
javascript/クエスト情報変換【タブ用】 - (2019/10/16 (水) 13:24:42) の最新版との変更点



#js(){{{{{ <style type="text/css"> input[name="BOLD"]:checked + input { font-weight: bold; } select { padding: 3px 0px; vertical-align: bottom; margin: 1px; } input { padding: 3px 0px; margin: 1px 0px; } input[type="checkbox"], label { cursor: pointer; } textarea { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 50px; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: center; } .clearbtn, .minibtn { padding: 0; min-width: 1.5em; margin: 3px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> // テキストノード追加拡張 $.fn.appendText = function(text) { return this.each(function() { var textNode = document.createTextNode(text); $(this).append(textNode); }); }; var QuestGen = (function () { const defaults = { design: 0, max_wave: 9, max_phase: 9, max_support: 9, max_enemyleft: 9, max_enemyright: 9, bold_color: ["#e6e6fa","#bee0c2","#fddea5"], back_color: ["#f5fffa","#f5fffa","#f5fffa"], caption_color: ["#17184b","#004d25","#d3381c"], class_list: ['剣', '弓', '槍', '騎', '術', '殺', '狂', '盾', '裁', '讐', '月', '分', '獣', '失', '降', '?'], }; /** * defaultsとインスタンスoptionsのマージ用(settings) * Merge two or more objects. Returns a new object. * @private * @param {Boolean} deep If true, do a deep (or recursive) merge [optional] * @param {Object} objects The objects to merge together * @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options */ const extend = function () { let extended = {}; let deep = false; let i = 0; let length = arguments.length; /* Check if a deep merge */ if (Object["proto"+"type"].toString.call(arguments[0]) === "[object Boolean]") { deep = arguments[0]; i++; } /* Merge the object into the extended object */ let merge = function (obj) { for (let prop in obj) { if (Object["proto"+"type"].hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) { /* If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties */ if (deep && Object["proto"+"type"].toString.call(obj[prop]) === "[object Object]") { extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; /* Loop through each object and conduct a merge */ for (; i < length; i++) { let obj = arguments[i]; merge(obj); } return extended; }; // String.repeat (IE対応) const Repeat = function(str, count) { var rpt = ''; for (;;) { if ((count & 1) == 1) { rpt += str; } count >>>= 1; if (count == 0) { break; } str += str; } return rpt; } // C#風String.Format const Format = function(te, re) { if (typeof re != "object") re = Array["proto"+"type"].slice.call(arguments, 1); return te.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(m, c) { return (re[c] != null) ? re[c] : ' '; }); }; // 3桁区切り const toComma = function(num) { if (typeof(num) === 'undefined') return ''; if (typeof(num) === 'string') num = parseInt(num); if (Number.isNaN(num)) return ''; return parseInt(num / 1000) == 0 ? num % 1000 : toComma(parseInt(num / 1000)) + ',' + ('000' + (num % 1000)).slice(-3); } function QuestGen(target, options) { this.settings = extend(defaults, options || {}); this.target = target; this.init(); } QuestGen["proto"+"type"] = { init: function() { this.phase = 1; this.tempClsSelect = $('<select>', {'name': 'SVTCLS'}).css('width', '3em').append($.map(this.settings.class_list, function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e); })); var self = this; this.tempClearBtn = $('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'data-target': 'tr'}).addClass('clearbtn').css('padding', '0').val('消').click(function() { let data = $(this).attr('data-target'); self.clearInput(data ? $(this).parents(data) : $(this).parent()); }); this.setDesign(0); }, getBg: function() { return this.settings.back_color[this.settings.design]; }, getBold: function() { return this.settings.bold_color[this.settings.design]; }, getCaption: function() { return this.settings.caption_color[this.settings.design]; }, // テーブル色変更 setDesign: function(num) { this.settings.design = num; $('style#design').remove(); let style = '<style type="text/css" id="design">'; style += '.phase td { background-color: ' + this.getBg() + '; text-align: center; }'; style += '.headrow { background-color: '+ this.getCaption() +'!important; color: white; }'; style += '.subrow { background-color: '+ this.getBold() +'!important; }'; style += '</style>'; $('head').append(style); }, // ターゲット以下の入力欄を削除 clearInput: function(tgt) { $('input[type="number"],input[type="text"]', tgt).val(''); $('input[type="checkbox"]', tgt).prop('checked', false).change(); $('select', tgt).prop('selectedIndex', 0).change(); }, // 入力欄を作成する makeTable: function() { let table = $('<table>', {'cellspacing': "1", 'border': "0"}).addClass('phase'); table.append(this.makeHead()); table.append(this.makeWaves()); table.append(this.makeSupport()); table.append(this.makeEnemy(true)); table.append(this.makeEtc()); table.appendTo(this.target); }, // クエスト共通部分の作成 makeHead: function() { let thead = $('.template thead').clone(true); thead.find('td:eq(0)').prepend(this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'thead')); return thead; }, // エネミー欄の作成 makeEnemy: function(addcontrol) { var addcontrol = (addcontrol !== undefined) ? addcontrol : false; let tbody = $('<tbody>').addClass('enemydetail'); var self = this; { let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4, 'class': 'subrow'}); if (addcontrol) { let changeRowFunc = function() { let elems = $('.enemydetail', self.target); if ($(this).attr('name') == 'ADDROW') { $(elems[elems.length-1]).after(self.makeEnemy()); } else if (elems.length > 1) { $(elems[elems.length-1]).remove(); } }; td.append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'SUBROW'}).addClass('minibtn').css('float', 'left').val('-').click(changeRowFunc)); td.append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'ADDROW'}).addClass('minibtn').css('float', 'left').val('+').click(changeRowFunc)); } this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody').prop('disabled', $('#clearLock').prop('checked') || false).appendTo(td); td.appendText('エネミー《'); td.appendText('隠').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'HIDE'})); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'NAME'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(td); td.appendText('》(左列行数:'); let sel = $('<select>', {'name': 'LEFTNUM'}).css('width', '3em') .append($.map(Array.apply(null, {length: this.settings.max_enemyleft+1}).map(Function.call, Number), function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e); })) .prop('selectedIndex', 0) .change(function() { let lines = $(this).parents('tbody').children('tr:nth-child(n+2)'); var num = $(this).val() * self.settings.max_enemyright; lines.each(function(i, e) { if (num-- > 0) $(e).show(); else $(e).hide(); }); }).appendTo(td); td.appendText(')【0=エネミー欄非表示】'); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); } for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_enemyleft; i++) { let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 2, 'rowspan': this.settings.max_enemyright}) .append($('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'LEFTTEXT'}).css('width', '12em')) .append($('<br>')) .appendText('(右列行数'); let rsel = $('<select>', {'name': 'RIGHTNUM'}).css('width', '3em') .append($.map(Array.apply(null, {length: this.settings.max_enemyright}).map(Function.call, Number), function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e+1); })) .prop('selectedIndex', 0) .change(function() { let val = $(this).val(); let cur = $(this).parents('tr'); for (let n = 0; n < self.settings.max_enemyright; n++) { if (n < val) { cur.children('td:last-child').show(); } else { cur.children('td:last-child').hide(); } cur = cur.next(); } }).appendTo(td); td.appendText(')'); var tr = $('<tr>').hide().append(td); $('<td>', {'colspan': 2}).append($('<textarea>', {'name': 'RIGHTTEXT'})).appendTo(tr); tbody.append(tr); // 右列の処理(2こめ以降) let remain = this.settings.max_enemyright - 1; for (let r = 0; r < remain; r++) { tr = $('<tr>').hide(); $('<td>', {'colspan': 2}).append($('<textarea>', {'name': 'RIGHTTEXT'})).hide().appendTo(tr); tbody.append(tr); } } return tbody; }, // 備考欄の作成 makeEtc: function() { let tbody = $('<tbody>'); let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4, 'class': 'subrow'}) .append(this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody')) .appendText('備考 ('); $('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'ETCON'}).change(function() { let tarea = $('textarea[name="TEXT"]', $(this).parents('tbody')); if ($(this).prop('checked')) tarea.show(); else tarea.hide(); }).appendTo(td); td.appendText('表示)'); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4}); $('<textarea>', {'name': 'TEXT'}).hide().appendTo(td); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); return tbody; }, // 全WAVEの敵デッキの作成 makeWaves: function(visible_count) { var visible_count = (visible_count !== undefined) ? visible_count : 3; let tbody = $('<tbody>').addClass('enemydecks'); // ヘッダー欄 { let tr = $('<tr>'); let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 2, 'class': 'subrow'}); this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody').appendTo(td); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'QID'}).css('width', '5em').appendTo(td); td.appendText(' 全'); let sel = $('<select>', {'name': 'WAVECOUNT'}).css('width', '3em'); for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_wave+1; i++) { $('<option>').text(i).appendTo(sel); } sel.prop('selectedIndex', visible_count); var self = this; sel.change(function() { let val = parseInt($(this).val()); $('.wave', tbody).each(function() { if (parseInt($(this).attr('data-wave')) <= val) $(this).show(); else $(this).hide(); }); }); sel.appendTo(td); td.appendText('【0=Battleなし】'); tr.append(td); td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 2, 'class': 'subrow'}); td.appendText('クラス構成'); let ad = $('<label>(手動:<input type="checkbox" name="MANUALDETAIL">)</label>').appendTo(td); ad = ad.children('input'); ad.change(function() { $(this).parent().next().prop('disabled', !$(this).prop('checked')); }); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'DECKDETAIL'}).css('width', '15em').prop('disabled', true).appendTo(td); tbody.append(tr.append(td)); } let unit = this.makeSvt(); // 1WAVEのエネミー入力欄の増減 let changeRowFunc = function() { let tr = $(this).parents('tr'); let tr_end = tr; let current_wave = tr.attr('data-wave'); let count = 0; for (let elem = tr; elem.length > 0 && elem.attr('data-wave') == current_wave; elem = elem.next()) { tr_end = elem; count++; } if ($(this).attr('name') == 'ADDROW') { tr.children('td:eq(0)').attr('rowspan', count+1); tr = $('<tr>').attr('data-wave', current_wave).addClass('wave'); for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { unit.clone(true).appendTo(tr); } tr_end.after(tr); } else if (tr != tr_end) { tr.children('td:eq(0)').attr('rowspan', count-1); tr_end.remove(); } }; for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_wave; i++) { let tr = $('<tr>').attr('data-wave', i+1).addClass('wave').css('display', i < visible_count ? 'table-row' : 'none'); $('<td>').text(i+1) .append(this.tempClearBtn.clone(true)) .append($('<br>')) .append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'SUBROW'}).addClass('minibtn').val('-').click(changeRowFunc)) .append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'ADDROW'}).addClass('minibtn').val('+').click(changeRowFunc)) .appendTo(tr); for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { unit.clone(true).appendTo(tr); } tbody.append(tr); } return tbody; }, // ユニット入力欄の生成 makeSvt: function() { let td = $('<td>').addClass('unit'); td.appendText('隠').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'HIDE'})); //td.appendText('太').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'BOLD'})); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'NAME'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(td); td.appendText('◆'); let sel = $('<select>',{'name': 'SHIFT'}).css('width', '3em'); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { $('<option>').text(i).appendTo(sel); } sel.change(function() { let shifts = $('div', $(this).parent()); shifts.hide(); for (let i = 0; i < $(this).prop('selectedIndex')+1; i++) { $(shifts[3-i]).show(); } }); sel.appendTo(td); $('<br>').appendTo(td); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let div = $('<div>').css('white-space', 'nowrap'); if (i < 4) div.css('display', 'none'); div.appendText('Lv'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'LV', 'min': 0}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('('); this.tempClsSelect.clone(true).appendTo(div); $('<span>').text(')'+Repeat(' ', i)+Repeat('◆', 4-i)+'HP').appendTo(div); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'HP', 'min': 0}).css('width', '6em').appendTo(div); div.appendTo(td); } return td; }, // サポートNPC欄の作成 makeSupport: function() { let tbody = $('<tbody>').addClass('support'); let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4, 'class': 'subrow'}).text('サポートNPC(計'); this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody').prependTo(td); let sel = $('<select>', {'name': 'SUPNUM'}).css('width', '3em') .append($.map(Array.apply(null, {length: this.settings.max_support+1}).map(Function.call, Number), function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e); })) .prop('selectedIndex', 0) .change(function() { let lines = $(this).parents('tr').next().find('div'); var num = $(this).val(); lines.each(function(i, e) { if (num-- > 0) $(e).show(); else $(e).hide(); }); }) .appendTo(td); td.appendText(')【0=サポ欄非表示】'); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4}); let sunit = this.makeSupportUnit(); for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_support; i++) { td.append(sunit.clone(true)); } tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); return tbody; }, // サポートNPCの1体の行を生成 makeSupportUnit: function() { let div = $('<div>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').hide(); div.appendText('隠').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'HIDE'})); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'NAME'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(div); div.appendText(' Lv.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'LV', 'min': 0}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('('); this.tempClsSelect.clone(true).appendTo(div); div.appendText(')宝具Lv.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'NOBLELV', 'min': 0, 'max': 5}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText(' ['); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'SKILL1', 'min': 0, 'max': 10}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('/'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'SKILL2', 'min': 0, 'max': 10}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('/'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'SKILL3', 'min': 0, 'max': 10}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText(']'); div.appendText('礼装.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'CRAFT'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('Lv.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'CRAFTLV', 'min': 0, 'max': 100}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); return div; }, getUnits: function() { var obj = { 'BOLD': false, 'HIDE': false, 'WAVE': 0, 'INDEX': 0, 'NAME': '', 'BREAK': 0, 'LV': [], 'SVTCLS': [], 'HP': [], isEmpty : function() { return !this.HP || this.HP.length == 0 || !this.HP[0] || !parseInt(this.HP[0]) || !this.NAME; } }; var units = []; $('.enemydecks > tr:nth-child(n+2)', this.target).each(function() { // 非表示WAVEに当たったら終了 if ($(this).css('display') == 'none') return false; var unit = []; var nullcnt = 0; var wave = parseInt($(this).attr('data-wave')); $('td.unit', this).each(function() { let svt = $.extend(true, {}, obj); svt.BOLD = $('input[name="BOLD"]', this).prop('checked') || false; svt.HIDE = $('input[name="HIDE"]', this).prop('checked') || false; svt.WAVE = wave; svt.INDEX = unit.length; svt.NAME = $('input[name="NAME"]', this).val().trim(); svt.BREAK= $('select[name="SHIFT"]', this).prop('selectedIndex'); var levels = $('input[name="LV"]:visible', this); var classes= $('select[name="SVTCLS"]:visible', this); var hps = $('input[name="HP"]:visible', this); for (let i = 0; i < svt.BREAK+1; i++) { svt.LV.push($(levels[i]).val()); svt.SVTCLS.push($(classes[i]).val()); svt.HP.push($(hps[i]).val()); } // 一番上のHP欄と名前欄が埋まってなければNULLと見なす if (svt.isEmpty()) nullcnt++; unit.push(svt); }); // 1行全て空なら終了 if (nullcnt >= 3) { return false; } units = units.concat(unit); }); return units; }, isChecked: function(idname, tgt) { if (!tgt) tgt = this.target; return $('input[name="'+idname+'"]', tgt).prop('checked'); }, // 入力欄からテキスト取得(シンプル) getInput: function(idname, tgt) { if (!tgt) tgt = this.target; let text = $('input[name="'+idname+'"]', tgt).val(); if (text && text.length > 0) return text; text = $('select[name="'+idname+'"]', tgt).val(); if (text && text.length > 0) return text; }, generate: function(phase) { this.phase = phase; let self = this; let text = ""; // thead text += Format("|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:40|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:180|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:180|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:180|c\n", this.getBg()); text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):COLOR(white):{1}|\n", this.getCaption(), this.getInput("QUESTNAME")); text += Format("|{0}{3}|>|{1}|推奨Lv.{2}|\n", this.getInput("AP1"), this.getInput("SPOT"), this.getInput("RECLV"), (this.getInput("AP2")) ? "&br()"+this.getInput("AP2") : ""); text += Format("|~|絆P : {0}|EXP : {1}|QP : {2}|\n", toComma(this.getInput("BONDP")), toComma(this.getInput("EXP")), toComma(this.getInput("QP"))); text += Format("|~|>|>|報酬 : {0}|\n", this.getInput("REWARD")); // waves : クラス構成 let units = this.getUnits(); let wavecnt = this.getInput("WAVECOUNT"); let clstext = ""; if ($('input[name="MANUALDETAIL"]', this.target).prop('checked')) { clstext = this.getInput('DECKDETAIL'); } else { let counts = {}; $.map(units, function(e, i) { if (e.isEmpty()) { return ''; } else { counts[e.SVTCLS[0]] = (counts[e.SVTCLS[0]]) ? counts[e.SVTCLS[0]] + 1 : 1; return e.SVTCLS[0]; } }); for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.class_list.length; i++) { let key = this.settings.class_list[i]; if (counts[key]) { if (clstext.length > 0) clstext += " "; clstext += key + counts[key]; } } } clstext = clstext || "Battleなし"; text += Format("|>|BGCOLOR({0}):{1} 全{2}回|>|BGCOLOR({0}):{3}|\n", this.getBold(), this.getInput("QID"), wavecnt, clstext); // waves : ユニット let lastwave = 0; for (let i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { let svt = units[i]; if (i % 3 == 0) { if (svt.WAVE == lastwave) { text += "|~|"; } else { text += Format("|{0}/{1}|", svt.WAVE, wavecnt); } lastwave = svt.WAVE; } if (!svt.isEmpty()) { let nm = svt.NAME; if (svt.BOLD) nm = "''"+svt.NAME+"''"; if (svt.HIDE) nm = "&openclose2(){" + nm + "}"; text += nm; for (let s = 0; s <= svt.BREAK; s++) { text += Format("&br()Lv{0}({1})", svt.LV[s], svt.SVTCLS[s]); if (svt.BREAK > 0) text += Format("&spanclass(break{0}{1})", svt.BREAK, svt.BREAK - s); text += Format(" HP{0}", toComma(svt.HP[s])); } } else { // 空欄は灰色に text += "BGCOLOR(#ccc):"; } text += '|'; if (i % 3 == 2) text += '\n'; } // サポートNPC { if (this.getInput('SUPNUM') !== '0') { text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):サポートNPC|\n", this.getBold()); let atfirst = true; text += "|>|>|>|"; $('.support div:visible', this.target).each(function() { if (!atfirst) { text += "&br()"; } atfirst = false; let nm = $('input[name="NAME"]', this).val(); if ($('input[name="HIDE"]', this).prop('checked')) nm = "&openclose2(){"+nm+"}"; text += Format("{0} Lv.{1}({2})宝具Lv.{3} [{4}/{5}/{6}]", nm, $('input[name="LV"]', this).val() || '??', $('select[name="SVTCLS"]', this).val(), $('input[name="NOBLELV"]', this).val() || '-', $('input[name="SKILL1"]', this).val() || '-', $('input[name="SKILL2"]', this).val() || '-', $('input[name="SKILL3"]', this).val() || '-'); let cename = $('input[name="CRAFT"]', this).val().trim(); if (0 < cename.length) { text += Format(" {0}{1}", cename, $('input[name="CRAFTLV"]', this).val() || '??'); } }); text += "|\n"; } } // エネミー { $('.enemydetail', this.target).each(function() { // 左列行数=0なら非表示 if ($('select[name="LEFTNUM"]', this).prop('selectedIndex') == 0) return true; // ヘッダ行 let nm = self.getInput('NAME', this); if (self.isChecked('HIDE', this)) nm = "&openclose2(){"+nm+"}"; text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):エネミー《{1}》|\n", self.getBold(), nm); let righttexts = $('textarea[name="RIGHTTEXT"]:visible', this); let cnt = 0; $('input[name="LEFTTEXT"]:visible', this).each(function() { for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(self.getInput('RIGHTNUM', $(this).parent())); i++) { if (i == 0) { text += Format("|>|{0}|", $(this).val()); } else { text += "|>|~|"; } text += Format(">|{0}|\n", $(righttexts[cnt++]).val().split('\n').join('&br()')); } }); }); } // 備考 { let etc = $('input[name="ETCON"]', this.target); if (etc.prop('checked')) { text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):備考|\n", this.getBold()); text += Format("|>|>|>|CENTER:{0}|\n", etc.parents('tbody').find('textarea[name="TEXT"]').val().split('\n').join('&br()')); } } return text; }, }; return function(target, options) { return new QuestGen(target, options); }; })(); $(function(){ // 入力欄作成 var gen = QuestGen($('#here'), {'design': 0}); gen.makeTable(); $('#createBtn').click(function() { let text = gen.generate(); if (!text) { text = 'ここにwiki編集用の文字列が表示されます [出力失敗]'; } $('textarea[name="out"]').val(text); }); // 入力消去ボタンの誤操作用ロック $('.clearbtn').prop('disabled', true); $('#clearLock').change(function() { $('.clearbtn').prop('disabled', $(this).prop('checked')); }); // テーブル色変更 $('select[name="design"]').change(function() { let val = $(this).val(); gen.setDesign(val); }); }); </script> }}}}} #html2{ <div> <form name="form0" id="form0"> <textarea name="out" cols="150" rows="20" style="height:100px!important;text-align:left!important;">ここにwiki編集用の文字列が表示されます</textarea></br> <select style="width:11em;" name="design"> <option value="0" selected>シナリオ</option> <option value="1">フリー・強化</option> <option value="2">幕間・高難易度</option> </select> <span style="margin-left:20px"><label><input type="checkbox" id="clearLock" checked>[消]ボタンロック</label></span> </form> <form name="form1" id="form1"> <input type="button" value="作成" id="createBtn" style="width:4em;"> <div id="here"></div> </form> <div class="template" style="display:none;"> <table class="phase" cellspacing="1" border="0"> <thead> <tr><td colspan="4" class="headrow">クエスト名 : <input type="text" style="width:15em;" name="QUESTNAME" /></td></tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width:80px;"><input type="text" style="width:4em;text-align:center;" name="AP1" value="AP"><br><input type="text" style="width:4em;text-align:center;" name="AP2" /></td> <td colspan="2">地名<input type="text" style="width:10em;" name="SPOT" /></td> <td>推奨Lv.<input type="text" style="width:4em;" name="RECLV" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:300px;">絆P : <input type="number" min="0" style="5em;" name="BONDP" /></td> <td style="width:300px;">EXP : <input type="number" min="0" style="5em;" name="EXP" /></td> <td style="width:300px;">QP : <input type="number" min="0" style="5em;" name="QP" /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3">報酬 : <input type="text" style="width:15em;" name="REWARD" /></td></tr> </thead> </table> </div> </div> }
#js(){{{{{ <style type="text/css"> input[name="BOLD"]:checked + input { font-weight: bold; } select { padding: 3px 0px; vertical-align: bottom; margin: 1px; } input { padding: 3px 0px; margin: 1px 0px; } input[type="checkbox"], label { cursor: pointer; } textarea { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 50px; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: center; } .clearbtn, .minibtn { padding: 0; min-width: 1.5em; margin: 3px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> // テキストノード追加拡張 $.fn.appendText = function(text) { return this.each(function() { var textNode = document.createTextNode(text); $(this).append(textNode); }); }; var QuestGen = (function () { const defaults = { design: 0, max_wave: 9, max_phase: 9, max_support: 9, max_enemyleft: 9, max_enemyright: 9, bold_color: ["#e6e6fa","#bee0c2","#fddea5"], back_color: ["#f5fffa","#f5fffa","#f5fffa"], caption_color: ["#17184b","#004d25","#d3381c"], class_list: ['剣', '弓', '槍', '騎', '術', '殺', '狂', '盾', '裁', '讐', '月', '分', '獣', '失', '降', '騙','獣','?'], }; /** * defaultsとインスタンスoptionsのマージ用(settings) * Merge two or more objects. Returns a new object. * @private * @param {Boolean} deep If true, do a deep (or recursive) merge [optional] * @param {Object} objects The objects to merge together * @returns {Object} Merged values of defaults and options */ const extend = function () { let extended = {}; let deep = false; let i = 0; let length = arguments.length; /* Check if a deep merge */ if (Object["proto"+"type"].toString.call(arguments[0]) === "[object Boolean]") { deep = arguments[0]; i++; } /* Merge the object into the extended object */ let merge = function (obj) { for (let prop in obj) { if (Object["proto"+"type"].hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) { /* If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties */ if (deep && Object["proto"+"type"].toString.call(obj[prop]) === "[object Object]") { extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; /* Loop through each object and conduct a merge */ for (; i < length; i++) { let obj = arguments[i]; merge(obj); } return extended; }; // String.repeat (IE対応) const Repeat = function(str, count) { var rpt = ''; for (;;) { if ((count & 1) == 1) { rpt += str; } count >>>= 1; if (count == 0) { break; } str += str; } return rpt; } // C#風String.Format const Format = function(te, re) { if (typeof re != "object") re = Array["proto"+"type"].slice.call(arguments, 1); return te.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(m, c) { return (re[c] != null) ? re[c] : ' '; }); }; // 3桁区切り const toComma = function(num) { if (typeof(num) === 'undefined') return ''; if (typeof(num) === 'string') num = parseInt(num); if (Number.isNaN(num)) return ''; return parseInt(num / 1000) == 0 ? num % 1000 : toComma(parseInt(num / 1000)) + ',' + ('000' + (num % 1000)).slice(-3); } function QuestGen(target, options) { this.settings = extend(defaults, options || {}); this.target = target; this.init(); } QuestGen["proto"+"type"] = { init: function() { this.phase = 1; this.tempClsSelect = $('<select>', {'name': 'SVTCLS'}).css('width', '3em').append($.map(this.settings.class_list, function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e); })); var self = this; this.tempClearBtn = $('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'data-target': 'tr'}).addClass('clearbtn').css('padding', '0').val('消').click(function() { let data = $(this).attr('data-target'); self.clearInput(data ? $(this).parents(data) : $(this).parent()); }); this.setDesign(0); }, getBg: function() { return this.settings.back_color[this.settings.design]; }, getBold: function() { return this.settings.bold_color[this.settings.design]; }, getCaption: function() { return this.settings.caption_color[this.settings.design]; }, // テーブル色変更 setDesign: function(num) { this.settings.design = num; $('style#design').remove(); let style = '<style type="text/css" id="design">'; style += '.phase td { background-color: ' + this.getBg() + '; text-align: center; }'; style += '.headrow { background-color: '+ this.getCaption() +'!important; color: white; }'; style += '.subrow { background-color: '+ this.getBold() +'!important; }'; style += '</style>'; $('head').append(style); }, // ターゲット以下の入力欄を削除 clearInput: function(tgt) { $('input[type="number"],input[type="text"]', tgt).val(''); $('input[type="checkbox"]', tgt).prop('checked', false).change(); $('select', tgt).prop('selectedIndex', 0).change(); }, // 入力欄を作成する makeTable: function() { let table = $('<table>', {'cellspacing': "1", 'border': "0"}).addClass('phase'); table.append(this.makeHead()); table.append(this.makeWaves()); table.append(this.makeSupport()); table.append(this.makeEnemy(true)); table.append(this.makeEtc()); table.appendTo(this.target); }, // クエスト共通部分の作成 makeHead: function() { let thead = $('.template thead').clone(true); thead.find('td:eq(0)').prepend(this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'thead')); return thead; }, // エネミー欄の作成 makeEnemy: function(addcontrol) { var addcontrol = (addcontrol !== undefined) ? addcontrol : false; let tbody = $('<tbody>').addClass('enemydetail'); var self = this; { let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4, 'class': 'subrow'}); if (addcontrol) { let changeRowFunc = function() { let elems = $('.enemydetail', self.target); if ($(this).attr('name') == 'ADDROW') { $(elems[elems.length-1]).after(self.makeEnemy()); } else if (elems.length > 1) { $(elems[elems.length-1]).remove(); } }; td.append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'SUBROW'}).addClass('minibtn').css('float', 'left').val('-').click(changeRowFunc)); td.append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'ADDROW'}).addClass('minibtn').css('float', 'left').val('+').click(changeRowFunc)); } this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody').prop('disabled', $('#clearLock').prop('checked') || false).appendTo(td); td.appendText('エネミー《'); td.appendText('隠').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'HIDE'})); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'NAME'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(td); td.appendText('》(左列行数:'); let sel = $('<select>', {'name': 'LEFTNUM'}).css('width', '3em') .append($.map(Array.apply(null, {length: this.settings.max_enemyleft+1}).map(Function.call, Number), function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e); })) .prop('selectedIndex', 0) .change(function() { let lines = $(this).parents('tbody').children('tr:nth-child(n+2)'); var num = $(this).val() * self.settings.max_enemyright; lines.each(function(i, e) { if (num-- > 0) $(e).show(); else $(e).hide(); }); }).appendTo(td); td.appendText(')【0=エネミー欄非表示】'); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); } for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_enemyleft; i++) { let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 2, 'rowspan': this.settings.max_enemyright}) .append($('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'LEFTTEXT'}).css('width', '12em')) .append($('<br>')) .appendText('(右列行数'); let rsel = $('<select>', {'name': 'RIGHTNUM'}).css('width', '3em') .append($.map(Array.apply(null, {length: this.settings.max_enemyright}).map(Function.call, Number), function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e+1); })) .prop('selectedIndex', 0) .change(function() { let val = $(this).val(); let cur = $(this).parents('tr'); for (let n = 0; n < self.settings.max_enemyright; n++) { if (n < val) { cur.children('td:last-child').show(); } else { cur.children('td:last-child').hide(); } cur = cur.next(); } }).appendTo(td); td.appendText(')'); var tr = $('<tr>').hide().append(td); $('<td>', {'colspan': 2}).append($('<textarea>', {'name': 'RIGHTTEXT'})).appendTo(tr); tbody.append(tr); // 右列の処理(2こめ以降) let remain = this.settings.max_enemyright - 1; for (let r = 0; r < remain; r++) { tr = $('<tr>').hide(); $('<td>', {'colspan': 2}).append($('<textarea>', {'name': 'RIGHTTEXT'})).hide().appendTo(tr); tbody.append(tr); } } return tbody; }, // 備考欄の作成 makeEtc: function() { let tbody = $('<tbody>'); let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4, 'class': 'subrow'}) .append(this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody')) .appendText('備考 ('); $('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'ETCON'}).change(function() { let tarea = $('textarea[name="TEXT"]', $(this).parents('tbody')); if ($(this).prop('checked')) tarea.show(); else tarea.hide(); }).appendTo(td); td.appendText('表示)'); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4}); $('<textarea>', {'name': 'TEXT'}).hide().appendTo(td); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); return tbody; }, // 全WAVEの敵デッキの作成 makeWaves: function(visible_count) { var visible_count = (visible_count !== undefined) ? visible_count : 3; let tbody = $('<tbody>').addClass('enemydecks'); // ヘッダー欄 { let tr = $('<tr>'); let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 2, 'class': 'subrow'}); this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody').appendTo(td); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'QID'}).css('width', '5em').appendTo(td); td.appendText(' 全'); let sel = $('<select>', {'name': 'WAVECOUNT'}).css('width', '3em'); for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_wave+1; i++) { $('<option>').text(i).appendTo(sel); } sel.prop('selectedIndex', visible_count); var self = this; sel.change(function() { let val = parseInt($(this).val()); $('.wave', tbody).each(function() { if (parseInt($(this).attr('data-wave')) <= val) $(this).show(); else $(this).hide(); }); }); sel.appendTo(td); td.appendText('【0=Battleなし】'); tr.append(td); td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 2, 'class': 'subrow'}); td.appendText('クラス構成'); let ad = $('<label>(手動:<input type="checkbox" name="MANUALDETAIL">)</label>').appendTo(td); ad = ad.children('input'); ad.change(function() { $(this).parent().next().prop('disabled', !$(this).prop('checked')); }); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'DECKDETAIL'}).css('width', '15em').prop('disabled', true).appendTo(td); tbody.append(tr.append(td)); } let unit = this.makeSvt(); // 1WAVEのエネミー入力欄の増減 let changeRowFunc = function() { let tr = $(this).parents('tr'); let tr_end = tr; let current_wave = tr.attr('data-wave'); let count = 0; for (let elem = tr; elem.length > 0 && elem.attr('data-wave') == current_wave; elem = elem.next()) { tr_end = elem; count++; } if ($(this).attr('name') == 'ADDROW') { tr.children('td:eq(0)').attr('rowspan', count+1); tr = $('<tr>').attr('data-wave', current_wave).addClass('wave'); for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { unit.clone(true).appendTo(tr); } tr_end.after(tr); } else if (tr != tr_end) { tr.children('td:eq(0)').attr('rowspan', count-1); tr_end.remove(); } }; for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_wave; i++) { let tr = $('<tr>').attr('data-wave', i+1).addClass('wave').css('display', i < visible_count ? 'table-row' : 'none'); $('<td>').text(i+1) .append(this.tempClearBtn.clone(true)) .append($('<br>')) .append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'SUBROW'}).addClass('minibtn').val('-').click(changeRowFunc)) .append($('<input>', {'type': 'button', 'name': 'ADDROW'}).addClass('minibtn').val('+').click(changeRowFunc)) .appendTo(tr); for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { unit.clone(true).appendTo(tr); } tbody.append(tr); } return tbody; }, // ユニット入力欄の生成 makeSvt: function() { let td = $('<td>').addClass('unit'); td.appendText('隠').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'HIDE'})); //td.appendText('太').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'BOLD'})); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'NAME'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(td); td.appendText('◆'); let sel = $('<select>',{'name': 'SHIFT'}).css('width', '3em'); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { $('<option>').text(i).appendTo(sel); } sel.change(function() { let shifts = $('div', $(this).parent()); shifts.hide(); for (let i = 0; i < $(this).prop('selectedIndex')+1; i++) { $(shifts[3-i]).show(); } }); sel.appendTo(td); $('<br>').appendTo(td); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let div = $('<div>').css('white-space', 'nowrap'); if (i < 4) div.css('display', 'none'); div.appendText('Lv'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'LV', 'min': 0}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('('); this.tempClsSelect.clone(true).appendTo(div); $('<span>').text(')'+Repeat(' ', i)+Repeat('◆', 4-i)+'HP').appendTo(div); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'HP', 'min': 0}).css('width', '6em').appendTo(div); div.appendTo(td); } return td; }, // サポートNPC欄の作成 makeSupport: function() { let tbody = $('<tbody>').addClass('support'); let td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4, 'class': 'subrow'}).text('サポートNPC(計'); this.tempClearBtn.clone(true).attr('data-target', 'tbody').prependTo(td); let sel = $('<select>', {'name': 'SUPNUM'}).css('width', '3em') .append($.map(Array.apply(null, {length: this.settings.max_support+1}).map(Function.call, Number), function(e) { return $('<option>').text(e); })) .prop('selectedIndex', 0) .change(function() { let lines = $(this).parents('tr').next().find('div'); var num = $(this).val(); lines.each(function(i, e) { if (num-- > 0) $(e).show(); else $(e).hide(); }); }) .appendTo(td); td.appendText(')【0=サポ欄非表示】'); tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); td = $('<td>', {'colspan': 4}); let sunit = this.makeSupportUnit(); for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.max_support; i++) { td.append(sunit.clone(true)); } tbody.append($('<tr>').append(td)); return tbody; }, // サポートNPCの1体の行を生成 makeSupportUnit: function() { let div = $('<div>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').hide(); div.appendText('隠').append($('<input>', {'type': 'checkbox', 'name': 'HIDE'})); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'NAME'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(div); div.appendText(' Lv.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'LV', 'min': 0}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('('); this.tempClsSelect.clone(true).appendTo(div); div.appendText(')宝具Lv.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'NOBLELV', 'min': 0, 'max': 5}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText(' ['); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'SKILL1', 'min': 0, 'max': 10}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('/'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'SKILL2', 'min': 0, 'max': 10}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('/'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'SKILL3', 'min': 0, 'max': 10}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); div.appendText(']'); div.appendText('礼装.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'text', 'name': 'CRAFT'}).css('width', '12em').appendTo(div); div.appendText('Lv.'); $('<input>', {'type': 'number', 'name': 'CRAFTLV', 'min': 0, 'max': 100}).css('width', '3em').appendTo(div); return div; }, getUnits: function() { var obj = { 'BOLD': false, 'HIDE': false, 'WAVE': 0, 'INDEX': 0, 'NAME': '', 'BREAK': 0, 'LV': [], 'SVTCLS': [], 'HP': [], isEmpty : function() { return !this.HP || this.HP.length == 0 || !this.HP[0] || !parseInt(this.HP[0]) || !this.NAME; } }; var units = []; $('.enemydecks > tr:nth-child(n+2)', this.target).each(function() { // 非表示WAVEに当たったら終了 if ($(this).css('display') == 'none') return false; var unit = []; var nullcnt = 0; var wave = parseInt($(this).attr('data-wave')); $('td.unit', this).each(function() { let svt = $.extend(true, {}, obj); svt.BOLD = $('input[name="BOLD"]', this).prop('checked') || false; svt.HIDE = $('input[name="HIDE"]', this).prop('checked') || false; svt.WAVE = wave; svt.INDEX = unit.length; svt.NAME = $('input[name="NAME"]', this).val().trim(); svt.BREAK= $('select[name="SHIFT"]', this).prop('selectedIndex'); var levels = $('input[name="LV"]:visible', this); var classes= $('select[name="SVTCLS"]:visible', this); var hps = $('input[name="HP"]:visible', this); for (let i = 0; i < svt.BREAK+1; i++) { svt.LV.push($(levels[i]).val()); svt.SVTCLS.push($(classes[i]).val()); svt.HP.push($(hps[i]).val()); } // 一番上のHP欄と名前欄が埋まってなければNULLと見なす if (svt.isEmpty()) nullcnt++; unit.push(svt); }); // 1行全て空なら終了 if (nullcnt >= 3) { return false; } units = units.concat(unit); }); return units; }, isChecked: function(idname, tgt) { if (!tgt) tgt = this.target; return $('input[name="'+idname+'"]', tgt).prop('checked'); }, // 入力欄からテキスト取得(シンプル) getInput: function(idname, tgt) { if (!tgt) tgt = this.target; let text = $('input[name="'+idname+'"]', tgt).val(); if (text && text.length > 0) return text; text = $('select[name="'+idname+'"]', tgt).val(); if (text && text.length > 0) return text; }, generate: function(phase) { this.phase = phase; let self = this; let text = ""; // thead text += Format("|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:40|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:180|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:180|BGCOLOR({0}):CENTER:180|c\n", this.getBg()); text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):COLOR(white):{1}|\n", this.getCaption(), this.getInput("QUESTNAME")); text += Format("|{0}{3}|>|{1}|推奨Lv.{2}|\n", this.getInput("AP1"), this.getInput("SPOT"), this.getInput("RECLV"), (this.getInput("AP2")) ? "&br()"+this.getInput("AP2") : ""); text += Format("|~|絆P : {0}|EXP : {1}|QP : {2}|\n", toComma(this.getInput("BONDP")), toComma(this.getInput("EXP")), toComma(this.getInput("QP"))); text += Format("|~|>|>|報酬 : {0}|\n", this.getInput("REWARD")); // waves : クラス構成 let units = this.getUnits(); let wavecnt = this.getInput("WAVECOUNT"); let clstext = ""; if ($('input[name="MANUALDETAIL"]', this.target).prop('checked')) { clstext = this.getInput('DECKDETAIL'); } else { let counts = {}; $.map(units, function(e, i) { if (e.isEmpty()) { return ''; } else { counts[e.SVTCLS[0]] = (counts[e.SVTCLS[0]]) ? counts[e.SVTCLS[0]] + 1 : 1; return e.SVTCLS[0]; } }); for (let i = 0; i < this.settings.class_list.length; i++) { let key = this.settings.class_list[i]; if (counts[key]) { if (clstext.length > 0) clstext += " "; clstext += key + counts[key]; } } } clstext = clstext || "Battleなし"; text += Format("|>|BGCOLOR({0}):{1} 全{2}回|>|BGCOLOR({0}):{3}|\n", this.getBold(), this.getInput("QID"), wavecnt, clstext); // waves : ユニット let lastwave = 0; for (let i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { let svt = units[i]; if (i % 3 == 0) { if (svt.WAVE == lastwave) { text += "|~|"; } else { text += Format("|{0}/{1}|", svt.WAVE, wavecnt); } lastwave = svt.WAVE; } if (!svt.isEmpty()) { let nm = svt.NAME; if (svt.BOLD) nm = "''"+svt.NAME+"''"; if (svt.HIDE) nm = "&openclose2(){" + nm + "}"; text += nm; for (let s = 0; s <= svt.BREAK; s++) { text += Format("&br()Lv{0}({1})", svt.LV[s], svt.SVTCLS[s]); if (svt.BREAK > 0) text += Format("&spanclass(break{0}{1})", svt.BREAK, svt.BREAK - s); text += Format(" HP{0}", toComma(svt.HP[s])); } } else { // 空欄は灰色に text += "BGCOLOR(#ccc):"; } text += '|'; if (i % 3 == 2) text += '\n'; } // サポートNPC { if (this.getInput('SUPNUM') !== '0') { text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):サポートNPC|\n", this.getBold()); let atfirst = true; text += "|>|>|>|"; $('.support div:visible', this.target).each(function() { if (!atfirst) { text += "&br()"; } atfirst = false; let nm = $('input[name="NAME"]', this).val(); if ($('input[name="HIDE"]', this).prop('checked')) nm = "&openclose2(){"+nm+"}"; text += Format("{0} Lv.{1}({2})宝具Lv.{3} [{4}/{5}/{6}]", nm, $('input[name="LV"]', this).val() || '??', $('select[name="SVTCLS"]', this).val(), $('input[name="NOBLELV"]', this).val() || '-', $('input[name="SKILL1"]', this).val() || '-', $('input[name="SKILL2"]', this).val() || '-', $('input[name="SKILL3"]', this).val() || '-'); let cename = $('input[name="CRAFT"]', this).val().trim(); if (0 < cename.length) { text += Format(" {0}Lv.{1}", cename, $('input[name="CRAFTLV"]', this).val() || '??'); } }); text += "|\n"; } } // エネミー { $('.enemydetail', this.target).each(function() { // 左列行数=0なら非表示 if ($('select[name="LEFTNUM"]', this).prop('selectedIndex') == 0) return true; // ヘッダ行 let nm = self.getInput('NAME', this); if (self.isChecked('HIDE', this)) nm = "&openclose2(){"+nm+"}"; text += Format("|>|>|>|BGCOLOR({0}):エネミー《{1}》|\n", self.getBold(), nm); let righttexts = $('textarea[name="RIGHTTEXT"]:visible', this); 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$('#clearLock').change(function() { $('.clearbtn').prop('disabled', $(this).prop('checked')); }); // テーブル色変更 $('select[name="design"]').change(function() { let val = $(this).val(); gen.setDesign(val); }); }); </script> }}}}} #html2{ <div> <form name="form0" id="form0"> <textarea name="out" cols="150" rows="20" style="height:100px!important;text-align:left!important;">ここにwiki編集用の文字列が表示されます</textarea></br> <select style="width:11em;" name="design"> <option value="0" selected>シナリオ</option> <option value="1">フリー・強化</option> <option value="2">幕間・高難易度</option> </select> <span style="margin-left:20px"><label><input type="checkbox" id="clearLock" checked>[消]ボタンロック</label></span> </form> <form name="form1" id="form1"> <input type="button" value="作成" id="createBtn" style="width:4em;"> <div id="here"></div> </form> <div class="template" style="display:none;"> <table class="phase" cellspacing="1" border="0"> <thead> <tr><td colspan="4" class="headrow">クエスト名 : <input type="text" style="width:15em;" name="QUESTNAME" /></td></tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width:80px;"><input type="text" style="width:4em;text-align:center;" name="AP1" value="AP"><br><input type="text" style="width:4em;text-align:center;" name="AP2" /></td> <td colspan="2">地名<input type="text" style="width:10em;" name="SPOT" /></td> <td>推奨Lv.<input type="text" style="width:4em;" name="RECLV" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:300px;">絆P : <input type="number" min="0" style="5em;" name="BONDP" /></td> <td style="width:300px;">EXP : <input type="number" min="0" style="5em;" name="EXP" /></td> <td style="width:300px;">QP : <input type="number" min="0" style="5em;" name="QP" /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3">報酬 : <input type="text" style="width:15em;" name="REWARD" /></td></tr> </thead> </table> </div> </div> }

