「A LONG WAY TO FALL」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

A LONG WAY TO FALL - (2008/05/20 (火) 19:51:02) の最新版との変更点



**A LONG WAY TO FALL ~店内~ Man : Oh! Table for one? We got a beautiful salad. Niko : I'm here for someone. I'm here for Ray. Man : Oh, Ray? Why didn't you say so? Man : Ray's a beautiful man, you know what I mean? He's in the back. Niko : Thanks. Ray : Hey, Nicky... how you doing kid? Niko : Fine. Ray : That mick bastard friend of yours says you're okay. Niko : Good. Ray : That you're reliable. Niko : Yup. Ray : But can I trust you? Hmm? Why go through all this? Why stick your neck out? Why do all this work? Niko : Because I need the money, and because I can't do anything else. Niko : And because I'm good at it. Ray : Okay, maybe we can help. Let's see how we do. Ray : So anyways, I got this friend, only the friend ain't my friend no more, because he ain't getting me the vig he owes. Niko : Okay... Ray : Seems this guy does not respect the waste management business. Ray : Lives over on a projedt on Galveston near U. Name is Teddy Beneyides. Ray : Do what you gotta do. Somebody gets burnt, so be it. Niko : Fine. And you'll pay. Ray : Are you kiddin', I'll pay double. Niko : Good. Ray : But, you mess up? Bad things are gonna happen. Go to the projects on Galveston. ~アパートの近く~ Use Ray's text message to help you find Alonzo. Niko : You know what apartment Teddy Benavidez is in? Alonzo : No se. I don't know no Teddys. Niko : You sure about that? You want the last thing to come out of your mouth to be a lie? Intimidate Alonzo. Alonzo : Shit, man. He's up on the top floor, Apartment 151 K. Alonzo : You have to walk the last few floors. Elevator don't go up there, they're fixing it up. Go inside and look for Teddy Benavidez's apartment. The elevator can be used to reach the 20th floor. Press LB to call the elevator. Get into the elevator. ~Alonzoを殺さなかったとき~ Alonzo : Yo, T Dog, someone's coming up. Don't know how, but he knows where your apartment is. ~エレベーターが到着~ Go to Teddy Benavidez's apartment. ~Teddyの部屋~ Search the apartment, he must be here somewhere. Niko : Aaaaargh! Fuck! Teddy : Too slow, mama'o. ~Tedd逃亡~ Take out Teddy Benavidez. He's heading for the roof. Teddy : What's this about, pendejo? Niko : You owe Ray Baccina a lot of money. You should have paid. Teddy : Those putos too old. They finished, fool. Teddy : This city don't belong to them no more. I wouldn't pay them shit. Teddy : Fuck off, maricon. Ah, go tuck yourself. ~携帯電話~ Niko : Ted is dead. Ray : What are you talking about? Ted, who's he? I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'll be in touch, Nicky.
**A LONG WAY TO FALL ~店内~ Man : Oh! Table for one? We got a beautiful salad. -あ、お一人様ですか?とびっきりのサラダがありますよ。 Niko : I'm here for someone. I'm here for Ray. -いや、人に呼ばれて来たんだ。レイって奴なんだが。 Man : Oh, Ray? Why didn't you say so? -え、レイだって?それならそう言ってくれよ。 Man : Ray's a beautiful man, you know what I mean? He's in the back. -レイは立派な奴だよな。そら、彼なら後ろだ。 Niko : Thanks. -どうも。 Ray : Hey, Nicky... how you doing kid? -やぁ、ニッキー…調子どうだい? Niko : Fine. -悪くないよ。 Ray : That mick bastard friend of yours says you're okay. -あんたの知り合いのアイルランド人野郎がいうにはな、お前さんはいい感じだってんだ。 Niko : Good. -そりゃどうも。 Ray : That you're reliable. -頼りになる奴だっていうのさ。 Niko : Yup. -そうかい。 Ray : But can I trust you? Hmm? Why go through all this? Why stick your neck out? Why do all this work? -ただよ、俺はあんたをどう信頼すりゃいいのかって話だ。あんたがヤバい仕事に参加したり、時には自ら首をつっこんでったりするのは、そりゃ一体どういう了見なんだ? Niko : Because I need the money, and because I can't do anything else. -なぜって俺は金が要るからさ。それ以外にとりわけできることも俺にはないしな。 Niko : And because I'm good at it. -何より俺はそういう分野は割と得意なんでね。 Ray : Okay, maybe we can help. Let's see how we do. -なるほどな。そういうことなら了解だ。こっちにも話があるんでね。 Ray : So anyways, I got this friend, only the friend ain't my friend no more, because he ain't getting me the vig he owes. -それでだ…ある知り合いの男がいてね、馬鹿デカイ借金を俺から抱えてる奴なんで、もう友達とも言えない状態なんだがな。 Niko : Okay... -それで? Ray : Seems this guy does not respect the waste management business. -廃物処理業ってもんを舐めてるようでな。 Ray : Lives over on a projedt on Galveston near U. Name is Teddy Beneyides. -Galvestonの団地に住んでて、名前はTeddy Beneyidesっていう奴だ。 Ray : Do what you gotta do. Somebody gets burnt, so be it. -やることやってくれたらいい。誰かがどうにかなっても、それはそれまでってことで。 Niko : Fine. And you'll pay. -分かった。金は払ってくれるんだな? Ray : Are you kiddin', I'll pay double. -当然だ。相場の2倍払ってやる。 Niko : Good. -そりゃいいね。 Ray : But, you mess up? Bad things are gonna happen. -ただな、うまいことやれよ?多分簡単にはいかないぜ。 Go to the projects on Galveston. -Galvestonの団地に向かえ。 ~アパートの近く~ Use Ray's text message to help you find Alonzo. -レイからのメールを参考にAlonzoって奴を探せ。 Niko : You know what apartment Teddy Benavidez is in? -Teddy Benavidezって奴がいるアパート知ってるか? Alonzo : No ese. I don't know no Teddys. -いや。テディーなんて奴は知らねぇな。 Niko : You sure about that? You want the last thing to come out of your mouth to be a lie? -本当か?嘘ついてんなら今のうちに吐いた方が身のためだぜ? Intimidate Alonzo. -アロンソをびびらせてやれ。 Alonzo : Shit, man. He's up on the top floor, Apartment 151 K. -畜生、奴なら151Kアパートの最上階にいるよ。 Alonzo : You have to walk the last few floors. Elevator don't go up there, they're fixing it up. -フロアの最後らへんは歩いていかないと駄目だぜ、エレベーターがそこまで動いてねぇんだ。修理中でね。 Go inside and look for Teddy Benavidez's apartment. -中に入ってアパート内を捜索しろ。 The elevator can be used to reach the 20th floor. -エレベーターは20階までしか動かない。 Press LB to call the elevator. -LBを押してエレベーターを呼べ。 Get into the elevator. -エレベーターに乗り込め。 ~Alonzoを殺さなかったとき~ Alonzo : Yo, T Dog, someone's coming up. Don't know how, but he knows where your apartment is. -おいテディさんよ。誰か知らねぇがそっちへ向かってるぜ。なぜかは分からねぇが、あんたの居所も知ってるみたいだ。 ~エレベーターが到着~ Go to Teddy Benavidez's apartment. -テディーのアパートへ行け。 ~Teddyの部屋~ Search the apartment, he must be here somewhere. -アパート内を探せ。奴はどこかにいるはずだ。 Niko : Aaaaargh! Fuck! -痛えー!クソッ! Teddy : Too slow, mama'o. -遅いんだよ ~Tedd逃亡~ Take out Teddy Benavidez. -Teddy Benavidezを殺れ。 He's heading for the roof. -奴は屋上へ向かっているぞ。 Teddy : What's this about, pendejo? -何だってんだ、え? --pendejo(Esp): idiot, 馬鹿 Niko : You owe Ray Baccina a lot of money. You should have paid. -あんたレイから多額の借金してんだろ。借りたもんは返せってことさ。 Teddy : Those putos too old. They finished, fool. -あんな老いぼれ連中なんざ相手してらんねぇよ! --puto(Esp): gigolo, 男娼 Teddy : This city don't belong to them no more. I wouldn't pay them shit. -この街をこれ以上奴等の好きにさせてたまるか。奴等に払う金なんざねぇ! Teddy : Fuck off, maricon. Ah, go tuck yourself. -ここから消え失せろ、このホモ野郎が。 --maricon(Esp): faggot, ホモ野郎 ~携帯電話~ Niko : Ted is dead. -テッドは死んだぜ。 Ray : What are you talking about? Ted, who's he? I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'll be in touch, Nicky. -お前何いってんだ?テッド?俺はそんな奴知らねぇな。ま、お悔やみ申し上げるよ。また連絡する、ニッキー。

