「Search and Delete」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Search and Delete」を以下のとおり復元します。
**Search and Delete
Roman : Niko, it's Roman.
Roman : I was talking to Brucie...
-Brucie の話なんだが……

Niko : That 'roid monkey?

-Roman : He is a good friend of mine, he'll be a good friend of yours too if you let him.Anyway, he's got some work and we are in need of money.Meet him at Brucie's Executive Autos on Mohanet in East Hook.If Mallorie calls you, we are bowling together. See you later.
-あいつは俺の良い友人だし、おまえがそうするなら、おまえの良い友人にもなるだろう。いずれにせよ、奴は仕事を抱えてるし、俺たちには金が必要だ。East Hook の Mohanet にある、Brucie's Executive Autos で奴に会ってくれ。もし、Mallorie から電話があったら、一緒にボーリングしてるって答えてくれ。じゃまた後で。

~Brucie's Executive Autos~
Nico : Hey. Hello.
従業員 : I'm busy.
Nico:I said hello!
従業員 : Ow! Motherfucker!
Nico : Is your boss around?
従業員 : What did you do that for?
Nico : Is your boss around?
従業員 : Yeah, he's around. Brucie! Some fucking Polack asshole for you.
-ああ、居るよ。Bruicie! ポーランドの糞ったれが来たぞ
Nico : Pleasure to meet you, too
Brucie : He's not a Polack. He's a gentleman.
従業員:He's still a fucking asshole...
Brucie:Sorry, Nicky, man.How's things?
Brucie : Okay.
Brucie : Sweet.
Brucie : I got you, man! I'm big, but I'm also fast. Wake up, boy!
Nico : Ooh, I'm sorry. Can you show me that again?
Brucie : Hey yah! Oh! Ah! Oh! Enough, man, enough! Oh! Whoo!
ちょ、ああ! おい! ああ! 十分、もう十分だろ! おお、あー!
-You'll be alright, eh?
-Fuck me, man. Woo!

Brucie : That's some red army shit, serious.
Brucie : You gotta show me that one. I'm all about power.
Brucie : C'mon, touch my pecs, man.
Nick : No, thank you.
Brucie : Rock hard. I bench four-fifty I'm an animal.
Nick : Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Brucie : Shit no shit. What you doing here, man?
Nick : Well, Roman said maybe you needed some help, and we need some money real bad.
-ああ、Roman が言うには、多分お前は助けを必要としているし、俺たちは実にひどく金がいる。
Brucie : Shit, my bad. Yeah, of course. Love that guy. Love him.
Brucie : I mean I am no chubby chaser, but if I was, and a queer, that guy would be in trouble,

I'll let him know.
you know what I mean?

Brucie : Hey, I'm shitting withyou. Brucie likes pussy.Remember that, alright?


Brucie : Alright now, Nicky, listen up. I know you guys need money, bad.
Brucie : This ain't a nice job. Not exactly mom and pop shit.No problems, as long as the pay is good.Sometimes people fuck other people over, okay? And the people that fuck other people need to get fucked with. Especially people that go into hiding, before they can get on the stand and put a lot of guys inside for a lot of time.
Brucie : I need you to whack some people, only they're in hiding.
Nico : How do I find them?
Brucie : Man, you're cold. You didn't even blink! Love that, I fucking love that! You gotta steal a police car, get on the computer, gimme a call. They're easy to hack.
Nico : Not really. Alriht, Brucie, I'll give you a call.
Brucie : Ice cold man! Ice cold!
-ice cold=キンキンに冷えた(この場合氷のような冷徹さ?)
