「UNION DRIVE」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

UNION DRIVE - (2008/06/20 (金) 22:43:11) の編集履歴(バックアップ)



Bernie : Come on, Bryce... come on.
Bernie : You've got to be kidding me.
Bernie : But I'll be thrown in jail!
Bernie : I'm not legal!

Bernie : My friend just turned up.
Bernie : I think he can help.
Bernie : I love you!(小声で)
Bernie : Screw your wife, honey... this is for real!(電話を切る)

Bernie : Jesus H, Niko.
Bernie : I need a tranquilizer.
Bernie : Something strong... oh man, I am cooked.

Niko : Enjoying your new life in the land of opportunity, then?

Bernie : This is no time for jokes, buddy!
Bernie : Uh uh... no siree...
Bernie : I'm in real trouble Niko. Real trouble.
Bernie : Bryce is getting blackmailed.

Niko : About what?

Bernie : About me!

Niko : Okay... that's not good.
Niko : Did he find out any information about Darko Brevic yet?

Bernie : No.
Bernie : But he's working on it.
Bernie : You've got to help me.

Niko : Got to?
Niko : How?

Bernie : We're going to warn these bastards off.
Bernie : Come on.


Bernie : Go get us a car, sweetie. I want something big and awful and intimidating.

Find a car.

Bernie : Albright hon? The meet is on Walnut Way in Northwood.

Take Bernie to the rendezvous to meet with the blackmailers.


Bernie : You know, I don't think I've ever been north of Middle Park. This is exciting.
Bernie : They don't even know what they're in for. No way. Nothing stands in the way of love.
Bernie : Love is strong enough to rip down mountains and throw trucks and all that stuff.
Bernie : Am I right? We're going to show them.

Niko : Who's blackmailing you?

Bernie : We don't know. They won't even meet us themselves. This is just some flunkey they're sending.
Bernie : We have to tell them to tell the boss we won't be pushed around, no way.


Blackmailer : Where's Bryce? We wanted to speak to him, not his rent boys.

Niko : Listen, you're going to speak to your boss and tell him to back off.

Blackmailer : If that's the way you want to play it, fine.
Blackmailer : Bryce'll be all over Weazel News tomorrow morning.

Niko : You know what? Maybe the best way to get the message to your boss is for me to send him your heart.

Bernie : Yeah, tough guy. How'd you like that?

Blackmailer : Dimitri Rascalov only asks once.
Blackmailer : Your lover's career is over.(走り去るBlackmailers)

Niko : Facking Dimitri.

Eliminate the blackmailers.


Bernie : We gotta get them, Niko.
Bernie : Do they know what they're doing here?
Bernie : What right do they have to jeopardize Bryce's career our relationship.
Bernie : the whole life we have built together.

Niko : What about the life Bryce built with his wife?

Bernie : That bitch. She's just in it for the status. She doesn't love Bryce like I do.
Bernie : All she sees in Bryce is mink coats and dinner party invitations.
Bernie : What he and I have is real.
Bernie : You know. You can feel it deep down inside. He may be a nasty hypocrite, but he's mine.
Bernie : Now, come on. Get them.
Bernie : Stop on it, Niko.
Bernie : Please, Niko. Get them.

Niko : Bernie, please. Can you be quiet until this is over.

Niko : Damn, cops have a hard time, don't they?

Bernie : We're close.
Bernie : We've got them.

Niko : Can you please shut up until this is done.

Niko : Bernie, stay here. I'm going to get them.


Go to Bernie.

Bernie : Thank you.

Niko : Alright. The guys are dead. I'll take you back to your place.

Take Bernie back to his apartment.


Niko : So, we were just meant to scare them? Well, that didn't work out so good, did it?
Niko : At least they can't tell Dimitri about the meeting or go to the papers.
Niko : Dimitri is too much of a rat to go to the media himself.
Niko : The information he has on Bryce is too valuable.

Bernie : You think? It would kill Bryce if he didn't have his career.

Niko : Maybe he should have thought about that when he started dating you.
Niko : Not that there's anything wrong with dating you...
Niko : Your choice is your choice, man.
Niko : But he should have thought about who he really was before getting elected on a family values ticket.
Niko : He preached homosexuality is evil. It’s insanity!
Niko : He's a hypocrite and it was only a matter of time before someone like Dimitri tried to capitalize.
Niko : Shit, I'll shut up now. You don't need me telling you about your life.
Niko : I don't normally talk this much. I'm your friend, and I will try to help.


Niko : Here we are. Look after yourself, yeah? I hope Dimitri and his people back off now.

Bernie : Thank you so much, Niko. I'll speak to you soon.


Bernie : Oh Niko, we can't lose them.

Niko : We ain't gonna get them.

You lost the blackmailers.

Bernie : That's it is it? My life is over.
Bernie : It was good knowing you, sweetie. I'm going home.