「NO. 1」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

NO. 1 - (2008/05/08 (木) 10:32:10) の最新版との変更点



**NO.1 ~ガレージにて~ Niko : Hey, Brucie, what's up? -よう、Brucie、調子はどうだい? Brucie : Hey, Niko B, come here. Show me the love. -よう、NikoB、こっち来て愛見せろや。 -Man, hug time. ハグハグタイム -Hey, enough, alright. ああ、もう十分だろ。 Brucie : Whoa, whoa, what are we about here, you and me? -あちょー、あちょわちょわ!んで、なんだっけ? Niko : I don't know... -俺が知るわけないだろ・・ Brucie : What are we about, boy? -俺達はいったい何だ、少年? Niko : I'm an immigrant and a hired gun, and you're a steroid junkie, but we get along. -オレは移民の殺し屋で、あんたはステロイドジャンキーだが、関係は悪くない。 Brucie : No! Not that staff superficial! I'm talking about the real shit. -いや!そんな具体的なことを言ってんじゃねえ!”リアル”の話をしてんだよ。 Niko : What? -はあ? Brucie : We're winners, man. Fucking winner. That's how we roll, brother. -俺たちゃ勝ち組だ、わかるか?勝ち組らしく振舞わないでどうしろってんだよ、なあ兄弟。 Brucie : Bling, check. Bodies, check. Paper, check. -派手に。体を。ペーパーを。 Brucie : That's how we roll, bitches. The boss... -それが俺達のやり方だよ!ボス・・ Niko : Are you alright? Too much bullshark testosterone up the ass? -おい、お前大丈夫か?ケツの穴にブルシャークのテストステロン詰めすぎだろ? Brucie : Fuck you, fuck you, man. -うるせえよ!ばかやろう! Brucie : Hey, check this out. Lenny! Lenny! -おう、そうだった。レニー!レニー! Brucie : Is the bitch ready? -アレは用意できてるか? Lenny : Well, she's very shiny. -ああ、ピッカピカに磨いてあります。 Brucie : Look at her weep tears of pure gold. Motherfucker... -見てみろよ。この純金の涙でも流すみてえな車体をよ。やべえ奴だ・・。 Brucie : Come on now! Let's go show some people... just now we roll. -よっしゃ!ちょっと街へ出て見せびらかしにいくぞ・・やったるぜ。 Brucie : Yeah, alright...come on, get in. -よし、どうだ。乗れよ。 Brucie : Come on start, you... Shit! -ほら、どうした!エンジンかかんねえぞ、こら!! Niko : Pure gold, oh, big man. -純金ねえ・・、奴さんよ。 Brucie : Lenny, you're a fucking asshole. What is this? What is this? -レニー、なんだこりゃ?あ?お前ふざけてんだろ? Lenny : You turned her yourself. -壊れちまってるみたいっすね。 Brucie : Well what should I do? I mean, I need a flashy car. -やべえな、どうすっかな?まぶしいくらいの車が必要だ。 Brucie : People are going to think I'm a no not bullshitter if I fail to deliver here. -だっせえ車持ってったら、だっせえ野郎って思われちまう。 Lenny : How about Steve's car? -スティーブの車はどうっすか? Brucie : Yes, I'll call him on the way. -おお。よし、奴に電話する。 Brucie : Niko, can you drive to Freetown Avenue in Willis? -ニコ、ウィリスのフリータウン通りまで送ってくれや? Niko : Yeah. -いいよ。 Brucie : Come on. Let's roll, bitches! -よっしゃー!いくぜ!! Brucie : Woo! -イエー! ~外~ Brucie : Come on Nicky, we need some wheals. -車が必要だ、ニコ。 指示 : Go and collect the race car. レース用の車を回収する Brucie : Niko, man, excuse me but I got to make this call to tell this guy we're borrowing his car. -ニコ、ちょっくら車を借りる奴に電話させてもらうぜ。 Brucie(電話) : Stivie boy, how's tricks? -スティーブちゃん、どうよ? Brucie(電話) : No man, you can spot me. Ha ha. -なにいってんの、ちがうよ、やられちゃったなあ。へへへ。 Brucie(電話) : For sure. Alright, listen man, alright listen me...me and my ice cold friend Niko got to borrow your car. -ああ、大丈夫だ。なあ、聞いてくれよ、俺と俺の冷酷非道のダチ「ニコ」でお前の車を借りたいんだ。 Brucie(電話) : No, the other one. Of course it'll be cool! -いや、もう一台のほう。ああ、大丈夫に決まってるさ! Brucie(電話) : It's outside? Great. I love you man. -外にあるんだな?わかった!愛してるぜ! Niko : He's fine with us taking it? We won't have an incident like the last time I got a car for you? -貸してくれるって?前みたいに、待ち伏せされてるなんてことはないんだろうな? Brucie : No way, man. That was one time only baby. Me and Stevie are tight. -あるわけねえだろ!アレはあんときだけだっつーの。Stevieと俺の絆は固いんだ。 Brucie : Okay, tighter than that. Tighter than...shit Iwas gonna say my abs but I thnk you know that nothing's tighter than this shit. Wonna feel? -どれくらい固いかって言ったら・・俺の腹筋ぐらいかてえって言いたいところだけど、お前、俺の腹筋知らないだろ?ほら、触ってみ? Niko : Thanks, but I got my hands full. -サンキュー。でも運転中で両手がふさがってるよ。 Brucie : God, this is exactly the type of shit you and me should be doing. -いやー、それにしても、まさにこういうのが、俺とお前ですべきことだよ。 Brucie : Cruising for bitches, destroying the town. You and me could be doing some serious damage. -女のために車を流し、街を破壊する。俺とお前だったら半端ねえぐらいの破壊力だ! Brucie : Like a nuclear bomb up in this shit. But a sexy bomb, you know? -まさに核爆弾みてえだ!セクシーボムってやつだ、わかるか? Brucie : A bomb that only affects girl with D-cups, tight asses, blondhair, no cellulite, and tan, yeah! -そうだ!Dカップで、いいケツして、セルライトもない褐色の肌の金髪娘にしか効かなえ爆弾だ! Niko : Right? I don't know if I get your meaning but we can hang out sometime. -そうか?お前の言ってることはよくわからねえが、まあなんとかなるだろ。 ~車のもとに到着~ Brucie : Here we are, see what I mean? Sweet. -ここだ。俺の言ってる意味がわかったか? 指示 : Go to the race start. -レースのスタート地点まで行け ~スタート地点へ行く途中~ Brucie : We got a race to win. -このレースは勝たなきゃな。 Niko : So, when we got there will you be driving? -で、お前が運転すんだろ? Brucie : No way, man. I'm just here to look good. me and you are cruising together. That's how we roll. Passenger side. -なに言ってんだよ?俺は飾りだよ、かっこいい飾り。俺とお前でクルージングだ!それが俺たちのやり方。まあ、俺は助手席でな。 Brucie : Flashing the guns. Scoping the chicks. Riding shotgun while my boy Niko pulls off some badass, Red Army, pedal to the metal, skin of your teeth, burnt rubber moves. -焦げたタイヤの匂いに包まれた、メタルみたいなペダルさばきの、お前のその赤軍左翼ドライビングで爆走中の中、俺はショットガンでもぶっ放しながら、スコープ越しに可愛い姉ちゃん達でも見てるさ。 Brucie : Am I right? Is that your style? Because I think that that is how we roll up in this shit. Man I'm fucking Pumped today! -大丈夫か?お前もそうだろ?それが俺たちのスタイルってもんだ。うっひょー!なんか興奮しまくってるぜ!! ~スタート地点~ Brucie : Here we be. You ready to feel the Gs? Your skin looks really rough man, you had some help? -よっしゃいくぜ。Gsを感じてるか?なんかお前肌荒れしてんな? Brucie : A little botulism special there? I like that homie. -あれか?ボツリヌス中毒スペシャルか?なかなかいかしてんな。 Brucie : You want a shot when we get back? -帰ったら一発いっとくか? Niko : I'm fine. -俺は大丈夫だ。 ~レース中(全てBrucie)~ 指示 : Press B to loot at the next checkpoint. Bボタンを押して次のチェックポイントを確認しろ Don't hold back on this bitch. bitches don't like losers, man. You've genetionally different homie! Wining is a state of mind, man. Hit this shit hit it! We wanna ein this thing. Am I right, Nicky? Ride her so she won't fucking forget it man! Visualize yourself in first place, Nicky. First! All eyes are on us, Nicke. Winner baby, that's the only place for us... I like that, baby! Alpha males, baby. You think someone like me has come second even once in his life? No fuckin' way. ~勝利~ Brucie : Intence, intence, I fucking love you man. Number one. Brucie : Good driving. How do I look? Pretty good, right? Niko : Yeah, pretty good. Brucie : Take me back to my apaetment, man. I'm feeling jacked. I wanna hit the weight. Now. 指示 : Take Brucie home. ~帰宅途中~ Brucie : You know what Niko, you can keep tshis car. You earned it and I can't have my boy rolling in anythingbut serious genetically different winner style, you know? Niko : I thought it belonged to Steve? Brucie : Fuck Steve, you are the man, man. You are number one. You won this shit anyway. Brucie : I'll give Steve the bitch. Niko : The bitch don't work too good. Brucie : Don't worry about that.Brucie has the magic fingers. Brucie : No cellulite. Okay VIP only, read my lips, I'm a winner. And when they touch. Shit, they work some serious magic bro. Niko : What is it that you do, Brucie? Are you a mechanic? I don't get it. Brucie : I'm a business man, an enterpreneur. I make shit happen. Niko : Sure , but you seem kind of legit. Why do you need guys killed? Brucie : Of course I'm legit. Have you seen my delts? That shit is as legitimate as it gets! Niko : What about these guys you need killed? Brucie : Fuck Nicky, you know Brucie. He's number one. It's lonely at the top. Sometimes, the juice, it just takes control, okay. Niko : The red mist decends and I need shit to happen to people. Are you talking about fucking 'roid rage? Is that why I killed those men? Brucie : They were bad cats, Nicky. Maybe the juice meant I wasn't as patient as I should have been. Brucie : But you know, as a businessman, I can't let people get away with shit. I need to be firm. Niko : Look Brucie, I like you and I think we should hang out but I don't to work with you no more. Niko : I can't go around fucking people up because you've ever done it on the juice. Brucie : Alright, Nicky, man. I'm feeling you, OK? You don't wanna let our business thing get in the way of our personal relationship. That's all good man. Niko : Cool. ~到着~ Brucie : Nicky, I feel like we really bounded back there. I'm close to you, man. You let me inside. You let your armor down, you know? Brucie : We had a moment, man. Call me and we'll hang. Niko : Sure we did. おまけ ~レース敗北時~ Brucie : What the fuck man? This shit is rigged. That didn't count as a race. Brucie : We'll come back another time to really show them how we fuckin' roll. Niko : See you later then. ~リトライ時・レースカー受け取る道中~ (携帯の会話はたぶん同じ) Niko : You're friend is fine with as taking it? He doesn't think we're going to trash it or nothing? Brucie : Stevie knows that he can trust Brucie with anything. He'll look after shit. Brucie : Trust Brucie with anything but your girlfirend, man. And you can't be so sure he'll look after her. Brucie : At least not the way you want her to be looked after, you get what I mean? You know? Niko : That's real cool, Brucie. Brucie : I'm just joking, man. Brucie wouldn't fuck another man's bitch. Brucie : He's got too many women after him already to waste his time with taken pussy. Niko : That's good to know. I'll gefinitely ask you to chaperone any girlfriend of mine. Brucie : Who are you kidding, Nicky? You and me aaren't girlfriend types. We...we see bitohes but we can't get tied down. Brucie : We gotta get out then bro. Spread our seed in as many fields as we can. Niko : I don't know. If I met the right girl sometime... Brucie? : That's what I say when people ask me if the juice has given me funny balls, you know? Brucie : How would I be able to get with so many chicks if my balls were funny? Niko : Brucie, I don't need to think about your balls, I'm cool. ~レースに向かう道中~ brucie : We're going to dominate this shit. Dominate man. I've got good feelings about this, We're gonna win for sure brother! Niko : Yeah, you got some faith in me, Brucie. Brucie : There's no other place than first, Nicky. The rest of that shit don't count, ok... Brucie : I got the best body, I get the hottest pussy. I ride the flyest cars. I'm number one, man. Brucie : I'll burn your village and eat your children, I'm fucking intense man! Niko : Yeah, intense is the word.
**NO.1 ~ガレージにて~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=105&file=NO.1%28INTRO%29.jpg) Niko : Hey, Brucie, what's up? -やぁ、Brucie、調子はどうだい? Brucie : Hey, Niko B, come here. Show me the love. -よう、Niko B(Bellicの事)、こっち来て、愛を見せろや。 Brucie : Man, hug time. -ハグハグタイム Niko : Hey, enough, alright. -あぁ、もう十分だろ。 Brucie : Whoa, whoa, what are we about here, you and me? -あちょー、あちょわちょわ!んで、何だっけ? Niko : I don't know... -俺が知るわけないだろ…。 Brucie : What are we about, boy? -俺達は一体、何だ?少年か? Niko : I'm an immigrant and a hired gun, and you're a steroid junkie, but we get along. -俺は移民の殺し屋で、あんたはステロイドジャンキーだが、関係は悪くない。 Brucie : No! Not that staff superficial! I'm talking about the real shit. -いいや!そんな具体的な事を言ってるんじゃねえ!現実的な話をしてるんだよ。 Niko : What? -はぁ? Brucie : We're winners, man. Fucking winner. That's how we roll, brother. -俺たちゃ勝ち組だ、分かるか?勝ち組らしく振舞わないでどうしろってんだよ、なあ兄弟。 Brucie : Bling, check. Bodies, check. Paper, check. -派手に、チェック。ボディ、チェック。ペーパー、チェック。 Brucie : That's how we roll, bitches. The boss... -それが俺達のやり方だよ。ボス…。 Niko : Are you alright? Too much bullshark testosterone up the ass? -おい、お前、大丈夫か?ケツの穴にブルシャークのテストステロン詰めすぎだろ? Brucie : Fuck you, fuck you, man. -うるせえよ!ばかやろう! Brucie : Hey, check this out. Lenny! Lenny! -おう、そうだった。Lenny!Lenny! Brucie : Is the bitch ready? -アレは用意できてるか? Lenny : Well, she's very shiny. -えぇ、ピッカピカに磨いてあります。 Brucie : Look at her weep tears of pure gold. Motherfucker... -見てみろよ。この純金の涙でも流すみてえな車体をよ。やべえ奴だ…。 Brucie : Come on now! Let's go show some people... just now we roll. -よっしゃ!ちょっと街へ出て見せびらかしに行くぞ…やったるぜ。 Brucie : Yeah, alright...come on, get in. -よし・・・、どうだ。乗れよ。 Brucie : Come on start, you... Shit! -ほら、どうした!エンジンがかかんねえぞ・・・、こら!! Niko : Pure gold, oh, big man. -純金ねえ、あー、奴さんよ。 Brucie : Lenny, you're a fucking asshole. What is this? What is this? -Lenny、なんだこりゃ?あ?お前ふざけてんだろ? Lenny : You turned her yourself. -壊れちまってるみたいっすね。 Brucie : Well what should I do? I mean, I need a flashy car. -やべえな、どうすっかな?まぶしいくらいの車が必要だ。 Brucie : People are going to think I'm a no not bullshitter if I fail to deliver here. -だっせえ車持ってったら、だっせえ野郎って思われちまう。 Lenny : How about Steve's car? -Steveの車はどうっすか? Brucie : Yes, I'll call him on the way. -おお。よし、奴に電話する。 Brucie : Niko, can you drive to Freetown Avenue in Willis? -Niko、WillisのFreetown通りまで送ってくれや? Niko : Yeah. -いいよ。 Brucie : Come on. Let's roll, bitches! -よっしゃー!いくぜ!! Brucie : Woo! -イエー! ~外~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=105&file=NO.1%28CAR%29.jpg) Brucie : Come on Nicky, we need some wheals. -車が必要だ、Niko。 指示 : "Go and collect the race car." -レース用の車を入手しろ Brucie : Niko, man, excuse me but I got to make this call to tell this guy we're borrowing his car. -Niko、ちょっくら車を借りる奴に電話させてもらうぜ。 Brucie(電話) : Stivie boy, how's tricks? -Stivieちゃん、どうよ? Brucie(電話) : No man, you can spot me. Ha ha. -何言ってんの、違うよ、やられちゃったなあ。へへへ。 Brucie(電話) : For sure. Alright, listen man, alright listen me...me and my ice cold friend Niko got to borrow your car. -あぁ、大丈夫だ。なぁ、聞いてくれよ、俺と俺の冷酷非道のダチ「Niko」でお前の車を借りたいんだ。 Brucie(電話) : No, the other one. Of course it'll be cool! -いや、もう一台のほう。ああ、大丈夫に決まってるさ! Brucie(電話) : It's outside? Great. I love you man. -外にあるんだな?分かった!愛してるぜ! Niko : He's fine with us taking it? We won't have an incident like the last time I got a car for you? -貸してくれるって?前みたいに、待ち伏せされてるなんて事はないんだろうな? Brucie : No way, man. That was one time only baby. Me and Stevie are tight. -あるわけねえだろ!アレはあんときだけだっつーの。Stevieと俺の絆は固いんだ。 Brucie : Okay, tighter than that. Tighter than...shit Iwas gonna say my abs but I thnk you know that nothing's tighter than this shit. Wonna feel? -どれくらい固いかって言ったら…俺の腹筋ぐらい硬ぇって言いたいところだけど、お前、俺の腹筋知らないだろ?ほら、触ってみ? Niko : Thanks, but I got my hands full. -サンキュー。でも運転中で両手がふさがってるよ。 Brucie : God, this is exactly the type of shit you and me should be doing. -いやー、それにしても、まさにこういうのが、俺とお前ですべき事だよ。 Brucie : Cruising for bitches, destroying the town. You and me could be doing some serious damage. -女のために車を流し、街を破壊する。俺とお前だったら半端ねえぐらいの破壊力だ! Brucie : Like a nuclear bomb up in this shit. But a sexy bomb, you know? -まさに核爆弾みてえだ!セクシーボムってやつだ、分かるか? Brucie : A bomb that only affects girl with D-cups, tight asses, blondhair, no cellulite, and tan, yeah! -そうだ!Dカップで、いいケツして、セルライトもない褐色の肌の金髪娘にしか効かなえ爆弾だ! Niko : Right? I don't know if I get your meaning but we can hang out sometime. -そうか?お前の言ってる事はよく分からねえが、まぁ何とかなるだろう。 ~車のもとに到着~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=105&file=NO.1%28GET+A+RACE+CAR%29.jpg) Brucie : Here we are, see what I mean? Sweet. -ここだ。俺の言ってる意味が分かったか? 指示 : "Go to the race start." -レースのスタート地点まで行け ~スタート地点へ行く途中~ Brucie : We got a race to win. -このレースは勝たなきゃな。 Niko : So, when we got there will you be driving? -それで、お前が運転するんだろ? Brucie : No way, man. I'm just here to look good. me and you are cruising together. That's how we roll. Passenger side. -何言ってんだよ?俺は飾りだよ、かっこいい飾り。俺とお前でクルージングだ!それが俺たちのやり方。まぁ、俺は助手席でな。 Brucie : Flashing the guns. Scoping the chicks. Riding shotgun while my boy Niko pulls off some badass, Red Army, pedal to the metal, skin of your teeth, burnt rubber moves. -焦げたタイヤの匂いに包まれた、メタルみたいなペダルさばきの、お前のその赤軍左翼ドライビングで爆走中の中、俺はショットガンでもぶっ放しながら、スコープ越しに可愛い姉ちゃん達でも見てるさ。 Brucie : Am I right? Is that your style? Because I think that that is how we roll up in this shit. Man I'm fucking Pumped today! -大丈夫か?お前もそうだろ?それが俺たちのスタイルってもんだ。うっひょー!なんか興奮しまくってるぜ!! ~スタート地点~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=105&file=NO.1%28RACE+START%29.jpg) Brucie : Here we be. You ready to feel the Gs? Your skin looks really rough man, you had some help? -よっしゃ行くぜ。Gを感じてるか?なんかお前肌荒れしてんな? Brucie : A little botulism special there? I like that homie. -あれか?ボツリヌス中毒スペシャルか?なかなかいかしてんな。 Brucie : You want a shot when we get back? -帰ったら一発いっとくか? Niko : I'm fine. -俺は大丈夫だ。 ~レース中(全てBrucie)~ 指示 : "Press B or × to loot at the next checkpoint." -B or ×を押して次のチェックポイントを確認しろ Brucie : Don't hold back on this bitch. -怖気づいたりするなよ。 Brucie : bitches don't like losers, man. You've genetically different homie! -負け組みなんて全くモテねえからな。お前は遺伝的に違うんだよ、ホーミー。 Brucie : Wining is a state of mind, man. Hit this shit hit it! -勝利っていうのは精神状態だ。いけ!ぶっちぎれ! Brucie : We wanna ein this thing. Am I right, Nicky? -勝たなきゃならねえ、そうだろ?Nicky? Brucie : Ride her so she won't fucking forget it man! -この車がお前を忘れられないぐらいぶっとばしてやれ! Brucie : Visualize yourself in first place, Nicky. First! -トップになることをイメージするんだ、Nicky。トップだ! All eyes are on us, Nicke. -みんなが見てやがる。 Winner baby, that's the only place for us... -勝者だ。俺たちにはそれしかねえ・・。 I like that, baby! -いいねえ、最高だ、ベイベー! Alpha males, baby. You think someone like me has come second even once in his life? No fuckin' way. -俺様みたいな人間が2位で満足するとでも思うか?絶対無理だな。 ~勝利~ Brucie : Intence, intence, I fucking love you man. Number one. -いやあ、強烈に張り詰めてたな。お前マジ最高だぜ!ナンバーワンだ! Brucie : Good driving. How do I look? Pretty good, right? -いい運転だったよ。で、俺はどうだい?かっこよかっただろ?なあ? Niko : Yeah, pretty good. -ああ、かっこよかったさ。 Brucie : Take me back to my apaetment, man. I'm feeling jacked. I wanna hit the weight. Now. -よし。んじゃあ、俺をアパートまで送ってくれねえか。もうなんか気分が高ぶっちまっててよ。家にもどってまた筋トレだ!! 指示 : Take Brucie home. -Brucieを家まで送れ ~帰宅途中~ Brucie : You know what Niko, you can keep tshis car. You earned it and I can't have my boy rolling in anythingbut serious genetically different winner style, you know? -なあ、ニコ。この車お前にやるよ。お前みたいな遺伝子的に違う勝ち組スタイルの奴にこそ、この車は運転されるべきだ。お前が稼いだんだよ。 Niko : I thought it belonged to Steve? -スティーブのもんじゃないのかい? Brucie : Fuck Steve, you are the man, man. You are number one. You won this shit anyway. -スティーブなんて知るか!お前が勝者だ。お前がナンバーワンだ。この車はお前のものだ。 Brucie : I'll give Steve the bitch. -スティーブは女でもあてがっとく。 Niko : The bitch don't work too good. -女じゃ上手くいかないだろ。 Brucie : Don't worry about that.Brucie has the magic fingers. -心配すんな。俺様には魔法の指ってのがあるんだ。 Brucie : No cellulite. Okay VIP only, read my lips, I'm a winner. And when they touch. Shit, they work some serious magic bro. -セルライトもない。それなりのVIPで、いいか、おれは勝者だ!俺が触ればなんでも奇跡が起こるんだ、兄弟。 Niko : What is it that you do, Brucie? Are you a mechanic? I don't get it. -なんのことだかさっぱりだな、Brucie。あんたメカニックか? Brucie : I'm a business man, an enterpreneur. I make shit happen. -俺はビジネスマンで企業家だ。俺ガ動けば何かが起こるんだ。 Niko : Sure , but you seem kind of legit. Why do you need guys killed? -ああ、そうとも。でもあんたは一見まともなんだが、なんで人を殺していく必要があるんだ? Brucie : Of course I'm legit. Have you seen my delts? That shit is as legitimate as it gets! -もちろん、俺はまともだ。俺の三角筋は見たことあるか?この三角筋こそまさにまともにふさわしいぜ! Niko : What about these guys you need killed? -あんたが殺そうとしてる奴らはどうだい? Brucie : Fuck Nicky, you know Brucie. He's number one. It's lonely at the top. Sometimes, the juice, it just takes control, okay. -野暮なこと言うなや、Nicky。トップの人間ってのは、基本「ひとり」なんだ。寂しいことだぜ。まあ、時々、ジュース(薬)が状況をコントロールしてくれたりもするがな。 Niko : The red mist decends and I need shit to happen to people. Are you talking about fucking 'roid rage? Is that why I killed those men? -赤い霧の襲来だ。なんか人間に起こらなきゃならねえな。お前のそのステロイド狂いで、俺は人を殺さなきゃならなっかのか? Brucie : They were bad cats, Nicky. Maybe the juice meant I wasn't as patient as I should have been. -ニッキー、奴らは悪人さ。もしかしたら、ジュースの意味ってのは、おれももっと我慢強くならなきゃならねえってことかもな。 Brucie : But you know, as a businessman, I can't let people get away with shit. I need to be firm. -でもな、ビジネスマン的な立場で言えば、俺の邪魔は誰にもさせねえ。そこはビシっといかせてもらうぜ。 Niko : Look Brucie, I like you and I think we should hang out but I don't to work with you no more. -なあ、Brucie、俺は別にお前のこと嫌いでもなんでもないんだが、お前の仕事はもうやりたくねえよ。 Niko : I can't go around fucking people up because you've ever done it on the juice. -お前がそのジュースを飲んで決めた判断で人を殺めたくはないんだ。 Brucie : Alright, Nicky, man. I'm feeling you, OK? You don't wanna let our business thing get in the way of our personal relationship. That's all good man. -分かったよ、Nicky。了解だ。ビジネス的なことで私的な関係を崩したくないってことだろ?分かるよ、大丈夫だ。 Niko : Cool. -クール ~到着~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=105&file=NO.1%28END%29.jpg) Brucie : Nicky, I feel like we really bounded back there. I'm close to you, man. You let me inside. You let your armor down, you know? -Nicky、なんかまた仲を深めたみてえだぜ。お前は俺を受け入れてくれる。お前は俺に(鎧をはずすといった意味で)すごくオープンにしてくれる。 Brucie : We had a moment, man. Call me and we'll hang. -いい時間だったぜ。電話くれよ。また遊ぼうぜ。 Niko : Sure we did. -ああ、いい時間だった。 おまけ ~レース敗北時~ Brucie : What the fuck man? This shit is rigged. That didn't count as a race. -何だこりゃ?いかさまだ!レースでも何でもねえ! Brucie : We'll come back another time to really show them how we fuckin' roll. -あいつらに俺らのホントの実力を見せてやるのは、また今度だな。 Niko : See you later then. -あぁ、またな。 ~リトライ時・レースカー受け取る道中~ (携帯の会話はたぶん同じ) Niko : You're friend is fine with as taking it? He doesn't think we're going to trash it or nothing? -車、ホントに持って行っていいのか?壊されると思ってないのか? Brucie : Stevie knows that he can trust Brucie with anything. He'll look after shit. -大丈夫だ。StevieはBrucieの事を信頼している。 Brucie : Trust Brucie with anything but your girlfirend, man. And you can't be so sure he'll look after her. -Brucieは信頼できる男だ。ただし、お前の彼女のことは気をつけろよ。 Brucie : At least not the way you want her to be looked after, you get what I mean? You know? -お前の彼女に手を出さないって保証はなにもない。女だからなw Niko : That's real cool, Brucie. -そりゃ結構なことだ、ブルーシー。 Brucie : I'm just joking, man. Brucie wouldn't fuck another man's bitch. -冗談だよw ブルーシーは他の男の女に手は出さねえ。 Brucie : He's got too many women after him already to waste his time with taken pussy. -寄ってくる女が多すぎてな。プッシー選んでる暇もねえよ。 Niko : That's good to know. I'll definitely ask you to chaperone any girlfriend of mine. -そりゃ聞いておいて良かった。俺の女友達を是非監督してくれるようお願いするよ。 Brucie : Who are you kidding, Nicky? You and me aaren't girlfriend types. We...we see bitohes but we can't get tied down. -冗談だろ、Nicky?俺とお前は女みてえな付き合いじゃねえだろ。女とは付き合うが、縛られることはできねえ。 Brucie : We gotta get out then bro. Spread our seed in as many fields as we can. -まぁ、いろんなところに出向いて、種まきしとけってことだ。 Niko : I don't know. If I met the right girl sometime... -どうだかな。いつかこれという女に会ったら…。 Brucie? : That's what I say when people ask me if the juice has given me funny balls, you know? -だれかが、薬が俺の金玉に変なことしやがるどうか聞いてきたときは、こう言ってやるんだ。 Brucie : How would I be able to get with so many chicks if my balls were funny? -俺の金玉がおかしかったら、俺がこんなモテモテなわけねえだろ?ってな。 Niko : Brucie, I don't need to think about your balls, I'm cool. -ブルーシー、お前は金玉のことで頭がいっぱいだな。俺は大丈夫だ。 ~レースに向かう道中~ brucie : We're going to dominate this shit. Dominate man. I've got good feelings about this, We're gonna win for sure brother! -もうコレは俺らの独壇場だよ。まさに。もう絶対勝ちしかないわ、これ。 Niko : Yeah, you got some faith in me, Brucie. -そうだな、お前の期待はものすごく感じてるよ、ブルーシー。 Brucie : There's no other place than first, Nicky. The rest of that shit don't count, ok... -ニッキー、1位以外はゼロだからな。 Brucie : I got the best body, I get the hottest pussy. I ride the flyest cars. I'm number one, man. -俺にはこの最高の肉体と最高のプッシーがある。そして、最速の車たち。俺はナンバーワンだ! Brucie : I'll burn your village and eat your children, I'm fucking intense man! -村を焼き払って、子供達でも食っちまうぜ!うっひゃー!このテンションたまんねー! Niko : Yeah, intense is the word. -ああ、テンション高すぎだ。

