
ゾンビモード中の台詞/"Five" - (2013/07/11 (木) 21:53:53) のソース

|ステージ開始時|Power level: critical. Major system: Offline.|電力状態:危険レベル。主要システム:オフライン。|
|電源起動時|Power restored. We are now at DEFCON 1. Security lock down active.|電力供給が復旧しました。現在のDEFCONは1です。緊急封鎖はアクティブです。|
|シーフ出現時|Warning. Breach detected on Level 3. Initiate security protocol 115.|警告:レベル3にて侵入者発見。セキュリティ規定115を発動します。|
|改造部屋が開いた時|Attention. We are now at DEFCON 5. Security loc kdown lifted.|注意:現在のDEFCONは5です。緊急封鎖は解除されます。|
|改造部屋から出た時|Attention. We are now at DEFCON 1. Security lock down active.|注意:現在のDEFCONは1です。緊急封鎖はアクティブです。|
※DEFCONとはDEFence CONditionの略で、アメリカ軍で使用されている防衛体制を示すレベル。戦争への準備体制を5段階で示していて、5で平時、1で完全な戦争準備態勢(非常時)となる。

**ジョン・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディ(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
|英語声優:|ボス・ジム・メスキメン(Both Jim Meskimen)&br()[[クリス・アングリン>>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chriss_Anglin]](Chriss Anglin)|
|日本語声優:|こぶし のぶゆき|

|マップ・ギミック関連|ゲームスタート時|We’ll be judged more of what to do now than anywhere else.||
|~|Pack-a-punch使用時|Ask not what your gun can do for you, but what you can do for your gun.|銃が何をしてくれるのではなく、銃に為に何ができるのか考えよう。|
|~|~|This better pack a significant punch.||
|~|~|Today, would be nice.|今日はいい日になるぞぉ(今日は素晴らしい一日になるだろう。)|
|~|~|Ah, any day now.|(いつでもいいぞ。)|
|~|~|Public speaking is the odd, deluding a two minute idea with a two hour vocab.||
|~|ランダムボックス(熊)|A challenge it is then, I’ll take it.||
|~|~|Teddy bear, you and me are about to have words.||
|戦闘関連|攻撃時(倒した時)|Take that, skinny!||
|~|~|You’re all pardoned!||
|~|~|I am all that stands between the dead and the white house!|死とホワイトハウスを隔てる者。それが私だ!|
|~|~|Inaugurate this, mobilize!||
|~|~|The pay is good that I can walk to work!|給料はよく職場は近いなんて最高の仕事だ!|
|~|~|They should put my face on the silver dollar!||
|~|~|Taste the flavor, chopper.||
|~|~|Just like the Solomon isles!|まるでソロモン諸島だ。|
|~|~|Pain is temporary, pride is forever!|痛みは一瞬、誇りは永遠だ!|
|~|~|On this earth, gods work is in our hands. Haza!|この地上において神のみやざは我等の手に、イヤー。|
|~|~|Killing and ending are indispensable to each other.||
|~|~|I know there is a devil, for I see a storm coming, and his hands in it!|嵐が来るなんて不吉だと思ったが、本当に魔物が来るとは。|
|~|~|Don’t lose an arm in my account.||
|~|~|More fun than stumping for votes!||
|~|~|Forgive your enemies, but Never! Ever! Forget their names!|汝の敵を許せ。だが、その名は決して忘れるな。|
|~|~|I do what I must!|(やるべき事をやったまでだ。)|
|~|~|Who’s your president now, stale skin?|今の大統領は誰か、言ってみろ。|
|~|~|Never fight out of fear, but never fear to fight!||
|~|~|You just got jacked!||
|~|~|Ich bin ein Berliner!|リッヒ ビン アイン ベルリナー! (私はベルリン市民である)ドイツ語|
|~|~|The beast of Boston! Uraaa!|ボストンの悪魔だぞー、ガーオ!|
|~|~|Man may die, but the walking dead live on.|人は死ぬ。なのに死人が生きてるなんて。|
|~|~|Don’t beg, its only becoming.||
|~|~|Executive order, 112477. Die!|大統領命令だ、死ねぇ!|
|~|~|I have to move fast, to even stand still!|じっとしている時でさえ素早くあらねば。|
|~|~|Geez! You dropped something.|おいおい、何か落としたぞ!|
|~|~|Fail miserably, achieve greatly!||
|~|~|Negotiations! One piece at a time.||
|~|~|I’ll put that limb next to my Pulitzer.||
|~|~|Ah, the smell! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.|(酷い臭いだ。少し口の中で吐いたような気がする。)|
|~|爆発物で倒した時|Let no man put us under. Hah!||
|~|~|You’re making a mess on my floor, bunches!||
|~|~|O say can you see… Boom!|オー、セイ、キャン、ユウ、シー、ドッカーン!|
|~|~|By the dawn’s surely light… BaBoom!|バイ、ザダウン、スー、セリー、ライト、ドッカーン!|
|~|~|You’re better than that, Jack. Get it together!||
|~|~|Back to the stone age, buba’s!|石器時代に戻りな、ベイビー。|
|~|ダメージを受けた時|Do I look like I have a foot fetish?|私が足フェチに見えるのか?|
|~|~|You can only get this close if I get your votes!|私に近づいていいのは、有権者だけだ!|
|~|蘇生された時|I never hope for an easy life, just to be a stronger man.|安楽な人生など要らん、私は只今より強くなりたいのだ。|
|~|~|My country thanks you.|祖国は君に感謝するだろう。|
|~|~|Huh? I was just resting my eyes.|なに、ちょっと目を休めていただけだ。|
|~|~|Back and better than ever!||
|~|弾切れ寸前|Gun gage is pointing at E!|(弾薬が底を着きそうだ!)|
|~|~|Need a mag like yesterday.|またマガジンが必要だな。|
|~|弾切れ時|Ah, need some beans for the chowder here!|ああ、鉛弾を補充してやらないと。|
|~|~|Ammo! That’s an order!|弾を!命令だ!|
|~|~|I seem to have no more rounds.|どうやら弾切れのようだ。|
|~|~|Ah, no ammo!|あぁ、弾切れだ!|
|~|~|No ammo, pass the buck!||
|~|~|Your president needs slugs!|大統領に弾をよこさんか!|
|アイテム取得時|Nuke |Understatement of the century.||
|~|~|And that’s how you push the button.|それは君がボタンをどう押すか次第だ。|
|~|~|M to the A to the D!|(イカれている!)|
|~|~|Gave proof thro' the night.That our flag was still there… Boom!||
|~|Double Points |Twice the man I used to be.|以前の私とは倍は違うぞ。|
|~|~|I’m seeing in two’s.|二人と付き合ってるんだ。|
|~|~|Double the pleasure, double the pain.|喜びも倍なら、痛みも倍だ。|
|~|Max Ammo |Ah, this works!|これは良い!|
|~|~|Ah, just what the doctor ordered!|これぞドクターが頼んでたものだ。|
|~|~|Your country thanks you.|祖国からの感謝を。|
|~|Instant-Kill |Good old fashioned, Irish beat down!|古き良きアイルランドは失われた!|
|~|~|I am all that is man!|私こそ人の全て!|
|~|~|I’m coming for you all!|私は皆の為に来た!|
|~|~|Can you dig it?|(深く行けるか?)|
|~|Carpenter |Ah, should buy us some little times.|これで時間を稼げるだろう。|
|~|~|Public work adds to its finest.|これぞ最高の公共事業だ。|
|~|~|Build faster than a communist building a wall.|壁を造ってるコミュニスト共より、先に気づくんだ。|
|~|~|Time to repair the barricade, is when the sun is shining.|太陽が照ってる間に、バリケードを修理しないとな。|
|~|Fire Sale|||
|~|Bonfire Sale|||
|~|Death Machine|||
|Perk Drinks取得時|Jugger-nog |Ah, hail to the chief.|はぁ、チーフと呼んでくれ。|
|~|Revive Soda |Argh, in Navy for years, I’ve never tasted anything that fishy.| 海軍にいた時もこんな生臭い目に合った事はないぞ。|
|~|Double Tap Root Beer| Let’s pull the trigger on these scum drivers.|コイツらを狙って引き金を引き続けるんだ!|
|~|Speed Cola |Feelin’ sp-peedy!|感じる!フルスピード!|
|武器取得時|M14|This will slow the undead murotters right straight to the ground.||
|~|~|I’m an idealist…with this sniper rifle.|スナイパーライフル構えた理想主義者がここに。|
|~|Dragnov |Hail to the chief, baby.||
|~|Olympia |This is my sword. My Excalibur.|これぞ我が剣、これぞエクスカリバー。|
|~|Bowie Knife |Good balance, good weight, lets dig in.|(なかなかのバランスとなかなかの重量。よし、行くか。)|
|~|Ak74|Full-auto zombie slain death, in pawns of my hand.|取り出しましたのは、フルオートのゾンビ抹殺機。|
|~|M16|If I am strong, my strength will speak by itself.||
|~|~|Human mind is a fundamental resource.||
|~|MP5K|I like this, a lot.|執務室の机の下に、一丁しまっとくべきだな。|
|~|Monkey Bomb |Hey, fighto, I got your brother in my hand.||
|~|RPK |Secure peace by prepping for war.||
|~|~|With great power, comes great responsibility.||
|~|FN FAL |~ |~|
|~|~ |Rack’em up!||
|~|Spectre |Rapid fire, hells fire.||
|~|CZ75 Dual Wield |They don’t call me Jack for nothin’.||
|~|AUG |I hold the key to peace in my hands.|(私の手中に平和の鍵が。)|
|~|SPAS-12 |Big gun for a bullet sponge.||
|~|~|Munches, ride shotguns.||
|~|Stakeout |Gonna make some Zed chowder.|ゾンビのシチューでも作るとするか?|
|~|L96 A1|Argh, don’t want to get too close. Their dupe stains.||
|~|M72 LAW |Time for a Zombie Missile Crisis.||
|~|China Lake |Now this, is Power!||
|~|G11|This, will stand the dead tide.||
|~|~|I’ll take them all down.||
|~|Hk21 |I shall not be afraid to use this.|(コイツを恐れずに使おう。)|
|~|Winter’s Howl |I’ll stop them in their tracks!||
|~|Commando |Nothing better than a MG, except being president.|(マシンガンほどいい物はない、大統領である事を除けばな。)マシンガンはこの世で一番素晴らしいものだ、大統領のポストを除いてな。|
|~|Galil |As Teddy Roosevelt once said, work softly and carry a BFG.||
|~|Python |What kind of bad luck is this!|(どんな不運だ!)|
|改造武器取得時|R115 Resonator |Gimme, gimme.|(よこせ、よこせ。)|
|~|MP115 kollider||ようやくか、やってやるぞ。|
|~|L115 Isolator|||
|~|China Beach |||
|~|Phantom |It’s go time.||
|~|Hk115 Oscillator|||
|~|R115 Resonator|||
|~|Calamity & Jane |Things do not happen, they are made to happen.|(起こるはずのない事は、起こるためにある物だ。)|
|~|M72 Anarchy|||
|~|Winter’s Fury|||
|~|Typhoid & Mary|||
|~|AUG-50M3 |This baby is hungry for some hungries.||
|~|EPC WN|||
|~|G115 Generator|||
|~|SPAZ-24 |Finally. Let’s do this.|ようやくか、やってやるぞ!(やっとか。よし行こう。)|
|~|D115 Disassembler |||
|ポイント不足|Pack-a-punch |C’mon, I’m good for it!|でも欲しいんだもん!|
|~|ランダムボックス|I’m the president of the United States! Open!|私はアメリカ合衆国の大統領だぞ!開け!|

**ロバート・ストレンジ・マクナマラ(Robert Strange McNamara)
|英語声優:|[[ロバート・ピカード>>http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%83%BB%E3%83%94%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89]](Robert Picardo)|
|マップ・ギミック関連|ゲームスタート時|Electricity is required to continue this war.||
|~|Pack-a-punch使用時|Hurry it up.|(早くしろ。)|
|~|~|My patients will last me long. ||
|~|~|This thing takes longer than cutting through a red tape.||
|~|~|Reminds me of lesson 6, get the data.||
|戦闘関連|攻撃時(倒した時)|The time is now!||
|~|~|Big mac attack!|ビックマックの一撃だ!|
|~|~|Die, now.|(今すぐくたばれ)|
|~|~|Living dead maybe, but I'll still outlive ya!|生ける屍より長生きしてみせよう。|
|~|~|Back to hell, daemon spawn.|地獄へ戻れ、悪魔の子らが!|
|~|~|Remember my favorite show, “I dismember mama”!||
|~|~|Death, to death!||
|~|~|Piece by piece, you will fall.||
|~|~|Really I have only just begun.|(まだ始まったばかりだぞ。)|
|~|~|Just another day at the office.||
|~|~|Be gone, deamons.|(消え去れ、悪魔共め!)|
|~|~|At the end, we have single defence policies. Death to Zombies!||
|~|~|Each zombie dead is another man living.|ゾンビを殺せばそれだけ生き延びられる人数も増える。|
|~|~|This is how one stimulates progress.|| 
|~|~|Die again, and again, and again and again and again♪|死ね!さらに死ね!もっともっと死ね!|
|~|~|No dog tags, no dice!||
|~|~|USA! USA!|アメリカ万歳!|
|~|~|Death to dead!|(死から死へ!)死には死を!|
|~|~|Calculate that, chopper!||
|~|~|You are the sickness, I am the medicine.|お前が病気なら、私は薬だ。|
|~|~|Chance of you touching me again is… Zero!|もう一度触れる確率は0だ!|
|~|爆発物で倒した時|Jealous your insides, devil!||
|~|~|Boom ! Period.|(ドカーン!以上。)ドカーン、終わりだ!|
|~|~|Things go boom, usually die.|(普通ドカーンした物は死ぬ。)派手に吹っ飛ぶヤツは大抵死んでくれる。|
|~|~|They didn’t call me the wiz kid for nothing.||
|~|ダウンした時|Lesson 10: Never say never!|(レッスン10:出来ないって言うな!)|
|~|弾切れ時|No ammo? Time to get dirty.|(弾切れ?汚く行くしかないな。)弾切れか?派手なやり方に切り替えるか!|
|~|~|Give us time to catch our breath.||
|~|~|Guess I’ve not made those budget cuts.||
|~|~|All out. Soviet.||
|~|~|Zero times two, is still zero.|ゼロの2倍はやっぱりゼロだ。|
|~|~|My accountant says I need to find some rounds.||
|アイテム取得時|Nuke |Your burning flesh, warms my heart.|肉の焼ける匂いで心温まるよ。|
|~|~|A cure for the living impaired.|生命の不自由な奴らに、特効薬だ。| 
|~|~|The use of nuclear determines is approved!||
|~|Double Points |I calculate success.|計算が合ったな。|
|~|~|Woo? Good math.||
|~|Max Ammo |An Exponential solution.||
|~|~|I needed that.||
|~|~|Finally full.|ようやく満たされた。|
|~|Instant-Kill |It’s knife time!|ナイフの時間だ。|
|~|~|Here I come!|(今行くぞ!)|
|~|Carpenter |That will hold them for a few second.|(数秒なら奴らを足止めできるだろう。)|
|~|Fire Sale|||
|~|Bonfire Sale|||
|~|Death Machine |Bring on the gold.||
|Perk Drinks取得時|Jugger-nog||これで防御力が倍増するな。|
|~|Revive Soda |Argh, did anyone check the expiration date?|誰か、賞味期限を確認したか?|
|~|Double Tap Root Beer |Double tap. Increases rate of fire by 30 percent.||
|~|Speed Cola |Woo. Faster reloads are worth the money spent.|リロードが早くなるなら、お釣りが来るな!|
|武器取得時|M14|A precise weapon for a man of precision.||
|~|Olympia |This, is truth.|(これは真実だ。)|
|~|MPL |This gun doesn’t suit my desk position, but it suits the situation.|この武器に対し、私は認可の判を押そう。|
|~|MP5 |This will do.|(使えそうだ。)|
|~|~|An automatic carbine designed to fire pistol cartridges… genius!||
|~|PM63|SMG! Recommended use, short bursts for maximum elicitation of death.||
|~|Stakeout |It is time to fill their belies with red. ||
|~|~|In order to do good, you may have to engage evil.||
|~|Bowie Knife |Heads will roll.|(首が飛ぶだろう。)|
|~|RPK|700 rounds? 2 minutes of continuous fire? I prove.||
|~|China Lake |Efficiency in corny.||
|~|Monkey Bomb|Hello, little monkey.|(やぁ、小猿くん。)|
|~|Dragnov |Today, I hunt death.||
|~|Cz75|This poorly made weapon requires a memo.||
|~|Galil |This will suffice.||	
|~|Winter Howl |I think I’ll put them all ice.||
|~|Ray Gun ||科学は素晴らしくも恐ろしいものだ|
|改造武器取得時|R115 Resonator |Ah, well worth the weight.||
|~|Ak74fu2|Now this little thing ends.||
|~|D115 Disassembler |No more Mr. Nice secretary.||
|~|Calamity |A weapon that is powerful as United States military.|(米国軍並みに強力な武器だ。)|
|~|Winter’s Fury |Gotta get few of these to USMC.||
|~|G16-GL35|Let this weapon sing.|(この銃に歌わせてあげよう。)|
|ポイント不足|Pack-a-punch |Insufficient funds…|資金不足!?国家予算を再検討しないとな。|
|~|壁武器|Not enough money! Time to re-examine the budget!||
|~|ランダムボックス| Damn, my math was wrong!|(クソ!私の計算が間違っていた!)しまった、計算を間違った!|

**リチャード・ミルハウス・ニクソン(Richard Milhous Nixon)
|英語声優:|[[デイヴ・マロウ>>http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%87%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B4%E3%83%BB%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AD%E3%82%A6]](Dave Mallow)|
|マップ・ギミック関連|ゲームスタート時|Ah, can we go find the power switch?||
|~|Pack-a-punch使用時|Tic tack, tic tack, I’m gonna kick you and…(cough)||
|~|~|I don’t have all day, you stupid machine.||
|~|~|Hurry up. Hurry up.|(急げ、急げ。)|
|~|~|This better be good. It cost enough.||
|~|ランダムボックス(熊)|Just when I was getting to like you.||
|~|~|What kind of box is this?||
|戦闘関連|攻撃時(倒した時)|Yeah, yeah I’m good. Tell me something I don’t know.||
|~|~|Did you see that? Did you? Anyone? Dam it! |(今の見たか?え?誰も見てない?クソッ!)今の見たのか見たよな見てない!?クソッ。|
|~|~|I am that good.||
|~|~|America! Hell yeah.|(アメリカ最高!)|
|~|~|Okay, okay. Too close.|(はいはい、近すぎ。)|
|~|~|What? What? Oh, I did that on purpose, okay?||
|~|~|Is that all you got maybe I’m not talking enough.||
|~|~|No, you cannot have a hug.|(いや、君にハグはしてあげないぞ。)|
|~|~|No, no hug for you.|(駄目だ。ハグ無しだ。)|
|~|~|If only you had a vote.|(君が投票権を持ってさえいればな。)|
|~|~|Zed heads dead!||
|~|~|That’s right, you better die.||
|~|~|One potato, two potato, three potato, blam!||
|~|~|Got your gobble gobble right here freak!||
|~|~|C’mon! You’re not dead yet? Really?|(おい!君はまだ死んでないのか?本当に?)|
|~|~|give me what I want!||
|~|~|I want your blood and I want your vote!|(君の血と票が欲しい!)お前の血と票をよこすんだ。|
|~|~|No Mr. Hippie, I expect you to die.|(いいえ、ヒッピーさん。あなたは死ぬと思います。)|
|~|~|Many, penny, money, die!||
|~|~|Shut up. Just shut up!|(黙れ、今すぐ黙れ!)|
|~|~|You can’t scratch my back, so I won’t scratch yours.||
|~|Winter’s Howl使用時|At last, what I like to see.||
|~|~|Ah, stay cool, hippies.||
|~|~|I’ll send you to the cooler.|(クーラー送りだ。)|
|~|Ray Gun使用時|Can’t you maggots explode a little quiet?|(もっと静かに爆発してくれないかな?)|
|~|~|Take no risks, suffer no defeats. Take no risks, when no victory.|(リスクを払わなければ、敗北に苦しむ事ないが、勝つことも出来ない。)リスクを冒さなければ敗北はしない、だがリスクを冒さなければ勝利もできない!|
|~|スナイパーライフル使用時?|I hate aiming so low, it hurts my back.|(ゆっくり狙うのは嫌いだ。腰が痛くなる。)|
|~|爆発物で倒した時|Boom! Goes the explosive.|(ドカーン!ってな。)|
|~|~|Killcam! Where’s my killcam!|(キルカメラ!私のキルカメラはどこだ!)|
|~|ダメージを受けた時|No touchy.|(お触りは駄目だ。)|
|~|~|You dare touch a Quaker?||
|~|~|Get off me you hippie!|(放せ!このヒッピー野郎!)|
|~|~|Back off! These are Italian.|(触るな!イタリア製だ。)|
|~|ダウンした時|I maybe down, but I’m not out!||
|~|~|I’m not dead! Not yet!|(まだ死んでいない!まだだ!)|
|~|蘇生された時|You can’t stop Tricky Dick!|(トリッキーディックを止められると思うな。)|
|~|~|Nixon’s back!| ニクソン復活!|
|~|~|A man is not finished when defeated, only when he quits.||
|~|弾切れ時|What is this nonsense! Where are my rounds!||
|~|~|Dam you hippies, I’m out of ammo!|(クソ、ヒッピー共め!弾切れだ!)ヒッピー共め、弾が切れたぞ!|
|~|~|Who needs ammo when you have looks like mine?||
|~|~|I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for extra rounds today.||
|~|~|Well we’ll die soon if I don’t find some rounds!|(弾が無いなら死が近いぞ!)|
|~|~|Ammo, anyone? Hello, I’m talking here?|(弾は無いですか?あのー、誰か?)|
|~|~|Pass the ammo please. I said Please!|(弾をお願いします!お願いしますって!)|
|アイテム取得時|Nuke |Blow away!|(爆殺だ!)|
|~|~|Nuke-a doodle doo!|(核コッコー!)コケコッコーのドカンだ!|
|~|Double Points |I don’t need your stinking points, I need your votes.| 欲しいのはポイントじゃない、票だよ。|
|~|~|Ah, who said that?|(え?誰が喋った?)|
|~|Max Ammo |That’s it? Max is all I get?|(それだけ?貰うのはそれだけ?)|
|~|~|This means we have to keep fighting, doesn’t it?|(これはもっと戦えってことだよね?)戦うしかないってことか。|
|~|Instant-Kill |Nixon’s revenge.|(ニクソンの復讐だ。)|
|~|Carpenter |Finally got some help around here.|(やっとの救いだ。)|
|~|Fire Sale|||
|~|Bonfire Sale|||
|~|Death Machine |Die!|死ね!|
|~|~|Now, we are talking.|(さあ、話し合おうじゃないか。)|
|Perk Drinks取得時|Jugger-nog |Oh, I feel good now.|(いい気分だ。)よーしよし、いい気分だぞー。|
|~|Revive Soda |I guess this means I have to help.|手助けしろって事なんだな?|
|~|Double Tap Root Beer |Double tap? So I can do two phones?|ダブルタップは盗聴器にも有効なのか?|
|~|Speed Cola||俺は悪くない俺は悪くない俺は悪くなーい!|
|武器取得時|M14|Not bad. Not bad at all.|(悪くない。全然悪くない。) 悪くない。心底、悪くないな。|
|~|Olympia |All right, let’s get this over with.||
|~|MPL |Well this is I can work with.|(コイツとなら働ける。)|
|~|MP5K|Here comes the Nix!|(ニックスが来るぞ!)|
|~|Winter’s Howl |So ice to see you.|(お会いできて光栄です。)niceとiceを掛けて|
|~|Ray Gun |Where is this made? I don’t trust it.|(どこ製だ?信用できん。) どこ製だよコレは 信用ならんな|
|~|G11|I guess I can live with this.|(コイツとなら生きていける。)|
|~|~|Yeah, yeah, I got a machine gun, ho, ho, ho, yeah, yeah.|(はい、はい、マシンガンを手に入れた、ハハハハ、やった、やった。)|
|~|FAMAS |All right. I have a big gun. What do you want in return?||
|~|~|Ah, this thing is heavy.|(重いな、これ。)|
|~|Galil |Does this mean I have to do something now?|(つまり何かやらなくてはならないのか?)|
|~|HS10|Ah, this thing is gonna make a mess.|(かなり汚い事になるだろう。)|
|~|Cz75|This is a conspiracy. I know it.||
|~|Dragnov |Ah, just give me the rifle and I’ll kill all the hippies I see.|(とりあえずライフルをよこせ。ヒッピー野郎共を一掃するから。)|
|改造武器取得時|Winter’s Fury |This is how you pack-a-punch.||
|~|L115 Isolator |That’s right, you’re gonna give me what I want.||
|~|G115 Generator |That took long enough, damn machine, thingies.||
|~|Porter’s X2 Ray Gun |I might actually smile for this.|(これなら笑えるかもしれない。)|
|~|D115 Disassembler |I might actually smile, might.|(もしかしたら笑えるかもしれない。もしかしたら。)|
|~|壁武器|Argh… Taxing me like a democrat!||

**フィデル・アレハンドロ・カストロ・ルス(Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz)
|英語声優:|グスタボ・レックス(Gustavo Rex)&br()マリオン・コレア(Marion Correa)|
|マップ・ギミック関連|ゲームスタート時|Batteries are clearly not included!||
|~|~|Will someone please find the power?|(誰か電源を見つけてくれ!)|
|~|~|Only a capitalist nation would deprive their people of power.| 国民から電力を奪うなど、資本主義国家のすることだ|
|~|Pack-a-punch使用時|I will wait as many days, as it is necessary.||
|~|~|Socialism requires patients, and I can wait for an eternity. ||
|戦闘関連|攻撃時(倒した時)|Hahaha, I am closer to heaven, than ever before!|(今の私は天国に近い!今まで以上に!)|
|~|~|I bring you greetings, of a second death.||
|~|~|Hallo, you drop something.|(やぁ、何か落としたよ。)|
|~|~|This time the revolution is Real!|(今度の革命は本物だ!)|
|~|~|Come closer, I have a surprise for you…|(近くに来い。プレゼントがある…。)|
|~|~|Touch me again and I’ll kill you again!|もう一度触れてみろ、今度も殺してやる。|
|~|~|Oh yeah!|(おおぅ!やったぜ!)おおぅ、イエイ!|
|~|~|I’ll use your stale skin to wrap my cigars!||
|~|~|Viva la Revolution!|(ビバ、革命!)|
|~|~|For Cuba!|(キューバの為に!)|
|~|~|No man should live past the time where his body begins to deteriorate!||
|~|爆発物で倒した時|No escape for who does live like parasites.|(寄生虫のように生きる連中に逃げ道などない。)|
|~|~|They fall as easy as Batista, ha-ha!|(バティスタのごとき脆さだ、ハハ。)バティスタの如き脆さだ。|
|~|~|Let their cursed blood rain!||
|~|ダメージを受けた時|Get your putrid fingers off my uniform, you filthy flesh eaters!|(その汚い指で私の服に触れるな!このクソ汚い化け物共め!)|
|~|蘇生された時|Hah, the revolution comes with your heroism.||
|~|弾が残り少ない時|What is this, I am low on ammo!|(何だこれは?弾が少ない!)|
|~|弾切れ時|Bullets! Bullets! My republic for some bullets!|弾、弾を!国をやるから弾をくれ!|
|~|~|No ammo? Time for a cigar break then.|(弾が無いだと?葉巻でも吸ってくつろぐか。)弾がない?葉巻でも吸ってくつろぐか。|
|~|~|No more ammo? Fine, I will crush them with my fist.|(弾がもう無いだと?いいだろう。拳で潰してくれる!)弾がない?いいだろう、拳で潰してやる!|
|~|~|There could be no revolution without ammunition.|(残弾なしでは、革命は不可能だ。)弾薬無しでは、革命など有り得んぞ!|
|~|~|I’m out. Knife work it is, then.|(弾が無い。ならナイフの時間だ。)弾がないな、ナイフでなんとかするか。|
|アイテム取得時|Nuke |Beautiful devastation.||
|~|~|Damn you Khrushchev for denying me this!|フルシチョフめ、この力を渡そうとしないなんて|
|~|Double Points |Only if I have double of the cigars, too.|(葉巻も2倍にしてくれればな。)|
|~|~|I only accept this rise for the sake of the people!|(国民の為でなければ、こんな特典は受け取らない。)|
|~|Max Ammo |The Revolution will never die now.|(これなら革命は不滅だ。)|
|~|Carpenter|Now is the time to resupply.||
|~|Fire Sale|||
|~|Bonfire Sale|||
|~|Death Machine|||
|Perk Drinks取得時|Jugger-nog|||
|~|Revive Soda|I am a better comrade for this.||これでよりよき同志になれたよ
|~|Double Tap Root Beer|I can get used to this root beer business.||タップってのはビールサーバーの
|~|Speed Cola|I haven’t moved this fast a year!|(こんなにキビキビ動いたのは数年ぶりだ。)|
|武器取得時|MP5K|Time fore some CQC.|(CQCの時間だ。)|
|~|~|I smoke cigars better than this pie shooter.||
|~|G11|My time is now.|(私の時間だ。)|
|~|China Lake|I’ll raise this holly to oblivion!||
|~|FN FAL|The hammer for the 26’th of July.||
|~|Spectre|This is a honor!||
|~|Winter’s Howl|I will make them colder than a capitalist!||
|~|Commando|Let the revolution begin!|(革命の始まりだ!)|
|~|M72 LAW|Who need cursive missiles when I have this?||
|改造武器取得時|China Beach|Prefecto, perhaps my cigar should have some pack-a-punch!||
|~|Predator|I’ts playtime!|(お遊びの時間だ!)|
|~|M72 Anarchy |Ah, like the perfect cigars! Smooth and silky.||
|ポイント不足|Pack-a-punch|If I were in Cuba this wouldn’t happen!|(ここがキューバならこんな事にはならなかった。)|
|~|壁武器|You dare overpriced this!?||
|~|ランダムボックス|The chaw who owns this box was raised by capitalist dogs!||