海外紳士元ネタ解説2 > 3話


海外紳士元ネタ解説2/3話 - (2010/07/22 (木) 19:04:36) の1つ前との変更点



//原文に手を加えないようくれぐれも注意(09:49版に差し戻し@21:50) ---- *第3話「一緒にできること」の元ネタ解説翻訳 &color(red){このページは常に有志の翻訳を募集中です。翻訳の修正はお気軽にどうぞ} -原文(英文)には手を加えないこと -訳文への補足説明、誤認の指摘、修正などは注釈にて行うこと ---- #ref(海外ミリヲタ紳士元ネタまとめTop絵up用.jpg,海外紳士元ネタ解説,width=500,center) ---- &font(b){目次} #contents_line(level=2) ---- **Kalinin K-7, Blohm & Voss BV 138 or... //#ref(sw2ep3.jpg,,width=500) 画像は未加工 #blockquote(){ The Neurol design in this episode seem to be influenced by the Kalinin K-7 (Russian: Калинин К-7): a heavy experimental aircraft designed and tested in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. The K-7 was of unusual configuration with twin booms and large underwing pods housing fixed landing gear and machine gun turrets. In the passenger version, seats were arranged inside the 2.3 meter (7 ft 7 in) thick wings. The airframe was welded from KhMA chrome-molybdenum steel. The original design called for six engines in the wing leading edge but when the projected loaded weight was exceeded, two more engines were added to the trailing edges of each wing, one right and one left of the central passenger pod. However V. Nemecek states in his book, The History of Soviet Aircraft from 1918, that there was only one further pusher engine added. Designed by World War I Aviator Konstantin Kalinin with a wingspan greater than a B-52's and a much greater wing area, the K 7 was one of the biggest aircraft built before the jet age. lt was only one engine short of the B-52 as well, having the curious arrangement of six pulling on the wing leading edge and one pushing at the rear. ALTERNATIVELY: The Blohm & Voss BV 138 Seedrache (Sea Dragon, but nicknamed Der Fliegende Holzschuh ("flying clog") from the side-view shape of its fuselage) was a World War II German flying boat that functioned as the Luftwaffe's main long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft. A total of 297 BV 138s were built between 1938 and 1943. The aircraft was unusually powered by three engines, with one mounted high above the centerline driving a four-blade propeller, and one on each wing driving three-blade propellers. Unusual were the aircraft's twin boom tail unit, and gun turrets at the bow and the stern of the fuselage, as well as behind the central engine. These features together produced the aircraft's ungainly appearance. OR: Any WWII twin boomed aircraft, such as the P-38 Lightning. Take your pick.} ---- &sizex(6){カリーニンK-7、BV-138か、あるいは…} //訳しといて。 (翻訳を修正してくれる有志求む) ----




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