「WASTE NOT WANT KNOTS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
WASTE NOT WANT KNOTS」を以下のとおり復元します。


Packie : ...so the plan was they were gonna hide the diamonds in the Queen's ass!
Kate : Oh, hey, Niko.
Niko : Hey, Kate.
Packie : Get your fucking hands off my fucking sister, boy...
Kate : We're talking, not having casual sex, Patrick...
Kate : I play after the amount of practice you've had you'd know the difference.
Packie : Sure, I know the difference.
Packie : One leaves you feeling sad and empty ad alone...
Packie : and the other's casual sex!
Kate : Then I am quite sure you and mister Niko here will have fun on your 'play date'.
Ma : Kate!
Kate : Coming, Ma...you boys play nice, now...
Packie : For sure.
Ma : Kate!
Kate : Okay!
Packie : Oh, we're gonna play real nice...
Packie : They're clean as a fuckin' whistle. One previous owner...
Packie : safety driven...ready for action.
Packie : We got on opportunity, my boy.
Michael : Yep. Fortune favors the brave.
Gordon : Gotta make hay while the sun shines.
Packie : So is you down, boy, or you out?
Niko : Down for what?
Packie : Down for robbing a thief...
Gordon : Robin Hood!
Packie : Exactly, Robin fuckin' Hood...
Niko : Who are you going to rob?
Packie : The fucking Mafia, boy.
Niko : Is the money good? What's the risk?
Packie : Well, the risk is...we all die a very slow and painful death.
Packie : And the money is good, very good indeed.
Gordon : So you in, big guy?
Gordon : Or are we gonna have to kill you?
Niko : Well...
Niko : Since you put that way, I'm in.
Gordon : Good let's go.
Packie, Michael : Alright, alright, let's go. Let's do this.


Packie : Can you get car, man? I'm afraid these two idiots can't drive for shit.
-車を手に入れてくれないか? 残念ながらこの二人のバカは運転できないようだ。
Michael : Fuck you, Packie.
Gordon : Yeah, fuck yuz.


Find a four door car.


Packie : Take us out to the waste management plant under the Algonquin Bridge on Colony Island, big man.
-Colony IslandのAlgonquin Bridgeにある廃棄物プラントへ連れて行ってくれ。

Drive to the waste depot.



Niko : A Mafia controlled waste management plant?
Packie : You fuckin' guessed it.
Packie : It's an Ancelotti operation. Ray tipped us off about a big payoff they just got.
Packie : A fat cash payoff.
Michael : Ancelottis, eh? I can't tell none of those wop families apart.
Michael : Ancelottis, Gambinos, Pecorinos.
Packie : It's the fucking Pegorinos,man. We're workin for them.
Packie : Pecorinos a type a cheese. Pegorinos is a bunch of guido gangsters outta Aldemey.
Niko : They're all Mafia though?
Packie : Course they are. Cosa Nostra and all that shit.
-もちろん、Cosa Nostraとか全部マフィアだよ。
Packie : Our family used to be bigger than all them Mafia families put together. Back in the day, that is.
Gordon : Not this shit again. I heard this speech a million times. The 
McRearys ran the city.
Gordon : People was scared to say their name let alone come near their place in Purgatory.
-みんな一家の名前を出すことが怖かった、let alone come near their place in Purgatory.(?)
Gordon : Life was great. We were in charge.
Packie : It's fucking true. I'd like to hear you tell Gerald that it's a boring story.
-まったくそのとおりだぜ、つまらない話だって事をお前から兄貴(Gerry McReary)に教えてやってくれ。
Packie : Me brother wouldn't take too kindly to that now would he?
Packie : You know that Purgatory is called what it is because.
-Purgatory(町の名前)はMcReary一家のことをみんながスゲー怖がってたから煉獄(苦行を行う場所) って呼ばれてるんだぜ。
Packie : Did you know that, Niko?
Gordon : It's called that because people found the McReary's stories so fuckin' boring.
Gordon : Listening to them was like being in Purgatory.
Packie : Fuck you, Gordon. I'll fucking come back there and kick your fucking ass in a minute.
Niko : I hear that Francis McReary is your brother.
-Francis McReary はお前の兄弟だって聞いてるが。
Packie : Fucking Frankie, my brother.
Packie : He way have a badge, but I tell you for a fact he's as crooked as the rest of us McRearys.
Packie : More so. At least we ain't fucking hypocrites. Kate's the only decent one.
-いや、それ以上だな。少なくとも俺達は偽善者じゃない、ちゃんとやってるのはKate(Kate McReary)だけだぜ。
Niko : I can believe that.
Packie : You know Frankie do ya? I got story for you if you do.
Gordon : Another fucking story.
Packie : Shut up, Gordon. So, Niko, when Francis and Gerald was growing up,Frankie becomes an altar boy.
-うっせーんだよGordon。Niko教えてやる、Francis とGerry がまだ幼い時だ、Francisの兄貴は牧師の付き人だったんだ。
Packie : He swears to this day that he wanted to serve the Load. Gerry knows the truth though.
Packie : He only put on that cassock so he could pocket the change in the collection plate. Fact.
Packie : That's Francis down to a fucking T. I don't even know if he realzes what a crook he is.
Niko : That sounds like the Francis McReary I met.
-それは俺が出会ったFrancis McReary そのものじゃなか。
Packie : I bet. Model community leader, my ass.
Gordon : You're just worried he'll start clamping down on you, ain't ya Packie?
Packie : I'd like to see him try it. Not gonna happen with the things Gerry knows.


Niko : Packie, you hang out in some strange places.
Niko : First you take me to a fish market and now a waste plant.
Gordon : It looks like he ain't too pleased with the dates you been taking him on, Patrick.
Gordon : You got learn how to treat a man right.
Packie : Shit it, Gordo. Ray's given us a tip off about a big payment the Ancelottis just got.
Packie : We're all gonna do real well outta this.
Niko : These places are messed up. I think this Ray guy is fucking with you.
Packie : No one's fucking with me, Niko. This is how things work here.
Packie : The whole city is turning into a fucking theme park.
Packie : Only places an honest criminal can make any money are these shit holes.
Gordon : I think they're fucking with ya, Packie. They're laughing at ya.
Packie : You think they're having a laugh with Gerald, Gordo?
Packie : You think ever these Alderney guidos would have the balls to do that?
Gordon : Them guidos use you for what they like, if the Peg asked 
Gerald to wipe his ass he probably would.
Michael : What's that say about you then, Gordo? If you're taking orders from Packie.
Gordon : That don't mean shit.
Packie : Fucking with us or not, these jobs pay the bills,don't they?
Michael : The only thing they're doing for Gordon is keeping the bookies off his back for another week.
Michael : How much you lose on that Swingers game last week?
Gordon : That shit was rigged. I got screwed in the ninth damn inning.
Gordon : A guy who bats one-fifty hits a three run homer. Bullshit!
Packie : Don't go dropping too much green after this.
Packie : If the Ancelottis hear we've been spending it up they might finger us for this job.
Packie : If that happens, the bookies will be the least of your worries.
Michael : Don't trouble yourself about me, Packie. I'm sitting on my money.
Michael : Not gonna throw it at the bookies like Gordon over here.
Packie : I don't give a shit what you're doing with your cut. All care about is you holding up your end on the job.
Gordon : You shouldn't save too much, Michael. You never know, you might get hit by a bus tomorrow.
Packie : Nah, not St. Michael here.
Niko : My cousin, Roman, he has this gambling problem as well.
Niko : Can't have a dollar in his pocket without spending it at a card game.
Packie : Are these his dollars he's spending, or yours?
Niko : What's mine is his. We are cousins.


Packie : Here we are boys, moment of fucking truth.
Packie : Alright boys, if Ray is correct then the money's going to be kept in the office in the main building.
Packie : And there should be a boat docked out back for the getaway.
Packie : Alright, it's up and over the fence.
Packie : Niko, stick fcking close to me.
Packie : Don't go too fucking far, Niko.



Get inside the depot and get the cash.

Michael : Hey Packie, I'll go set the money. Cover me, will you?


Get the cash from the office.


Packie : Okay kids, I got the cash. Shit! Looks like we're not the only 
ones after it.
Packie : There's got to be a pizza parlor on this island coz I ain't never seen so many Italians.
Packie : Out the back, boys.


Meet up with Packie outside of the depot.

Packie : Gordon, Michael. you hold these boys back while me and Niko make a swim for it with the money.
Michael : We'll see you back at the house, Packie.
Gordon : Try to keep the money dry, won't ya? I don't know how my 
bookies gonna be about wet notes...


Escape from the depot with Packie.

Packie : Swimming for it, eh?
Packie : Sure, me boy. There's the boat just out there. I'll race ya.


Swim out and get in the boat.


Use < 左スティック > to swim.
Hold or repeatedly top < A or × > to swim faster.



Get Packie back to safety.

Packie : Can you drive a boat? You got to this fine country in a boat didn't ya, Niko?
Niko : That don't mean I can drive one. Fuck it though, I'll give it a try.
Packie : That was fucking beautiful. We did ourselves proud.
Packie : My brother Gerry is going to be fucking ecstatic.
Niko : Providing the Ancelottis don't figure out it was us that ripped 
them off.
Packie : Don't fucking worry about it. They'll just figure it was another one of the five families.
Packie : Us McRearys are under the fucking radar nowadays. It ain't a problem.
Niko : I hope you're right for my sake.
Packie : Shut up and think about the money. If that don't work, think about my sister. I tell you though,
Packie : you're only getting your hands on one of those things, you maniac, and it ain't going to be my Katie.
Niko : I'll think about the money then.
Packie : What a trooper.


Use < 左スティック左右 > to steer a boat.
Press < RT or R2 > to accelerate. Press < LT or L2 > to brake.
-< RT or R2 >を使って加速。 < LT or L2 >で減速。
Use < 左スティック上下 > to adjust the trim.
To make shaper turns when in a boat press < RB or R1 >.
-ボート上では< RB or R1 >を押して鋭いターンが出来る。


Packie : We did it. Top of the fucking world. Here's your share. Don't 
go spending it in any Italian restaurants.
Niko : I'll see you soon, Packie.


Packie : Niko man.
Packie : Look, I ain't a pimp or nothing.
Niko : What're you talking about, man?
Packie : I'm saying, would you take my sister, Kate, out for a drink or something?
Packie : She don't get out much and she sure as hell don't go on dates. We're starting to worry.
Packie : She like you, just as friends, I'm gonna send you her number.
Niko : I'll give her a call man, but I don't think she'll wanna see me.
Packie : Trust me, she will. Call her, man.


I told my brothers about ya. Got a big job planned.Put on a suit, a tie, and some good shoes and get over here. costs a fucking shit load but the only place to go for that shit is Perseus in Algonquin.


Packie : Dammit, Michael's down, I'm ghosting.
Gordon : Packie's fucking bought it. What am I gonna tell his brother? Shit.
