「UNCLE VLAD」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
UNCLE VLAD」を以下のとおり復元します。


Niko : Hey, what's wrong?
Roman : Hey, cousin. Bullshit. 
Niko : What's bullshit?
Roman : Mallorie.
Niko : Oh, what about her?
Roman : I like her... really like her...
Niko : But you keep messing around with the other women.
Roman : Yeah...no. I think she's messing around with Vlad.  I saw his car parked outside her place the other day.
Niko : Yeah...
Roman : You knew?
Niko : I had suspicions.
Roman : You fucking knew?
Niko : What was I going to say?
Roman : You know my woman was banging this warthog and you didn't do anything?
Niko : I didn't...
Roman : You didn't say anything?
Niko : I didn't know!
Roman : You're an asshole, Nico Bellic, a disloyal user. After what I did for you, you dick! You fucking dick!
-このくそったれめ!  Niko Bellic, この裏切りもの!  お前に色々してやったのに、この馬鹿チン野郎め!  この馬鹿チンカスめ!  
Niko : I'm sorry!
Roman : Screw you.
Niko : Alright, so you want me to deal with it, right now?
Roman : No.
Roman : Sit down.
Niko : No! I'm not going to stand here and have you call me disloyal.
-いいや!  裏切り者と呼びやがったお前の傍になんか立ってられるか。
Niko : You might let some Russian asswipe bang your woman, but I won't.
Roman : But you fucking did!
Niko : That was before I knew you cared!
Niko : You always were a hypocrite.
Roman : Niko...wait. Don't do anything stupid. Wait for me!


Roman : Tell me you're just blowing off some stream...
Roman : You're going for a little drive...you're going to leave Vlad alone, right?


Roman : Don't do anything stupid, cousin.
Niko : Nothing as stupid as letting fat swine give it to Mallorie.
Roman : Hey, it happens, we have an open relationship. I do my thing, she does hers.
Roman : Maybe next time I might watch them at it...urgh...to watch his fat, hairy, swaty back going up and down.
Roman : I can't take it. How could she do this? 
-そんなの耐えられねえよ!  彼女はどうしてそんなのとヤれるんだよ!
Niko : I know you cared. I have to do this.

Roman : Wait Niko, you have to think this through.
-待て Niko、お前これはよく考えないといけないよ。
Niko : Stay out here, let the big boy have their conversation inside.
-ここから離れろ!  中での決着は俺に任せておけ。


Vlad : Gimme a drink.
Vlad : Anyway...You got it.
Vlad : Cabbages? Why eat cabbages when you can have potatoes? (In Eastern European)
-キャベツ?  ポテトがあるのになんでキャベツを食うんだよ?
Niko : Hey.
Man1 : Potatoes... (In Eastern European)
Niko : Vladdy boy!  I'd like a word with you.
-ウラジ!  ちょっと話がある。
Vlad : What are you doing here? Did I summon you...boy?
-てめえここで何してんだい?  お前なんか呼んだっけ・・・小僧?
Niko : I told you to stay away from Mallorie.
Vlad : Go away!
Niko : And now Roman is upset.
Vlad : Oh, Roman is upset.
Vlad : Excuse me.  Do you think I give a fuck, peasant?
Vlad : Oh, there he is. Hey fatty, I'm sorry you're so upset. Boo fucking hoo.
Roman : Hey Vlad, can't we just talk about this?
Niko : Hold on.  You stay away from Mallorie.
Vlad : I could have sworn for a minute this ratty little yokel told me what to do.
Vlad : Did you hear that boys?
Vlad's gangs : Yeah.
Vlad : get them out of here.


Niko : Get back outside, Roman.


Don't let Vlad escape. 
Vlad is fleeing in his car. Get back to your vehicle and chase after him.
Chase after him.


Roman : Alright, he's running away. We win, let's go home.
Niko : I'm not walking away until this thing is finished.
Roman : It is finished, he's running. We won't see him again.
Niko : He'll come back. The only thing that will hold him down is six feet of dirt.
Roman : Forget about Mallorie. Minds changed and ...you know, when Vlad is done with her...
Niko : Grow a fucking spine. You think Vlad won't come after us when I am chasing like this?
Niko : I have to end it, here and now.
Roman : Shit. I don't like this. Fuck...fuck.
-くそ、これはやばい。くそ!  くそ!


Vlad : You've killed yourself and your cousin, yokel.
Vlad : You are a dead man.
Vlad : Mikhail Faustin thought of me as a brother. He will get revenge.
-Mikhail Faustin は俺を兄弟のように思っていた。あいつが復讐するぞ。
Vlad : You are nothing in this city. You will be crashed.


Vlad : Fucking yokel, you think you can get away with killing me?
-このクソ田舎者め! 俺を殺して逃げられると思ってるのか?
Niko : I guess I'll find out.
Vlad : You think this is worth it? You're throwing you and your fatty cousin's lives away for that bit of Puerto Rican chocha.
-意味あると思ってんのか?お前さんはお前とお前のデブ従兄弟の命をあのくだらねえプエルトリコ女のために投げ捨てているんだぜ。(chocha = pussy = ま○こ -> マロリー)
Niko : I'm throwing your life away, prick. We'll do alright.
Vlad : My friends will track you down, you won't last a moment.
Niko : I'll last longer than you will, shithead.
Vlad : Fuck you. I've wish I could be there to watch Mikhail cut your peasant balls off.
-クソ食らえってんだ!Mikhail がてめえの田舎くせえ金玉を切り落とす所を見てえなあ!




Niko : Eeeh, you're a big boy Vladdy.
Roman : Niko!
Niko : Well, I guess this is over.
Roman : What have you done?
Niko : What does it look like?
Roman : We're dead!
Niko : No, he's dead...we're fine.
Roman : He has powerful friends...serious friends...I told you to be calm you hot headed chump!
Niko : I am calm. He tried kill us. He screwed your girlfriend.
Niko : What do u you expect? I give him a massage?
Roman : Shit! Shit! Shit!
-くそ! クソ!! クソ!!!

Niko : When I was in the army we were going on a mission to ambush a squad who had killed a lot of innocent People. They were our enemies... but we never did it.
Niko : There were fifteen of us. All boys from the village. But one of us betrayed the group...to set up...for money!
Niko : Twelve people died, three escaped.  I know that traitor was not me.
Niko : So for ten years I've been searching for the other two. One of them lives here...
Roman : Why are you telling me this now? Do you always get sentimental after you kill people?
Niko : You kept asking...
Roman : Wonderful.
Roman : You're here on some revenge mission for something that happened ten years ago. And you don't care whose life you ruin on the way?
Niko : No.
Roman : Well what?
Niko : I don't know...I just want to know why they did it.
Roman : Right now I don't think you're going to find out.
Roman : Let's hide the body, at least for a while.
Niko : Put him in the river.
Roman : Mikhail Faustin is going to kill us.
-Mikhail Faustin は俺らを殺すだろうな。
Roman : Shit. We should get out of here.
Niko : You go. I'll catch up with you later.


Occasionally, calling a contact to find out what they're doing will open up scenarios earlier than if you wanted to be called. You can try calling Roman.



Man : Great, you lost Vlad. He's probably gone back to Mallorie's for a post drive screw.

Roman : This is fate telling us to give up, cousin.
Niko : I decide when I will give up on something, cousin.

