
Rd2: THBT religious authorities should have the right to sanction personal sins


※to sanction = to give a permission to/ to forgive



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



”Martin Lutherがプロテスタント宗教改革(1517)をはじめたとき、免罪符譲渡の乱用は議論の主なポイントであった。


”3つ目の罪のタイプは個人の罪で、すべての人間によって、毎日犯されるものである。私たちはアダムのころから、罪を犯す性質を受け継いできているので、私たちは特有な、個人の罪を犯す。すべては、うわべでは無害なうそから殺人までである。イエス・キリストを信仰してこなかった人々は、受け継がれ、帰負された罪と同様に、彼らの個人の罪によって罰を受けなければならない。しかし、信仰者は罪地獄と霊魂の死という永遠の罰から解放された状態である。しかし、現在、私たちは罪をおかすことに抗う力をもってもいる。今、私たちは個人の罪を犯すか犯さないか選べる。というのは、私たちの中に存在する、私たちが罪を犯すとき、清め、私たちに罪を悟らせる神聖な魂を使い、罪に抗う力をもっているからである。(Romans 8:9-11).かつて、私たちは神に個人の罪を告白し、それらへの許しを乞うた。私たちは神との完全な親睦と交流を返却された。“もし我々が罪を告白するなら、神は信心深く、そしてただ我々の罪を許し、あらゆる罪深さから浄化するためにある。” (1 John 1:9)."

"多くの人々は、神が許さないもしくは許すことのできない罪を犯してきたことを恐れている。そして、彼らは、彼ら自身が何をするかにかかわらず、そのせいで望みはないと感じている。サタンにとって、この誤解のもとで、私たちを労働者として働かせ続けることは願ってもないことです。真実は、もしある人がこの種の恐れを感じているなら、その人は、ただ神の前に行き、罪を告白し、それを悔い改め、神の許しを受け取るだけでよいのです。“もし我々が罪を告白するなら、神は信心深く、そしてただ我々の罪を許し、あらゆる罪深さから浄化するだろう。 (1 John 1:9).



Religious authorities = churches, temples, shrines and/or priests, etc.
personal sins = individuals' wrong doing either by intent or by accident

自分の犯した罪を後悔し、悔やむとき、人々は確実な”許し”を必要としている。最終的に、神または神聖な存在がそのような罪を許すが、 人々は自分の罪が許されているかどうか知らない。人々は教会や神社で罪を告白し、聖職者から許しの言葉をもらうことができる。そして、彼らは平穏な精神と、新しい生活を取り戻す。


アーギュメントのもうひとつの流れは、同性同士の結婚は許されるべきかどうかというような問題に関係しうる。もしあなたが同性の人と結婚したいなら、多くのギリシア正教の教えの中では罪として考えられる。 しかし、私たちは、生物学的に同性の結びつきは正当性がありうることを知っている。そして、同性結婚は、法的に制度化されるされないにかかわらず、宗教的に許されなければならない。宗教的な許しは宗教権力者から得られるべきである。というのは、人々が同性結婚にたよるとき、心の平穏な状態たとえば罪の意識からの解放、をもつことができるからである。






2009/10/01 inoue


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"IndulgenceAn indulgence, in Catholic Theology, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. The indulgence is granted by the church after the sinner has confessed and received absolution.[1] The belief is that indulgences draw on the storehouse of merit acquired by Jesus' sacrifice and the virtues and penances of the saints.[2] They are granted for specific good works and prayers.[2]"

"Indulgences replaced the severe penances of the early church,[2]. More exactly, they replaced the shortening of those penances that was allowed at the intercession of those imprisoned and those awaiting martyrdom for the faith.[3]"

"Abuses in granting indulgences[2] were a major point of contention when Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation (1517)."

The two quotes below are based on Christian teaching. Personal sin may be contrasted with original sin or inherited sin that goes back to Adam, and so it is a human nature and beyond individual control. Personal sins are more individual and it may be avoided. Well, that is a bit questionable since people may end up committing a sin without such an intent, i.e., accidentally. This lead to two issues:
(1) Is it Ok to sanction (forgive) personal sins?
(2) Who should sanction personal sins? Is it the church or the god?
Probably these issues apply to many religions in general.

"A third type of sin is personal sin, that which is committed every day by every human being. Because we have inherited a sin nature from Adam, we commit individual, personal sins, everything from seemingly innocent untruths to murder. Those who have not placed their faith in Jesus Christ must pay the penalty for these personal sins, as well as inherited and imputed sin. However, believers have been freed from the eternal penalty of sin—hell and spiritual death—but now we also have the power to resist sinning. Now we can choose whether or not to commit personal sins because we have the power to resist sin through the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, sanctifying and convicting us of our sins when we do commit them (Romans 8:9-11). Once we confess our personal sins to God and ask forgiveness for them, we are restored to perfect fellowship and communion with Him. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)."

"Many people fear they have committed some sin that God cannot or will not forgive, and they feel there is no hope for them, no matter what they do. Satan would like nothing better than to keep us laboring under this misconception. The truth is that if a person has this fear, he/she needs only to come before God, confess that sin, repent of it, and accept God’s promise of forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

to sanction = to give a permission to/ to forgive

Religious authorities = churches, temples, shrines and/or priests, etc.
personal sins = individuals' wrong doing either by intent or by accident

People need some tangible "permission" when they regret a sin they committed and repent. Ultimately, the God or some divine existence sanctions such a sin but people do not know whether their sins are sanctioned. People can confess their sin at church or temple and get a word of forgiveness from the priest. Then they can restore a peaceful mind and start a new life.

If a personal sin is not sanctioned, people will forever suffer. Some people may go from bad to worth. They may completely lose their hope and commit a suicide. They may go crazy and commit a crime. Such evils should be avoided by have religious authorities tangibly sanction personal sins.

Another line of argument may be related to questions like whether same-sex marriage should be allowed. If you want to marry the same-sex person, it is considered as a sin in many orthodox teachings. But we know that biologically the same sex union may have legitimacy. Then, the same sex marriage must be forgiven spiritually, whether it may or may not be institutionalized legally. Spiritual sanction should come from religious authorities so that people can have a peaceful state of mind, i.e., freedom from the sense of sin, when they resort to a same sex marriage.

Giving sanctions is religious authorities' main job. If they cannot do that, they cannot attract believers. They will become weaker and that will cause chaos in society. People and society will lose something that they can rely on, about the moral standards.

People should be responsible for their own sins. No one can "sanction" such a sin. They can regret and repent and try to live better the rest of their life. That is the only way such a sin may be forgiven.

It is the god not church to sanction sins. If the religious authorities such as churches and priests have the right to sanction personal sins, it will lead to many evils, for example,
(A) People make light of committing sins. They think it is Ok to commit a sin as long as they confess and get permission.
(B) People try to "buy" sanctions. Only the rich can have their sins forgiven. People try to bribe the church or priest.
(C) Religious authorities abuse such a right. History proves that churches and temples built up unworthy wealth by selling permissions to people who committed sins. They gained unreasonable powers over people's life and government.
(D) Religious authorities differ in criteria. There are many religious authorities in the world and they differ what kind of sins may or may not be sanctioned. This will lead to a great confusion in societies and in the world. For example, if Buddhist temples forgive drinking/marriage/same sex marriage/, and if Muslims do not forgive in Japan....(THIS MAY NOT LEAD TO TANGIBLY SERIOUS PROBLEMS.)

It is the legal authority to sanction personal sins not religious authorities. Personal sins, i.e., individual wrong doings are either crimes that are intentionally committed and penalized, or unintentional or other acts that do not constitute "crimes". For example, if one takes away someone's life, it may be a murder, manslaughter, an act of self defense, etc. It is a legal question to sanction or penalize such an act.


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