Eggnog / エッグノッグ

Basic Information

Type Two-Legged
Durabilty 860p
OKE Weight 4380kg
Payload 13200kg
Payload in Engine Power 150% 19800kg
On-Board Arms 3
Weapon 1 Assault Gun, Beam Gun, Electromagnetic Pulse Gun, Napalm Gun
Weapon 2 Hand Grenade
Weapon 3 Rocket Launcher(S8/M4/L2) , Missile Launcher(S8/M4/L2), Land Mine Dispenser(4), Aerial Mine Dispenser(4),
Special Launcher(Sonic Blaster(8),the others(4))
On-Board Options 3
On-Board Energy 2400GJ 480kg
On-Board Energy in its rate 150% 3600GJ 720kg
Heat Resist 1800P


Attack Low Right and left punch.
Attack High Left hook and spin kick.
Attack Far Jumping right straight.

Special Move

Number Name Summary
1 Right Rollover Moving body’s axiality to the forward right, Tornado kick rolling forward.
2 Left Rollover The converse of 1.
3 Back Spin Kick About 90 deg. rotation kicking rightward.


This OKE can equip the weapon1’s position with the gun-type’s weapons, the weapon2’s position with the grenade, and the weapon3’s position
with the other sub weapons, so it’s can say that this OKE is a two-legged OKE with the standard equipment.
Moonlight provided high mobility is Such as has like weapons to Eggnog, so Eggnog slightly tends to be in the back ground.

However because Eggnog has such some individualities as right and left rollover as special move,
it can’t simply say that this OKE is upper compatible of Moonlight. You will make this OKE as individual as the others if you bring out the merit.

+ How to perform the high speed move
Eggnog’ speed overs 1000km/h with the following way.

1. Prepare an Eggnog.
2. Make it as heavy as possible. (About the payload rate 130% is best.)
3. Create the software of “action which doesn’t become the state “INAIR” → Lie Down→ Halt(STOP 1/30) → Return”.
(It’s better to create a program performs rotation if there is a barricade in front of him.)
4. Test the motion in High-Gravity Facility.

Only this.
In an upslope Eggnog which is about its payload rate 100% can do it.



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最終更新:2014年01月06日 01:22