「I'LL TAKE HER...」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

I'LL TAKE HER... - (2008/08/24 (日) 02:43:19) のソース




Unknown Caller : Niko, Gerald McReary here. Calling from the Alderney State Correctional Facility.
Niko : Hey Gerry. I heard you'd been locked up, I'm sorry to hear that.
Gerry : We gotta discuss something. I've put you on the visitors list here. Come down...


Gerry : You ok, kid?
Niko : Year, I'm ok.
Niko : I'm sorry about your brother.

-Francisのミッション"BLOOD BROTHERS"でDerrick死亡の時
Gerry : Ah... me and Derrick had quite a few problems, but he was my brother...
Gerry : and it hurts Poor fucking bastard.
Gerry : He believed in something once, which is better than me... I guess.
Gerry : Ah fuck, I'll miss him.

-Francisのミッション"BLOOD BROTHERS"でFrancis死亡の時
Gerry : Ah... me and Francis were never exactly close, but he was my brother...
Gerry : And it hurts Poor bastard.
Gerry : He believed in something once. That's a hell of a lot better than me, I guess.
Gerry : Fuck, I'll miss him.
Niko : How are you, in here?
Gerry : Fine. Time of my life... Goddamn time of my life.
Niko : What you up for?
Gerry : Oh, a lot of things.
Gerry : Racketeering, armed robbery,
Gerry : bunch of shit I never did cause I was always a well behaved family man.
Gerry : who occasionally liked a drink, but nothing more.
Niko : Of course. Like us all.
Gerry : Like us all.
Gerry : But the thing is, I think I should make some changes in my life, stop with the drink.
Gerry : put it down, stop hanging out with the wrong sort.
Gerry : Can you help me do that? It is a final chance at redemption.
Niko : Look, whatever you want, I will do my best to help.
Gerry : Good.
Gerry : Give Packie a call. He'll explain what I need guidance with the most...
Gerry : the areas where I have strayed furthest from the path.
Gerry : See ya.


Niko : Your brother told me to call you.
Packie : Gerry wants us to kidnap old man Ancelotti's daughter.
Packie : Some fake tanned, dyed haired, guido loving slut by the name of Grace.
Packie : She's selling her tasteful pink Feltzer on Autoeroticar at the moment. Get online,
Packie : organize a viewing and snatch that bitch.
Packie : When you got her, bring her to a place we got on an alleyway off Sacramento.
Niko : I can do that.
Packie : You can do anything Niko - don't let her on that you're kidnapping her near her place though.
Packie : Play along with a test drive for a while to get her out of there.
Packie : It's a real mobbed up area and they'll come down on you damn heavy.
Niko : Aren't you going to help?
Packie : One of my fucking brothers just got shot and another one's in the pen.
Packie : Someone's got to be with my ma.
指示 : Go to a computer terminal.


表示 : Press LB or L1 to use the computer.
・LB or L1でコンピューターを使える。
表示 : Click on the link of the car sales advert or enter the web address. 
表示 : Click on the View Cars link.
・View Carsリンクをクリックしろ。
表示 : Look for the pink Feltzer.
表示 : You know have the girl's contact number in your phone book. Log off the computer.
指示 : Call the target between 8:00 and 21:00, to meet up with her.


-Phonebookから"Mob Daughter"を選択

Niko : I'm calling about the car.
Gracie : Come to my place on Babbage Drive.
Gracie : You don't sound like the sort of man who'd drive a pink convertible.
Niko : I can't resist a bargain.
指示 : Go to meet &color(darkcyan){Grace Ancelotti} at her house.
・家にいる&color(darkcyan){Grace Ancelotti}に会いに行け。


Gracie : You're the guy who called about the car, the one with the sexy accent?
Niko : You mind if I take a test drive?
Gracie : You can test drive whatever you want. I love riding in cars with European types.
Gracie : My family's from Italia, you know? Somewhere in the south.
Gracie : Why don't you drive towards the South coast? We can enjoy the day.
指示 : Test drive the car to the &color(yellow){coast.}


Gracie : So, you like the car? I didn't think a manly guy like you would drive something like this.
Gracie : You got a wife or a girlfriend or something?
Niko : I'm picking this up for a friend.
Gracie : Yeah? What a gentleman. You don't meet guys like you in this city no more.
Gracie : All the good men are gone is what my dad says.
Niko : You dad sounds real oldschool. You and him close?
Gracie : Nah, not really. He's great and all, it's just I don't like his tough guy friends.
Gracie : I only hang out with gay guys, you know. At least they won't try and get in your pants every ten seconds.
Gracie : Not that I don't like guys trying to get in my pants.
Gracie : I appreciate fun as much as the next girl... maybe even more than the next girl.
Niko : You having fun at the moment?
Gracie : Maybe too much fun. Call me Gracie, by the way.
Niko : Sure thing, Gracie.
指示 : Time to initiate the kidnapping. Take Gracie to the &color(yellow){safehouse.}


Gracie : How's it going then, sweetie?
Niko : Alright, but what I'm here for hasn't really started yet.
Gracie : You've been test driving for a while so I can only guess that you're interested in something other than the car.
Niko : I am, I'm here to kidnap you, Grace Ancelotti. I don't want to hurt you so remain fucking calm.
Gracie : Fuck you!
Gracie : That's it fuckwit. I'm calling Daddy and he ain't gonna treat you as polite as I do, that's for sure.
Niko : You're not calling shit, bitch. You're coming with me.
Gracie : You motherfucker, you sick bastard, you creep!
Gracie : I'll scratch your fucking eyes out.
Niko : Scratch my fucking balls.
Niko : Chill out before I pull this trigger and make you real fucking chilled.
Gracie : You are in so much trouble, limp dick. My daddy loves his little girl.
Gracie : You ain't taking me nowhere.
Niko : Yes I am.
Gracie : There ain't no childlock on this thing.(ドアを開け飛び降りようとする)
Niko : But I'm right here.
Gracie : I am going back to my daddy.
Niko : Only when he pays the fucking ransom.
Gracie : I ain't gonna make this easy.
Niko : Then I'm not going to either.
Gracie : You're fucking with the wrong girl, asshole. I'm Gracie Ancelotti and I...(Nikoに殴られ気絶...)
Niko : Shut up.
Niko : Please at last.

~Little Jakobから電話~

Little Jakob : Yo, you wanna go down to the strip club, Mr. mention?
Niko : No can do, Jacob.
Niko : I've got a girl with me and I don't think it would be appropriate.
Niko : Let's speak soon though, huh?


指示 : Take the girl to the &color(yellow){safehouse.}
Gordon : There he is! Stevie, dump the car. I'll take this piece of ass.
Niko : Guys, the bitch better be worth the trouble.
Gordon : Her pa's got some serious cash and he pissed off Gerald.
Gordon : That's reason enough for me.
Niko : Well he better pay quick.
Niko : I hate to think of the fight she'll put up if you try to cut her fingers off.


Niko : Gordon has the bitch, I'm done with her.
Packie : Thanks, Niko. My brother will be a happy man. I'll get things in motion. Be in touch.


指示 : Go upstairs to the &color(yellow){safehouse.}


指示 : Take a photo of &color(darkcyan){Grace.}

-女はうつむいているので、LT or L2を押して女をこっちに向かせます。

指示 : Get out of the building.
