「TO LIVE AND DIE IN ALDERNEY」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Phil Bell:Okay,I'll see ya later.
Jimmy's wife(Angie):You take care now.
Phil Bell:Yeah,okay.I'll see you later.
Phil Bell:Give me a call.
Phil Bell:It'S not what it looks like...
Phil Bell:It's not like that.
Phil Bell:We talk.
Phil Bill:So do us all a favor and keep quiet.
Niko:But,Phil and...
Niko:I don't mean to take advantage,but...maybe I need help one time.
Niko:Maybe I can give you a call?
Phil Bell:What do you mean?
Niko:I mean...
Niko:I need to find something out about someone.
Niko:Maybe you can help.
Phil Bell:Are you fucking blackmailing me?
Niko:I'm asking for a favor.
Niko:Why do you think I put my neck on the line for you?
Niko:Because I need help with something.
Phil Bell:You know,since you don't took like you're full of crap,how could I say no?
Phil Bell:Enough of this chit-chat.
Phil Bell:C'mon,let's go.
Phil Bell:We're heading back up to that old house off Beaverhead Avenue in Westdyke.
-WestdykeのBeaverhead Avenueまで、例の古家に行く。

&color(white,gray){Take Bell to the &color(yellow){old mansion} in Westdyke.}


Phil Bell:Okay,I had word from Frnkie,my nephew.
Phil Bell:No one's been paying undue attention to the H we took off the Triads.
Phil Bell:We're gonna go pick it up.
Niko:I thought it was a wedding pressent for your nephew?
Phil Bell:He's my nephew through my ex-waife,I might give him work sometimes but I ain't gonna give him this load of horse.
Phil Bell:He wants anything except a bit of muscle work
Phil Bell:he can ask the bitch to take it out of the divorce settlement.Fucking cunt.
Niko:You had any more girlfriends since the ex-wife?
Phil Bell:If you're getting smart about seeing Angie at my place then you can button it.
Phil Bell:The two of us is just friends.We talk.
Phil Bell:We both gotta take a lot of shit from Jimmy and it helps to speak about it.
Niko:I wasn't making no accusations.
Phil Bell:Yeah,well,that's something that Ray likes to run his mouth about.
Phil Bell:Ray runs his mouth so much that no one pays much attention to what comes out of it.
Phil Bell:I believed it.I'd be dead already it Jimmy P listened to anything he'd said about me.
-間違いない。Rayが吹き込もうとすることをJimmy Pがちゃんと聞いていたら、俺はもう死んでるはずだ。
Niko:If only the feds knew how full of shit most wiseguys were.
Niko:Then maybe you wouldn't have such problems with pepole turning state's.
Phil Bell:The Feds know that wiseguys run their mouths,that love it.
Phil Bell:A Feds don't care if he's taking someone down on a legitimate beef or if it's total bullshit.
Phil Bell:As long as he can get this face in the newspaper and a blowjob from his wife, he's happy.
Phil Bill:Fucking Feds.


Phil Bell:There you are.
Phil Bell:Frankie,you been keeping your eyes open out here?
Phil Bell:You seen anyone snoopin' around?
Frankie:I ain't seen a soul,boss.It's a ghost house.
Frankie:I got the horse loaded into two cars for you.
Phil Bell:I dunno,this don't feel right.
Phil Bell:Shit Frankie,you dumb fuck.
Phil Bell:The Feds have been watching us all along.
Phil Bell:Niko,get in that car and follow me.

&color(white,gray){Follow &color(green){Bell.}Don't let him get busted by the feds.}


Frankie:Damm feds.
Frankie:They're all over the boss,Niko.
Frankie:Have some of that.
Niko:Screw you,scumbags.
Niko:Are you fucking blind?
Niko:You don't notice the fifty feds watching these cars?
Frankie:I thought Phil was just paranoid.
Frankie:Gimme a break,man.I got a lot on my mind,you know?
Frankie:I didn't have much time to scope this out.My ma's kinda sick.I been looking after her.
Frankie:And my sister,I been putting her throught college.
Niko:Shut up,these Feds are over me.
Frankie:I'm sorry man.It's just...I only got married the other day.
Frankie:God,I love that kid.You wanna see a picture?
Niko:I don't want to see a fucking picture.I'm trying to get us out this situation.
Niko:Maybe then you can spend time with your wife instead of some jailhouse bitch.
Frankie:Speed up Niko,we're screwed otherwise.
Frankie:We can't let those Feds run the boss off the road,get them.
Frankie:You like that?
Frankie:Eat this,pigs.
Frankie:Ah God,we're gonna lose the boss.
Frankie:Deal with the Feds,Niko.
Frankie:Damm Feds.
Frankie:Crap,we're losing him.We're screwed.
Frankie:The Feds don't fuck with the boss and get away with it.Get close to them.


Phil Bell:Niko,they're all over us.We're diching the care and going on foot.Park up behind me when I stop.


Phil Bell:Frankie,Niko,grad the shuff from the trunk and follow me. I got a van we can use.
Frankie?:More fucking becon,shit.

&color(white,gray){There is too much heat.Follow &color(green){Bell} and &color(green){Frankie}.Take out anyone who gets in your way.}

Frankie?:Come on Niko,chop fucking chop.
Frankie?:Hurry this shit up.
Phil Bell?:We got more company.
Phil Bell?:Get a move on,we ain't sight seeing over here.
Phil Bell:Pick up the pace,Bellic.We don't got all day,come on.

&color(white,gray){Get to the &color(yellow){escape van} and lose the cops.}

Phil Bell:Niko,thet's the van.We gotta get to a safe house.
Phil Bell:More damn cops.


&color(white,gray){Take out the &color(red){helicopter.}There is too much heat with it following you.}

Cop:There's no way out of this.Give up your bags and weapons.
???:If you wannna get rid of the chopper there's some fire power in the back.


&color(white,gray){Get in the van with &color(green){Bell} and &color(green){Frankie.}}


Phil Bell?:These cops ain't flipping me if I'm caught.And they bette not flip you either.

&color(white,gray){Lose your wanted level.}

???(たぶんF):Damn,this is a wild ride.I didn't think I was gonnna come outta that one.
???(たぶんP):You're fucking lucky that you did.Lucky any of us did.
???(たぶんN):Don't I know it,Phil.I shoulda seen'em.
???(たぶんF):I've been telling Niko I got a lot on my mind.
???:Next time,mind on the job.This ain't a fucking joke.
???:You got a wife,you got a ma,don't play around with your life.

&color(white,gray){Take Bell and Frankie to the &color(yellow){safe house}.}

???:Don't play around with other pepole's lives either.
???:I don't want to take a bullet or a stint in the pen for anyone else's fuck up.
???(たぶんF):Alright guys,shit.I'm sorry.
Phil Bell:Niko,you done good for me.
Phil Bell:There's been some fucked up shit going on but you been keeping cool.
Phil Bell:You're a good earner.I got respect for you.
Niko:Hey let's see it we get back before you start talking like this,shall we?
Niko:This ain't over until we got the H in a place.
Phil Bell:You're damn right.


Phil Bell:Niko driving,Niko.We're gonna be able to shift this H for a lot of money.
Phil Bill:Might just keep the Pegorino family's head above water.See you around.
