「THE MASTER AND THE MOLOTVE」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

携帯にメール : 


Niko : Dimitri.
Dimitri : Hey. Sit down.
Niko : What's the problem?
Dimitri : What do you think?
Niko : Mikhail. Mr.Fuastin.
Dimitri : Uh huh.
Dimitri : You're given a choice, kill your best firiends, or die... what do you do?
Niko : Are there is no way out?
Dimitri : Not now. Not after you killed Petrovic's son.
Niko : You don't have any family. You coule run.
Dimitri : Whereever you go, people wuld find you, if they want to badly enough. And for this they want blood.
Niko : But you and Mikhail, you have so much history.
Dimitri : Sure.
Niko : I killed the boy, so they want me too.
Dimitri : No. I told them you were a hired gun. And they said as long as you were the one to kill him, you'd be spared.
Niko : So that's the way it is?
Dimitri : Yes, that the way it is. He'll be leaving his house in a little while and heading for the club.
Dimitri : Do what you have to do. You know, if there is one thing I have learned, it's that we must obey the rules of the game.
Dimitri : We can pick the game, Niko Bellic, but we cannot the change the rules. See you later.

指示 : Get to Faustin's club.
指示 : Faustin is inside Perestoroika.

メール : Niko, there can be no mistakes with this, Mikhail is a dangerous man. I have left some protection for you around the side of the club. Your frisne, Dimitri.
ヒント : Body armor increases the amount of damage you can take from gunfire.


Niko : I'm pleasure.


Faustin : Niko, Niko Belic. You and Dimitri are talking over, no?
-Niko,Niko Belicよ。貴様とDimitriで謀反をたくらんでるな、違うか?
Niko : This is not about taking over. You brought this on yourself. You pushed things too far.
Faustin : You would be dead if it wasn't for me. That is what Dimitri wanted when you killed Vlad.
Niko : You didn't give him a coice. You should have been calm.
Faustin : No one, not Dimitri, not anyone tells me to calm.
Faustin : You think Dimitri would have survived prison without me? He'd just be some prison queen, had I not been there.
Faustin : Meat for some gym monkey! I am not dead yet. Some are still loyal to me.
Faustin : Guards!

~戦闘~ (主にFaustinとNiko) たぶん不完全だと思います。補完plz

You fight like a warm, like spineless worm Bellic.
You are nothing, Bellic, you are weak. Give up.
The strong survive and the weak die. You will see.
I got where I am for a reason. I won't have some Balkan shit take this away from me.
I made you what you are, Niko.
I showed mercy to you and your cousin when Dimitri wanted you dead.
The time for mercy is over. I must rule with a first of iron.

Faustin : Do not abandan your leader. Stop this man.
Niko : It's closing time! Get your coat!

指示 : Faustin is getting away. Chase him.

Come on, guards.
It was never going to last Faustin. You took thing too far.
Dimitri turned on me, not other way around. America made him greedy.
Dimitri will turn on you as well, you shall discover this.
I am a man of convictions, I have only clone what I believed.
None oh you will survive in this country without me.
This American greed takes everyone. It is like a disease.
Only I am still sane.


Niko : Faustin is dead.
Dimitri : You did good thing. A hard thing, but a good thing. Hopehully this will mean peace with Petrovic.
