「THIS AIN'T CHECKERS」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
THIS AIN'T CHECKERS」を以下のとおり復元します。
>**&color(#48D1CC){THIS AIN'T CHECKERS}

-[[GTA4 THE BALLAD OF GAY TONY part13>>http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8702619]]
-[[Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #17: This Ain't Checkers 1/2>>http://www.gameanyone.com/video/173024]]
-[[Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #17: This Ain't Checkers 2/2>>http://www.gameanyone.com/video/173025]]


***&color(#ff3399){&b(){&sizex(3){~ブルーシー "Brucie" の家~}}}

(ブルーシー "Brucie" の家でチェスをする、ブルーシーとその兄、モーリ "Mori" )

(ルイス "Luis" がやってくる)
Mori(モーリ): Hey Lou! Come on in.. hang on one second...

Mori : Check...mate. See ya!

Mori : Little thicko never went to college... I never got into an Ivy League school.
Mori : I got into two. Come on, let's get outta here.



&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Get in the &color(lightseagreen){car}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(lightseagreen){車}に乗れ。}

Mori : Get us to the heliport near Fishmarket South.

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Go to the &color(deeppink){heliport}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(deeppink){ヘリポート}に行け。}

Mori : So I got the proposition for you, Louie.

Luis(ルイス): It's Luis, bro.

Mori : It'll be Little Louise if I want it to be, you still owe me money, so you're still my bitch.

Luis : Man, Tony, you owe me, bro. Making me hang out with this jackass.

Mori : Now listen to me, I got a wager.

Luis : I ain't having no monster measuring contest, bro. I keep telling you I ain't into that creepy shit.

Mori : Oooh! My jackhammer would crush the shit outta you, bitch.
Mori : No, no, no, no. I'm talking a fair bet. Calculated risk.

Luis : What's on the line then, you terrifyingly insecure midget?

Mori : Well, how about everything Tony owes me? And I promise to get out of your life if you win.

Luis : That sounds too good to be true, bro. What happens if I lose?

Mori : I get everything. You're rolling with me full time, hombre. Buddies for life. Mmmwah.

Luis : All or nothing, eh? Heavenly peace or a lifetime of being tortured by some hellish imp?
Luis : Shit is tough.

Mori : Calculated risk. What are you gonna do?

Luis : Okay. So what we betting on?

Mori : It's a race, you fucking pussy. All around the city. Only for serious high roller cats.
Mori : Choppers, boats, cars and everything in between.

Luis : So all I gotta do is win that and you out of our lives?

Mori : In theory, yes. But that ain't gonna happen, dog. 'Cause I never lost at nothing in my whole life.
Mori : Maybe that's because I had a brother as pathetic as little B,
Mori : or maybe it is because I am the S-H-I-T, bitch!

Luis : Yeah, you shit alright.

Mori : Now if you do win, which you won't, you just got to help me with one more thing
Mori : and then all your contractual obligations are released.

Luis : Hey, here's to that.




Mori : Ho! I never thought hustling you was gonna be easy, Lopez.

Luis : I don't like your chances, big man.


The Pilot : You have all been provided, parachutes, boats, and cars.
The Pilot : You will be airlifted to the start where you will race from one vehicle to the next.
The Pilot : The first person to make it to the finish in Middle Park is the winner.
The Pilot : Are you ready?

Mori : Fuck yeah!

Luis : I'm racing an orange midget. Why wouldn't I be ready?

The Pilot : 3!
The Pilot : 2!
The Pilot : 1!
The Pilot : Go!



&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Use &color(white,black){(L)} to move in the air.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 飛行中、&color(white,black){左スティック}で移動する。}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Press &color(black,green){A} to activate parachute.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(black,green){A}ボタンで押してパラシュートを開く。}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Hold &color(black,red){B} to view different cameras.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(black,red){B}ボタンを押している間、視点を別のカメラに切り替える。}

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Get in a &color(lightseagreen){boat}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(lightseagreen){ボート}まで行け。}



&color(white,darkslategray){・ 指示 : Get in a &color(lightseagreen){car}.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(lightseagreen){車}まで行け。}

&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Gain speed, then press &color(black,red){B} to activate nitro.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ 加速して&color(black,red){B}ボタンを押せば、ニトロを噴射することができる。}


&color(white,darkslategray){・ 説明 : Press &color(black,red){B} to activate nitro.}
&color(white,darkslategray){・ &color(black,red){B}ボタンを押せばニトロが噴射できる。}


Mori : You're gonna get left in the dust, you big lug.

Mori : Oh yeah, I'm the shit.

Mori : I'm unstoppable, bitch.

Mori : I own this shit!

The Competitor(競争相手): Hey! Why you hang out with that asshole Mori?

The Competitor : I mortgaged my house to do this race.

The Competitor : Back off of me.

The Competitor : It's Mori's friend.

The Competitor : This race is mine, midget whisperer.

Mori : You're not winning, you dwarf loving gimp.

The Competitor : Let me win. Come on.

The Competitor : Stay away from me.

Mori : What part of this race am I not good at?

Mori : I'm gonna beat you, Lou.

Mori : Kiss my orange ass.

Mori : I'm the daddy. I'm the daddy. Oh, I'm the daddy.

Mori : I'm gonna own those clubs, Lopez.

Mori : Ahh, you'll be my bitch for life after this, Louie.



Luis : Ouch, man. That's got to be an expensive race for you.

Mori : Bullshit, man. Someone musta sabotaged me or something. No, shit, no I wanted to lose.
Mori : You think Tony's cash means shit to me? I got other investments.

Luis : Good for you, Tiny. So, umm, do we got to see each other again?

Mori : I told you, Louie. One more job. I got some cars to procure and you're gonna help me.
Mori : Come by Brucie's and we'll hit it.

Luis : Alright, bro, I gave my word.



