「BUYER'S MARKET」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
BUYER'S MARKET」を以下のとおり復元します。
-[[GTA4未クリアだけどLost and Damnedできるもん!05>>http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6568916]]



Elizabeta : Hey, hey, Johnny, the big bad biker man.

Johnny : Liz Torres, the meanest bitch in Bohan.
-Liz Torres、Bohanで最高にずるがしこい女だな。

Elizabeta : Come here, sweetie.

Johnny : Shit, I'd let you kiss me,
Johnny : but I'm afraid you'd stick a knife in my back while I was doin' it.

Elizabeta : You wouldn't be the first man I'd tried that trick on, sweetie.

Johnny : Yeah, I heard the stories.
Johnny : Listen I also heard you got somebody for that brown?

Elizabeta : Maybe. There's an apartment on Cassidy Street in Schottler.
-そうね。SchottlerのCassidy Street沿いにアパートがあるの。
Elizabeta : You go upstairs and talk to Charlie on the third floor.

Johnny : There any heat?

Elizabeta : When isn't there?
Elizabeta : I've got a new guy going along with you.
Elizabeta : He's from Eastern Europe somewheres.
Elizabeta : If the heat's coming from Charlie,
Elizabeta : use this Slavic motherfucker to help. But if it's him.
Elizabeta : You know what you gotta do.

Johnny : Well either way it ain't coming back to you, Liz.

Elizabeta : Ah, you know Playboy? He's going along, too. 
Elizabeta : Hey Playboy!

Playboy : Yo, chill for a second yo.

Johnny : Nah, not really. 

Elizabeta : Don't you wanna dance?

Johnny : Nah, I just sit right here and wait for your boy.


Elizabeta : Surround yourself with cocaine and the assholes soon follow.
Elizabeta : Hey Johnny!

Johnny : Yo!

Elizabeta : Come over here.
Elizabeta : Come here.

Johnny : Yeah!

Elizabeta : Niko, this is Johnny.
Elizabeta : Now, Johnny is sitting on a big pile of heroin.
Elizabeta : I don't go near the stuff... professionally... but I found him a buyer.
Elizabeta : We're nervous. Will you oversee the deal and check everything is cool?

Niko : Sure.

Elizabeta : Thank you.

Johnny : Well, I got to go pick up the stuff so, uh, I'll see you there.

Elizabeta : A'ight.

&color(white,darkslategray){指示 : Collect the package from &color(lightseagreen){Brian}.}



Johnny : Gimme that shit man. We got a buyer.

Brian : I don't know why Billy got you to handle this and not me.
Brian : I mean, what's up with that, eh?
Brian : I guess you Semites are good at sniffing out a deal,
Brian : ain't that right, Johnny?

Johnny : He didn't get you because Liz Torres,
-お前をこの仕事にやらなかったのはLiz Torresや
Johnny : and any other two bit hustler on the street would take you for the little pussy that you are and rob you blind.
Johnny : Now gimme that shit.


Johnny : See you around big guy.


&color(white,darkslategray){指示 : Go to the &color(yellow){building} where the deal is taking place.}


&color(white,darkslategray){指示 : The &color(yellow){apartment} is on the third floor.}


&color(white,darkslategray){指示 : Wait here for &color(lightseagreen){Niko} and &color(lightseagreen){Playboy X}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ここで&color(lightseagreen){Niko}と&color(lightseagreen){Playboy X}を待て。}

Playboy : Buyer is some Asian dude called Charlie.

Niko : Like in Vietnam?

Playboy : Just like the movies, money.


Playboy : Yo.

Niko : Hey man.



Niko : Hey, you ready?

Johnny : Sure, let's do this. Nothing like selling some dope to let you know you're alive. 

Niko : Let's go. 

Playboy : Yeah, let's do this. 

Johnny : Alright, c'mon. 

Charlie : Hey... what's going on guys, what's going on? 

Johnny : Not much. Let's do this. 

Charlie : You've got the heroin? Right? Right? 

Johnny : Come on, let's do this, quickly. 

Charlie : But you've got the heroin, correct? You're carrying it, correct? I mean it's a simple question. 

Johnny : What's wrong with you? You're being fucking weird. 

Charlie : Not weird, man, I just wanna know if you're carrying the stuff right? 

Johnny : You ain't right, friend, come on... let's get out of here. 

Charlie : LCPD. Freeze motherfucker. I said freeze. 


Johnny : Time to part company. You head up and I'll go down. 

&color(white,darkslategray){指示 : Go downstairs and get out of the building.}

Playboy : Yo, money. We going up.

Niko : Fuck off!
Niko : Screw you!


&color(white,darkslategray){指示 : Lose the cops.}



Billy : So Johnny, are we rich?

Johnny : No Billy, we're not. What we are is under observation by some kind of LCPD drugs task force. The buyer was a pig.

Billy : Hell Johnny, that's not kosher. I'll call you when another buyer's lined up.

Johnny : Sounds good.

Billy : We're moving up in the world, Johnny.
Billy : There's a congressman, needs your help, Tom Stubbs III.
-議員からのお達しが来たぞ、お前の助けがいるんだとよ、Tom Stubbs IIIって野郎だ。
Billy : I told you keeping that lawyer around would have its uses.
Billy : This guy's at one of them dumb ass gentlemen's clubs in Algonquin - the kind without tits - The Jousters.
-その男はAlgonquinにあるつまらねぇ紳士用クラブにいる、つまりオッパイが拝めねぇ、The Joustersっていうクラブだ。

Johnny : Politicians and lawyers? What are we becoming, man?
Johnny : Next thing you're gonna tell me we're doing some shit kicking for the LCPD.

Billy : It's just opposite the Libertonian. Go pay him a visit, if you're still thinking about your brothers and not just your own ego, that is.



Johnny : Liz Torres.
-Liz Torres.

Elizabeta : It was good to see you, Johnny.

Johnny : Yeah, only problem was your friend the UC. He nearly blew my ass off.

Elizabeta : Ha ha, ha ha.

Johnny : How's your fancy European friend working out?

Elizabeta : Okay, okay. Seems like maybe he's the only guy in this city not working for the state.

Johnny : Him and The Lost MC. Me and the brothers are tight.
-奴とLost MCだ。俺と兄弟たちは固い絆で結ばれてる。

Elizabeta : I hope so far your sake Johnny, you know. Ha ha. See you soon, baby.
