「CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN - (2010/09/26 (日) 04:12:18) のソース


-[[GTA4 THE BALLAD OF GAY TONY part8>>http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8686250]]
-[[GTA4 THE BALLAD OF GAY TONY part9>>http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8686667]]
-[[Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #16: Caught With Your Pants Down 1/2>>http://www.gameanyone.com/video/173006]]
-[[Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #16: Caught With Your Pants Down 2/2>>http://www.gameanyone.com/video/173007]]


***&color(#ff3399){&b(){&sizex(3){~ユセフ・アミール "Yusuf Amir" の家~}}}

(娼婦のジョネル "Jonelle" と踊るユセフ "Yusuf")
Yusuf(ユセフ): Shoulders!
Yusuf : We're getting Arab money. We're getting Arab money. Ho, ho, ho, ho! And again. Let's go.


Luis(ルイス): Hey, bro.

Yusuf : Nigga! Yo, this is Jonelle...Jonelle, nigga.

Luis : I think you want to moderate your use of the word, bro. It's not fuckin' cool, alright?

Jonelle(ジョネル): Listen, are we going to do this or what? I'm on the fucking clock, man.

Yusuf : Chill, baby. Get into it. Feel it. Let's go!


Luis : Yo, what's wrong with you, man?


Yusuf : Nothing wrong with me, homeboy. I am going to build the biggest fucking building in this fucking town.
Yusuf : The biggest. My name will go down in history.

Luis : Yeah, I don't doubt that, man. What did you want?

Yusuf : Well, I heard from a friend, that we can get some real hardware...bit like that chopper but better, partner. Better.

Luis : Yeah, I don't think I can handle any more of that shit, partner.

Yusuf : I'm talking something seriously intense.
Yusuf : How about...a mother...fucking...N.O.O.S.E tank?
Yusuf : Give it up, bro. Come on. Come on!


Luis : What do you need a N.O.O.S.E tank for, man? What are you crime fighting now?

Yusuf : I want it. Come on baby, you and me. Doing our tank thing. Just rolling like some Desert Storm niggas.

Yusuf : Chinese person. Bye bye nigga!


Luis : You're fucking ridiculous, man.

Yusuf : Hey, man. What is it, money? Is it money you want? Here, here. Have it. But come on, let's go get this thing... Come on!



Yusuf : Come on, baby, get up. Come on, let's go again. To the left. We're getting Arab money. Come on, baby. We're getting Arab money.

(ユセフの父親:アブドゥル・アミール "Abdul Amir" がやってくる)
Mr. Amir(ユセフの父親): Yusuf!

Yusuf : Oh Poppa! What are you doing here?
Yusuf : Welcome! Welcome, Poppa. This is my business associate... err err... Mr... uh...

Luis : Luis.

Yusuf : Mr. Lewis. Y'Allah, he is the greatest technical advisor in the whole city. And this is his wife, Jaundice.


Jonelle : Careful, motherfucker.

Luis : -Yo.

Jonelle : -Hey.

Yusuf : -Yes. And you know... we were just having a little creative meeting and things went a bit crazy and I somehow lost my pants.
Yusuf : But you know, Poppa, I tell you are looking- you're looking- very well, in fact.

Mr. Amir : I knew how disgraceful you were, but I didn't realize quite shameful you were.

Yusuf : Things are not how they look.

Mr. Amir : Things do not look good, son.

Yusuf : Don't judge a book by its cover, Father. That's what you taught me.

Mr. Amir : When a book is called "Guns,
Mr. Amir : Drugs,
Mr. Amir : Hookers,
Mr. Amir : and No Pants" I think I don't need to read it.

Yusuf : Poppa, you know, these people... They mean nothing to me.
Yusuf : In fact, they are just going. Go, get out. You, Mr. Lewis, take your wife, Mrs. Lewis.
Yusuf : And may I say, madam, this is not a very appropriate way for a married woman to dress.


Yusuf : I told them many times father, this is a disrespectful way to dress. Do they listen to me? Oh no, never! And you, by the way-

Yusuf : I will text you in about one minute about the tank, okay?

Luis : The N.O.O.S.E. tank?

Yusuf : Shhhh. Go and leave right now! And don't you dare come back without


Yusuf : uh- uh- knocking...first. These people are a disgrace, Poppa. But I tell you,
Yusuf : moving swiftly on you will be proud of my plans. I want to show you for the Imperial Amir Towers.
Yusuf : I tell you, Poppa, magisterial doesn't do justice to it!



Luis : Yusuf?

Yusuf : Luis, I think I can give old papadap the slip. Meet me in Star Junction.

Luis : Really, bro?

Yusuf : I'm coming, dada. Just hold on.
Yusuf : See you soon, my friend.

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Go to &color(deeppink){Star Junction}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(deeppink){スタージャンクション}まで行け。}

(スタージャンクション、[[バーガーショット>Burger Shot]]前まで行く)



Yusuf : I'm going to own this square. Get out my way.

Yusuf : Come on, man. Get in.



&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Get in &color(lightseagreen){Yusuf's chopper}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(lightseagreen){ユセフのヘリコプター}に乗れ。}


Yusuf : You fly, man. I'm getting cramp.

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Fly near the &color(deeppink){APC}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(deeppink){APC}のそばまで飛んで行け。}

Yusuf : We got to intercept this NOOSE tank. They're airlifting her across the city.

Luis : Where's your father then?

Yusuf : Dada's meeting some bankers in the Exchange.
Yusuf : Luckily for us, this stuff is too 'serious' for Yusuf to be invited.
Yusuf : He thinks I'm waiting for him in the lobby.

Luis : Parents, man.

Yusuf : Tell me about it! They think they can run your life. I'm old and ugly enough to take care of myself.

Luis : Ugly? Yeah. Old? Sure. The 'taking care of yourself' bit, I don't know about that, bro.

Yusuf : Maybe you're right, I don't have the means.
Yusuf : If only he gave me a few billion I could really call my own, then maybe I would grow up.

Luis : I feel the same way, bro.


Yusuf : What is that holding the tank? I must have one.

Luis : It's an aircrane, bro. Do me a favor, will you. Just fucking buy one, okay? No stealing.

Yusuf : For you, Luis, perhaps.

Yusuf : Don't worry, man. I got these controls again.


&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Shoot the bolts on the APC to release it before it reaches the police station.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 警察署に着くまでに、APCについているボルトを撃ち抜き、APCを落とせ。}

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Shoot the yellow bolts on the cables to release the tank.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ ケーブルの付いた黄色いボルトを撃ち抜き、戦車を落とせ。}


Yusuf : If they get to the police station, we're fucked.

Yusuf : I didn't hear that cable snap.

Yusuf : We ain't got much time, man.

Yusuf : You need a better zoom on that thing?


Yusuf : Nicely done. Now we just need the rest of the supports.


Yusuf : Halfway there!


Yusuf : She's hanging by a thread.


Yusuf : Bombs away! Go after her, man.

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Get to the &color(lightseagreen){APC}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(lightseagreen){APC}に乗れ。}


Yusuf : Luis. You got it.

Luis : Yeah, bro. But the cops are all over me.

Yusuf : Good thing you're in a motherfucking tank!

Luis : It's just a NOOSE tank, bro.

Yusuf : Who gives a shit, player? Bring her back to the site.
Yusuf : Just don't have an army of LCPD trailing you back when you do. Clear those shitheads off.

Luis : I'll try.

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Take out as many cops as you can until they back down.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 警察側が退却を余儀なくされるまで、警察を潰せ。}

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Press &color(black,white){LB} to fire the APC cannon.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(black,white){LB}ボタンを押して、APCの機関砲を発射する。}


&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Lose the cops.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 警察を撒け。}


&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Deliver the APC to the &color(deeppink){building site}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(deeppink){建設現場}までAPCを持っていけ。}




Luis : Yusuf, bro, where you at, man?

Yusuf : Over here, man.

Luis : Where?

Yusuf : Up here, motherfucker! Shit. Stand back while I pick this thing up.

Luis : Okay, man.

Yusuf : Thanks for everything, bro. You're a fucking diamond.

Luis : Don't mention it.



