「CLEAN GETAWAY」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

CLEAN GETAWAY - (2008/05/04 (日) 22:51:16) の最新版との変更点



**CLEAN GETAWAY ~バーにて~ Vlad : Ahh,yokel there you are, okay. -ああ、そこの田舎者 Niko : Vlad. -Vlad. Vlad : come on,let's go for a walk,okay? -ちょっと散歩しようぜ。 Niko : Right -いいとも。 Vlad : Okay,come on  -よし、来い。 ~外~ Niko : Where are we going? -どこに行くつもりだ? Vlad : To my car. -俺の車さ? Niko : Why? -なぜ? Vlad : Because of your cousin owing me a lot of money and until he pays me,your fresh off the boat yokel ass is mine. -なぜならお前の従兄弟が俺に多額の借金をしてるからさ、あいつが Niko : what the fuck you mean why? Hey,you're a pretty relaxed guy, huh Vlad? Come on. Come on, yokel. What's wrong with you? You gonna jump me? Vlad : No...I had a late night last night. Spent it with Mikhail. Great. Yeah... wild. Niko : So who the hell is Mikhail? Vlad : Mikhail's the man...shit mt nose is bleedaing. Is my nose bleeding? No.Not yet. Fuck face. Come on. Wait!I'm walking here. Let's go. Damn city always trying to run you down, huh? Get a job, you deadbeat crack head. Man, where do these people get off? Like I'm gonna pay for their drug habits?
**CLEAN GETAWAY ~バーにて~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=65&file=CLEAN+GETAWAY1.jpg,width=400,height=223) Vlad : Ahh,yokel there you are, okay. -あぁ、そこの田舎者。 Niko : Vlad. -Vlad。 Vlad : come on,let's go for a walk,okay? -ちょっと、散歩しようぜ。 Niko : Right -いいとも。 Vlad : Okay,come on  -よし、来い。 ~外~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=65&file=CLEAN+GETAWAY2.jpg,width=400,height=226) Niko : Where are we going? -どこに行くつもりだ? Vlad : To my car. -俺の車の元へな。 Niko : Why? -なぜだ? Vlad : Because of your cousin owing me a lot of money and until he pays me,your fresh off the boat yokel ass is mine. -お前の従兄弟が、俺に多額の借金をしているからな。つまり、船から降りたばかりのお前は、俺の物だって事だ。 Niko : what the fuck you mean why? Hey,you're a pretty relaxed guy, huh Vlad? -それは一体どういう了見だ?おい、どう見てもお前眠そうだぞ、おいVlad? Vlad : Come on. -行こう。 (Move, you old hag.) Vlad : Come on, yokel. -行こうぜ、田舎者。 What's wrong with you? You gonna jump me? -おい、おいってば田舎者。どうしちまったってんだ?(意識が)どっかいっちまったのか? Vlad : No...I had a late night last night. Spent it with Mikhail. Great. Yeah... wild. -いや…。昨日ちょっと遅くまでMikhailと居てな。凄かった。あぁ、激しかったよ。 Niko : So who the hell is Mikhail? -それで、そのMikhailってのはどこのどいつだ? Vlad : Mikhail's the man...shit my nose is bleeding. Is my nose bleeding? -Mikhailってのは男で…。くそっ、鼻血だ。血が出てるよな? Niko : No. Not yet. -いいや、まだ出てねえ。 Vlad : Fuck face. Come on. -(無理やり道路を渡ろうとして)おら!このクソ野郎! Vlad : Wait! I'm walking here. Let's go. -(タクシーにぶつかりそうになって)気を付けろ!歩いてんだろうが! Vlad : Damn city always trying to run you down, huh? -全く、いつか轢かれちまうぜ。なぁ? Vlad : Get a job, you deadbeat crack head. Man, where do these people get off? Like I'm gonna pay for their drug habits? -(乞食に対して)薬中のイカレ頭が!職探せ!ったく、あの連中は、俺があいつらの薬代でもサポートすると思ってんのか? Well say something... you're so fucking laid back. Moron! Come on. -(乞食を追い返して)おら!何とか言ってみろよ!この腐れ怠けもんが! Vlad : Want some? Good. -(コカインを吸いながら)要るか?(Nikoが拒否して)なら良い。 Niko : We walked all the way over here so you could snort coke? -コカインが吸いたくて、ここまでえっちら歩いて来たのかい? Vlad : No... listen, aaah, that's better... agh that's better. Man, Mikhail gets the good stuff... it's got some laxative in it, though... gives you stomach problems. -いや…。聞いてくれ、(コカインを吸いながら)うおー、効く…。上物だ。それにしても、Mikhailは上物のブツを手に入れるぜ。なんだか毎回下痢を催すけどな…。 Niko : Nice detail. -説明ありがとよ。 Vlad : Yeah, listen, ah... where were we? -で、え~と…。どこまで言ったかな? Niko : I don't know. -知るか。 Vlad : Oh yeah... so, I need you to head up to Dukes and get a car for me. It's a silver Blista, and it's parked in the projects by E.I.C. subway  station, okay? -あぁ…。思い出した。Dukesまで行って車を調達して来い。銀色のBlistaだ。EIC地下鉄駅のすぐそばにある団地に止めてある。 Niko : Sure. You got keys? -分かった。鍵は? Vlad : Errr, no, yokel, I need you to take the car. Asshole owes Mikhail some money. Take his car instead, eh? -田舎モン、俺は「調達」してこいと言ったんだ。クソ野郎(Jimmyという[[M.O.B.>犯罪組織の勢力一覧]]のメンバー)はMikhailに借りたがるんでな。車が借金代わりと言うわけだ。 Niko : We gonna drive over there? -そこまで車で連れて行ってくれるのか? Vlad : What? -は? Niko : Are we going to drive over there? -車で行くのか? Vlad : No, you're gonna take the train, buddy. You think I wanna be in a car with a peasant? Come on, I'm gonna go meet somebody... have a little party... -電車っていう物があんだろ。俺は、田舎者とは一緒の車には乗れねぇ。ほら行けよ!待ち合わせがあるんだ…。ちょっとパーティーがあんだよ…。 Niko : Okay. Fine. Have fun... dick head. -OK。分かった。楽しんで来い…。チンポ野郎。 ~駅から降りて~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=65&file=CLEAN+GETAWAY2b.jpg) Niko : This car belong to Vlad? -この車はVladのだろ? Jimmy : No, it's mine, who asking? -は?俺のだ。お前、誰だよ? Niko : It belongs to Vlad now. You should pay your debts. -この車はVladの物だ。お前が借金を払わない限りな。 Jimmy : You that fat Russian's bitch? Just try and take. -お前、あのロシア野朗の連れか?取れるもんなら取ってみやがれ。 ~Vladに電話~ #image(http://www13.atwiki.jp/xbox360gta4?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=65&file=CLEAN+GETAWAY3.jpg) Niko : I have your new car, Vlad. It's not pretty though, real dirty. -あんたの新しい車を手に入れたぜ、Vlad。かなり汚れてるけどな。 Vlad : Dirty? I can't sell a ditry car. I know your cousins like them dirty. Maybe your whole yokel family drive around in their dirty cars but it's not the way over here. Fucking peasants don't do nothing right. -汚い?汚ねぇ車は売れねえな。まぁ、お前の従兄弟は汚ねぇ車が好きみたいだな。&br()それより、お前の田舎者ファミリーは、汚ねぇ車を運転するのが普通だと思ってるだろが、この辺りは違うんだよ。&br()これだから田舎者は手がかかる。 Niko : Hey, I could fuck this car up worse than a little dirt. -おい、この車をゴミにしちまう事も出来るがな?どうする? Vlad : Relax man. You should lose your edge. There's a carwash over on Saratoga Avenue. Just take it over there and then to my lockup just off Mohawk. Did they give the car up easy? -落ち着けよ。とんがりすぎだよ。&br()Saratoga通りの洗車機で洗ってから、Mohawkのガレージまで持って行ってくれ。ところで、やつらは簡単に車をくれたか? Niko : It was easy. I didn't even have to hurt the guy. -あぁ、簡単だったさ。俺は痛めつけてもいない。 Vlad : Good, dead guys can't pay interest, you're learning. -そりゃ良かった。死なれちまったら、利子も返しちゃもらえねぇ。お前、学習能力があるな。

