「DUST OFF」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

DUST OFF - (2008/07/23 (水) 23:06:03) のソース


U.L.Paper : Come in. You're late... and please calm down out there.
Niko : Excuse me?
U.L.Paper : I didn't give you a free pass to act like an asshole. You're bringing a lot of heat. Hanging out with bad people, doing bad things, making idiot moves.
Niko : I'm an idiot... I move.
U.L.Paper : Ture... but the last thing I need is you getting caught.
Niko : Why? Because I lead them to you in some plea bargain thing?
U.L.Paper : To me? Who am I? There's a hundred guys in its building alone who fit my description. Middle aged man, paunchy, glasses... you bring them here?
-誰を売るって言うんだ?私は何者かわかっているのか? このビル一つだけでも私の人相に似た男は100もいる。中年男性、太鼓腹、メガネを掛けている…。それだけの情報でお前はここに警察を連れて来る自信があるのか?
U.L.Paper : What's this? Empty of ice, leased to a man who died in the last days of Vietnam...
-これは何だ? 空のダイヤさ。ベトナム戦争の最後の日に死んだ男に貸してやったんだ…。
U.L.Paper : Call me up. My number never existed. No, I'm not too worried about that.  I mean, I think you'll end up on a flight deck, but that's your business.
Niko : Then what?
U.L.Paper : Because you're good! Because I need you to keep being good. And you're getting distracted. funny, yeah. Good.
-お前は優秀な男だ! 私はお前に優秀なやつであり続けてもらう必要があるのさ。それに、お前は当惑している、な?まあいい。
U.L.Paper : I need someone neutralized. Guy is moving a lot of money for terrorists... Whatever it doesn't really matter.
U.L.Paper : The guy's gotta go. But I need to know his movements first. 
U.L.Paper :How? I've got something that's going to help you. Head over to Albany Avenue in Lancel and give me a call. Go.
-「どうやって?」って思っただろ?ちょっと使えそうなものをAlbany AvenueのLancelに用意してある。そこに着いたら私に電話しろ。 
Niko : Can I get paid for this? Can I get a medal?
-俺はこれをやったら見返りがあるのか? 勲章でも貰えるのか?
U.L.Paper : Did you get a medal in your last war?
Niko : What did you give Michelle? For me.
-あんたはMichelleに何をくれてやったんだ? 俺の件で。
U.L.Paper : Michelle? Karen. We gave her her life back. We didn't play too rough. We gave her some money. She still works for us.
-Michelle? Karenか。我々は彼女を元の生活に戻してやったよ。ラフな真似はしなかった。彼女にはいくらか金を与えたが、彼女はまだ我々のために働いているよ。
Niko : What about me?
U.L.Paper : We'll discuss that too lator.

指示 : "Get a vehicle and go to the Civillization Plaza."
-乗り物を手に入れて、Civillization Plazaへ向かえ。


U.L.Paper : Nearly there? You are about to see a chopper taking off from Civillization Plaza. We need to get hold of it. Follow it. Wait untill it louches down then, When the Passengers are out, get in and fly to the airport in Dukes.
Okay then.
-もうすぐか?Civillization Plazaからヘリが飛び立つはずだ、あれを使う事になる。ヘリが着陸するのまって乗客が降りたらそのヘリを使ってDukesの飛行場まで飛んで貰う、わかったか? 

~~~ヘリコプター奪取後の指令・Fly to the droplff point on the south side of the air port~~~


Roman : Cousin. How you doing? I'm in the gentlimen's club. I think you'd really get into this. You should come down.
-従兄弟よ。元気にしてるかい? 俺は今「紳士」たちのクラブにいるんだ。お前も入りたいんじゃないかと思ってな。来いよ。
Niko : I don't know if you can hear it. Roman but I' in  a helicopter! Yes, that is the crazy shit I am having get up to after you intoroduced me to Michelle or Karen, or whatever her name really is.
Roman : I don't get it, is she a government agent or an undercover cop? What is she?
Niko : Shit, I don't know. All I know is that her friends have got me by the balls.
Roman : Someone's got me by the balls, too, cousin. I'll send you a pic.


FIB agent : Thank you. We'll take it from here.


U.L.Paper : My men have the chopper. They're going to strip it down and put it back together. It should be ready for you when you need.
Niko : Why would I need it?
U.L.Paper : The guy I told you about. The guy you need to eliminate. The only way you'll get to him is in the air. I'll call you when we have a window. Goodbye.