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だれでも歓迎! 編集

Logの翻訳 Chapter12



Video Log (12)



Audio Log (12)


This is Sergeant Neumann, P-Sec! We've lost all the shuttles! One of them just took off, then came straight back down and crashed into the bay! Took a couple hundred people and all the remaining shuttles with it! If anyone can hear this, do not land! Do not land!






Text Log (12)


(Excerpts from THE FALSE MESSIAH. a book banned on Earth and most colonies)




When Michael Altman went public with his research on the Black Maker, the world was teetering on the brink of self-destruction. Many people, myself included, felt civilization was at an end. We couldn't change the world by ourselves and most of us didn't want to What Altman offered us, this chance at a rebirth for humanity, was exactly what our hungry, empty souls were looking for.
Practically overnight, our hope for humanity was renewed. Millions flocked to his conferences to hear him profess to know the way to a new beginning. We stared in awe at the evidence of the alien artifact that would change everything. And we did whatever he told us to.
We rallied against the government. We joined together in congregations to share his word. And we prepared ourselves for the future he said was coming.
Where were you when Michael Altman was assassinated by our government? It's the question of our generation. I suppose. It's certainly the day when everything changed for me... and the world.

... Michael Altmanが「The Black Marker」についての研究成果を公にしたとき、世界は自滅の危機に瀕していた。多くの人が文明は終焉を迎えた、我々は自ら世界を変えることは出来ないと内心思っていたため、この人間性の再生のチャンスはたしかに我々が長年も求め、空っぽの心が求めていた物だったのだが、私たちの多くがAltmanの示したことを望むことはなかった。
あなた方はMichael Altmanが政府によって暗殺された時、どうしていただろう?この暗殺は我らの世代の疑問である。思うにきっとこの日が私が、そして世界が変わった日なのだろう

The martying of the scientist-turned-savior Michael Altman begat fanatical zealots and I was one of them. We birthed and maintained the tenements of a new religion, known now as the Church of Unitology. I was only a follower but I was suddenly part of the biggest social movement in history. The riots that followed and the crippling of our government made us realize we finally had the power to change things.

...Michael Altmanが科学者から救済者へと変わった殉教は、私もその一人であった熱狂的な信者を生むだし、今や「The Church of Unitology」として知られる新たな宗教の礎を築き、今に至る。私は一信者にすぎなかったが、突然歴史上類をみない社会的運動の当事者となった。そして、その出来事は(追従と政府の腐敗)我らに、ついに物事を変えるだけの力を得たことを感じさせる物だった。

No one knows what is contained in the Black Marker. Some claim it contains a genetic string that grants immortality through gene therapy. Others say it contains the DNA of an alien life from. Even Altman confessed to not knowing exactly what it is for.
The Marker has been used to form the basic doctrines of the church. As claimed in the pupular book, "Death is Only the Beginning." humans will learn that by death of their worldly spirit, they will be reborn in unity as a stronger, unending community. "Unity is forever."

...「The Black Marker」がなにを内包しているのか誰も知らない。遺伝子治療で不死を与える遺伝子の配列を含んでいるとの説もある。またある人はエイリアンの生態系のDNAを含んでいるという。Michael Altmanでさえそれが何なのかハッキリとは分からないと認めた。
「The Black Marker」はよく「The Church」の教典として用いられ、教典の主な主張として、「死は唯一の始まりである。」がある。人々は死をもってこの世の精神を知り、より強い融合体、永遠の共同体へと生まれ変わるのだ。

Death is an important event in the journey of a Unitologist and seen as a necessary step to being reborn. The body is considered holy and it may not be cremated or be allowed to decay in the ground. The bodies are given to the church for safekeeping. Where they are taken is unknown, but I have seen massive Unitology compounds on all of the major settlement I have visited. Curious, I asked around. No one would tell me what was housed inside, but I uncovered evidence of massive shipments of preservative chemicals being sent to the compounds on a regular basis.
It was around this time that my superior, Paragon Fontenay, brought me in for my first "soul cleansing".

以上が上司のParagon Fontenayが私の初めての「魂の浄化」のために私に持ってきたものだった。

Despite the headaches and the nausea that continued to plague me, I managed to sneak into the shipyard. I had almost regained full function of my legs and was able to make it into what appeared to be the never center of the operation.
What I discovered were ships, massive ships and lots of them. Stasis storage tubes lined each of the hundreds of exposed cargo bays. I couldn't see any of the bodies, but I knew what the tubes were for. What I couldn't figure out was why the church needed to transport so many suspended bodies in what looked like deep-space vessels.
Before I could investigate further, I was recaptured and the real "soul cleansings" began.



(From a CEC-sponsored article in the publication, Amazing Universe)

As many of our older readers may recall, resoource management on Earth and on the colonies was not always as streamlined as it is today. There was a time when needs could barely be met by the now-extinct resources of Earth and the dwindling supplies of the colonies. Looking to the stars for additional resources is nothing new, but at the time only smaller ships were shockpoint-able and they were insufficient at keeping up with demand.


Enter the Ishimura.


The USG Ishimura, named after Astro Physicist Hideki Ishimura (Inventor of the shockpoint drive), was the first of the massive Planet Cracker ships. Built 62 years ago, she has a long and storied career. The Ishimura was the first vessel of her size to utilize the shockpoint drive for large-scale, commercial, deep space expeditions.

USG イシムラの名前は、宇宙物理学者の石村ヒデキ(ショックポイント・ドライブの発明者)に因んで名づけられました。この船は最初の巨大惑星採掘艦です。62年前に建造され、長く名高いキャリアを誇ってます。イシムラは商業利用や外宇宙遠征の目的で大規模なショックポイント・ドライブを搭載した最初の船でした。

At the time of her inception, the Ishimura was halled as the savior of the Earth colonies. She was created to mine and melt down entire small planets and moons. She was also the first ship capable of the "scan and catch" technique for harvesting mineral-rich asteroids. Using huge gravity tethers, the Ishimura can lock onto asteroids and pull then inside the ship's massive collection bays for smelting.


At 62 years old, the Ishimura is still in remarkable shape. Much of the equipment has been upgraded over the years. Many spaces have been retrofitted to take advantage of modern advances in technology. Despite the long years of service, she is still the pride of the fleet and remains the largest Planet Cracker in the fleet. Whenever an important deep space mining project comes up and the Ishimura is available, she's the first ship to be called.


It's ships like the Ishimura - and the dedication of the men and women who crew her - that have helped make Concordance Extraction Company the trusted, dependable workhorse that it is today.



To; Zach Hammond
Re; Background request

Per your request, here's what we could find on your hastily- assembled crew.



Isaac was born to Poul and Octavia Clark on Earth in the eastern seaboard region of the American Republic. Poul Clarke was an award-winning ship architect employed by the Galactic Union Marine Corp. His record shows extended time off-world away from his family.
When Isaac was born, Poul was given a temporary reassignment to an Earth-based GUMMC ship production facility. During the four-year tour, Poul and Octavia raised Isaac together. When the tour was over, Poul shipped off for an extended off-world tour.

...IsaacはPoul ClarkeとOctavia Clarkeの子供として、地球のアメリカ共和国の東海岸地方で生まれた。Poul ClarkeはGalactic Union Marine Corpに雇われた、賞を得たことがあるほどの艦船設計者である。彼の功績は、彼の家族から遠く離れた時と場所においても目にする事が出来た(恐らくextended time offとextended world awayが同格)。Isaacが生まれると、Paulは一時的に、地球に本拠地を置くGUMMCの造船所に再配属された。四年の勤務期間の中で、PaulとOctaviaは共にIsaacを育てた。勤務期間が終わると、Paulは船を降りて長期の宇宙勤務に就いた。

Poul's influence on his son must have rubbed off. Records indicate Isaac pursued studies in mechanical and electrical engineering and achieved high honors.


According to medical and psychiatric reports, Poul Clarke's absence has a profound effect on Octavia. She suffered from depression and personal anguish until doctors encouraged her to find fulfillment by working with charitable organizations. It is believed that this is how she ended up coming in contact with the Church of Unitology.

...内科及び精神医学の報告によると、Poul Clarkeの不在はOctaviaに重大な影響を与えた。医師たちに慈善団体で働いて満足感を得るようにと勧められるまで、彼女は鬱病と身体的苦痛に苦しんでいた。このようにして、彼女はついにはChurch of Unitologyと接触し始めたのだとされている。

Her association with the Church appears to have alleviated her mental condition. The cancellation of her therapy sessions corresponds with the local parish announcements of her initiation ceremony.


At this point, records on her become somewhat scarce. There are indications that she sold off much of the family estate to finance her full membership in the church.


Isaac appears to have been selected to a prominent engineering school but we surmise that he was unable to afford the tuition, as records show that he instead attended a lesser-known school with the help of scholarships and financial assistance.


After graduating with high honors, Isaac enlisted in the Merchant Marines. He quickly gained a reputation for his resourceful engineering solutions and after two years was promoted to a higher-profile position closer to the major shipping lanes.


There are several inquiries about the location of his father that have been logged by his contacts at the GUMMC. Isaac appears to have been trying to re-unite with him unsuccessfully for years. It's doubtful he ever got far in his investigation as Poul Clarke's service record has been mysteriously classified by an executive order.

...GUMMC(Galactic Union Merchant Marine Coop:銀河連邦船舶株式会社)に彼がコンタクトを取ったと記録されている、彼の父親の居場所について何度か調査をおこなった。Isaacは何年もの間、父親と再び家族の結びつきを作ろうとしては失敗していたようだ。不可解なことにPoul Clarkeの業務記録が行政命令で機密扱いになっているということに、彼が調査して気付かなかったかは確かではない。

Octavia continues to be a contributing member of her church and has managed to purchase a Vested-level title.


Isaac's career stagnates at this point. There are records that he cohabited with a medical officer named Nicole Brennan for a couple of years. Records indicate she moved out after receiving a promotion and currently serving on the USG Ishimura.

...Isaacのキャリアはこの時点で止まっている。彼がNicole Brennanという名の医療オフィサーと数年同棲していたという記録がある。記録によると彼女は昇進した後に引っ越し、現在はUSG Ishimuraで働いている。


I couldn't find anything on her in the time I had but Darlton swears by her. She is on the mission with his recommendation. If he thinks she has the necessary skills, who am I to argue?


(Excerpt form the CEC shareholder information packet on planetary mining)


Planetary mining is, quite literally, the dismantling of planets and moons on a macro-scale. Entire worlds are fractured to reveal the rich seams of valuable minerals contained inside. Desplite environmentalist concerns, the operation is perfectly safe and is the only way to extract the necessery resources on the large scale required to supply Earth and the colonies.


You may have read reports that claim the destruction of a planet can destroy an entire solar system due to the disruption in the gravitation forces that hold each celestial object in orbit. Some of the wilder reports claim this causes the whole system to spin out of control or causes planets to smash into each other. Concerned investors are directed to read the article "The CEC Pledge to the Health of Our Universe" for a detalied breakdown of the truths about Planet Cracking. The short answer is: Planet Cracking is perfectly safe and provides an essential service to Earth and the colonies. With all Planet Cracks, the planets are carefully chosen for their mineral content, net worth, and the safety with which they can be dismaintled.

...惑星が破壊されると軌道上の天体を互いに支えている引力が断裂され、それによって太陽系が破壊されると言い張る報告書をご覧になったことがあるかもしれません。Planet Crackによってが全てのシステムの制御がきかなくなる、だとか、惑星同士が互いにぶつかるだとか主張するような、あなた方を惑わせる報告書もあります。CECに関心のある出資者は「CECは我々の宇宙の繁栄を約束する」という論文を読むように指示されます。これにはPlanet Crackingが事実どのようであるかちう詳細な分析が書かれています。簡潔な答えは:Planet Crackingは完璧に安全で、地球やコロニーに不可欠なサービスを提供するということです。全てのPlanet Crackでは、惑星は鉱物の種類、埋蔵量および、惑星を分解する際の安全性によって慎重に選出されます。

Planet Cracking is a lengthy process spanning from three to five years. Generally, the first year is spent prospecting and setting up the colony. The second year and a half involves tectonic excavation and related planet-side activities.

...Planet Crackingは3,4年にわたる長ったらしい工程です。概して、最初の一年は鉱山としての見込みを見定めたり、コロニーを用意することに費やされます。二年目と三年目の半分を使って、地質の切り出しと先に述べた惑星の裏側での作業を行います。

The Planet Cracker class ship arrives between the 2.5 and 3 year mark, depending on the progress of the excavation. Once the ship is in orbit, preparation for tectonic chunk extraction begins. This takes approximately one week.

...Planet Crackerは二年半から三年の間に到着しますが、これは発掘の経過によります。一度船が軌道に乗れば、地殻運動による塊の採取の準備が始ります。(ch12でやってた地面の塊の引き上げかな)これに約一週間ほどかかります。

The removal of an excavated chunk from the planet into a stabilized geosynchronous orbit usually takes about 1 day (24 standard hours). During this process, billions of tons of debris break off from the underside of the chunk, creating an instant asteroid ring around the planet. While the floating debris is extremely dangerous, the Planet Cracker ships have an excellent Asteroid Defense System (ADS) to keep the ship and crew safe from harm.

...惑星からくり抜かれた地面の塊を取り除いて、安定した静止軌道に乗せるのに通常一日かかります(標準24時間)。この工程の間に、地面の塊の底面から10億トンの破片が削り取って、その惑星のまわりに即席の小惑星リングを作ります。浮かんでいる残骸は非常に危険ですが、Planet Cracker船は非常に優れたAsteroid Defens System(ADS)を持っており、船とクルーを危害から守り続けます。

Depending on the size of the planet, this process is repeated until the entire planet has been broken up and processed.



The CEC is the largest solar mining and extraction company in the Earth colonies. It is also the fifth largest company in terms of market capital. It has become a powerhouse of industrial might and an influential political force. With a generous budget allocated to election spending, CEC has always been able to maintain and improve its market position.


The CEC owns over 400 deep space vehicles including five Planet Crackers, with the famous USG Ishimura as its flagship. The CEC was the first to develop deep space mining, asteroid catchers and was the first to implement shockpoint drives for commercial use. We are the largest supplier of precious metals.
...CECは5隻のPlanet Crackersを含む400以上の宇宙船を所有し、その看板船が有名なUSG Ishimuraです。CECは宇宙採掘や小惑星キャッチを最も早くに展開し、最も早くにshockpoint driveを商業目的で利用しました。我々は貴重な金属の最も大きな供給業者なのです。

Out of over three dozen Planet Crakcs, only one operation has met with less than optimal results. Many may remember the Wanat Disaster 11 years ago wherein a Planet Cracker, three supply ships and a colony were lost due to gravity tether failure. Since that time, CEC has worked closely with the manufacturers and held crew training lectures to ensure a distaster of this magnitude never happens again.

...3ダースを超えるPlanet Crackの中で、ただ一つの事業だけ最高の結果とは程遠いものとなりました。多くの方が11年前のWanat Disasterを覚えていらっしゃるかもしれません。三隻の補給船とコロニーが重力ロープの機能停止によって失われました。その時から、CECは製造業と綿密に連携し、この重大な失敗が二度と起こらぬことを確実にするため、クルーのトレーニングレクチャーを開いています。 

We take your financial well-being and the well-being of our employees seriously. When you invest in CEC, you are investing in the future of mankind.


Personal Log: Dr. G. Abernathy, automated transcript
(Restricted access - Maximum encryption)


Day three of quarantine for the former Drs. Clifton and Hogan. The infection is spreading quickly through Dr. Clifton, Dr. Hogan appears unaffected at this time.


The chest of the corpse has started to expand, like it's taking a deep breath. Something appears to be happening under the surface of the skin. The body is convulsing - a yellowish briny liquid bursts from the mouth accompanied by choking noises. There's a crunching noise as the throat bulges and the jaw collapses. The head is spliting apart... reforming now into what appear to be a proboscis and feelers. The chest splits along the center now as the flesh stretches and expands outwards; the organs, bone and muscle bend inward. The internal organs contort and reorganaize themselves into an odd structure central to which is a massive bladder. The bladder is filling with a liquid, some of which can be seen spilling from the proboscis. I can only assume the two are connected.


The legs are quivering as the flesh peels away and meshes with the flesh from the chest region. There is a sudden snap halfway through the process as one leg bends backwards. More quivering now and the other leg has snapped at the knee. The changes appear to be slowing now... it starts to sit up, the body is convulsing, the legs flopping. It is trying to take its first step, uneasy at first... but now it is adapting quickly. A half-dozen steps and it seems to be perfectly at home with the new, contorted form.

足の肉が小刻みに痙攣しながら剥がれ落ち、胸部周辺の肉と一体化しはじめた。片方の足は後ろの方で捻じ曲がり、時折弾むように足をバウンドさせる。もう片方の足はさらに痙攣し、反対側の膝に癒着した。どうやら変異速度は低下したようだ… 足が音を立てて変形しながらも上体を起こしたが、痙攣は止まらない。最初、変異途中に不安要素が多く見られたのだが、今では何の問題もなくプロセスは進んでいる。…変異の途中、彼の肉体は別の姿へと変貌を遂げた。

The spattering on the glass is making observation difficult. It appears that Dr. Hogan's legs are elongating, somehow flaying themselves and now twisting with a mixture of his own internal organs into a single appendage, like some sort of tail. His face is contorted, his jaw clenching and unclenching... several jaw-like appendages are emerging from his every widening mouth. His mouth no longer appears able to accommodate the change... his head is splitting, seams bursting...
And almost instantly, hi is perched on his hands, shifting his weight from one palm to the other. He's pacing, circling the room and... he appears to be watching me! He sees me! No, he's fixated on the ceiling now... Oh god no, he's leaing at the vent! With his poweful tail-like appendage, he's striking at the reinforced covering, trying to get it open! I must warn the others! Recording end!

汚物がガラスに飛び散ったせいで、内部の観測が困難だ。Hogan博士の足は伸び切り、皮は剥げ、内臓と絡み合い、一つの部位、そう、まるで尾のような部位が形成された。彼の顔は酷く歪んでしまい、その大きく広がった口からは動物の牙のような突起物が顔を出している。急激な変異に頭部は耐えられなくなり、爆発するかのように裂けてしまった。その直後、体勢を立て直し、体重移動を開始した。そして彼は室内をうろうろしはじめ…み、見ている、私を睨んでいる!何だ? 突然天井に飛び付いて…なんて事だ!通気ダクトだ!ダクトに侵入しようとしている!き、緊急事態だ!早く皆に連絡せねば!録音終了!


(Restricted access - Maximum encryption)
制限されたアクセス - 重要機密

Altman's hasty expulsion from the project is unfortunate. His notes on the Black Marker appear incomplete and our findings thus far have been inconclusive. What notes we have recovered appear to be written in a code of his devising. It will be weeks before we can decipher them. In the meantime, someone has to shut him up. His public outcry about the Marker is more than a nuisance. This is a matter of security.


Funding has been insufficient. Moving the research to Aegis VII is only aggravating the problem. I understand the pressure to relocate the project outside the reach of the oversight committees, but this has only inflated our resource requirements.
We are on the verge of cracking the replication code we extracted from the Black Marker. It would be a shame to come this far and have to scrap the project.

...研究資金が不足しています。現場をAegis7に移動するのは大変好ましくない。監視委員会からの圧力がかからないように移動しなければいけないことは理解できますが、それは我々の進捗を遅らせてしまいます。あともう少しで我々はBlack Markerの模写コードを解析できそうなのです。現段階でプロジェクトを放棄するなんて考えられません。

The continued financial infusion over the years has been appreciated and I'm pleased to share the results with you today. While some of our material fabrications are approximations of substances foreign to us, we have completed the internal workings of the device. One obvious difference between our replica and the original is the reddish hue. I assure you this is purely a cosmetic difference not indicative of a flaw.
The device, when activated, began to emit a highly complicated rhythmic pattern across a wide band of frequencies - from actual sound waves through the electromagnetic spectrum to alpha, delta and theta brain waves. It seems mostly inert and harmless aside from some slight interference with communication equipment.
We are proceeding with the final construction.


We're run into a disturbing but fascinating find. In re-creating the DNA instructions gleaned from the Black Marker, we've managed to create a recombinant microbial life form. It seemed dormant at first, even when placed in a bath of rich nutrients. Were it not for Dr. Clifton's poor hygiene, we might have deemed the attempt a failure. Fortunately for us, he had not fully decontaminated himself before working with the sample and managed to contaminate it with some dead skin cells. Suddenly, the microbes jumped into action! Recombination happened almost instantly and the sample began self-replicating and mutating before our eyes.

...我々は信じられない偶然でそれを発見しました。Black Markerから収集したDNA組み換え技術を使って我々は微生物の遺伝子組み換えを行っていました。栄養価の高い溶液におかれてもそれは始め、眠っているように見えました。Dr. Cliftonの不衛生な管理がなければそれは失敗であると考えられていたかもしれません。我々にとって幸いなことは、彼がいくつかの死んだ細胞を残したままでサンプルを使って実験を継続するようなおおざっぱな人間だったことです。突然、細胞は驚くべき動作をしたのです!みるみる細胞は再結合し、即座に自己再生を開始しました。

More confounding results from our research; Today, as we moved what we'er now calling the Red Marker, we had to pass by the cellular lab area. The scientists working at the time complained about interruptions in the necrotic flesh experiments. As it turns out, the field generated by the Marker creates a "dead space" around itself that forces the recombination effect into dormancy.

...我々の研究から発生している困惑する結果。今日、我々がRed Markerと呼んでいる物を移動させた結果、細胞研究エリアの側を通る必要が生じました。当時、働いていた科学者達は壊死の新たな実験の妨害に関して不平を述べていました。結局、Markerによって生成されたフィールドはそれ自身の周りに強制的に不活動状態を作り出す「Dead Space」を作成することが判明しました。

I apologize for the Setback relayed in the last report. The macro-scale infection has been contained with a minimal loss of life. The newly recombinated doctors are now quarantined for further study.


Many of the scientists have been complaining of headaches and we are all having difficulty sleeping for more than an hour at a time. We suspect a problem in the ventilation system. The maintenace team reported finding a build-up of some kind blocking the airways.


The organic mass continues to expand and take over the complex. The recombinated nightmares now move freely through the corridors. My remaining crew is hastily constructing a transmitter for the Marker in an attempt to broaden the signal it is emanating. Dr. Foster said the idea came to him in a vision. Our hope is to use the signal to keep the unchecked infection from spreading to the landing area. There is little time remaining! You must send help as quickly as possible! Our lives are you hands.

...有機物は広がり続け、施設を覆いつくそうとしています。遺伝子組み換えの悪夢は今、いたるところに広がっています。私の残った作業員はMarkerが発しているシグナルを拡大するための装置を急いで作ろうとしています。Dr. Fosterは言います。ビジョンが見えたと。我々の希望は離着陸地区に感染が広がるのを防ぐためにシグナルを使用することです。もう時間がない!早急に応援を送ってくれ!あなただけが頼りなんだ。


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