score intact. If you want to win the game now, then grab the gold heart. You will get 40,000 bonus points. You should have over 500,000 points if you never continued since the start of the game. If you want to keep playing then recall how you finished area 3. Recall that you found a hidden staircase by tossing a grenade at the right spot. For this part, the right spot is on the row of spaces directly above the red carpet and below the six impassable blocks. Just systematically grenade each spot along that row and you'll find a hidden staircase. The location is different every time but it usually is around the center although it sometimes can be found farther out. Enter it to finish area 4. You'll get 40,000 bonus points like usual. Then you won't see the congratulatory message. Instead, you will start at area 1. Your score will remain intact as will your items if you still had a heart when you entered the stairs. Congratulations on finishing the game no matter what option you choose. Now I present the ending in all its glory. Trust me it's not that great. Yes, the text is the exact message that is said. <begin quote> You have accomplished the mission. You are the very prevailer that protect right and justice. I would express my sincere. Thanks to you. Take good rest! General Kawasaki <end quote> ============================================================================= IX. SECRETS AND CODES ============================================================================= Secrets ======= Continue Code ------------- Press A, B, B, A after you die to continue. Player 2 may use this code to enter a one player game at any time. Stage Select ------------ This code must be done at the title screen after both Paul and Vince finish firing and you can see the text "1 Player 2 Players." Press on controller one: up, down, A, A, B, left, right, A, B, up, A, down, right, right, left, B, up, left, A, right, B, left, right, A, left, up, A, down, A, right, left, B, and start. You may press SELECT at any time during the code to pick the 2 player option. You will see the plane crash sequence. Then the word "area 1" will appear on the screen. Press the A or B buttons to change the number. Press START again to begin playing at the selected area. The code needs to be entered before the game starts playing the demo. Share a Vehicle --------------- If you are playing with two players, there are situations where you will only find one tank/chopper or where one of you has lost his/her tank/chopper. In that case, you can share the vehicle. First have both players be outside the vehicle. Now position both players near the vehicle. Then have a player enter the vehicle. While that player is still entering the vehicle and making the "glowing effect," just have the other player enter the vehicle. The result is that both players will each get a copy of the vehicle. The player with the duplicated vehicle should be careful when leaving it because it has a high rate of self destruction if you leave it before it is damaged. Should both players leave their vehicles freely, then the duplicated one will disappear. Game Genie codes (from GameGenie.com) ===================================== Begin with 1 life PAUYPTLA Begin with 6 lives TAUYPTLA Begin with 9 lives PAUYPTLE Begin with 50 bullets instead of 99 ZUNNLZLT Begin with 25 grenades instead of 50 PPEYALZU Begin with 99 grenades instead of 50 LTEYALZL Infinite lives SXSNZTVI Infinite bullets SZONZSVS Infinite grenades SXEYZSVS Infinite tank rounds SXXNVUVS ============================================================================= X. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ============================================================================= Q: I'm at the end of area 3 and there is a desk with a dead body. What do I do now? A: You need to first kill the body off by tossing grenades at it or letting the missiles destroy it. After you kill the body off, you need to throw grenades at the row of spaces in front of the desk (area with the shadows on the floor) but between the yellow piping. There are a total of 10 squares between the yellow piping that you can grenade. One of them has the hidden staircase in it. The location is different each game so keep tossing grenades at each square until the staircase appears. You can usually find it in the shadows. You must have destroyed the dead body or the staircase will not appear. Q: Is it really possible to finish the game without dying? A: Yes, but you'd probably have a better chance at winning the lottery than accomplishing this goal. Q: The scoreboard has room for up to one million points. How do I get that many points? A: Well first you need to make sure that you don't game over or you'll lose your score. The second is that you can play the game forever. Each time through the game will net you 500,000 points so you need to win twice to get a million. Q: How can I play the game forever? Doesn't the game end eventually? A: Well it depends. You see, after you defeat the final boss, you can choose to see the ending by grabbing the gold heart or continue playing by finding the hidden staircase and entering it. The staircase is found by tossing a grenade at the row of spaces just above the red carpet. Q: I'm stuck in a wall. How do I get out? A: Try moving around or grenading a wall section. If you are stuck in a wall then you can just wait for the missiles to get fired. Their purpose is primarily to kill you but I think of it as a way to unjam yourself. This will cost you a life though. Q: Which player is Paul and which one is Vince? A: Paul is the one in red while Vince is the one in blue. Player 1 controls Paul and player 2 controls Vince. ============================================================================= XI. CREDITS ============================================================================= This FAQ used information from the following sources. GameGenie.com <http://www.gamegenie.com/> - Game Genie codes. Nintendo Power vol. 6 (May/June 1989). - stage select code Rovin, Jeff. "How to Win at Nintendo Games" St. Martin's Press. 1988, 1989. - names of Little Athena, macho men, oil drum soldiers, task force soldiers, info on H powerup, continue code ============================================================================= XII. CONTACT/LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================= Disclaimer and FAQ Distribution ------------------------------- This FAQ is neither affiliated nor endorsed by SNK Electronics Corp. It may be distributed FREELY so long as it remains unaltered AND is the latest version (see above for where to obtain the latest version). It is intended for PRIVATE USE and may NOT be reproduced for commercial or non-commercial purposes by mechanical, electronic, or any other means. Do not try to sell it even if no profit is made off this work. In addition, this FAQ may not be used for personal gain by submission to game magazines, web sites, etc. It may not be used as part of any archive, compilation, or anything similar without prior consent by me. Contact Info ------------ Any tips, corrections, suggestions, etc relating to the game may be sent to me via email at darktoshi@yahoo.com. Include the game title in the email subject so I will know what game that you are talking about. Also, please make sure that you are reading the latest version BEFORE you email me. Copyright © 2003 Wilson Lau.
############################## ## Area 4 ## ############################## Start ===== 3面でハートをとらなければ4面でパワーアップできない。もし3面が終わったときにハートを取ってなければ、パワーアップとはお別れだ。もしハートを取っていれば、全てをキープできるが、一度死ぬと全て失う。なので、また別のハートを見つけるまでは注意深く進みなさい。もし前の面(3面)が終わるときに何も身に着けていなくても、失うものは大きくなく、進む時にまだ守られている。 すぐに背景色が違うことに気づくはずだ。あなたは今、内部要塞にいて、暗い背景の中で戦っているのだ。左側にいて、上がっていくと、黄色い戦車がいる。赤い敵兵が右側から現れる。彼はBを落とす。北側にはまた別の黄色戦車がいる。それは赤い床に沿って、斜めに動く。それを破壊すると、別の黄色い戦車が右側に見つかる。これも破壊しよう。 さて床が戦車のすぐ傍で黒い三角形になったのに気づくはずだ。黒い三角形の右側に立つと右の赤い床の隣にいる。次に北に向かって、上に射撃し、隠されたSSを見つけなさい。前進すると、両側に2人の要塞番人が見える。中心には赤い兵士がいる。彼はBを落とす。この2つの要塞番人の間には動く大砲がある。2人の要塞番人を最初に破壊せよ。それから動く大砲を破壊せよ。あなたが真ん中に向かうとさらに2人の赤い兵がみえる。彼らはどちらも後ろにFを落とす。 さて、真ん中を走ると橋が見える。橋の足元の地雷に注意せよ。両側に神風兵がいて、あなたが橋に上がる前に落としてくる。すぐにその交差を渡れ。その交差部分の左側足元を撃つと、隠されたトリプルショットが見つかる。橋を渡り続けよ。自爆兵が橋の両側に現れるので、彼らを殺すようにおびき寄せろ。橋の終わりに自動誘導式ミサイルがあるので、それを避けるために水の中を歩け。2人の赤兵が橋の最後の真ん中辺りから降りてくる。彼らは二人ともLを持っている。左側のあなたの上に要塞番人がいる。彼の隣に戦車がある。それを得たいなら、B手榴弾で彼らをしとめろ。もしできなければ、要塞番人を最初に倒せ。さて真ん中を突き進め。 たくさん戦車が見える。そのほとんどは動いてない。黄色い戦車が左から攻撃してくる。どの戦車が攻撃してるのかはとてもわかりやすい。それを破壊して進め。真ん中部の地雷に注意せよ。二つの黄色い戦車に攻撃されるだろう。一方は真ん中から下がってきて、もう一つは右側にいる。真ん中を裂きに壊せ。それから右の戦車を壊せ。赤兵が真ん中の戦車の後ろから追尾してくるはずだ。もしその赤兵が見えなかったら、真ん中の戦車を破壊した時に殺したんだろう。彼はSしかもってないので大きな損失はない。左側に戦車が見つかるが、まだ乗ってはいけない。北側に二人自動誘導式ミサイル兵がいる。戦車に乗る前か、その兵が戦車を壊す前に左の兵隊を殺しておきたい。もう1人の兵隊はスルーするか、手榴弾兵になると殺せる。最初のゲートの元についた。硬い門の周りに同じく前に見た要塞番人がいる。彼らを倒し、門をぶち破れ。後ろに残ってる燃料と銃弾を手に入れ、通り過ぎろ。 Gate 1 ====== 門のすぐ北側にある黄色いパイプを撃て、すると隠しSSが見つかる。左側にいる黄色戦車から攻撃されるのでそれを壊して進め。ただし地雷に注意せよ。右側に別の黄色戦車がいる。それを壊して進め。すると赤兵が見える。彼を殺してBを得よ。さて中心に要塞番人と動く大砲がある。時間を置いて大砲が戻ってくるまで待って壊せ。その間に要塞番人を殺せ。死にやすいので大砲を追いかけてはいけない。さて通る道が二つある。左側は3つ自動誘導式センサーがお互い近くに置かれているので、右側の道を通れ。右の道を進むと、赤兵が見える。かれはFを落とすが心配するな。あなたの上の壁に2人兵がいる。左はFL兵で、右側は要塞番人だ。FL兵が最 優先だ。何よりまず彼を倒せ。要塞番人はその後だ。 進むと4つの紫トンネルがあり、ピンクのパイプで隔てられている。それぞれのトンネルに2つの区画がある。どのトンネルを通ってもそれぞれのトンネルに何かがある。ここでこのトンネルを左から順に1~4と呼ぶ。一番左がトンネル1で、一番右がトンネル4だ。それぞれのトンネルには隠しアイテムがあり、進みながら撃つと簡単に見つかる。 トンネル1前半部には隠しナイフと手榴弾がある。 トンネル2後半の終わり近くに隠しハートがあるが、ハートの近くに自動誘導式センサーがある。 トンネル3の前半部にはトリプルショットがある。 トンネル4の後半部にはゴールドボックスがあるが、トンネルの後半部に2つ自動誘導式センサーがある。この記述に基づき、私は最初にトンネル1前半部のナイフを取り、それからトンネル2に切り替えてハートも取る。もしあなたが何もなしで燃え尽きたいなら、トンネル3を通れ。神風兵がトンネルを追っかけてくるが、戦車があるはずなので、脅威にはならない。トンネルを過ぎた後、中心に要塞番人が見える。彼の左に赤兵がいて、Lを落とす。これをどちらも殺して、右側を通れ。壁の上にFL兵が見える。彼を殺し、中心部を進め。2人の赤兵に出くわす。彼らはどちらもSを持ってる。2人の赤兵の右にいる自爆兵に気をつけて。彼を殺すためにFL兵の壁に退却することを勧める。それから中心部に自動誘導式ミサイル兵が見える。彼を注意深く見ろ。門の元に到着する。3つ硬い扉があるが、要塞番人はいない。扉を壊せ。左の扉に燃料が落ちており、真ん中の扉には手榴弾、右の扉には銃弾が落ちている。左と右の扉はどちらも下に地雷があるので、通り過ぎる時にそれを避けろ。私は弾薬を補充するために燃料を取り、そして真ん中の扉には地雷がないので通るのを勧める。(扉を全部通れとは誰も言わない)2人要塞番人が見える。どちらも殺せ。すると硬い扉が見える。ドアの上に要塞番人がいる。そいつを殺せ。それから左はフェイクなので、右の扉を壊せ。燃料を得て、通り過ぎろ。 Gate 2 ====== You will see water above you. Do not enter it yet. Look at the floor between the gate and the water. The top half should be purple floor tiles while the bottom half is all black. Go left along the black floor and fire at the floor on the far left side to find a hidden gold heart. Now you have the firepower necessary to cross the water. Now head up into the water. Stay on the right side. You'll soon see a kamikaze soldier above you. Kill him and move on. You then see two red soldiers. The left is real and carries an F while the right one is a fake. Head forward and you'll see three things. The first is a red soldier from the right side. He carries a B. The second is the fortress guard on the island to your north. The third is the self destruct soldier heading towards you from the left. Kill the red soldier first because he's closer to you. Then take aim and kill the self destruct soldier. This should be no problem thanks to the gold heart you grabbed earlier. Kill the fortress guard last. 上に水地帯が見える。まだ入ってはいけない。門と水の間の床を見てみろ。上半分に紫のタイル床があて、下半分は黒いはずだ。黒床の左に沿って進み、一番左の床を撃て。すると隠しゴールドハートが見つかる。 さてあなたは水をわたるために必要な射撃能力を持っている。なので水の中を進め。右側にいろ。すぐに上から神風兵がくる。彼を殺して進め。2人赤兵がみえる。左側は本物でFを持っているが、右側はフェイクだ。先へ進むと3つのものが見える。1つ目は右側からの赤兵で彼はBを持っている。2つ目は北の陸地にある要塞だ。3つ目は自爆兵で、左側からあなたの方へ向かってくる。まず最初に近づいてくるので、赤兵を倒せ。これは先にとってるゴールドハートのおかげで問題はない。最後に要塞兵を殺せ。 Continue onward and you'll soon see another kamikaze soldier. The next submerged soldier after him is a self destruct soldier. You'll then see a fortress guard on a small island in the center. Kill him and head up. A green soldier runs out from the left while a self destruct soldier will approach from the right. Kill the green soldier for the K and use it to kill the self destruct soldier. Head up and you may see another self destruct soldier depending if you got him with the K. Kill him if you do see him. You'll now find yourself in oil drum country again. Just grenade every oil drum and you'll kill them all. Go wild with the grenades because the fuel that the soldiers drop is more than enough for you to lay waste to the area. Just remember, if there are too many oil drums grouped together, then you can expect one or more of them is an oil drum soldier. You'll encounter a red soldier at the end of the oil drums. He drops an F behind. 先へ進むとすぐに神風兵が見える。その後ろにいる水中兵は自爆兵だ。それから中心部の小さな島に要塞番人が見える。彼を殺して進め。緑兵が左側から突進してきて、自爆兵が右側から近づいてくる。緑兵を殺してKを手に入れ、自爆兵を殺すためにそれを使え。先へ進み、もしあなたがKで彼をしとめていたら、別の自爆兵が見える。もし見えたら殺せ。再びオイル缶の土地にいることがわかる。全てのドラム缶を手榴弾で撃ち、それらを全部壊せ。兵隊が落とす燃料はあまるくらいあるので、どんどん手榴弾を使ってもいい。 もしたくさんのドラム缶が集まっているなら、その一つ以上がドラム缶兵だと予測できることを覚えておけ。ドラム缶の最後で赤兵に出くわす。彼はFを落とす。 Now to your left on the wall is a moving cannon. A red soldier will come down the left path. He carries a B. You have two paths to take. Go with the right path. Stay against the right wall as you head up to avoid the land mine. At the end of both paths are flame thrower soldiers. Just stay out of their line of fire and you'll be ok. Now above you should be an red octagon shaped pattern in the floor. Shoot the center of it to find a hidden heart. Now to the left is a moving cannon. It is hard to hit because it is moving diagonally. You'll need to get close to it to nail it with your grenades. Then head up and you'll see a chopper to the left that you can take. Two moving cannons will be on the right side. You'll need to destroy them both before getting into the chopper. The red soldier in the area drops an L. 左側の壁には動く大砲がある。赤兵が左の通路から出てくる。彼はBを持っている。あなたは2つの道を通れる。右側を行け。地雷を避けるために右の壁にいなさい。両通路の最後に火炎瓶を投げてくる兵隊がいる。その火のラインの後にいれば大丈夫。あなたの上に赤い8角形のものがあるはずだ。その中心を撃つと隠しハートが見つかる。左側に動く大砲がいる。斜めに動くのでこれを撃つのは難しい。その近くにいて手榴弾でしとめなくてはいけない。それから先に進むと左にヘリコプターがあって乗れる。2つ動く大砲が右側にある。ヘリコプターに乗る前にそれを壊す必要がある。この地帯の赤兵はLを落とす。 Get in the chopper now. You have 28 seconds of fuel left so there isn't much time. You will fly along the left side and make a beeline straight up. Do not stop for anything. The only thing you need to watch out for are self destruct soldiers and land mines. Do not blow up enemy choppers or you'll get caught in the explosion. You'll encounter some red soldiers as you fly across. They drop F, B, S, and S in that order. You can find a hidden triple shot by firing at the yellow piping to the right of the first purple triangle wall above the chopper. Now just fly north but make sure that you are all the way to the left. You'll soon see an island in the center with pink and yellow piping. There will be underwater soldiers below you but don't worry because they are merely kamikaze soldiers. Now there should be a narrow strip of land running up the left side. It should be under you if you are flying on the far left side. Just keep firing north as you fly over this strip of land and you'll uncover a hidden SS about halfway up. ヘリコプターに乗れ。28秒の燃料が残っているが時間はない。左側に飛んで、最短距離をまっすぐ進め。絶対に止まるな。注意すべき唯一のものは自爆兵と地雷だ。爆発に巻き込まれるから敵のヘリを吹き飛ばすな。飛んでいる時に赤兵に出くわす。かれらはF,B,S,Sの順にアイテムを落とす。ヘリの上の最初の紫トライアングルの壁の右にある黄色パイプを撃つと、隠しトリプルショットが見つかる。さて北に飛んでいるがずっと左にいるか確かめなさい。まもなくピンクと黄色のパイプの中心に陸地が見える。下に水中兵がいるが、単なる神風兵なので心配いらない。左側に狭い滑走路がある。もしあなたがいちばん左側を飛んでいるならあなたの下にあるはずだ。この滑走路を飛びながら北を撃ち続けろ、そうすれば半分行ったところに隠しSSが見つかる。 Now keep flying north. A chopper passes down the center. Ignore it. Then you'll see an island to the north that has mainly yellow piping on it. Fire at the center of the south side to uncover a hidden gold box. Then continue flying north. You should see some small islands and another chopper. A self destruct soldier on the left side will be unable to kill you if you keep flying up along the far left side. You should run out of fuel right as you pass the three small islands. Head up the steps to the north to find yourself in front of the third gate. Go around the pink piping by way of the left side. Destroy both doors and you'll see the usual bullets and grenades. Do not enter the left door. That passageway is rigged with land mines. You can always just walk around them by hugging the sides of the passageway. I find it's easier to just take the right door and not have to avoid any mines at all. 北を飛び続けろ。ヘリは中心を通るが無視しろ。すると北に主に黄色いパイプのある陸地が見える。未が身側の中心を撃つと隠しゴールデンボックスが見つかる。そして北を撃ち続けろ。小さい陸地と別のヘリが見える。もしいちばん左側を飛んでいれば、左側にいる自爆兵はあなたを殺せないだろう。3つの陸地をすぎるとすぐに燃料が尽きる。歩いて北に進むと、3つの門の前に出る。左側を経由して、ピンクのパイプを進め。両扉を破壊すれば使える弾丸と手榴弾が見つかる。左の扉に入ってはいけない。その通路には地雷が設置されている。通路の傍に沿って進むことによって歩いて通り抜けられる。右側の扉を通る方がラクなことに気づきました。地雷を全て避ける必要がないからだ。 Gate 3 ====== Head up and you'll see plenty of tanks. A yellow tank appears from the middle. Destroy it. Then you'll see a yellow tank move across from the left side. Destroy it and then head left until you are standing between the two left columns of tanks. You should have triggered a land mine. Shoot the floor above the mine to find a hidden heart. Now go north and stay between the left tanks. Now you'll see another yellow tank to your north and two more yellow tanks on the right hand side. A red soldier will also be there. He drops a B. Destroy only the left yellow tank. Then head up until the bottom tank on the right goes off the screen. Now you only have one tank to deal with. Be careful when going near the center because there are land mines and homing sensors placed in the center. 進むと戦車がたくさん見える。真ん中から黄色い戦車が現れる。これを壊せ。それから黄色戦車が左側から来るのが見える。それを破壊して左に向かい、残った戦車の間に立て。そこで地雷を駆動させなくてはいけない。地雷の上の床を撃ち、隠しハートを見つけよ。北に向かい左の戦車の間にいろ。北側にまた別の黄色戦車が見え、さらに右手側にさらにまた黄色戦車が見える。赤兵がそこにいて、彼はBを落とす。左の黄色戦車だけを破壊しろ。右側の下の戦車が画面外に出るまで進め。処理する戦車は一つだけだ。中心には地雷と自動誘導式センサーが置かれているので、近づく時注意せよ。 You will see another red soldier approach from the center. He has a B. Now there will be more purple tunnels to pick from. There are five altogether. I will label them 1-5 again starting from the left. Tunnel 1 has a missile soldier inside. Tunnel 2 has nothing. Tunnel 3 has a land mine at the end. Tunnel 4 has nothing. Tunnel 5 has a hidden knife. Just fire up into it to find it. Based on this evaluation, tunnel 5 is the preferred tunnel if you don't have a knife. Otherwise go for tunnel 4. Now you'll see an area split into three paths by pink pipes. The left path has a homing sensor at the opening in the pink pipes to the left so don't take it. Go for the middle path instead. If you are in a tank, then you are probably running low on fuel. Quickly navigate your way to the northernmost cone. Shoot the yellow pipes directly south of this cone to find a hidden H. This will add 200 seconds of fuel which is far more than you need. 中心からまた別の赤兵が近づいてくるのが見える。彼はBを持っている。紫のトンネルがあって5つの進路を選べる。また左から順に1~5と名づける。トンネル1の中にはミサイル兵がいる。トンネル2には何もない。トンネル3には最後に地雷がある。トンネル4にはなにもない。トンネル5には隠しナイフがある。そこを撃って見つけよ。これに基づくともしナイフを持っていないならトンネル5が好ましい。そうでなければトンネル4だ。ピンクのパイプの通路は3つのエリアに別れているのがわかる。左の通路には最初に左の方に自動誘導式センサーがある。真ん中の通路を進め。もし戦車に乗っているのなら、少ない燃料で走っているだろう。ずっと北の円錐にいって、すぐ南の黄色パイプを撃て。すると隠しHが見つかる。これは燃料を200秒増やしてくれる。 Head up and you'll see a yellow tank. Don't bother hiding behind the cones because it is equipped with missiles. Destroy the tank and head up by way of the left side. There is a homing sensor near the center so keep an eye out for it. You will now see four land bridges leading up. Yellow tanks will be patrolling every bridge except the far left one. Take the left bridge. This means that you only need to destroy the left tank. Then you can cross without fear of getting shot. You will see some water after you cross the bridges. There will be two red soldiers on the screen. Kill them both for L's. Now I hope you haven't moved the screen too much. You should still be able to see the end of the four bridges. Now look at the water between the two bridges closest to the left. Line yourself up so that you are north of this water. Then head up and fire at the second stream of water (the one with the land mine) to find a hidden SS in the water. If that sounds confusing, then just stand on the land between the two water streams and then stand on the fourth block from the left side. Fire north and you'll find it. 進むと黄色戦車が見える。ミサイルが装備されてるので、わざわざ円錐の後ろにかくれなくていい。この戦車を壊して左側経由で進め。4つの橋が続いてるのが見えるだろう。黄色戦車は一番左以外の全ての橋をパトロールしているので、左の橋を通れ。これは左の戦車だけ破壊すればいいということだ。そうすれば撃つ心配なく渡れる。橋を渡った後、水辺が見える。画面に2人赤兵が現れる。Lを持つ彼らを殺せ。次はあまり画面を動かないことだ。まだ4つの橋の最後部が見えるはずだ。左にいちばん近い二つの橋の間の水を見てみろ。あなたが北に進めるようにラインを引け。進んで2つの水の流れ(一つには地雷がある)を撃って、水中の隠しSSを見つけろ。もしよくわからないなら、2つの水の流れの間の陸地に立って、左から4つ目のブロックに立て。北を撃つと見つかる。 Now you'll see a yellow tank moving across the land bridge. Destroy the tank from the southern land bridge or you'll get hit by the mines in the water. Cross after you've taken care of the tank. Head up and you'll see stairs that cover nearly the entire screen. You don't have time to admire the scenery though because a self destruct soldier will be coming at you from the left side. He is the one that runs down the left side of the steps near the mine. You might want to move left or right because he has difficulty climbing stairs. As an aside, if you get the self destruct soldier to explode near the land mine, it will also be destroyed. Anyway, head up along the left side of the stairs and you'll see a second self destruct soldier coming towards you from the right side. Kill him and then get in the water. Face north and fire at the steps. You'll find a hidden heart. 黄色戦車が陸地の橋にそって移動してくるのが見える。南の橋からその戦車を壊せ、さもないと水中の地雷にやられるだろう。戦車に注意した後渡れ。先に進むと、画面全部近くを覆う階段が見える。その画面をすげえと思ってる時間はない。なぜなら自爆兵が左側からやってくるからだ。かれは地雷近くの階段の左側から突進してくる。階段を上るのに苦労するので、左か右に移動せよ。脇によって、もし自爆兵が地雷の傍で爆発したら、巻き込まれるだろう。とにかく階段の左側を進め、すると、2人目の自爆兵が右側から近づいてくるのがわかる。彼を殺して水中に入れ。北に向かって足元を撃て。隠しハートが見つかる。 Now head up and you'll see more stairs and two tanks on a narrow path cutting through the stairs. Do not enter the bottom tank because there is a land mine placed directly under that tank. Take the top tank instead. There are two things to do before you enter the top tank. First, get on top of it first. Then turn right. Fire at the steps directly to the right of the tank to uncover a hidden triple shot. Now the second thing you need to do is to slowly move up until you can see the two homing missile soldiers to the north. Do not move too far up or you'll lose the tank or get attacked by the homing missile soldiers. Now here's how to take them out. You probably have noticed that you automatically start sliding whenever you are on any stairs. Well, you are going use this knowledge to your advantage. Make sure that you are out of the homing missile soldiers' attack range. Now you will get on the stairs, face north and start sliding. Then fire and kill the soldiers as they come into your line of fire. Note that this tactic only works if you have long range shots. Otherwise you may have to sacrifice your tank to get past them. Now you will see a land bridge zigzagging to the northeast. The red soldier in the water drops an F. The submerged soldier is just a kamikaze soldier which is nothing against your tank. Head up and you'll see another submerged soldier north of the land bridge. This one is a self destruct soldier so take him out while he's still in the water. You'll now see a red soldier coming from the center. He has a B. Don't go after the red soldier because there are land mines on the bridge. It is very easy to lose your focus and land on the mine if you're too busy going after the red soldier. It should not be a surprise that the red soldier appears directly north of a mine. Now you'll see a bunker at the end of the land bridge. Watch out for the mine south of the bunker. Destroy the bunker for bullets and grenades. Now you have two paths heading north. Take the left one and fire at the floor tiles as you head up. You'll uncover a knife on the tiles left of the top right pool. Now you'll be fighting black soldiers. Don't worry because they die as easily as regular soldiers. You'll then be in front of four tunnels. I'll call them tunnels 1-4 starting from the left again. Tunnels 1 and 4 are safe. Tunnels 2 and 3 both have land mines in them and there is no way to walk around them. Taking tunnels 1 or 4 would be the smart thing to do right? Well, tunnel 3 has a hidden triple shot in it. It's not particularly useful unless you don't have other gun powerups. However, if you do choose to get it, then you need to stop right after you get it because there is a land mine directly above the spot it appears. Now take either tunnel 1 or tunnel 4 up to the gate. You'll then realize why tunnels 2 and 3 both had mines. The reason was to make killing the two fortress guards by the gate more difficult. This isn't a problem for those with long range or B- grenades. However, killing them without powerups requires good timing and a little luck. Take them both out and then destroy the skull door. Then get the fuel and head through the gate. Gate 4 ====== You'll be greeted immediately by a fortress guard on the wall above you. Clear the area of soldiers first. The red soldier drops an S. Grenade the guard after you have cleared enough soldiers. Now head up along the right side. Stay close to the right side the entire time. You'll come across another red soldier. He also drops an S. Now you'll see a very tight opening between the purple walls on the right. You should be able to see the mine. What you need to do is to carefully move into the small space between the left of the mine and the purple wall. It is tricky but possible to squeeze through. As you head up you will see an FL soldier on the wall to the north. Squeezing through the small space gives you a perfect vantage point from which to kill the soldier. The red soldiers that you see on the screen both have L's. Carefully head down the center but keep an eye out for land mines. Now stay to the left side. You'll see fortress guards on the walls on both sides. Two flame thrower soldiers are between them. Kill the fortress guards first. Then pick off the flame thrower soldiers. You'll need to do all this on foot. This also applies to those with tanks because the tank will not be able to past the stairs so there's no point in staying in the tank any longer. There is a hidden heart under the left flame thrower soldier. You should have found it as you were killing the soldier. After you wipe out everyone, just head north. Stay on the steps. They may slow you down but not as much as walking in water does. Watch out for kamikaze soldiers as you charge ahead. You'll soon come to two tunnels. A fortress guard is positioned high atop the wall between the tunnels. Take him down first. Now you have a choice. The left tunnel has a hidden H in it while the right tunnel has a hidden SS. Both are found by just shooting inside of each tunnel. Unless you really, really need ammo, I advise taking the right tunnel. If you are careful, you can get your cake and eat it too because you can move up to get the H and then double back around to the right tunnel and be on your way. Watch out for a self destruct soldier in the tunnels. Now on the other side of the tunnel is the reason why we took it instead of the left one, the FL soldier. He is high on the right wall. If you had taken the left route, then he would have had an easier time sniping you. In the center is a fortress guard. Left of him is a homing missile soldier. Kill the fortress guard. Don't waste your time with the homing missile soldier. Just head up the right path. You'll now be at the foot of a gate. Shoot the top of the oil drum to find a hidden heart. Now you have the same old fortress guards to take care of. Kill the left one first because he's easier to kill. Now the cone on the right will make killing the right guard a pain. Try to find a good angle and let him have a taste of your grenades. Destroy the skull door afterwards. Grab the fuel and bullets that the door leaves behind. Now move up slowly until you see the next pair of fortress guards. Killing these two will be tough without F or L powerups. If you have them both, then just run back to the front of the gate, line up under them, and fire away. If you don't have these powerups then you'll need to quickly run up, turn and toss a grenade, and then run back. Hopefully, you will dodge the guards' B-grenades. Now head through the rest of the gate. Gate 5 ====== You'll immediately see a red soldier. He carries an F. Then you should spot a homing missile soldier on an island to the northwest. Head down the center of the screen and you'll see a self destruct soldier rush out from the center. You are in the perfect position to kill him so waste him before he wastes you. Head up and you'll now see a missile soldier to the right. A red soldier appears in the center. He carries a B. Now head up and you'll see a stationary yellow tank on the left island. Although the pink pipes to the left prevent an easy grenade toss, it won't matter since you picked up B- grenades. A red soldier will come at you from the right side. He also drops a B. Head up the center and a self destruct soldier comes down. Kill him quickly. Now you should see that pink pipes split the path forward in two. Do not go up the right side. It leads to a dead end. However, if you stand on the far right side and shoot north towards the water at the top, then you will find a hidden heart. Unfortunately, after you get this heart, the screen will be too far up and you will be forced to die. This renders getting the heart completely useless and detrimental if you already had a heart because now you will lose everything if you die again. Save yourself the headache and take the left side instead. Now you should have already spotted the two yellow tanks waiting for you ahead. Destroy the left one by attacking from atop the yellow pipes. Then run up along the left side. Turn right and destroy the other tank. Do not engage the other tank while you are in the water or you will surely die. Head north until you see another yellow tank to the left. It will be on top of pink pipes. Grenade it and then look at the island east of the one that the tank was one. It will have four purple floor tiles on it. Shoot the northern purple floor tile to find a hidden SS. Head up the middle and you'll see another yellow tank on the left island. Stand to the right of the leftmost pink piping and face north. You'll be safe from the tank's missiles at that location. Then grenade the tank. Now you have two paths to take. Do not go right or you'll get stuck in a dead end and this time there is no hidden heart there to save you. Continue to head down the center. You'll quickly spot a self destruct soldier swimming towards. Take him down and continue onward. You'll see four land bridges leading up. Two yellow tanks patrol the two middle bridges. You can destroy them both with one B-grenade by tossing it in the center pool of water. The explosion radius is wide enough to take them both out. Now head up through the middle pool of water. A red soldier comes at you from the right pool of water. He leaves an L behind. A self destruct soldier will run at you from the left pool of water. Killing him will be easy since he has trouble scaling the steps. Don't get careless and get shot by him. Now you will come across four tunnels. I'll label them 1-4 starting from the left. Tunnels 1 and 3 both have homing sensors in them so take tunnel 4 instead. Tunnel 2 is also safe but tunnel 4 is faster. Now you'll see three skull doors but no fortress guards. Take out the doors. The right door is the only one that drops nothing behind. The other two both have land mines in them so take the right door to avoid the mines. You've now passed through gate 6. Gate 6 ====== You'll be immediately attacked by two moving cannons. The right cannon will be your immediate threat if you took the right door through the gate. Destroy whichever cannon is closest to you. Then take out the other. Now head up along the left side. You'll see two more moving cannons on the right side. You should see a red octagon pattern on the left side. Stand under it. Now wait for an opportunity to attack the left cannon. Then you should have noticed that the other cannon is nowhere to be found. It actually went up off the screen and will return in a little while. Move over to the right and wait for it to come back. You can move the screen forward to help speed things up. Destroy the cannon after it reappears. Then stand to the right of the red octagon pattern and head up to fight a super tank. It's been awhile since you last fought one of these so take it out with some grenades. Now head up. You'll see five tunnels. I'll label them 1-5 starting from the left again. Do not take any of them. Every one except the middle one is rigged with a land mine that is unavoidable. Instead, stand in front of tunnel 4. Then shoot up through it. You'll uncover a hidden heart. Then head up. You will see a new enemy, the armored soldier. This guy can be treated like a regular soldier except for two differences. The first difference is that he fires lasers. Although the lasers may look deadly, they will not kill you if you have a knife. The second difference is that the soldiers will explode (regular grenade sized explosion) if you kill them. This means that you cannot use the knife powerup to kill them through contact. Getting the immunity from lasers more than justifies losing the ability to kill the soldiers through contact. Just keep away from them and you'll be fine. Now you should run up through the opening between tunnel 2 and the cone. Then you will see two moving cannons. You only have a second to quickly toss a B-grenade up after you see them. The grenade will destroy both cannons if you threw it fast enough. If you weren't fast enough, then you will need to move left or right to avoid the missiles that got fired by the cannons. Head up and you'll see red carpeting going down the center. This should clue you in that you are in the final area if you haven't already figured it out from fighting the armored soldiers. Head up the center of the carpet and fire away. You'll find a hidden heart on the near the center of the carpet between the second and third row of purple floor tiles on the sides of the carpet. Head up the middle and you'll soon see two more moving cannons. Quickly toss a grenade to destroy them. Now to the right is an armored L soldier. Think of him as an FL soldier. Take him down. Then head up and you'll see another armored L soldier come out from the left side. Take him down as well. You'll now be at a gate. The left soldier above the gate is an armored L soldier. The right one is an armored fortress guard. Take out the L soldier first. Then kill the fortress guard. Destroy the door to find fuel. Head on through the gate. Gate 7 ====== Start firing down the middle to find a hidden heart at the bottom of the carpet. Now I hope you still have a knife on you or the armored soldiers will be difficult to pass. Leave nothing to chance and waste everyone as you head up. Stay to the left of the carpet. You'll soon come to gray flashing floor tiles. To your north are two armored missile soldiers. These guys will chase after you and explode with B-grenade radius if you kill them. The left soldier will be your immediate threat. Quickly shoot or grenade him from a distance. Do not kill him in close range or the explosion will kill you. The other soldier should have been caught against a wall if you were far enough to the left. Run diagonally to him and finish him off. Now stand on the far left or far right side of the carpet. I strongly recommend the far right side. Make sure that you are still on the carpet however. Then head up and you'll face the final boss of the game. Since he looks like a skull, why not call the boss "Skull Face?" Now his attack is to spit out two fireballs that explode like B-grenades. However, his aim is just like every other enemy in the game. So if you stay to one side of his face, you can dodge his shots. Do not stand left or right of the red carpet or Skull Face will shoot diagonally at you. Standing directly in front of Skull Face is obviously a suicide mission. Before I forget, you can no longer use the continue code once you start fighting Skull Face. Now if you look carefully, you should see six blocks in front of Skull Face that look different from the other floor tiles. These blocks cannot be passed through. This is the reason why you should stay on the right side of the carpet. If you look at it, you will see that you can approach Skull Face from the right side without having to waste time going around the blocks. However, heading up via the left side of the carpet will force you to go around the block in your way. Doing so will definitely cause Skull Face to fire diagonally at you. It should be apparent that the black and gray striped lines running diagonally out from Skull Face are actually walls and cannot be passed through. It is also interesting to note that you can stand on Skull Face himself without dying. Only his shots can kill you. Anyway, just get within grenade range and toss grenades at Skull Face until he blows up. You need to be close enough or you'll get caught by Skull Face's shot explosions. His face will start to flash red after you inflict enough damage. It takes around 10-15 grenades to destroy him. He will leave a gold heart behind. Now you have two options. You can finish the game now or continue playing from the beginning with your score intact. If you want to win the game now, then grab the gold heart. You will get 40,000 bonus points. You should have over 500,000 points if you never continued since the start of the game. If you want to keep playing then recall how you finished area 3. Recall that you found a hidden staircase by tossing a grenade at the right spot. For this part, the right spot is on the row of spaces directly above the red carpet and below the six impassable blocks. Just systematically grenade each spot along that row and you'll find a hidden staircase. The location is different every time but it usually is around the center although it sometimes can be found farther out. Enter it to finish area 4. You'll get 40,000 bonus points like usual. Then you won't see the congratulatory message. Instead, you will start at area 1. Your score will remain intact as will your items if you still had a heart when you entered the stairs. Congratulations on finishing the game no matter what option you choose. Now I present the ending in all its glory. Trust me it's not that great. Yes, the text is the exact message that is said. <begin quote> You have accomplished the mission. You are the very prevailer that protect right and justice. I would express my sincere. Thanks to you. Take good rest! General Kawasaki <end quote> ============================================================================= IX. SECRETS AND CODES ============================================================================= Secrets ======= Continue Code ------------- Press A, B, B, A after you die to continue. Player 2 may use this code to enter a one player game at any time. Stage Select ------------ This code must be done at the title screen after both Paul and Vince finish firing and you can see the text "1 Player 2 Players." Press on controller one: up, down, A, A, B, left, right, A, B, up, A, down, right, right, left, B, up, left, A, right, B, left, right, A, left, up, A, down, A, right, left, B, and start. You may press SELECT at any time during the code to pick the 2 player option. You will see the plane crash sequence. Then the word "area 1" will appear on the screen. Press the A or B buttons to change the number. Press START again to begin playing at the selected area. The code needs to be entered before the game starts playing the demo. Share a Vehicle --------------- If you are playing with two players, there are situations where you will only find one tank/chopper or where one of you has lost his/her tank/chopper. In that case, you can share the vehicle. First have both players be outside the vehicle. Now position both players near the vehicle. Then have a player enter the vehicle. While that player is still entering the vehicle and making the "glowing effect," just have the other player enter the vehicle. The result is that both players will each get a copy of the vehicle. The player with the duplicated vehicle should be careful when leaving it because it has a high rate of self destruction if you leave it before it is damaged. Should both players leave their vehicles freely, then the duplicated one will disappear. Game Genie codes (from GameGenie.com) ===================================== Begin with 1 life PAUYPTLA Begin with 6 lives TAUYPTLA Begin with 9 lives PAUYPTLE Begin with 50 bullets instead of 99 ZUNNLZLT Begin with 25 grenades instead of 50 PPEYALZU Begin with 99 grenades instead of 50 LTEYALZL Infinite lives SXSNZTVI Infinite bullets SZONZSVS Infinite grenades SXEYZSVS Infinite tank rounds SXXNVUVS ============================================================================= X. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ============================================================================= Q: I'm at the end of area 3 and there is a desk with a dead body. What do I do now? A: You need to first kill the body off by tossing grenades at it or letting the missiles destroy it. After you kill the body off, you need to throw grenades at the row of spaces in front of the desk (area with the shadows on the floor) but between the yellow piping. There are a total of 10 squares between the yellow piping that you can grenade. One of them has the hidden staircase in it. The location is different each game so keep tossing grenades at each square until the staircase appears. You can usually find it in the shadows. You must have destroyed the dead body or the staircase will not appear. Q: Is it really possible to finish the game without dying? A: Yes, but you'd probably have a better chance at winning the lottery than accomplishing this goal. Q: The scoreboard has room for up to one million points. How do I get that many points? A: Well first you need to make sure that you don't game over or you'll lose your score. The second is that you can play the game forever. Each time through the game will net you 500,000 points so you need to win twice to get a million. Q: How can I play the game forever? Doesn't the game end eventually? A: Well it depends. You see, after you defeat the final boss, you can choose to see the ending by grabbing the gold heart or continue playing by finding the hidden staircase and entering it. The staircase is found by tossing a grenade at the row of spaces just above the red carpet. Q: I'm stuck in a wall. How do I get out? A: Try moving around or grenading a wall section. If you are stuck in a wall then you can just wait for the missiles to get fired. Their purpose is primarily to kill you but I think of it as a way to unjam yourself. This will cost you a life though. Q: Which player is Paul and which one is Vince? A: Paul is the one in red while Vince is the one in blue. Player 1 controls Paul and player 2 controls Vince. ============================================================================= XI. CREDITS ============================================================================= This FAQ used information from the following sources. GameGenie.com <http://www.gamegenie.com/> - Game Genie codes. Nintendo Power vol. 6 (May/June 1989). - stage select code Rovin, Jeff. "How to Win at Nintendo Games" St. Martin's Press. 1988, 1989. - names of Little Athena, macho men, oil drum soldiers, task force soldiers, info on H powerup, continue code ============================================================================= XII. CONTACT/LEGAL INFORMATION ============================================================================= Disclaimer and FAQ Distribution ------------------------------- This FAQ is neither affiliated nor endorsed by SNK Electronics Corp. It may be distributed FREELY so long as it remains unaltered AND is the latest version (see above for where to obtain the latest version). It is intended for PRIVATE USE and may NOT be reproduced for commercial or non-commercial purposes by mechanical, electronic, or any other means. Do not try to sell it even if no profit is made off this work. In addition, this FAQ may not be used for personal gain by submission to game magazines, web sites, etc. It may not be used as part of any archive, compilation, or anything similar without prior consent by me. Contact Info ------------ Any tips, corrections, suggestions, etc relating to the game may be sent to me via email at darktoshi@yahoo.com. Include the game title in the email subject so I will know what game that you are talking about. Also, please make sure that you are reading the latest version BEFORE you email me. Copyright © 2003 Wilson Lau.

