
Kil'jaeden - (2008/09/18 (木) 04:00:43) の編集履歴(バックアップ)



 Kil'jaeden(以降KJ)はWrath of the Lich Kingリリース前に造られた、最後のボスだ。
 彼はEredar Demon Lordであり、また、Burning Legionの最高司令官でもある。


Raid Setup

 KJに対するRaid Setupには融通が利く。装備や腕次第で調整可能だが、最初の"Sinister Reflections"から先はDPSレースとなり、

 3tanks : 2Tank(Pal/War/Dru)、1Wlk(Soul Link持ち)。WlkだけがKJのTankをすることができる。
 7healers : Shaman/Paladin/Priestがこの戦闘には適している。一人のDruidを入れることも、Wlk TankにHoTをキープする為に役に立つ。
 15DPS : MeleeとRanged、どちらも効果的だ。

Gear Requirements

 Main Tanks : 特に必要な物は無い。今までに得たSunwellの武具で十分だろう。
 DPS : 同上
 Healers : この戦闘ではマナ管理が重要になる。最大限のマナ効率を上げられる装備にするべきだが、これはヒール量を過小評価して良いという話では無い。

Buffs and Consumables

 いつもの全部。Scrollも。Demonslay potも。
 DPS Advantageを得られるものはすべて活用しなければならない。

Boss Abilities

Phase 1 / Hands of the Deceiver 200,000 HP

Shadow Bolt Volley

 このDebuffはShadow Boltで一撃死するようになるまで幾つでもスタックする。

Soul Portal

 The Hand of the Deceiverはポータルを召喚し、そこからVolatile Felfire Fiendsが出現する。
 このPortalはDeceiverが倒されるまでそこに残り、Volatile Felfire Fiendsがランダムで(1秒間に2匹沸くこともあれば、

Shadow Infusion



Phase 2 / Kil'jaeden 13,000,000 HP / Melee Strength - 1-2k

Soul Flay

 これはKJの主要な攻撃となる。この攻撃にCDは無く、他の能力を使用していない時は常にThreatトップのプレイヤーに対してSoul Flayを乱打してくる。
 Soul Flayは3000/秒のShadowダメージと、3秒間(Channeling中に)の70%Snareを与える。

Legion Lightning

 2sec Cast、レジスト可能。5人に当たるランダムターゲットのChain Lightning。

Fire Bloom


Shield Orb

 Shield OrbsのHPはたった20000しか無い。全Range DPSはターゲットを合わせて瞬殺するべきだろう。

Phase 3

At 85% Kil'jaeden enters phase 3, signaled by the spawning of the first set of Sinister Reflections. He retains all of his abilities from phase 1. In addition, 2 Shield Orbs now spawn each time and he gains the following abilities:

Flame Dart - Kil'jaeden launches fiery darts at every member of the raid, dealing 1,663 to 1,837 to fire damage to each player. In addition the darts reduce movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds.

Sinister Reflection - Used at the beginning of phase 3, this causes 4 images of a random player to spawn with 110,000HP and abilities of that player's class. The images are targetable and killable by everyone, but can dish out a lot of damage and so need to be tanked and killed quickly.

(There are some notes on Sinister Reflections at the end of the guide.)

Shadow Spikes - Kil'jaeden uses this after he spawns the Sinister Reflections. It's a channeled spell that lasts for 28 seconds where large Shadow Spikes are launched at the raid every 2 seconds. Much like Void Reaver's orbs, these move very slowly and can be dodged by players easily. Once they reach the target area they explode for 5,100-6,900 shadow damage and apply a debuff to anyone hit that reduces healing effects received by 50% for 10 seconds. It is fully resistible.

Darkness of a Thousand Souls - First used approximately 30 seconds after the Kalecgos emote, "I will channel my energy into the orbs. Be ready" and approximately every 30 seconds thereafter. Kil'jaeden will cover himself with his wings and channel the spell. After 8 seconds he lets out an explosion hitting everyone in the entire instance for 47,500 to 52,000 shadow damage. This is dealt with using the Dragon Orbs (see below).

Phase 4
This phase starts at 55%. Kil'jaeden retains all his abilities from phases 2 and 3, now spawning 3 Shield Orbs instead of 2, as well as gaining this ability:

Armageddon - A hellfire animation appears on the ground under a random player. Shortly after this, they will be hit by a meteor for approximately 10,000 damage. Players need to move out of the hellfire as soon as possible to avoid taking the damage. This ability is used constantly throughout the phase except when Kil'jaeden is casting Darkness of a Thousand Souls (though any Armageddons started at that time will still fall).

Phase 5
At 25%, Kil'jaeden will let out a roar and a yell "Aggghh! The powers of the Sunwell... turn... against me! What have you done? What have you done???"

At this point Shield Orbs stop appearing, but Kil'jaeden uses his abilities much more quickly as it becomes a race between you and him for who can kill the other fastest.

Kil'jaeden in a wind tunnel

Dragon Orbs
During phases 3, 4 and 5 Kalecgos (who flies above the fight from the start) will activate Dragon Orbs in this pattern:

Phase 3: One random Dragon Orb
Phase 4: One random Dragon Orb
Phase 5: All 4 Dragon Orbs at once

When a Dragon Orb is activated, a DPS member of the closest group needs to click it, which will deactivate the Dragon Orb and turn him into a dragon. The dragon is immune to damage. The dragon has several abilities:

Blink: This teleports the dragon 20 yards forward.

Breath - Revitalize: The dragon breathes arcane energy in a 13 yard cone forwards, causing friendly units to regenerate 2,250 health and mana over 10 seconds. This ability has a 10 second cooldown.

Breath - Haste: The dragon breathes arcane energy in a 13 yard cone forwards, increasing the attack, casting, and movement speeds of friendly targets by 25% for 30 seconds, and also granting immunity to effects that reduce movement speed. This ability has a 10 second cooldown.

Shield of the Blue: The dragon extends a powerful shield 10 yards around itself that reduces all incoming and outgoing damage on friendly targets within 10 yards by 95%, but stuns the dragon and drains 10% of the dragon's health per second. This lasts for 5 seconds. This ability has a 20 second cooldown.

Shield of the Blue is used to survive Darkness of a Thousand Souls. Because each dragon dies after its second Shield of the Blue, there is effectively a soft enrage on phases 3 and 4, as there is no way to survive a third cast of Darkness of a Thousand Souls.


Phase 1


Kil'jaeden raid positioning, phase 1

The Pull
Have your tanks charge in and pick up 2 of the Hands of the Deceiver. The third Hand of the Deceiver can be tanked by a DPS warrior and kept stunned by your rogues. The 2 picked up by the tanks need to be pulled apart and away from the raid to prevent the Shadowbolt Volleys and the debuffs from stacking too high.

The Fight
Stun and kill the Hands of the Deceiver one at a time. If needed, keep one Hand of the Deceiver alive to allow your raid to get into position with enough distance apart not to pass any of the Fire Blooms on to people close to them. If they summon Volatile Felfire Fiends you can leave or kill them: the damage they deal is minimal.

Phase 2

Kil'jaeden raid positioning, phase 2

The Pull
When the 3rd Hand of the Deceiver dies, Kil'jaeden will emerge in a glorious explosion of fire, knocking anyone back who is too close. As soon as he spawns, he will start casting Soul Flays. Your warlock tank needs to start chain casting high aggro abilities such as Searing Pain to gain aggro. Once he has aggro then the rest of your DPS can start.

The Fight
This is a simple phase designed to introduce you to the different aspects of the fight.

DPS needs to wait until the warlock tank has solid aggro and then start on Kil'jaeden. At some point in the phase he will summon a Shield Orb. The ranged DPS needs to switch to this immediately and kill it in as short a time as possible.

Kil'jaeden will also use Fire blooms, which, at this point, are of little consequence if people are properly spread out.

Warlock Tank: Chain cast Searing Pain at the start to gain aggro and keep using it if people start catching up to you on threat. This is all you need to do the entire fight in terms of DPS and threat: keep ahead of everyone else on threat so that your healers only have to worry about you.

Other Tanks: Help DPS Kil'jaeden until phase 3.

Melee DPS: Wait until the warlock tank has aggro and then start DPS on Kil'jaeden.

Ranged DPS: Wait until the warlock tank has aggro then start DPS on Kil'jaeden. When a Shield Orb is spawned, switch to it immediately and kill it.

Healers: Watch out for when Kil'jaeden spawns, as his first Soul Flay may be on another target apart than the warlock tank. Your dedicated warlock tank heals need to stay on him while the other healers keep the raid topped off at all times due to sudden bursts that can come from people not spread out properly with Fire Bloom and when a Shield Orb spawns.

Phase 3


Kil'jaeden raid positioning, phase 3

The Pull
At 85% phase 3 begins with the spawning of 4 Sinister Reflections of a random raid member.

The Fight
Now things start to get more complicated. Instead of one Shield Orb you now have two. Add to that mix Flame Darts, Sinister Reflections, Shadow Spikes and Darkness of a Thousand Souls, and there's suddenly a lot more to do.

The phase starts with the spawning of 4 Sinister Reflections. The person who these are on needs to call out so that the 2 armoured tanks can pick up 2 Sinister Reflections each. The ranged DPS in the raid needs to then focus their DPS on killing the Sinister Reflections. However they also need to keep an eye on whether any Shield Orbs spawn. If they do, switch to them quickly, kill them, and then go back to the Sinister Reflections.

When Kil'jaeden spawns the Sinister Reflections he will also start channeling the Shadow Spikes. Healers need to quickly top off people who get hit.

In this phase Kalecgos will use the emote, "I will channel my power into the orbs, be ready!" Around 35 seconds after this Kil'jaeden will use his first Darkness of a Thousand Souls. You then have a DPS race to get him to 55% within 1 minute otherwise he will wipe the raid with a third Darkness of a Thousand Souls cast.

Kil'jaeden raid positioning, Darkness of a Thousand Souls

Dealing with the Darkness of a Thousand Souls is relatively easy. Someone from one of the groups closest to the activated Dragon Orb needs to use the Dragon Orb and then move to the designated shield spot. Everyone needs to know where this is so that, when Kil'jaeden starts channeling Darkness of a Thousand Souls, you can quickly run there (but not before the channeling starts, as if bunched up players are hit with Fire Bloom it will kill them).

As Darkness of a Thousand Souls is a 8 second cast and the shield only lasts 5 seconds, it needs to be correctly timed to absorb the burst.

Raid members should watch timers carefully, especially if they are positioned a long way from the central shield point. These players will take longer to reach the shield than others. If you are affected by Flame Dart's slowing effect, you will also need to start running sooner. If you have Fire Bloom when you get to the shield area, you'll need to hang outside it until just before the shield goes up. Standing on top of the raid with this debuff will do huge damage otherwise. As soon as the shield goes down, everybody should move back to their positions to minimise damage from new Fire Blooms.

Warlock Tank: Keep DPSing and building threat, if the Sinister Reflections spawn on you call it out and move away before carrying on.

Other Tanks: When the Sinister Reflections spawn you have to be aware and quick to react. Pick up 2 each and tank them, building as much threat as possible to allow your raid to DPS them down as quickly as possible.

Melee DPS: Keep DPS'ing Kil'jaeden.

Ranged DPS: Keep DPS'ing Kil'jaeden and the Shield Orbs, when the Sinister Reflections spawn, switch to them one at a time and kill them quickly as possible, however the Shield Orbs are a priority. Watch out for Fire Blooms and be aware of Darkness of a Thousand Souls.

Healers: Keep people topped off. Be aware of when Darkness of a Thousand Souls is coming and watch out for Fire Blooms running in and away from the Shield spot. Make sure people who get hit by Shadow Spikes are quickly topped off.

Phase 4

Positioning is the same as phase 3.

The Pull
This phase also starts with another 4 Sinister Reflections and the yell from Kil'jaeden "Do not harbour false hope. You cannot win!"

The Fight
This is the hardest phase. On top of all his other abilities, Kil'jaeden now gains Armageddons, and another Shield Orb. However, the handling is the same as before. When the Sinister Reflections spawn the tanks need to be informed where and have them picked up. The ranged DPS needs to kill the Shield Orbs and then the Sinister Reflections as priority.

However the Armageddons now mean people have to also be aware of themselves much more. If the hellfire animation appears under them, they must quickly move out of the way.

During the Darkness of a Thousand Souls in this phase people need to be aware that Armageddons can spawn within the shield. If this happens, all players must move to another part of the shield quickly or else, when the shield goes down, the Armageddon will most likely kill them.

This is when everyone should use their cooldowns. Due to the huge amount of damage being dished out, you need to get through it as quickly as possible.

Warlock Tank: Be much more aware of Armageddons and your positioning. By now you should have solid aggro on Kil'jaeden so don't be afraid to help kill the Sinister Reflections and Shield Orbs as these are what will wipe the raid.

Other Tanks: As in Phase 3, pick up the Sinister Reflections and build quick aggro to allow them to be killed quickly.

Melee DPS: Keep DPS'ing Kil'jaeden.

Ranged DPS: DPS: Again, killing the Shield Orbs are a priority, kill those first, then the Sinister Reflections and finally Kil'jaeden. Be fully aware of the Armageddons, the Darkness of a Thousand Souls timers and Fire Blooms.

Healers: This is your hardest phase. The raid will be taking huge damage and you need to keep on top of it all. Use everything you have to keep the raid health as high as possible. If you can make it through this phase hopefully you will be able to keep people up for the final 25% when the Shield Orbs are removed.

Kil'jaeden about to strike
Phase 5

Positioning is the same as phases 3 and 4.

The Pull
This phase is signaled by a few points, but most noticeably by Kil'jaeden yelling out "Aggghh! The powers of the Sunwell... turn... against me! What have you done? What have you done???"

The Fight
Once again Kil'jaeden will cast Sinister Reflections and start channeling Shadow Spikes. In this phase he loses the use of his Shield Orbs, however all of his other abilities (Flame Dart, Darkness of a Thousand Souls, Fire Bloom, Armageddon) he uses much more frequently. The tactics are simpler. No longer will DPS have to worry about Shield Orbs and, when the Sinister Reflections are down, they can go all out of Kil'jaeden.

You have 4 active Dragon Orbs in this phase. The best balance is to have 2 dragons up at one time. This maximises both raid buffs and DPS. Don't waste dragons: the Dragon Orbs don't reactivate.

In this race you must kill him before the 9th Darkness of a Thousand Souls otherwise he will wipe the raid. This will be approximately 2 minutes after 25%.

Warlock Tank: Keep doing your job! Watch out for the Armageddons and keep tanking the Soul Flays.

Other Tanks: Pick up the Sinister Reflections upon spawning and do as normal. Once they have been killed, pick up your best DPS weapons and help kill Kil'jaeden.

Melee DPS: Keep DPS'ing Kil'jaeden.

Ranged DPS: DPS down the Sinister Reflections and then go all out on Kil'jaeden. Maintain awareness of the Darkness of a Thousand Souls casts, Fire Blooms and Armageddons.

Healers: Keep your high priority targets topped off. You will most likely be very low on mana and keeping the warlock tank alive is a priority. Keep aware of all the abilities and keep healing as best as possible.

Miscellaneous Tips
Don't be afraid to go all out with potions, elixirs and cooldowns; if your warlock tank is doing his job you will never pull aggro from Kil'jaeden.

Dragon Orb Breaths
The Breaths are very powerful abilities in the fight and it is recommended to make the best use of them possible to help you defeat Kil'Jaeden. Suggested ways of doing these are as follows:

1) The raid moves to the dragon spot slightly earlier than the Darkness of a Thousand Souls cast. The dragon can then use both Breaths on the raid before using the shield to protect them. If you do this, be fully aware of Fire Bloom timers as a Fire Bloom when grouped up will wipe the raid. In phase 5, you will have 2 dragons up most of the time, so one can shield whilst the other uses the breaths.

2) Alternatively, each of the groups can bunch up quickly once the dragon reaches their area. The dragon can use the Breaths on the small bunched group and then move on to the next group. Once the dragon has left, the group spreads out again to avoid Fire Blooms.

3) The dragon can single target healers low on mana with the Revitalization Breath if time allows.

4) The haste breath is particularly valuable to those at the edges of the room because they have to run the greatest distance to the shield area.

The Breaths are a very useful tool in the fight. However using them may require practice to avoid Fire Blooms and make the most of the buffs they provide.

Sinister Reflection Tips
Sinister Reflections possess abilities belonging to the class of the copied player. Whilst it is not necessary to run through every class in detail, there are some partiuclar dangers to look out for:

Priests - Probably the most dangerous Sinister Reflections are priests, because they heal both themselves and Kil'Jaeden. Mass Dispel them frequently, and focus raid DPS on one at a time to reduce the healing threat.

Warlocks - This class will place damaging curses on the raid, so be sure to decurse affected raid members.

Warriors - Look out for Sinister Reflections when the raid bunches up for a Darkness of a Thousand Souls cast. They have a Whirlwind ability that can cause havoc when the raid is tightly grouped like this.