「RIGGED TO BLOW」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

RIGGED TO BLOW - (2008/05/12 (月) 11:51:42) の編集履歴(バックアップ)



  • Hello.
  • Hello.

Niko : Is Mikhail house?

Ilyena : No. He's out.

Niko : Okay. Sould I wait outside?

Ilyena : No, no, come in.

Niko : Oh, thank you.

Ilyena : You're welcome.


Ilyena : Sit down.

Niko : Thank you.

Ilyena : You want some tea?

Niko : Sure.

Ilyena : (アンティークっぽい金属製のポットを使いながら)Mikhail doesn't let me use this anymore, says it makes us look like barbarians. Uncivilized.

Ilyena : Like immigrants.
Niko : Oh yeah?

Ilyena : I know what you're thinking, it is a bit funny coming from him!

Ilyena : He did used to be like this. When we were young, at home, he was beautiful. He was happy...he made me happy.

Ilyena : But um...then something changed...years ago. I never quite knew what it was. So many years I wondered what it was.

Ilyena : Or what was wrong with me, that I did not see it in him, or...I changed him.

Niko : life is complicated. !...! never thought I'd live like this.

Ilyena : No?

Niko : When the war came, I did bad things. And after the war, I thought nothing of doing bad things. I killed people, smuggled people, sold people.

Ilyena : And you don't worry about your soul?

Niko : After you walk into a village, and you see fifty children, all sitting neally in a row against the church wall, each with their threats cut and theirhands chopped off, you realize that the creature that could do this doesn't have a soul.

Ilyena : God is very complicated. You mustn't give up hope...

Niko : Well, I don't know about that.

Dimitri : Hello, Ilyena.
Ilyena : Hello.

Faustin : What is that? I tell you one thing and then you ignore me!(つぼポットをぶん投げる) You stupid bitch!
●何だこれは。また俺の言いつけに逆らおうってのか! この馬鹿女!

Faustin : Niko Bellic, baby...

Faustin : good to see you.
Niko : Yeah, you too.

Niko : What did you want?

Faustin : I want you to teach people to listen to me.

Dimitri : You want him to get us the money.

Faustin : Fack the money.

Dimitri : Mikhail, please calm down. We've already in a lot of trouble.
I don't know if I can smooth things over with Petrovic.

Faustin : Fuck him, fuck you. Who are you? My daddy?

Faustin : Get the fack out of my house.

Dimitri : Mikhail!
Faustin : Get out.

Niko : So, what do you want?

Faustin : This prick who owes me money owns a garage in Chase Point. I want you to pick up a truck and take it to him.

Faustin : Call me Schottley on Montank Avebue.

Faustin : Go. Get the Fack out of my house.


Go to the old factory and find the truck.
Get in the truck.


Niko : Mr.Faustin, I have the truck.

Faustin : Drive it over to the garage on the corner of Gauntanamo and Windmill. Park up inside.

Niko : Sure. What am I deliverring?

Faustin : When it's inside, trigger the explosive. Should blow up good.

Faustin : Maybe you be careful on drive over. Is pretty valatile stuff.

Niko : Explosive? What the fuck?
●爆弾? 冗談じゃねェゾ!


Drive to the garage.
(高速道路の料金所にて)Slow down to pay the tell if you don't want to attract attention.


Roman : Niko, it's Roman. We should go and get drink together.

Niko : Roman, I'm nervous enough about driving a truck full of explosives around the city for Mikhail Faustin.

Niko : Anyway, I'm sorry but if I get drunk with you and then drive this thing I'll definitely blow myself up. Catch you later, cousin.


Park the truck inside the garage.
Press LB to trigger the bomb.
Trigger the bomb.
Get out of the area.(爆破後)


Someone : Kenny, Kenny, look. The garage.

Petrovic? : It's burning. Everything is gone.

Someone : No, Mr.Petrovic, this was definitely not an accident. My whole fucking business...


Niko : I've blown the place up, but don't pull that shit on me again. Maybe I don't want to drive around white sitting on an atom bomb?

Faustin : I thought you were the ice killer? I thought nothing scares you, man?
●お前は冷静沈着な仕事人だと思ってたがな? お前には怖いものはないんじゃなかったのか?

Faustin : Pussy. Hasn't anyone got any ball? You and Dimitri, you' be nothing witout me...nothing. This is how you treat me...
●このヘタレが。本物の男はいねェのか? お前にしてもディミトリにしても、結局は俺に頼るばかりだ。お前も所詮その程度か…