「HOSTILE NEGOTIATION」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

HOSTILE NEGOTIATION - (2008/05/16 (金) 16:14:03) の最新版との変更点



"Go to the &color(yellow){warehouse} where Roman is being held." -ローマンが捕らえられている倉庫へ向かえ。 Kidnapper:If you want to walk out of here, Slav, you are going o have to think about how you will pay your debt. -ここから出たかったらな、スラブ野郎、どうやって借金を返すのか考えろ。 Kidnapper:A friend of mine, Dimitri Rascalov, he would pay a lot of money for your cousin. -ディミトリは俺の友人でな、お前さんのいとこを殺ればたっぷり金を払ってくれそうだ。 Roman:I'll get you the money, just not that way. -金は払う。それだけはやめてくれ。 "Roman is on the top floor. Rescue him." -最上階にいるローマンを救え。 〜倉庫内銃撃戦 NIko:No one fucks with my family! NIko:Come on. Test me! Test me! NIko:Take my cousin, will you? NIko:I am leaving here with Roman. NIko:You will pay for what you've done. NIko:You will not harm my cousin. NIko:who do you people think you are? NIko:This is it for you. Roman:Cousin, I knew you'd come for me! Roman:Niko! Niko! I'm up here! Roman:Up here, Niko! Up here! Niko:You Won't need to wit much longer. Niko:Your pain is over, cousin. I'm coming. Roman:Get up here, Niko! Quickly! Roman:Make them suffer, cousin. Roman:I don't to die, Niko. - &color(white,gray){Use Free-Aim to take out the kidnapper and free Roman.} Kidnapper:You are Niko Belic. Turn around and walk away or your cousin is dead. - Kidnapper:That was the wrong choice, Slav. - &color(white,gray){Hold "RT" halfway before firing to increase accuracy.} 〜ローマン救出後 Roman:Thank you, cousin. You saved my life. - Niko:We should get out of here. - "Follow &color(blue){Roman}." Roman:There's a car. Take me home, cousin. - "Take Roman back to the &color(yellow){Bohan safehouse}." 〜車中 Niko:What happened, Roman? You have been gambling. - NIko:I give you money. How are you in debt? - Roman:There are cycles, cousin. You must lose a little to win a lot. - Roman:Come on. My cards were not good. - NIko:Roman… - Roman:That man knew Dimitri. He was trying to make me give you up to him. I would never… - NIko:Of course you would not. Dimitri has taken this too far. - Roman:He wants you dead. Bohan is not safe. I'm going to get us a place in Algonquin. - Niko:Are you okay? - Roman:I'm used to taking these beatings, Niko. I almost expect it now. - Roman:Wherever I go there are people who want to kill me. Men, who will kidnap me. - Roman:I'll never marry Mallorie. I won't be able to sleep with another college girl. - Roman:There is a knife hanging over me. A clock is ticking. - 〜セーフハウス到着後 Roman:Man, this is out of control. - Niko:I know. - Roman:What are we going to do? - Niko:I don't know. - Roman:We are going to die. I don't want to die, man. Not like this. - Niko:How would you like to die? - Roman:Having a threesome on my hundredth birthday… - Roman:I don't fucking know! I'm scared you cold bastard. What are we going to do? - Niko:I'm not cold. - Roman:You're cold…all you care about is revenge and getting your own way. - Niko:And all you care about is money, and gambling it away on the internet. - Niko:Oh! Isn't America great? - Niko:I get to sit in front of a computer and play Mr. Rich Man and get into debt with crooks. - Roman:Okay, I messed up…I know I did. I thought things would be different. - Roman:I don't understand this place so good. - Roman:Oh, man. What are we going to do? - Niko:Stop sitting in front of the computer gambling our money? - Niko:Stop getting into illegal card games? - Niko:Stop spending all our money? - Roman:Yes… - Niko:Thank you. - Roman:And stop thinking about the Russians. - Roman:Man, we just need to disappear as far as they are concerned. Disappear! - Niko:Okay, okay. But I want Florian and Darko. I need to know what happened. Give me that. - Roman:Fine. But leave the Russians alone. - Niko:I was not the one gambling in their private club. - Roman:I didn't know…give a guy a break. - Niko:Okay! Okay. - Roman:Okay. - Roman:I'm going to clean up. I have a nasty feeling I had a bit of an - accident back there. - Roman:And, Niko… - Niko:What? - Roman:Thanks. -
**HOSTILE NEGOTIATION 指示 : "Go to the &color(yellow){warehouse} where Roman is being held." -Romanが捕らえられている倉庫へ向かえ。 Kidnapper : If you want to walk out of here, Slav, you are going o have to think about how you will pay your debt. -スラブ野郎、ここから出たいのなら、どうやって借金を返すのか考えろ。 Kidnapper : A friend of mine, Dimitri Rascalov, he would pay a lot of money for your cousin. -Dimitriは俺の友人でな、お前さんの従兄弟を殺れば、たっぷり金を払ってくれそうだ。 Roman : I'll get you the money, just not that way. -金は払う。それだけはやめてくれ。 指示 : "Roman is on the top floor. Rescue him.″ -最上階に居るRomanを救え。 〜倉庫内銃撃戦 Niko:No one fucks with my family! -俺の家族には、誰にも手出しはさせない! Niko:Come on. Test me! Test me! -かかって来い。さぁ来い!さぁ来い! Niko:Take my cousin, will you? -俺の従兄弟を、殺れるとでも思っているのか? Niko:I am leaving here with Roman. -俺は、Romanと一緒に帰るんだ。 Niko:You will pay for what you've done. -このツケは、きっちり払ってもらうぜ。 Niko:You will not harm my cousin. -俺の従兄弟には、指一本、触れさせない。 Niko:who do you people think you are? -お前ら、何様だと思ってんだ? Niko:This is it for you. -これでも喰らいな。 Roman : Cousin, I knew you'd come for me! -従兄弟よ。やっぱり来てくれたか! Roman : Niko! Niko! I'm up here! -Niko!Niko!俺はこっちだ! Roman : Up here, Niko! Up here! -こっちだ、Niko!こっち! Niko : You Won't need to wit much longer. -もう少しの辛抱だ。 Niko : Your pain is over, cousin. I'm coming. -もう大丈夫だ、助けに来たぜ。 Roman : Get up here, Niko! Quickly! -こっちだ、Niko!早く! Roman : Make them suffer, cousin. -やつらを困らせてやれ、従兄弟よ。 Roman : I don't to die, Niko. -死にたくねぇよ、Niko。 指示 : &color(white,gray){"Use Free-Aim to take out the kidnapper and free Roman."} -フリーエイム機能を使って、誘拐犯を殺し、Romanを開放しろ。 Kidnapper:You are Niko Bellic. Turn around and walk away or your cousin is dead. -お前がNiko Bellicか。後ろを向いて、ゆっくり去って行け。さもないと、お前の従兄弟を殺すぞ。 Kidnapper:That was the wrong choice, Slav. -選択を誤ったな、スラブ人め。 指示 : &color(white,gray){"Hold "RT" halfway before firing to increase accuracy."} -RT or R2をゆっくり押すと、命中精度が上がる。 ~Romanの救出後~ Roman:Thank you, cousin. You saved my life. -助かったぜ、Niko。あんたは命の恩人だ。 Niko:We should get out of here. -早く、ここから離れるぞ。 指示 : "Follow &color(blue){Roman}." -Romanについて行け Roman:There's a car. Take me home, cousin. -車だ。そいつで送ってくれ、Niko。 指示 : "Take Roman back to the &color(yellow){Bohan safehouse}." -Romanを、Bohanのセーフハウスへ帰せ。 ~車中~ Niko:What happened, Roman? You have been gambling. -Roman、何があったんだよ?賭けてたんだろ。 Niko:I give you money. How are you in debt? -金ならやるよ。いくら負けたんだ? Roman:There are cycles, cousin. You must lose a little to win a lot. -流れってものがあるだろ、Niko。大勝したきは、ちょっとは負けないとよ。 Roman:Come on. My cards were not good. -全く、ツイてなかったよ。あんな糞カードの役じゃよ。 NIko:Roman... -おいRoman…。 Roman:That man knew Dimitri. He was trying to make me give you up to him. I would never... -あいつは、Dimitriの事を知っていた。あいつ、俺にこの事を売れって言うもんだから。俺は絶対…。 Niko:Of course you would not. Dimitri has taken this too far. -もちろん分かっているさ。お前はそんな事しない。Dimitriなんかには、何にも出来ないさ。 Roman:He wants you dead. Bohan is not safe. I'm going to get us a place in Algonquin. -あいつ、お前を殺したがっている。Bohanは安全ではない。Algonquinの所に行くぜ。 Niko:Are you okay? -何だって? Roman:I'm used to taking these beatings, Niko. I almost expect it now. -この手の事があったら、いつもそうしてるんだよ、Niko。多分、今回もそれで間違いない。 Roman:Wherever I go there are people who want to kill me. Men, who will kidnap me. -さらわれそうになったり、殺されそうになったりした時は、いつもそうしているんだ。 Roman:I'll never marry Mallorie. I won't be able to sleep with another college girl. -Mallorieとの結婚は無理だな。俺はもう、他の女でも無理だな。 Roman:There is a knife hanging over me. A clock is ticking. -喉元に、ナイフ突き立てられてるようなもんだ。いつ切られるかって感じだな。 ~セーフハウス到着後~ Roman:Man, this is out of control. -なぁ、もう手に負えないな。 Niko:I know. -あぁ。 Roman:What are we going to do? -これからどうする? Niko:I don't know. -分からねぇよ。 Roman:We are going to die. I don't want to die, man. Not like this. -俺たちゃ殺されるかもしれねぇ。こんな風に死にたかねぇよ。 Niko:How would you like to die? -じゃぁどんな風に死にたいんだよ? Roman:Having a threesome on my hundredth birthday... -100歳の誕生日に3Pしながら…。 Roman:I don't fucking know! I'm scared you cold bastard. What are we going to do? -もう分かんねぇよ!怖えんだよ、お前薄情なやつだな。どうすりゃ良いんだよ? Niko:I'm not cold. -俺は薄情なやつじゃねぇ。 Roman:You're cold... all you care about is revenge and getting your own way. -お前は薄情だよ…。復讐することと自分のことしか考えてないじゃねぇか。 Niko:And all you care about is money, and gambling it away on the internet. -そういうお前は金のことしか頭に無くて、ネットカジノですっちまうんじゃねぇかよ。 Niko:Oh! Isn't America great? -おぉそうだ!アメリカがクソだってか? Niko:I get to sit in front of a computer and play Mr. Rich Man and get into debt with crooks. -パソコンの前にじっと座って、Mr. Rich Manをプレイして借金作っちゃいましたってか? Roman:Okay, I messed up…I know I did. I thought things would be different. -あぁそうさ、俺が滅茶苦茶にしたんだ。分かってる。何か違うなって思ってたさ。 Roman:I don't understand this place so good. -この場所のよさが分かんねぇよ。 Roman:Oh, man. What are we going to do? -あぁもう、俺ちゃどうすりゃいいんだ? Niko:Stop sitting in front of the computer gambling our money? -ネットカジノに金つぎ込むのを止めれるか? Niko:Stop getting into illegal card games? -違法のカードゲームもだ。 Niko:Stop spending all our money? -俺たちの金を無駄遣いするんじゃねぇ。分かったか? Roman:Yes... -分かったよ…。 Niko:Thank you. -よし。 Roman:And stop thinking about the Russians. -あぁそうだ、あのロシア人の事を考えるのもやめよう。 Roman:Man, we just need to disappear as far as they are concerned. Disappear! -なぁ、やつらが嗅ぎ回ってる間、身を隠そうぜ。そうしよう! Niko:Okay, okay. But I want Florian and Darko. I need to know what happened. Give me that. -分かった。分かったよ。だがFlorianとDarkoは探したい。何があったのか知りたいんだ。頼む。 Roman:Fine. But leave the Russians alone. -分かったよ。だが、あのロシア人には関わるんじゃねぇぞ。 Niko:I was not the one gambling in their private club. -やつらのプライベートクラブでギャンブルした事はない。 Roman:I didn't know...give a guy a break. -そりゃあ知らなかったよ…。チャンスをくれ。 Niko:Okay! Okay. -分かった!分かった。 Roman:Okay. -よし。 Roman:I'm going to clean up. I have a nasty feeling I had a bit of an - accident back there. -ちょっとシャワーでも浴びてくるよ。さっきの事件を思い出して気分が悪いんだ。 Roman:And, Niko... -それからNiko…。 Niko:What? -何だ? Roman:Thanks. -ありがとよ。

