「DINING OUT」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
DINING OUT」を以下のとおり復元します。

―Aaah,Niko...good to see you.
Niko:You too.How are you,Mr.Gambetti?
Gambetti:I was just speaking to our mutual friend about you.
Gambetti:He said how efficient you were...I like that.
Gambetti:Then he mentioned something about a Darko Brevic.
-それで、奴はDarko Brevicについて語っていたよ。
Niko:What?He did?
Gambetti:Yeah...he's located the guy.
Gambetti:It seems he wasn't in Switzerland at all,but in Bucharest.
Gambetti:He'll be here soon.
Gambetti:And it seems your Russian friends are getting the messeage.
Gambetti:Some of them...
Gambetti:I think it's our tum to do a favor for that mutual friend of ours.
Gambetti:Seems some Korean has come into the country and...
Gambetti:and is selling money at a discount.
Gambetti:You don't need me to tell you that it's all fugazi.
Gambetti:faker than a pair or Vinewood tits.
Niko:That's good...
Gambetti:Listen,I need you to deal with this.
Gambetti:Eliminate the guy.
Gambetti:Wheat he's doing is no good for the economy.
Gambetti:and no good for patriots like you and me.
Niko:So who is he?
Gambetti:His name is Kim Young-Guk.
-奴の名はKim Young-Guk。
Gambetti:He'll be very well protected.
Gambetti:He eats at Mr.Fuk.
Niko:Mr.Gravelli,are you alright?
Gambetti:Yeah,Yeah,I'm fine...
Gambetti:wh-wait...what was I saying?
Niko:Kim Young-Guk,he eats at?
Gambetti:Yeah right,right right...
Gambetti:he...he eats at restaurant called Mr.Fuk's Rise Box.
-奴はレストラン「Mr.Fuk's Rise Box」にいるはずだ。
Gambetti:Yeah,in Alderney City.
-そう、Alderney Cityにある。
Niko:Don't worry,I'll take care or it.

&color(white,gray){Head over to the &color(yellow){restaurant.}}

&color(white,gray){Go inside the &color(yellow){restaurant)}}


Niko:Where is Kim?
Men:He's upstairs speaking with the manager.They don't want to see nobody though.
Niko:Kim and I are old friends.
Men:Kim got a lotta money.He dosn't need to friends.Get lost.

&color(white,gray){Look for Kim in the &color(green){Manager's} office.}

&color(white,gray){Question the &color(green){manager} to find Kim.}


Niko:If you play stupid you're not going to live very long.Where's Kim?
Men:He heard you come.He run out back through the kitchen.

&color(white,gray){Don't let &color(red){Kim} escape.}


Kim:You hang with that junkie,right?


Gambetti:Tell me that Kim Young-Gut isn't devaluing our precious currency anymore?
-これ以上Kim Young-Gutはわしら大事な貨幣市場をメチャメチャにしないっていうんだな?
Niko:He's passed his last false bill,Mr.Gambetti.
Gambetti:Well done,my boy.This is going to be a fruitful partnership for us both.
