原文 > AWOIAF9.0 > dialogs2

dlga_member_question_2:member_improverels_1|I would like to improve my relations with a settlement.
dlga_member_question_2:member_fief_grant_1|Would you be interested in holding a fief?
dlga_member_question_2:close_window|Never mind.
dlga_member_background_recap_3:do_member_trade|Then shortly after, I joined up with you.
dlga_do_member_view_char:member_talk|Anything else?
dlga_member_kingsupport_1:do_member_trade|Um... yes. I've heard so.
dlga_member_kingsupport_1a:member_kingsupport_2|Would you then support my cause?
dlga_member_kingsupport_1a:do_member_trade|Very good. I shall keep that in mind.
dlga_member_kingsupport_2:do_member_trade|I would, {s21}. Moreover, I have a proposal on how I might help you attain the Iron Throne. But you've recently sent {s22} off on a similar mission. Perhaps we should wait for a couple of weeks to avoid drawing too much attention to ourselves.
dlga_member_kingsupport_3a:member_kingsupport_4|Very good. You do that.
dlga_member_kingsupport_3a:do_member_trade|On second thought, stay with me for a while.
dlga_member_kingsupport_4:close_window|Farewell then, {s21}, for a little while.
dlga_member_improverels_1:member_improverels_2|What settlement do you have in mind?
dlga_member_improverels_2:do_member_trade|Actually, forget about this, maybe later.
dlga_member_improverels_3:close_window|Very well. I will travel there and try to improve your relations with {s4}, {s21}.
dlga_member_intelgathering_3:member_intelgathering_3|Of course, as few people should know of this as possible. If you want to collect the information, or pull me out, then don't send a messenger. Come and get me yourself - even if that means you have to sneak through the gates.
dlga_member_intelgathering_3:member_intelgathering_4|Splendid idea - you do that.
dlga_member_intelgathering_3:do_member_trade|Actually, hold off for now.
dlga_member_intelgathering_4:close_window|Good. I should be ready to report in about five days. Farewell then, {s21}, for a little while.
dlga_merchant_quest_4_start:close_window|Those bastards! They are attacking anyone they think is House Stark! Run you fool!
dlga_start:relative_saved_1a|Thank you! Thank you, {ser/my lady}, for rescuing me from those fiends. Did my brother in {s9} put you onto their track?
dlga_relative_saved_1a:close_window|Yes. I told him that I would find you. I advise you to return to your family as quickly as you can... and be careful on the road.
dlga_start:bandit_leader_1a|Frith! Frith! Spare me! Spare my life! Let me go, good {reg59?madam:ser}}, and I'll go far away from here and learn an honest trade, and you'll never hear of me again!
dlga_bandit_leader_1a:bandit_leader_1b|I'll spare your life, but in exchange I want information. Either you or your mates have kidnapped the brother of a prominent merchant in town. Tell me where you're hiding him, and give me your word that you'll stop troubling the people of these parts. Then you can go free.
dlga_start:looter_leader_1|What do you want?
dlga_looter_leader_1:looter_leader_2|I've been looking for you. Tell me where you keep your prisoners, and I'll let you go.
dlga_looter_leader_1:close_window|Nothing. We'll leave you in peace.
dlga_looter_leader_2:looter_leader_3|Hah! Those prisoners are only going free if you pay their ransom. I want silver stags! A lot of them! Did you bring any coins?
dlga_looter_leader_3:close_window|No. The only thing I've brought is steel.
dlga_bandit_leader_1b:close_window|Oh bless you, {ser/my lady}. Bless you. We've done the lad no harm. We've been keeping him in our hideout near {s9}. I'll describe the area nearby in detail, so there's no mistaking it...
dlga_start:rescue_prisoner_succeed_2|{playername}, you saved him! Thank you ever so much for rescuing my {s11}. Please, take this as some small repayment for your noble deed.
dlga_rescue_prisoner_succeed_2:lord_pretalk|Always an honour to serve, {s65}.
dlga_member_intel_liaison:member_intel_liaison_results|What have you discovered?
dlga_start:member_intel_liaison|Greetings, stranger.
dlga_member_intel_liaison:close_window|It's time to pull you out. Let's leave town separately, but join me soon after.
dlga_member_intel_liaison:close_window.1|You're doing good work. Stay here for a little longer.
dlga_member_intel_liaison_results:member_intel_liaison|{s11} I noticed that you've been keeping some notes about individual lords. I've annotated those with my findings.
dlga_member_fief_grant_1:member_fief_grant_2|Which fief did you have in mind?
dlga_member_fief_grant_2:do_member_trade|Never mind. There is no fief I can offer.
dlga_start:close_window.70|Let's leave whenever you're ready.
dlga_start:close_window.71|Please don't waste any more of my time today, {reg59?madam:ser}. Perhaps we'll meet again in our travels.
dlga_companion_recruit_signup_response:close_window|Unfortunately, I can't take on any more hands in my party right now.
dlga_companion_recruit_payment_response:close_window|Sorry, I can't afford that at the moment.
dlga_start:companion_recruit_meet_again|We meet again.
dlga_companion_recruit_meet_again:companion_recruit_backstory_delayed|So... what have you been doing since our last encounter?
dlga_companion_recruit_meet_again:close_window|Good day to you.
dlga_companion_recruit_secondchance:companion_recruit_backstory_b|My apologies if I was rude earlier. What was your story again?
dlga_companion_recruit_secondchance:close_window|Never mind.
dlga_companion_recruit_backstory_delayed_response:companion_recruit_signup_b|I might be able to use you in my army.
dlga_companion_recruit_backstory_delayed_response:close_window|I'll let you know if I hear of anything.
dlga_companion_recruit_signup_confirm:close_window|Good! Give me a few moments to prepare, and I'll be ready to move.
dlga_start:companion_rehire|My offer to rejoin you still stands, if you'll have me.
dlga_start:companion_rehire.1|It's good to see you alive, {s5}! {s6}, and I did not know whether you had been captured, or slain, or got away. I've been roaming around since then, looking for you. Shall I get my gear together and rejoin your company?
dlga_start:companion_prison_break_chains|I've come to break you out of here.
dlga_companion_prison_break_chains:close_window|Thank the Seven you came! However, I'm not going anywhere with these chains on my legs. You'll need to get the key away from the guard somehow.
dlga_start:companion_was_dismissed|It is good to see you, {s21}! To tell you the truth, I had hoped to run into you.
dlga_companion_was_dismissed:companion_rehire|{s5}. Would you want me to rejoin your company?
dlga_companion_rehire:companion_recruit_signup_confirm|Welcome back, my friend!
dlga_companion_rehire:companion_rehire_refused|Sorry, I can't take on anyone else right now.
dlga_companion_rehire_refused:close_window|Well... look me up if you change your mind, eh?
dlga_start:companion_rehire.3|So... do you want me back yet?
dlga_start:player_sandor1_talk|What do you want?
dlga_player_sandor1_talk:sandor_reply_talk|What are you doing?
dlga_sandor_reply_talk:sandor2|I'm protecting the King. Now run along, cunt!
dlga_sandor2:close_window|Alright, I'm going.
dlga_sandor2:sandor3|One day, I will have your head!
dlga_sandor3:close_window|You think that bothers me, {boy/girl}?!
dlga_start:close_window.72|I am known as Vyraquo the Fallen. I have lost much and gained far more from service to the Black Goat. So much blood has been offered and so much more is to come.
dlga_start:close_window.73|The black wind howls.. sacrifices in blood must be made for what is to come. My life for blood. My life for the Black Goat. My life for Qohor.
dlga_start:close_window.74|To never die.. and to conquest all. That is winning. For the Black Goat and what is to come.
dlga_start:close_window.75|All life begins with the Black Goat and ends with the Black Goat. My life for the Black Goat.
dlga_start:close_window.76|I serve as the captain of King Orea Talordis’s royal unsullied guard. It is an honour to serve.
dlga_start:close_window.77|It is an honour to serve.
dlga_start:close_window.78|My name is Ballan Baerronnis. I find nothing clears a troubled mind better than shooting a bow. My heart, loyalty, and bow forever belong to Volantis.
dlga_start:close_window.79|I serve the Lord of Light. I am his sword and wraith come to fruition upon the heathens and the darkness that threatens the realm. I admire and respect Triarch Malaquo Maegyr for his devotion to R’hllor. I am honoured to fight and serve by his side.
dlga_start:close_window.80|I will gladly fight and die for both the glory of R’hllor and Volantis!
dlga_start:close_window.81|R’hllor is the truth, Volantis is my home and Triarch Malaquo Maegyr is my liege.
dlga_start:close_window.82|My life is in humble service to both R’hllor and Volantis. It is an honour to serve.
dlga_start:close_window.83|My name is Parzival zo Heknahl. I am the leader of the Iron Legions that are in employment of Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Iron Legionnaires are trained to be the best fighters in the known world, you will see no finer infantry.
dlga_start:close_window.84|My name is Droghis zo Oqi. I am a member of the elite guard of the Iron Legions that are in employment to Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Death to all those that oppose the Iron Legions!
dlga_start:close_window.85|My name is Rednel zo Darre. I am a member of the elite guard of the Iron Legions that are in employment to Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Death to all those that oppose the Iron Legions!
dlga_start:close_window.86|My name is Kremdan mo Yhazkazn. I am a member of the elite guard of the Iron Legions that are in employment to Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Death to all those that oppose the Iron Legions!
dlga_start:close_window.87|My name is Krighahr na Quuhnoq. I am a member of the elite guard of the Iron Legions that are in employment to Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Death to all those that oppose the Iron Legions!
dlga_start:close_window.88|My name is Gozlehl zo Omdoz. I am a member of the elite guard of the Iron Legions that are in employment to Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Death to all those that oppose the Iron Legions!
dlga_start:close_window.89|My name is Zhedis mo Lizzozn. I am a member of the elite guard of the Iron Legions that are in employment to Magister Ferrego Drahar of Myr. Death to all those that oppose the Iron Legions!
dlga_start:close_window.90|I fight and bleed for my brothers, the Gallant Men!
dlga_start:close_window.91|I am Azzo. One of the bloodriders of Pono. My life for the blood of my blood, Pono. I will ride by Pono's side in this life and the next.
dlga_start:close_window.92|I am Drommorgo. One of the bloodriders of Pono. My life for the blood of my blood, Pono. I will ride by Pono's side in this life and the next.
dlga_start:close_window.93|I am Crinrgo. One of the bloodriders of Pono. My life for the blood of my blood, Pono. I will ride by Pono's side in this life and the next.
dlga_start:close_window.94|I am Vorro. One of the bloodriders of Pono. My life for the blood of my blood, Pono. I will ride by Pono's side in this life and the next.
dlga_start:close_window.95|My name is Tahaelor Velennis. I am the commander of The Ragged Standard, one of the most renowned sellsword companies in all of Essos. The Ragged Standard has a long and storied history. Our original members fought in the The First Blackfyre Rebellion over 100 years ago. We are not to be taken lightly or forgotten.
dlga_start:close_window.96|I have the honour of being Tahaelor Velennis’s personal retainer. How many men have I killed in the service of The Ragged Standard? I lost track a long time ago. I look forward to more battles and more dead men in our wake.
dlga_start:close_window.97|I am bound to The Ragged Standard.
dlga_start:close_window.98|I am the captain of High Magister Quarro’s most elite, holy guard. I am a simple man and live by simple vows. I live only to serve, obey, and protect High Magister Quarro.
dlga_start:close_window.99|I am Galaemarr Gonralis and I have the honour to serve High Magister Quarro as one of his most elite guard. I live only to serve High Magister Quarro.
dlga_start:close_window.100|I am Galaemond Lanaellis and I have the honour to serve High Magister Quarro as one of his most elite guard. I live only to serve High Magister Quarro.
dlga_start:close_window.101|I am Mador Qohtalodlevel and I have the honour to serve High Magister Quarro as one of his most elite guard. I live only to serve High Magister Quarro.
dlga_start:close_window.102|I am Vigon Nohtalos and I have the honour to serve High Magister Quarro as one of his most elite guard. I live only to serve High Magister Quarro.
dlga_start:close_window.103|I am Lucaelar Caenareon and I have the honour to serve High Magister Quarro as one of his most elite guard. I live only to serve High Magister Quarro.
dlga_start:close_window.104|I can't speak right now.
dlga_start:close_window.105|Serve. Obey. Protect. Simple vows for a simple man. It is for my Prince to command, for me to obey.
dlga_start:close_window.106|I'm busy.
dlga_start:player_ygritte1_talk|Be careful of the White Walkers!
dlga_player_ygritte1_talk:close_window|Umm, OK...
dlga_player_ygritte1_talk:ygritte_reply_talk|What? White Walkers?
dlga_ygritte_reply_talk:close_window|That's what I said. Stay south of the Wall unless you want to become one of those... things!
dlga_start:close_window.107|People work together when it suits 'em. They're loyal when it suits 'em. Love each other when it suits 'em. And they kill each other when it suits 'em.
dlga_start:close_window.108|We have work to do {playername}. The realms of men rely on us to do our job, we do not have time for small talk.
dlga_start:close_window.109|If you want to join the watch, you should speak with {s1}.
dlga_event_triggered:close_window.16|You still stray from the path {playername}. I shall not ask again.
dlga_event_triggered:close_window.17|The lives of those that live behind that wall is worth more than your side quests {playername}. I'm leaving, good luck.
dlga_event_triggered:close_window.18|Where are we going? We should probably be concentrating on the task at hand {playername}. If you are unable to complete the quest then I shall leave and complete it myself.
dlga_start:close_window.110|Leave me be, I'm busy.
dlga_start:close_window.111|I am the captain and commander of the mercenary company of Lorath. My men respect me and my enemies fear me. Can a man ask for anything more in the world? I see that look in your eyes. You are right. Fine wine and beautiful women. I have those too. One of the many perks of being the captain.
dlga_start:close_window.112|I'm busy!
dlga_minister_issues:minister_pretalk|There's a matter which needs your attention. The quarrel between {s11} and {s12} has escalated to a point where it has become unseemly. If you do intervene, you risk offending one of the lords. However, if you do nothing, you risk appearing weak. Such are the burdens of kingship, {reg59?madam:ser}.
dlga_minister_issues:minister_talk|{s1} currently does not have a lord. You may wish to keep it this way, as lords will sometimes gravitate towards lieges who have land to offer, but for the time being, no one is collecting any of its rents.
dlga_minister_issues:minister_talk.1|At this point, there are no particularly urgent matters which need your attention, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I should point out though that I'm not very skilled in the ways of politics, and that I'm anxious to return to private life. If you wish to issue any but the most basic directives, I suggest appointing a trusted companion in my stead. In the meantime, is there anything you wish done?
dlga_minister_issues:minister_talk.2|If I may offer you a word of advice, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}, it seems that your right to rule as an independent monarch isn't sufficiently recognized, and this may bring us problems further down the road. It may be advisable to find a kingdom with whom you've shared interests and seek its recognition to establish yourself as an equal with other kings.
dlga_minister_issues:minister_talk.3|At this point, there are no particularly urgent matters which need your attention, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. Is there anything you wish to be done?
dlga_minister_pretalk:minister_talk|Is there anything you wish to be done, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_minister_talk:combined_political_quests|Do you have any ideas to strengthen our kingdom's unity?
dlga_minister_talk:offer_gift_quest_complete|I've got the materials for {s4}'s gift.
dlga_offer_gift_quest_complete:close_window|Ah, let me take those. Hopefully this will mend the quarrel between you two. You may wish to speak to {reg4?her:him} and see if I've had any success.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_cancel_political_quest|Let's abandon our plan to {s10}.
dlga_minister_cancel_political_quest:minister_cancel_political_quest_confirm|Are you sure you want to drop that idea?
dlga_minister_cancel_political_quest_confirm:minister_pretalk|Yes, I'm sure. Let's abandon that idea.
dlga_minister_cancel_political_quest_confirm:minister_pretalk.1|Actually, never mind.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_diplomatic_kingdoms|I wish to dispatch an emissary.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_indict|I wish to indict a disloyal vassal for treason.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_change_marshal|I wish to replace {s4} as marshal.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_change_marshal.1|I wish to appoint a new marshal.
dlga_minister_change_marshal:minister_pretalk|You've just made such an appointment, {reg59?madam:ser}. If you countermand your decree so soon, there'll be great confusion. We'll need to wait a few days.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_training_lair0_tr|I'd like to discuss the training of men.
dlga_minister_training_lair0_tr:minister_training_lair0|I can take your recruits and turn them into warriors.
dlga_minister_training_lair0:minister_training_lair3|I need some men in the garrison to be trained.
dlga_minister_training_lair0:minister_training_lair4_stop|Stop training men here.
dlga_minister_training_lair0:minister_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_minister_training_lair3:minister_training_lair3_a|Do you want me to use an alternative promotion when available?
dlga_minister_training_lair3_b:minister_pretalk|Alright, I will train the recruits in {s11}. Place the troops you want me to train at the bottom of the garrison list.
dlga_minister_training_lair4_stop:minister_pretalk|Yes, my {reg59?lady:lord}?
dlga_minister_talk:minister_replace|I wish for you to retire as minister.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_replace.1|I want you to rejoin my party.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_grant_fief|I wish you to grant one of my vassals a fief.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_grant_self_fief|I wish to make myself lord of {s4}.
dlga_minister_grant_self_fief:minister_pretalk|As you wish. You shall be lord of {s4}.
dlga_start:dplmc_recruiter_talk|Hello {reg65?madame:ser}. If you please, I'd like to get on with my assignment.
dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk:close_window|Alright, keep going.
dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk:dplmc_recruiter_talk_2|I want you to recruit different soldiers.
dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_2:dplmc_recruiter_talk_3|My current task is to recruit {reg1} {s1} troops for you. Should I recruit different soldiers from now on?
dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_3:close_window|No, keep going.
dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_3:dplmc_recruiter_talk_4.1|Recruit any troops.
dlga_dplmc_recruiter_talk_4:dplmc_recruiter_talk|Sure, {reg65?madame:ser}. I will. Anything else you want?
dlga_start:dplmc_messenger_talk|Greetings, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. Sorry, but I don't have time to talk now. I'm delivering a very important message to {s6}.
dlga_dplmc_messenger_talk:dplmc_messenger_talk_farewell|Alright, I don't want to delay you. Godspeed!
dlga_dplmc_messenger_talk_farewell:close_window|Thank you. Farewell!
dlga_start:dplmc_patrol_talk|Greetings, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. We're still patrolling {s6}. Do you have new orders for us?
dlga_dplmc_patrol_pretalk:dplmc_patrol_talk|Greetings, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. Do you have new orders?
dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:dplmc_patrol_orders_area_ask|Please patrol a new area.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_area_ask:dplmc_patrol_orders_area|Where should we go?
dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_area:dplmc_patrol_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_confirm_ask:dplmc_patrol_confirm|As you wish, we will patrol {s5}.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_confirm:close_window|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_confirm:dplmc_patrol_pretalk|Wait, I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:dplmc_patrol_orders_garrison_ask|I need you to reinforce a garrison.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_orders_garrison_ask:dplmc_patrol_garrison_target|Where should we go?
dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_target:dplmc_patrol_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm_ask:dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. We will reinforce {s5}.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm:close_window|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_garrison_confirm:dplmc_patrol_pretalk|Wait, I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:dplmc_patrol_give_troops|I want to hand over some men to the patrol.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_give_troops:dplmc_patrol_pretalk|Well, I could use some good soldiers. Thank you, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:close_window|I don't need you any longer. I command you to disband.
dlga_dplmc_patrol_talk:close_window.1|Please continue.
dlga_start:dplmc_gift_talk|Greetings. I'm currently delivering {s12} to {s13}.
dlga_dplmc_gift_talk:dplmc_gift_talk_farewell|Very well! Travel safely.
dlga_dplmc_gift_talk_farewell:close_window|Thank you. Farewell!
dlga_start:dplmc_scout_talk|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I haven't finished my mission yet.
dlga_dplmc_scout_talk:close_window|Alright, please go on.
dlga_start:dplmc_chancellor_talk|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_pretalk:dplmc_chancellor_talk|Do you need anything else, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Let's hire a spy for 3,000 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options_ask|Let's talk about domestic policy.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options_ask:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options:dplmc_chancellor_kingdom_culture_ask|I wish to select the kingdom's culture.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_kingdom_culture_ask:dplmc_chancellor_talk|The {s0} of the {s11} would be unlikely to accept the imposition of other culture.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_kingdom_culture_ask:dplmc_chancellor_kingdom_culture_select|{s11}. Do you want to change it?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_kingdom_culture_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1|Favour no culture over others.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_kingdom_culture_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.2|Make no change.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_info_ask|I require information about the domestic policy of another sovereignty.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_info_ask:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_info_select|About which kingdom do you need information, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_info:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_info_ask|{s4} {s5} {s6} {s7} {s0}
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_ask|Let's change our domestic policy.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_options:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_ask:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy|{s4} {s5} {s6} {s7} {s0} What do you want to change?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_ask:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|{s4} {s5} {s6} {s7} {s0} We can only change the policy every {reg1} days as the people have to get used to it. We have to wait {reg0} days.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm|Bring more people into serfdom.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.1|I want more freedom for the people.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.2|Let's centralize the decisions.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.3|Grant increased autonomy to local lords.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.4|I prefer quality over quantity.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.5|I prefer quantity over quality.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.6|Give the nobles more power.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.7|Give the merchants and trade guilds more power.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.8|Manage the economy more actively to increase production and maximize exports.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm.9|Reduce the crown's role in managing industry and commerce.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_domestic_policy_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|I will initiate all necessary steps, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_info_kingdom_ask|I require information about a lord.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_info_kingdom_ask:dplmc_chancellor_info_kingdom_select|Where is he from?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_info_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_info_person_ask:dplmc_chancellor_info_person_select|About which lord do you want information, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_info_person_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|About no one.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_cur_stance|What's the mood of the lords regarding the fief of {s4}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_message_ask_type|Please send a message to another lord.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_ask_type:dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_select|To whom do you like to send the message?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_lord_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|I can't think of anyone.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_ask:dplmc_chancellor_message_select|What do you want to tell {s6}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask|Ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to accompany me in the field.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_message_goto_lord_ask|Ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to go to a location.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_message_goto_lord_ask.1|Ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to patrol a location.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_message_goto_lord_ask.2|Ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to flee to a location.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_message_goto_lord_ask.3|Ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to besiege a location.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_message_goto_lord_ask.4|Ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to raid around a location.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_goto_lord_ask:dplmc_chancellor_message_order_details|Where do you order {him/her}?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask:dplmc_message_send_confirm|Of course, I'll send a messenger to {s11} and ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to accompany you in the field.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask:dplmc_message_send_confirm.1|Of course, I'll send a messenger to {s11} and ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to go to {s12}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask:dplmc_message_send_confirm.2|Of course, I'll send a messenger to {s11} and ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to patrol around {s12}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask:dplmc_message_send_confirm.3|Of course, I'll send a messenger to {s11} and ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to retreat to {s12}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask:dplmc_message_send_confirm.4|Of course, I'll send a messenger to {s11} and ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to besiege {s12}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_message_lord_ask:dplmc_message_send_confirm.5|Of course, I'll send a messenger to {s11} and ask {him/her} if {he's/she's} willing to raid around {s12}.
dlga_dplmc_message_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_message_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1|I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_where|Please send a gift.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_where:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|We don't have enough money in our treasury to send a gift! It will cost us 50 silver stags to send a gift.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_where:dplmc_chancellor_gift_where|Sending a gift will cost us 50 silver stags, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll withdraw the money from the treasury. Do you want to send your gift to a person or a settlement?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_where:dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_person|To a person.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_where:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_ask_type|To a settlement.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_ask_type:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_select|I recommend you to send 300 units of smoked fish, cheese, or honey. If we've got enough in our household, I'll order a servant to deliver it.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_ask|Send some fish.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_ask.1|Send some cheese.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_ask.2|Send some honey.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_ask:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_select|Where is the settlement?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_lord_ask|In {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_lord_ask:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Given that we're currently at war with {s11} and they do not officially recognize your legitimacy, any messengers we sent would run the risk of being hanged as rebels.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_lord_ask:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_lord_select|To which settlement would you like to send the gift?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_lord_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_send_ask:dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_send_confirm|I'll send a servant with the {s6} to {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_center_gift_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_person:dplmc_chancellor_gift_lady_or_lord|Do you want to send your gift to a lady or to a lord?.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_lady_or_lord:dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_type|Please send a gift to a lord.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_ask_type:dplmc_chancellor_gift_select|I recommend you to send 150 units of ale, wine or oil. If we've got enough in our household, I'll order a servant to deliver it.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_ask|Send some ale.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_ask.1|Send some wine.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_ask.2|Send some oil.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_ask:dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_select|Where does the lord live whom you want to make a present?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_gift_lord_ask|In {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_lord_ask:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Given that we're currently at war with the {s11} and they don't officially recognize your legitimacy, any messengers we sent would run the risk of being hanged as rebels.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_lord_ask:dplmc_chancellor_gift_lord_select|To whom do you like to send the gift?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_send_ask:dplmc_chancellor_gift_send_confirm|I will send a servant with the {s6} to {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_lady_or_lord:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_ask_type|Please send a gift to a lady.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_gift_lady_or_lord:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_ask_type:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_select|I recommend you to send dyes, silk or fine velvet. If we've got enough in our household, I'll order a servant to deliver it.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_ask|Send dyes.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_ask.1|Send silk.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_ask.2|Send fine velvet.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_ask:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_select|Where does the lady live?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_lady_ask|In {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_kingdom_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_lady_ask:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Given that we're currently at war with the {s11} and they don't officially recognize your legitimacy, any messengers we sent would run the risk of being hanged as rebels.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_lady_ask:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_lady_select|Which lady should receive the gift?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_lady_select:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|I can't think of anyone.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_send_ask:dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_send_confirm|I will send a servant with the {s6} to {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_lady_gift_send_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_talk_household|Let us check our household possessions.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk_household:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|You should store all important things in the household.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:chancellor_taxrate|I wish to change the tax rate in my lands.
dlga_chancellor_taxrate:chancellor_taxrate2|{reg59?Lady:Lord}, remember that a high level of taxes generates distrust and can cause riots, while a low rate may deplete the treasury. What would you like to do?
dlga_chancellor_taxrate2:chancellor_taxrate3|Set a high rate.
dlga_chancellor_taxrate2:chancellor_taxrate3.1|Set a low rate.
dlga_chancellor_taxrate2:chancellor_taxrate3.2|Set a medium rate.
dlga_chancellor_taxrate2:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Leave it as is.
dlga_chancellor_taxrate3:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|The tax rate is {s11} now in all of your fiefs.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:chancellor_controltax|I want you to hire personnel to eradicate tax losses. Make sure they intimidate even you a bit.
dlga_chancellor_controltax:chancellor_controltax2|To hire and keep this staff will cost 3,000 stags per week. {reg59?My lady:My lord}, you must choose whether the new staff expense is worth the additional money they will collect for you.
dlga_chancellor_controltax2:chancellor_controltax3|I have decided. Hire the staff.
dlga_chancellor_controltax2:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Very well, I've thought more about it. Let's avoid the new weekly expenditure, as it's too high...
dlga_chancellor_controltax3:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Well, {reg59?my lady:sire}. From now on, your income taxes will be higher. I guarantee it.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:chancellor_nocontroltax|Dismiss the staff working on tax loss mitigation.
dlga_chancellor_nocontroltax:chancellor_nocontroltax2|Dismissing this staff means tax revenues will be reduced. Are you sure?
dlga_chancellor_nocontroltax2:chancellor_nocontroltax3|Yes, I cannot bear seeing so many stags flying out of our coffers.
dlga_chancellor_nocontroltax2:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Ah, no. Let me think more about it.
dlga_chancellor_nocontroltax3:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|Well, {reg59?my lady:sire}. They shall be dismissed.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk.1|I'd like to take a look through the items in my secondary storage houses.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_talk:dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm_ask|I no longer need your services.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm_ask:dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm|Are you sure that you don't need me any more?
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm_yes|Yes, I am.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm_yes:close_window|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}.
dlga_dplmc_chancellor_dismiss_confirm:dplmc_chancellor_pretalk|No I am not.
dlga_start:dplmc_constable_talk|Always at your service!
dlga_dplmc_constable_pretalk:dplmc_constable_talk|Do you need anything else, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable__faith|I want a report on the kingdom's faith.
dlga_dplmc_constable_faith1:dplmc_constable_pretalk|It could always be better...
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_talk_ask_war|How goes the war?
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk_ask_war_2:dplmc_constable_talk_ask_war_details|Tell me more about the war with {s1}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk_ask_war_2:dplmc_constable_pretalk|That's all I wanted to know. Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_scout_ask|I want information about a settlement.
dlga_dplmc_constable_scout_ask:dplmc_constable_scout_location|We can send a spy which will cost you 300 silver stags. Where do you want me to send the spy, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_constable_scout_location:dplmc_constable_pretalk|I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_scout_location_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_scout_location2|Which settlement do you want to infiltrate?
dlga_dplmc_constable_scout_location2:dplmc_constable_pretalk|I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_scout_location_confirm_ask2:dplmc_constable_scout_location_confirm|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll send a spy to {s11} and withdraw 300 silver stags from your treasury.
dlga_dplmc_constable_scout_location_confirm:dplmc_constable_pretalk.1|Hold on!
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_talk_ask_prisoner|I want to release a prisoner.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk_ask_prisoner:dplmc_constable_talk_prisoner_select|Alright, which prisoner do you want to release?
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk_prisoner_select:dplmc_constable_exchange_prisoner_ask_confirm|{s10} of {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk_prisoner_select:dplmc_constable_pretalk|No one.
dlga_dplmc_constable_exchange_prisoner_ask_confirm:dplmc_constable_exchange_prisoner_confirm|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll tell the prison guard to release {s10} of {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_exchange_prisoner_confirm:dplmc_constable_pretalk|Very well.
dlga_dplmc_constable_exchange_prisoner_confirm:dplmc_constable_pretalk.1|No, I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_reports_ask|I want a report.
dlga_dplmc_constable_reports_ask:dplmc_constable_reports|About what do you want to have a report?
dlga_dplmc_constable_reports:dplmc_constable_kingdom_overview|Give me a report about the kingdom's forces.
dlga_dplmc_constable_reports:dplmc_constable_overview|Give me a report about my army.
dlga_dplmc_constable_reports:dplmc_constable_lord|Give me a status report about the convoy of a lord.
dlga_dplmc_constable_lord:dplmc_constable_status_lord_select|About which lord do you like to be informed?
dlga_dplmc_constable_status_lord_select:dplmc_constable_reports_ask|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_reports:dplmc_constable_status|I require a status report about the garrison of a fief.
dlga_dplmc_constable_status:dplmc_constable_status_select_fief|About which fief do you like to be informed?
dlga_dplmc_constable_status_select_fief:dplmc_constable_reports_ask|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_reports:dplmc_constable_pretalk|Thank you, that's all for now.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_recruits_and_training_ask|Let's talk about recruits.
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruits_and_training_ask:dplmc_constable_recruits_and_training|Of course.
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruits_and_training:dplmc_constable_recruit|I want to recruit new soldiers.
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruit:dplmc_constable_pretalk|We need a treasury to recruit new soldiers. You have to appoint a Master of Coin first.
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruit:dplmc_constable_pretalk.1|You have already hired the maximum amount of {reg0?4:2} recruiters from this {reg0?town:castle}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruit:dplmc_constable_recruit_select|If you want, I'll send someone to visit the villages and recruit their population to your forces. After he has collected the amount you ordered he'll return to this {reg0?town:castle} and put the recruits in the garrison. There's a limit for concurrent recruiters, which is 2 for castles and 4 for towns. What kind of recruits do you want?
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruit_amount:dplmc_constable_recruit_amount_select|You have to pay 20 silver stags for each recruit and 10 silver stags for the recruiter. I'll take the money from the treasury. How many recruits are you willing to pay for?
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruit_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_recruit_confirm|Do you really want to recruit {s6} peasants?
dlga_dplmc_constable_recruits_and_training:dplmc_constable_pretalk|I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_security_ask|Let's talk about patrols and troop movement.
dlga_dplmc_constable_security_ask:dplmc_constable_security|Of course.
dlga_dplmc_constable_security:dplmc_constable_move_troops|I want to move troops to another location.
dlga_dplmc_constable_move_troops:dplmc_constable_move_troops_location|Where do you want to move the troops?
dlga_dplmc_constable_move_troops_location_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_pretalk|You didn't choose any soldiers. Seems like you've changed your mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_move_troops_location_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_move_troops_location_confirm|Do you really want to send the troops to {s9}? This will cost us {reg5} silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_constable_move_troops_location_confirm:dplmc_constable_pretalk.1|No. Let me check if we can afford that.
dlga_dplmc_constable_security:dplmc_constable_patrol_size_ask|I want to enlist a patrol.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_size|You can take some men from your garrison or enlist fresh ones. In the latter case, you can enlist a small patrol for 6,000 silver stags, a medium patrol for 12,000 silver stags or a big patrol for 18,000 silver stags. You can also enlist a small elite patrol for 12,000 silver stags. We've to pay weekly wages for the soldiers, so make sure you've got enough money in the treasury.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_size.1|There are no fresh recruits available at the moment. We have to wait {reg0} days. {reg1?But you can take troops from your garrison:We do not have any troops ready in the garrison either}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size:dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison|Take troops out of the garrison.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison:dplmc_constable_patrol_size|We don't have any troops in the garrison.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison:dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_2|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, are you done with the patrols?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_2:dplmc_constable_pretalk|You didn't choose any soldiers. Seems like you've changed your mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_2:dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_location|Where do you want to send the patrol?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_pretalk|You didn't choose any soldiers. Seems like you've changed your mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_garrison_confirm|Do you really want to send the patrol to {s9}?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size:dplmc_constable_patrol_location_ask|A small one.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size:dplmc_constable_patrol_location_ask.1|A medium one.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size:dplmc_constable_patrol_location_ask.2|A big one.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_size:dplmc_constable_patrol_location_ask.3|Get the best troops around.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_location_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_location|Where do you want to send the patrol?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_confirm|Do you really want to send a {s8} patrol to {s9}?
dlga_dplmc_constable_security:dplmc_constable_patrol_change_ask|I want to change the target of a patrol.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_change_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_change|Which patrol should change the target?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_change_target_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_change_target|Where do you want to send it?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_change_target_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_change_target_confirm|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll send a messenger carrying the orders to patrol {s6} to the {s5}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_change_target_confirm:dplmc_constable_security_ask|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_change_target_confirm:dplmc_constable_security_ask.1|Oh, maybe not.
dlga_dplmc_constable_security:dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_ask|I want a patrol to return to a centre.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center|Which patrol should move to a centre?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_target_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_target|Where do you want to send it?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_change_to_center_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_confirm|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll send a messenger carrying the orders to move to {s6} to the {s5}.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_confirm:dplmc_constable_security_ask|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_to_center_confirm:dplmc_constable_security_ask.1|Oh, maybe not.
dlga_dplmc_constable_security:dplmc_constable_patrol_disband_ask|I want to disband a patrol.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_disband_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_disband|Which patrol do you want to disband?
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_disband_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_patrol_disband_confirm|As you wish, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll send a messenger who will tell {s5} to disband.
dlga_dplmc_constable_patrol_disband_confirm:dplmc_constable_security_ask|Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_constable_security:dplmc_constable_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_prisoner|I've got some prisoners. Can you sell them for me?
dlga_dplmc_constable_prisoner:dplmc_constable_pretalk|Of course, Sire
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm_ask|You are dismissed.
dlga_dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm_ask:dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm|Are you sure that you don't need me any more?
dlga_dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm:dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm_yes|Yes, I am.
dlga_dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm_yes:close_window|As you wish.
dlga_dplmc_constable_dismiss_confirm:dplmc_constable_pretalk|No, I am not.
dlga_dplmc_constable_talk:close_window|Thank you. I'll come back to you later.
dlga_start:dplmc_chamberlain_talk|Yes, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_start:dplmc_constable_leave|I'll be leaving soon. It was a pleasure working for you.
dlga_dplmc_constable_leave:close_window|Thank you for your services.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk:dplmc_chamberlain_talk|Anything else, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_overview|I require a report about our financial affairs.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_treasury|Let's inspect the treasury.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury:dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action|There are currently {s4} silver stags in the treasury, and we have {s6} debts. What do you want to do?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action:dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_pay|I would like to pay into the treasury.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_pay:dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_pay_select|We currently have {s4} silver stags in the treasury. How much money would you like to pay into the treasury, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_pay_select:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action:dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_withdraw|I'd like to withdraw money from the treasury.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_withdraw:dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_withdraw_select|We currently have {s4} silver stags in the treasury. How much money would you like to withdraw from the treasury, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action_withdraw_select:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_treasury_action:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|Thank you, let's talk about something else.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_status|Please give me a status report about the financial situation of a fief.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_status:dplmc_chamberlain_status_select_fief|Which fief do you like to be informed about?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_status_select_fief:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_tax|I wish to change the tax rate of a fief.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax:dplmc_chamberlain_tax_select_center|For which fief?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_select_center:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_ask_rate:dplmc_chamberlain_tax_select_rate|How high do you want to set the tax rate for {s6}?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_select_rate:dplmc_chamberlain_tax_ask_confirm|Very low.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_select_rate:dplmc_chamberlain_tax_ask_confirm.4|Very High.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_select_rate:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_ask_confirm:dplmc_chamberlain_tax_confirm|Do you really want to set the tax rate for {s6} to {s11}?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_tax_confirm:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk.1|No, I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs|I would like to manage fief improvements.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_options|We currently have {reg0} improvements in {reg1} of your {reg2} fiefs. Do you want to build another one?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_options:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build|Yes, I want to build an improvement.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_location|Where do you want to build an improvement?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|{s19} You are currently building {s7}. The building will be completed after {reg8} day{reg9?s:}. We've to wait until it's finished.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2|{s19} What do you want to build?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask|Build a manor.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.1|Build a mill.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.2|Build a watch tower.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.3|Build a school.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.4|Build a messenger post.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.5|Build a prisoner tower.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.6|Incite the people to worship the Drowned God.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.7|Plant a weirwood tree.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.8|Build a temple to R'hllor.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.9|Build a septry to worship the Many-Faced God.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.10|Build a large septry to worship the Faith of the Seven.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.11|Build a shrine to incite the people to worship the Drowned God.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.12|Plant a weirwood forest to worship the Old Gods.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.13|Build a shrine to R'hllor.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.14|Build a blacksmith.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.15|Build a guild hall.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_ask2:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask.16|Build a library.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_build_confirm_ask:dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_confirm|Are you sure that you want to build a {s4} for {reg5} in {s2}? It will take {reg6} days. We currently have {reg7} silver stags in the treasury.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_manage_fiefs_confirm:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk.1|No, I don't have the money.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|I'd like to manage the household.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm_ask|You're dismissed.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm_ask:dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm|Are you sure that you want to handle all financial affairs by yourself?
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm:dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm_yes|Yes, I am.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm:dplmc_chamberlain_pretalk|No, I am not.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_dismiss_confirm_yes:close_window|As you wish. Let's go through the documents and hand over your estate.
dlga_dplmc_chamberlain_talk:close_window|Oh, nothing. I just wanted to check the documents.
dlga_spouse_talk:dplmc_spouse_staff_talk_ask|I want to hire a new staff member.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_staff_talk_ask:dplmc_talk_staff|What sort of staff member would you like to hire?
dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable|I want to appoint a Master of Laws.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm|I assume you'll want to rehire your former Master of Laws? His rate is still 15 silver stags each week, and the appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm.1|I've heard good things about a local nobleman, and I believe he'd be well-suited for the job. He demands 15 silver stags each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable:dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm.2|That's a wise idea. May I suggest a very capable nobleman and friend of my family? He demands 15 silver stags each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm:dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes|So be it.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm:spouse_pretalk|Maybe later.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_constable_confirm:minister_pretalk|Maybe later.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes:spouse_pretalk|I'll send him a letter. He should arrive at court soon.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes:minister_pretalk|I'll send him a letter. He should arrive at court soon.
dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain|I want to appoint a Master of Coin to handle financial affairs.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm|I assume you'll want to rehire your former Master of Coin? His rate is still 15 silver stags each week, and the appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm.1|I've heard good things about a local nobleman, and I believe he'd be well-suited for the job. He demands 15 silver stags each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain:dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm.2|That's a wise idea. May I suggest a very capable nobleman and friend of my family? He demands 15 silver stags each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm:dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes|So be it.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm:spouse_pretalk|Maybe later.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chamberlain_confirm:minister_pretalk|Maybe later.
dlga_dplmc_talk_staff:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor|I want to appoint a Master of Whisperers.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm|I assume you'll want to rehire your former Master of Whisperers? His rate is still 20 silver stags each week, and the appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm.1|I've heard good things about a local nobleman, and I believe he'd be well-suited for the job. He demands 20 silver stags each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor:dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm.2|That's a wise idea. May I suggest a very capable nobleman and friend of my family? He demands 20 silver stags each week, though. The appointment will cost us 20 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm:dplmc_talk_appoint_confirm_yes|So be it.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm:spouse_pretalk|Maybe later.
dlga_dplmc_talk_appoint_chancellor_confirm:minister_pretalk|Maybe later.
dlga_spouse_talk:dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_amount_ask|Send a servant to buy some bread from the market.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_amount_ask:dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_amount|How much bread would you like?
dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food:dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_confirm|Yes, of course, my {husband/wife}. I'll go to the merchant in {s6} and buy some bread. This will cost us {reg0} silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food:spouse_pretalk|Unfortunately no one has enough bread to sell. We'll have to wait, my {husband/wife}.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_confirm:close_window|Alright then, we can afford that. Please go. Thank you.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_talk_buy_food_confirm:close_window.1|Oh, maybe later.
dlga_minister_talk:dplmc_minister_staff_talk_ask|I want to hire a new staff member.
dlga_dplmc_minister_staff_talk_ask:dplmc_talk_staff|What sort of staff member would you like to hire?
dlga_lord_talk:dplmc_lord_give_back_fief|{s66}, I want to give up a fief you gave to me.
dlga_dplmc_lord_give_back_fief:dplmc_lord_give_back_fief_select|Oh, so you can't manage it? Well, which fief do you have in mind?
dlga_dplmc_lord_give_back_fief_select:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_lord_give_back_fief_confirm_ask:dplmc_lord_give_back_fief_confirm|So you're going back on your word when you said you would manage {s11}?
dlga_dplmc_lord_give_back_fief_confirm:lord_pretalk|Yes, my liege. I want to give up on {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_lord_give_back_fief_confirm:lord_pretalk.1|No, I'll keep my word, my liege.
dlga_lord_talk:dplmc_lord_declare_war|{s66}, you should declare war on a kingdom.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war:close_window|How dare you? Who do you think you are? Get out of my sight, you fool!
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war:dplmc_lord_declare_war_kingdoms_select|Against whom?
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_kingdoms_select:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_ask_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_why|Why should I declare war against the {s11}?
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_anything_else|They've grown weak, so we can easily beat them.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_anything_else.1|They're making fools of us! We shouldn't tolerate their treachery any longer.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_anything_else.2|They're already at war and currently distracted.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_anything_else.3|Now is the time to attack.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_anything_else.4|We should reclaim our lost lands.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:dplmc_lord_declare_war_decision|I've mentioned all the reasons for war. Please think about it!
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_why:lord_pretalk|I need peace and quiet to think about it.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_anything_else:dplmc_lord_declare_war_why|Well, anything else?
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_decision:close_window|Go get your armour and say goodbye to your wife and children, for we are going to war against {s11}.
dlga_dplmc_lord_declare_war_decision:close_window.1|No, I'm not convinced. We won't attack {s11}.
dlga_lord_talk_ask_something_2:dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_end|I've done my share with your family: I want to be discharged of my pledge.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_leave:script_dplmc_affiliate_confirm|What did you say?.
dlga_script_dplmc_affiliate_confirm:dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_leave|I don't want to be related to your house any more.
dlga_script_dplmc_affiliate_confirm:lord_pretalk|Oh, nothing.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_end:close_window|You dare stand and face me to declaim your disavowal, {knave/wench}?! Your betrayal cannot make up for frankness. You disappoint the confidence my house has put in you, {playername}. Each will condemn you in all conscience... but since I avouched your phoney allegiance, I will personally report to Essos and Westerosi noblemen about your frivolous plot.
dlga_lord_talk_ask_something_2:dplmc_lord_family_affiliate|I've great respect for your lineage. I wish to be affiliated to your family.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate:lord_pretalk|I {reg0?like you well enough:have nothing against you}, but I just don't think it would work out, so I will not sponsor you.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate:lord_pretalk.1|Not a chance. Since I dislike you I will not sponsor you.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_response:dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_persuasion|Please, let me serve your family.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_response:lord_pretalk|On second thought, I've to reconsider this decision.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_persuasion:lord_pretalk|Maybe I haven't got enough appraisal from my family about you. Or maybe I just need some time to get used to the idea. Let's talk further about it next week.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_thank:dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_conclusion|I'm honoured and grateful to be affiliated to your family.
dlga_dplmc_lord_family_affiliate_conclusion:lord_pretalk|You've pledged allegiance to our family, now all of my brethren are your brethren. But listen to my words, {playername}: we value loyalty above all. Never betray your family but protect it with your life.
dlga_spouse_talk:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_ask|I want to move our residence.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_ask:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_tools|Moving our residence will require a small refurbishment. We particularly need a set of tools and two piles of wool cloth in our household.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_tools:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select_ask|Alright then, I think we've all necessary things to establish the new residence.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_tools:spouse_pretalk|Well, I guess I've to get a set of tools and piles of wool first.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select_ask:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select|Where do you want to move the residence?
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_select:spouse_pretalk|I've changed my mind.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_ask_confirm:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_confirm|Are you sure you want to move your residence to {s6}?
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_confirm:dplmc_spouse_move_residence_moved|Yes, please arrange everything.
dlga_dplmc_spouse_move_residence_moved:spouse_pretalk|As you wish, {playername}. I'll move the residence to {s6}.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary|Threaten them with war and see what you can squeeze out of them.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_threaten_request_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_threaten_request_response:companion_rejoin_response|They paid {s21} silver stags and are expecting you to leave them alone. I've agreed on a truce of 40 days.
dlga_dplmc_companion_threaten_request_response:companion_rejoin_response.1|They send you a declaration of war.
dlga_dplmc_companion_threaten_request_response:companion_rejoin_response.2|They're not willing to fold facing your threats.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:dplmc_minister_gift_type|I want to send a gift.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type:dplmc_minister_gift_type_select|We can send them some excellent horses from the best breeder in our kingdom or we can hand over a fief.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type:dplmc_minister_gift_type_select.1|We only have the option to hand over a fief at the moment since we don't have a Master of Coin.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary|Send horses for 3,000 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.1|Send horses for 6,000 silver stags.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:dplmc_minister_gift_fief|Hand over a fief.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_type_select:minister_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_dplmc_minister_gift_fief:dplmc_minister_gift_fief_select|Which fief would you like to hand over?
dlga_minister_emissary_dispatch:minister_diplomatic_dispatch_confirm|Very well - I'll send {s11} to the {s12} to {s14}.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}. They were agreeably surprised.
dlga_minister_talk:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_ask|I wish to exchange a prisoner.
dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_ask:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_select|Which prisoner would you like to exchange?
dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_ask:minister_pretalk|Unfortunately, there's no one to send right now.
dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_select:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_ask|{s10} of {s11}
dlga_dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_ask:dplmc_minister_exchange_prisoner_lord_select|Which of our lords would you like to set free?
dlga_dplmc_minister_prisoner_emissary:minister_emissary_select|Who shall negotiate the exchange?
dlga_minister_emissary_dispatch:minister_diplomatic_dispatch_confirm.1|Very well, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll send {s11} to the {s12} to {s14}.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_prisoner_exchange_confirm|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. They agreed to exchange {s32} against {s33}. {s33} has accompanied me back here. Do you want to set {s32} free?
dlga_dplmc_companion_prisoner_exchange_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Yes, set him free.
dlga_dplmc_companion_prisoner_exchange_confirm:companion_rejoin_response.1|No, don't set him free.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.1|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. They didn't agree to exchange {s32} against {s33}.
dlga_minister_talk:dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief_ask|I want to persuade a lord of joining our kingdom.
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief_ask:dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief|Your emissary can't go with empty hands, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. We've got to offer a fief. Which one would you like to offer?
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief_ask:minister_pretalk|Unfortunately, there is no one to send right now.
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_fief:minister_pretalk|Never mind - there is no fief I can offer.
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction_ask:dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_faction|Where does the lord whom you want to persuade live?
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord_ask:dplmc_minister_persuade_lord|Who shall be persuaded?
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuade_lord:minister_pretalk|I can't think of anyone.
dlga_dplmc_minister_persuasion_emissary:minister_emissary_select|Who shall I send? You should choose the one with the highest persuasion skill.
dlga_minister_emissary_dispatch:minister_diplomatic_dispatch_confirm.2|Very well, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'll send {s11} to {s12} to persuade {s13} and offer him {s14}.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.2|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my persuasion mission to {s30}. {s14} doesn't want to join you. He said: {s40}
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.3|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my persuasion mission to {s31}. {s14} agreed to join you.
dlga_minister_talk:dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms|I wish to spy on another kingdom.
dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms:dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms_select|To whom would you like to send a spy?
dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_kingdoms:minister_pretalk|Unfortunately, there is no one to send right now.
dlga_dplmc_minister_spy_emissary:minister_emissary_select|Who shall be your spy? You should choose the one you trust most and who's skilled in spotting!
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_center|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my reconnaissance mission to {s31}. About which location do you need information?
dlga_event_triggered:close_window.19|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I've returned from the reconnaissance mission to {s31}. I'm sorry: we were caught off guard, and they got {s11}. I've barely escaped.
dlga_dplmc_companion_spy_request_center_selected:dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_newcenter|{s4} {s3} and there are {s31} troops around.
dlga_dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_newcenter:dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_center|Do you need information about another location?
dlga_dplmc_companion_spy_request_select_center:companion_rejoin_response|Never mind.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.1|Tell {s10} that I want to form an alliance with him.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_alliance_request_response|Well, {s21}, I've found you at last! I've returned from my mission to {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_alliance_request_response:dplmc_companion_alliance_confirm|{s4} is willing to form an alliance with you.
dlga_dplmc_companion_alliance_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Very well, let this alliance with {s4} be concluded.
dlga_dplmc_companion_alliance_confirm:companion_rejoin_response.1|On second thought, this may not be a good idea right now.
dlga_dplmc_companion_alliance_request_response:companion_rejoin_response|{s4} is not willing to form an alliance with you.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.2|Tell {s10} that I want to conclude a defensive pact with him.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_defensive_request_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_defensive_request_response:dplmc_companion_defensive_confirm|{s4} is willing to form a defensive pact with you.
dlga_dplmc_companion_defensive_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Very well, let this defensive pact with {s4} be concluded.
dlga_dplmc_companion_defensive_confirm:companion_rejoin_response.1|On second thought, this may not be a good idea right now.
dlga_dplmc_companion_defensive_request_response:companion_rejoin_response|{s4} is not willing to conclude a defensive pact with you.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.3|Tell {s10} that I want to sign a trade agreement with him.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_trade_request_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_trade_request_response:dplmc_companion_trade_confirm|{s4} is willing to sign a trade agreement with you.
dlga_dplmc_companion_trade_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Very well, let's sign the trade agreement with {s4}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_trade_confirm:companion_rejoin_response.1|On second thought, this may not be a good idea right now.
dlga_dplmc_companion_trade_request_response:companion_rejoin_response|{s4} is not willing to sign a trade agreement.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.4|Tell {s10} that I want to conclude a non-aggression treaty with him.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_nonaggression_request_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_nonaggression_request_response:dplmc_companion_nonaggression_confirm|{s4} is willing to conclude a non-aggression treaty with you.
dlga_dplmc_companion_nonaggression_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Very well, let this non-aggression treaty with {s4} be concluded.
dlga_dplmc_companion_nonaggression_confirm:companion_rejoin_response.1|On second thought, this may not be a good idea right now.
dlga_dplmc_companion_nonaggression_request_response:companion_rejoin_response|{s4} is not willing to conclude a non-aggression treaty with you.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.5|That I want him to help me attacking {s11}{s14}.
dlga_event_triggered:dplmc_companion_war_request_response|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_war_request_response:companion_rejoin_response|{s4} is willing to start a war with {s31}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_war_request_response:dplmc_companion_war_pay|{s4} is willing to start a war with {s31} but needs {reg1} silver stags to prepare his army.
dlga_dplmc_companion_war_pay:companion_rejoin_response|Pay {reg1} silver stags from the treasury and tell him to start the war.
dlga_dplmc_companion_war_pay:companion_rejoin_response.1|On second thought, I don't think we can take so much money from the treasury.
dlga_dplmc_companion_war_request_response:companion_rejoin_response.1|{s4} is not willing to start a war with {s31}.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:dplmc_companion_truce_pay|{s12} says that he's willing to consider a truce of twenty days if you pay him {reg0} silver stags.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:dplmc_companion_truce_pay.1|{s12} says that he's willing to consider a truce of twenty days if you yield to his terms. Either you pay {reg0} stags or you pay {reg1} stags and give him {s18}.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:dplmc_companion_truce_pay.2|{s12} says that he's willing to consider a truce of twenty days if you give him {s18}.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:dplmc_companion_truce_pay.3|{s12} says that he's willing to consider a truce of twenty days if you pay him {reg0} silver stags and give him {s18}.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:dplmc_companion_truce_pay.4|{s12} says that he is willing to consider a truce of twenty days if you pay him {reg0} or give him {s18}.
dlga_dplmc_companion_truce_pay:companion_rejoin_response|Pay {reg0} stags and let the truce with the {s4} be concluded.
dlga_dplmc_companion_truce_pay:companion_rejoin_response.1|Pay {reg1} silver stags and give him {s18}. Let this truce with the {s4} be concluded.
dlga_dplmc_companion_truce_pay:companion_rejoin_response.2|Give him {s18} and let this truce with the {s4} be concluded.
dlga_dplmc_companion_truce_pay:companion_rejoin_response.3|On second thought, perhaps this isn't in our interests now.
dlga_minister_talk:close_window|That's all for now.
dlga_minister_change_marshal:minister_change_marshal_choose|Who should be the new marshal?
dlga_minister_change_marshal_choose:minister_pretalk|I shall be the marshal.
dlga_minister_change_marshal_choose:minister_pretalk.1|For a short while, we should have no marshal.
dlga_minister_change_marshal_choose:minister_pretalk.3|Never mind.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_kingdoms:minister_diplomatic_kingdoms_select|To whom do you wish to send this emissary?
dlga_minister_diplomatic_kingdoms:minister_pretalk|Unfortunately, there's no one to send right now.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_kingdoms_select:minister_diplomatic_initiative_type|{s10} of the {s11}{s14}
dlga_minister_diplomatic_kingdoms_select:minister_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type:minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select|What do you wish to tell him?
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.6|That our two kingdoms should enter into truce.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.7|That I wish to put myself under his protection, as his vassal.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_diplomatic_emissary.8|That I wish to express my goodwill, as one monarch to another.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:minister_declare_war|That I declare war upon him.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_initiative_type_select:close_window|Never mind.
dlga_minister_declare_war_confirm:minister_declare_war_confirm_yes|It is. I wish to make war on {s12}.
dlga_minister_declare_war_confirm:minister_pretalk|Hmm... perhaps not.
dlga_minister_declare_war_confirm_yes:minister_pretalk|As you command, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. We're now at war with the {s12}.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_emissary:minister_emissary_select|Who shall be your emissary? You should choose one whom you trust but who is also persuasive - one who can negotiate without giving any offence.
dlga_minister_emissary_select:minister_pretalk|Actually, I can't think of anyone.
dlga_minister_emissary_dispatch:minister_diplomatic_dispatch_confirm.3|Very well, I'll send {s11} to the {s12} to {s14}.
dlga_minister_diplomatic_dispatch_confirm:minister_pretalk|Yes, do that
dlga_minister_diplomatic_dispatch_confirm:minister_pretalk.1|Actually, hold off on that.
dlga_minister_replace:minister_replace_select|Very good. Whom will you appoint in my stead?
dlga_minister_replace_select:minister_replace_confirm.1|My wife, {s4}.
dlga_minister_replace_select:minister_pretalk|Actually, hold on with that.
dlga_minister_replace_confirm:close_window|Very good. {s9} is your new minister. I'll prepare to rejoin you.
dlga_minister_replace_confirm:close_window.1|Very good. {s9} is your new minister. It has been an honour to serve you.
dlga_minister_grant_fief:minister_grant_fief_select|Which of your fiefs do you wish to grant?{s12}
dlga_minister_grant_fief_select:minister_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_minister_grant_fief_select_recipient:minister_grant_fief_select_recipient_choice|And who will you choose to receive the fief?{s12}
dlga_minister_grant_fief_select_recipient_choice:minister_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_minister_grant_fief_complete:minister_pretalk|Very well - {s2} shall receive {s1}.
dlga_minister_indict:minister_indict_select|Grim news, {reg59?my lady:my lord}. Who do you believe is planning to betray you?
dlga_minister_indict_select:minister_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_minister_indict_confirm:minister_indict_confirm_answer|Think carefully on this, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. If you indict {s4} for treason unjustly, you may find others becoming nervous about serving you. On the other hand, if you truly believe that {reg4?she:he} is about to betray you, then perhaps it's best to move first in order to secure control of {reg4?her:his} fortresses.
dlga_minister_indict_confirm_answer:minister_indict_conclude|I've thought long enough. Issue the indictment!
dlga_minister_indict_confirm_answer:minister_pretalk|Perhaps I should wait a little while longer...
dlga_minister_indict_conclude:minister_pretalk|The indictment has been issued, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_kingdom_report1|Give me a report on the kingdom.
dlga_minister_kingdom_report1:close_window|But of course, {reg59?my lady:sire}. I have it ready to present.
dlga_minister_talk:minister_messenger_system1|I want to send a message.
dlga_minister_messenger_system1:minister_messenger_system2|Certainly, {reg59?my lady:my lord}. We have a raven ready at your disposal. To whom would you like to send the message? I've heard the following are nearby:
dlga_minister_messenger_system2:minister_pretalk|No, none of those. Later perhaps.
dlga_minister_messenger_system3:close_window|Very well. What do you wish to say?
dlga_center_captured_lord_advice:center_captured_lord_advice_2|{s11}. {s1}
dlga_center_captured_lord_advice:center_captured_lord_advice_2.1|{s12}I want to have {s1} for myself. (fiefs: {s0})
dlga_center_captured_lord_advice:center_captured_lord_advice_2.2|{s66}, you should have {s1} for yourself. (fiefs: {s0})
dlga_center_captured_lord_advice_2:minister_issues|As you wish, {ser/lady}. {reg6?I:{reg7?You:{s11}}} will be the new {reg3?lady:lord} of {s1}.
dlga_center_captured_lord_advice_2:close_window|Hmm... all right, {playername}. I value your counsel highly. {reg6?I:{reg7?You:{s11}}} will be the new {reg3?lady:lord} of {s1}.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_quitting|Excuse me {s5} - there is something I need to tell you.
dlga_companion_quitting_2:companion_quitting_response|To tell you the truth, {s21}
dlga_companion_quitting_response:companion_quitting_yes|Very well. You be off then.
dlga_companion_quitting_response:dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_start|Perhaps I can persuade you to change your mind.
dlga_dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_start:dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_1|Very well, I'll hear you out.
dlga_dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_start:dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_1.1|I'm listening.
dlga_dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_1:companion_quitting_persuasion|We've had some good times. Things might not be going to your liking now, but stay with me a while longer and the situation will turn around.
dlga_dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_1:dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_bribe|Would {reg0} silver stags convince you to remain a while longer?
dlga_dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_1:companion_quitting_response|Actually, never mind. I meant to say something else.
dlga_dplmc_companion_quitting_persuasion_bribe:close_window|Hmm... when you put it like that, I suppose I can stay a while longer and see if things will improve.
dlga_companion_quitting_persuasion:close_window|Hmm... when you put it like that, I suppose I can stay a while longer and see if things will improve.
dlga_companion_quitting_persuasion:companion_quitting_response|I'm sorry, but I don't see your point. I'm leaving whether you like it or not.
dlga_companion_quitting_response:companion_quitting_no|We hang deserters in this company.
dlga_companion_quitting_no:companion_quitting_no_confirm|I believe I misheard you. You certainly couldn't have been threatening me.
dlga_companion_quitting_no:companion_quitting_no_confirm.1|Oh... right... do you mean that?
dlga_companion_quitting_no_confirm:companion_quitting_no_confirmed|Absolutely. You either leave this company by my command or you're carried out on your shield.
dlga_companion_quitting_no_confirm:companion_quitting_yes|No, I actually don't mean that. You're free to leave.
dlga_companion_quitting_yes:close_window|Then this is farewell. Perhaps I'll see you around, {playername}.
dlga_companion_quitting_no_confirmed:close_window|Hmm... I suppose I'm staying then.
dlga_companion_objection_response:close_window|Thank you, I appreciate your opinion.
dlga_companion_objection_response:close_window.1|Hopefully it won't happen again.
dlga_companion_objection_response:close_window.2|Your objection is noted. Now fall back in line.
dlga_companion_personalityclash2_response:close_window|{s11} is a valuable member of this company. I don't want you picking any more fights with {reg11?her:him}.
dlga_companion_personalityclash2_response:close_window.1|Tell {s11} you have my support in this, and {reg11?she:he} should hold {reg11?her:his} tongue.
dlga_companion_personalityclash2_response:close_window.2|I don't have time for your petty dispute. Do not bother me with this again.
dlga_companion_personalityclash_response:close_window|{s11} is a capable member of this company. I don't want you picking any more fights with {reg11?her:him}.
dlga_companion_personalityclash_response:close_window.1|Tell {s11} you have my support in this, and {reg11?she:he} should hold {reg11?her:his} tongue.
dlga_companion_personalityclash_response:close_window.2|I don't have time for your petty dispute. Do not bother me with this again.
dlga_companion_personalitymatch_response:close_window|Very good.
dlga_companion_sisterly_advice:close_window|Thank you.
dlga_companion_sisterly_advice:close_window.1|I'd prefer not to discuss such things.
dlga_companion_home_description:companion_home_description_2|Tell me more.
dlga_companion_home_description:close_window|We don't have time to chat just now.
dlga_companion_home_description:close_window.1|I prefer my companions not to bother me with such trivialities.
dlga_rebel_thanks_answer:rebel_thanks_answer_2|It has been an honour to fight for your cause, {reg65?madame:my lord}.
dlga_rebel_thanks_answer:rebel_thanks_answer_2.1|You'll always have my loyal support, {reg65?my lady:ser}.
dlga_rebel_thanks_answer_2:close_window|I'll miss living this life of adventure with you, but my duties await me. Thus, farewell for now, {playername}. I hope I'll see you again soon, my friend.
dlga_companion_political_grievance_response:close_window|Your opinion is noted.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.4|Greetings, {s21}. Are you ready for me to rejoin you?
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.5|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've been out spreading the word about your claim, and am now ready to rejoin your company.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.6|Well, {s21}, I've found you at last! {s11}. The rest of my report I submit to you in writing.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_embassy_results|Well, {s21}, at last I've found you. I've returned from my mission to {s31}. In general, I would say, {s14}. Nevertheless, I tried to convince him.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response|In his letter, {s12} merely refers to you as {playername}, omitting any title: thus, he willingly disregards your right to rule. The letter implies that he won't recognize you as an equal as long as you lack a court.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response.1|In this letter, {s12} addresses you as Lord, which at least implies some sort of recognition that you're a sovereign and independent monarch.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response.2|In this letter, {s12} merely refers to you as {playername}, omitting any title. Thereby he doesn't recognize your right to rule.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response.3|{s12} says that your current truce should suffice.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_truce_confirm|{s12} says that he's willing to consider a truce of twenty days.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response.4|{s12} says that he's unwilling to conclude a peace.
dlga_companion_truce_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Very well, let this truce with the {s4} be concluded.
dlga_companion_truce_confirm:companion_rejoin_response.1|On second thought, perhaps this is currently not in our interests.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response.5|{s12} says that you're already pledged to another ruler.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:companion_rejoin_response.6|{s12} says that he doesn't believe you would honour your obligations as a vassal and suspects that your offer is just a ploy.
dlga_companion_embassy_results:vassalage_offer_confirm|{s12} says that he accepts your offer of vassalage. He'll give you 30 days to seek him out, in which time he'll refrain from waging war against you.
dlga_vassalage_offer_confirm:companion_rejoin_response|Tell him that I accept his terms.
dlga_companion_rejoin_response:close_window|Welcome back, friend!
dlga_companion_rejoin_response:companion_rejoin_refused|Unfortunately, I cannot take you back just yet.
dlga_companion_rejoin_refused:close_window|As you wish. I'll take care of some business and try again in a few days.
dlga_event_triggered:companion_rejoin_response.7|Would you have me rejoin you?
dlga_event_triggered:close_window.20|There! I can see the walls of {s3} in the distance. We've made it safely. Here, take this purse of {reg3} silver stags, as I promised. I hope we can travel together again someday.
dlga_event_triggered:close_window.21|Sorry, I must take care of some business, but look me up again later... [ERROR- {s51}]
dlga_start:lord_start|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I look forward to our marriage, as soon as there is an opportunity to hold a proper feast.{s12}
dlga_start:lord_start.1|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, if you wish to marry, we can proceed to the feast at {s4} to exchange vows before the lords of the realm.
dlga_start:lord_start.2|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I grow tired of waiting for the lords of this realm to assemble. Come with me to {s4} exchange our vows.
dlga_start:lord_start.3|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I grow tired of waiting for the lords of this realm to assemble. Perhaps we should take the first opportunity to marry, in any great hall that is open to us.
dlga_start:lord_groom_vows|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I've grown tired of waiting. Let's proceed with the vows immediately.
dlga_start:lord_groom_vows.1|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, my eyes rejoice to see you. We may proceed with the vows.
dlga_lord_groom_vows:female_pc_marriage_vow|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, with this assembly as my witness, I vow to take you as my {husband/wife}, to honor, cherish, and {obey/protect} you. My the heavens bless us with health, prosperity, and children.
dlga_female_pc_marriage_vow:lord_groom_wedding_complete|I vow to take you as my {reg65?wife:husband}.
dlga_female_pc_marriage_vow:close_window|Wait, I need to think about this.
dlga_lord_groom_wedding_complete:close_window|We're now husband and wife. Let the festivities commence!
dlga_start:close_window.113|Very well. You've made your point. I've nothing more to say.
dlga_start:close_window.114|Well, {ser/my lady}! Please, do not trouble yourself to rise from the ground, as I'd simply have to knock you down again. I'll take your silence as an apology. Good day to you.
dlga_start:close_window.115|Very well. You've made your point. I retract what I said. I hope you've obtained satisfaction.
dlga_start:close_window.116|Hah! Not so gallant now, are we? Now trouble me no more!
dlga_start:close_window.117|Very well, you've won. Let all those present today witness that you've defeated me, and I pledge to abandon my suit of {s10}. Are you satisfied, you heartless bastard?
dlga_start:close_window.118|Get up. Let all those present today witness that I've defeated you, and you're now bound to relinquish your suit of {s10}. I'll permit you one final visit, to make your farewells. After that, if you persist in attempting to see her, everyone shall know that you're a man of scant honour.
dlga_start:player_siege_castle_commander_1|What do you want?
dlga_player_siege_castle_commander_1:player_siege_ask_surrender|Surrender! Your situation is hopeless!
dlga_player_siege_castle_commander_1:player_hostage_surrender|I demand your surrender in exchange for the {s11}'s safe return.
dlga_player_siege_castle_commander_1:player_siege_tributo|I offer an honourable agreement to end the siege. Pay us tribute, and we will go.
dlga_player_siege_castle_commander_1:close_window|Nothing. I'll leave you now.
dlga_player_siege_ask_surrender:close_window|Surrender? It's a joke, right? You have very few men with which to storm the castle walls.
dlga_player_siege_ask_leave_unmolested:player_siege_ask_leave_unmolested_accept|You have my word. You will not come under attack if you leave the fort.
dlga_player_siege_ask_leave_unmolested_accept:close_window|Very well. Then we leave this fort to you. You may have won this day, but we'll meet again.
dlga_player_siege_ask_leave_unmolested:player_siege_ask_leave_unmolested_reject|Unacceptable. I need hostages as guarantees.
dlga_player_siege_ask_leave_unmolested_reject:close_window|Then we will defend this fort to the death. This parley is done.
dlga_player_hostage_surrender:close_window|We will not fall for your plot! We shall fight to the last man!
dlga_player_hostage_surrender:close_window.1|Our lord would never forgive us for accepting this deal. We must fight.
dlga_player_hostage_surrender:player_hostage_surrender_accepted|Well, we will leave {s12} to you in exchange for our lord. Proceed with the exchange.
dlga_player_hostage_surrender_accepted:player_hostage_surrender_accepted2|I free your lord. Now leave {s12}.
dlga_player_hostage_surrender_accepted2:close_window|Very well. Then we leave this place to you. You have won this day.
dlga_player_hostage_surrender_accepted:player_hostage_surrender_accepted3|No, I have thought better of it and stay with our lord.
dlga_player_hostage_surrender_accepted3:close_window|Then we defend this fort to the death. This parley is done.
dlga_player_siege_tributo:player_siege_tributo2|Perhaps... we can make a financial arrangement.
dlga_player_siege_tributo:close_window|Tribute? Hah! I laugh in your face. You will not get anything from here.
dlga_player_siege_tributo2:player_siege_tributo_reject|Pay now or prepare to die!
dlga_player_siege_tributo_reject:close_window|Bastard. We will fight you to the last man!
dlga_player_siege_tributo2:player_siege_tributo_accept|I see that we have reached an agreement. I demand {s4} stags.
dlga_player_siege_tributo_accept:player_tributo3|All I can offer you is {s4} stags in coins, rings, and other treasures.
dlga_player_tributo3:player_tributo3_1|I see. Then bring the treasure now, and we'll go.
dlga_player_tributo3:player_siege_tributo_reject|That is a ridiculously small sum. You're laughing at me, and you'll pay dearly.
dlga_player_tributo3_1:close_window|Very well.
dlga_lord_prison_break:lord_prison_break_confirm|I've come to get you out of here.
dlga_lord_prison_break:close_window|Never mind. Just stay quiet.
dlga_lord_prison_break_confirm:lord_prison_break_confirm_2|Praised be the Seven! I don't know how long I could have lasted in here.
dlga_lord_prison_break_confirm_2:lord_prison_break_confirm_3|But wait! How will we escape? We'll be rushed by the garrison the moment we step out that door. I can help you hold them off, but I'll tell you now: they've fed me nothing but watery porridge and a few scraps, and I'm not as strong as I used to be.
dlga_lord_prison_break_confirm_3:lord_prison_break_confirm_4|You keep well behind me and try to stay out of the fighting.
dlga_lord_prison_break_confirm_3:lord_prison_break_confirm_4.1|I'll need you to grab a weapon and help me despite your weakness.
dlga_lord_prison_break_confirm_3:close_window|Actually, don't get involved in this.
dlga_lord_prison_break_confirm_4:close_window|Let's go!{s14}
dlga_start:freed_lord_answer|I'm in your debt for freeing me, friend.
dlga_freed_lord_answer:freed_lord_answer_1|You're not going anywhere, 'friend'. You're my prisoner now.
dlga_freed_lord_answer_1:close_window|I'll have your head on a spear for this, you bastard! Someday!
dlga_freed_lord_answer:freed_lord_answer_2|You're free to go wherever you want, ser.
dlga_freed_lord_answer_2:close_window|Thank you, good {sire/lady}. I never forget someone who's done me a good turn.
dlga_start:defeat_lord_answer.1|Stop! I yield!
dlga_defeat_lord_answer:defeat_lord_answer_1|You're my prisoner now.
dlga_defeat_lord_answer_1:close_window|I'm at your mercy.
dlga_defeat_lord_answer:defeat_lord_answer_2|You've fought well. You're free to go.
dlga_start:duel_challenged_player_answer|You've arrived, {playername}. Are you ready to begin the duel?
dlga_duel_challenged_player_answer:close_window|Yes, let us begin.
dlga_duel_challenged_player_answer:duel_challenged_answer|On second thought, I bruise pretty easily. I'll just be on my way now.
dlga_duel_challenged_player_answer:duel_challenged_answer_2|Actually, this is just a clever scheme to trap you. Charge!
dlga_duel_challenged_answer:close_window|Haha! Just as I thought, a coward. Run home, boy, and perhaps your nurse maid will teach you to be a man.
dlga_duel_challenged_answer_2:close_window|Die, you treacherous bastard!
dlga_start:duel_challenger_player_answer|{playername}! You think to insult me and get away with it? Recant your words and admit to being the coward I know you are, or meet me in single combat. Make your choice, villain.
dlga_duel_challenger_player_answer:close_window|I stand by my words and accept your challenge.
dlga_duel_challenger_player_answer:duel_challenger_answer|Please forgive me. I'm a coward unworthy of licking your boots. Can I go now, ser?
dlga_duel_challenger_player_answer:duel_challenger_answer_2|You forgot the option where my men and I trample you into the dust. Charge!
dlga_duel_challenger_answer:close_window|Haha! Just as I thought, a coward. Still, you must be taught a lesson, {knave/wench}.
dlga_duel_challenger_answer_2:close_window|Die, you treacherous bastard!
dlga_party_encounter_lord_hostile_attacker_2:close_window|We'll fight you to the end!
dlga_party_encounter_lord_hostile_attacker_2:lord_recruit_1_relation|Stay your hand! There's something I must tell you in private.
dlga_party_encounter_lord_hostile_attacker_2:party_encounter_offer_dont_fight|Is there no way to avoid this battle? I don't want to fight with you.
dlga_party_encounter_lord_hostile_attacker_2:close_window.1|Don't attack! We surrender.
dlga_party_encounter_offer_dont_fight:close_window|I owe you a favour, don't I? Well... all right then. I'll let you go just this once.
dlga_party_encounter_offer_dont_fight:party_encounter_offer_money|If you pay me {reg0} silver stags, I'll let you go, recreant.
dlga_party_encounter_offer_money:close_window|Don't attack! I'll pay.
dlga_party_encounter_offer_money:party_encounter_offer_money_no|Let's fight!
dlga_start:supported_pretender_talk|I await your counsel, {playername}.
dlga_start:pretender_intro_1|Do I know you?
dlga_pretender_intro_1:pretender_intro_2|My name is {playername}. At your service.
dlga_pretender_intro_1:pretender_intro_2.1|I'm {playername}. Perhaps you've heard of my exploits.
dlga_pretender_intro_3:pretender_rebellion_cause_1|I thought {s12} was ruled by {s11}?
dlga_start:pretender_start|Greetings, {playername}.
dlga_pretender_start:pretender_rebellion_cause_prelim|What was your story again, {reg65?my lady:ser}?
dlga_pretender_rebellion_cause_prelim:pretender_rebellion_cause_1|I shall tell you.
dlga_pretender_start:pretender_discuss_rebellion_1|I want to take up your cause and help you reclaim your throne!
dlga_pretender_start:pretender_end|I must leave now.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_1:pretender_discuss_rebellion_2a|Are you sure you're up to the task, {playername}? Reclaiming my throne will be no simple matter. The lords of our realm have all sworn oaths of homage to {s11}. Such oaths to a usurper are, of course, invalid, and we can expect some of the lords to side with us, but it will be a very tough and challenging struggle ahead.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_2:pretender_discuss_rebellion_3|I'm ready for this struggle.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_2:pretender_end|You're right. Perhaps I should think about this some more.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_3:close_window|I've got no doubt that your support for my cause is heartfelt, {playername}, and I am grateful to you for it. But I don't think we've much of a chance of success. If you can gain renown in the battlefield and make a name for yourself as a great warrior, then our friends would not hesitate to join our cause, and our enemies would be wary to take up arms against us. When that time comes, I'll come with you gladly. But until that time, it will be wiser not to openly challenge the usurper, {s11}.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_3:close_window.1|Haven't you already taken up the cause of {s17}? You must have a very strong sense of justice, indeed. But no, thank you. I won't be part of your game.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_3:close_window.2|{playername}, you're already oath-bound to serve {s15}. As such, I cannot allow you to take up my cause and let my enemies claim that I'm but a mere puppet of {s16}. No, if I'm to have the throne of {s17}, I must do it due to the righteousness of my cause and the support of my subjects alone. If you want to help me, you must first free yourself of your oath to {s15}.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_3:close_window.3|You're a monarch in your own right, {ser/my lady}. If you were to back me, I'd merely be your puppet.
dlga_pretender_discuss_rebellion_3:pretender_rebellion_ready|You're a capable warrior, {playername}, and I'm sure with your renown as a commander, and my righteous cause, the nobles and the good people of {s12} will flock to our support. The time is ripe for us to act! I'll come with you, and together, we're going to topple the usurper {s11} and take the throne from his bloodied hands. But first, you must give me your oath of homage and accept me as your liege {reg65?lady:lord}.
dlga_pretender_rebellion_ready:lord_give_oath_2|I'm ready to pledge myself to your cause, {reg3?my lady:ser}.
dlga_pretender_rebellion_ready:pretender_end|Let us bide our time a little longer.
dlga_lord_give_conclude_2:close_window|Forward, then! Our first task is to take hold of a fortress and persuade other lords to join us. You lead the way!
dlga_pretender_end:close_window|Farewell for now, then.
dlga_start:lord_event_choose_friend|I heard that you've befriended that {s43} called {s6}. Believe me, you can't trust that man. You should end your dealings with him.
dlga_lord_event_choose_friend:lord_event_choose_friend_renounce|I assure you, {s65}, I'm no friend of {s6}.
dlga_lord_event_choose_friend_renounce:lord_pretalk|Glad news, {playername}. I'd fear for your safety otherwise. If you do encounter {s6}, be on your guard and don't believe a single word.
dlga_lord_event_choose_friend:lord_event_choose_friend_defend|{s6} is an honourable man, you've no right to speak of him thus.
dlga_lord_event_choose_friend_defend:lord_pretalk|As you like, {playername}. A fool you might be, but a loyal fool at the least. {s6}'s loyalty may not be so steadfast, however...
dlga_lord_event_choose_friend:lord_event_choose_friend_neutral|I don't want to be involved in your quarrel with {s6}.
dlga_lord_event_choose_friend_neutral:lord_pretalk|Hmph. As you wish, {playername}. Just remember that a {man/woman} needs friends in this world, and you'll never make any if you never stand with anyone.
dlga_start:lord_start.4|Yes, my wife?
dlga_start:lord_start.5|It's good to see you, old friend.
dlga_start:lord_start.6|Yes, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_start:lord_invite_player_monarch_1|Well, {playername}. I'm willing to forgive your impudence in proclaiming yourself {reg59?Queen:King} and will welcome you into my realm with full honour, as one of my vassals. Shall we proceed to the oath of allegiance?
dlga_lord_invite_player_monarch_1:lord_invite_2|Yes, my lord.
dlga_lord_invite_player_monarch_1:lord_enter_service_reject|No. I shall never bent the knee to you.
dlga_start:lord_invite_1|{playername}, I've been expecting you. Word has reached my ears of your exploits. Why, I've been hearing such tales of prowess and bravery that my mind was quickly made up. I know that I've found someone worthy of becoming my vassal.
dlga_lord_invite_1:lord_invite_2|Thank you, {s65}, you honour me with your offer.
dlga_lord_invite_1:lord_invite_2.1|It's good to have my true value recognised.
dlga_lord_invite_2:lord_invite_3|Aye. Let's dispense with the formalities, {playername}; are you ready to swear homage to me?
dlga_lord_invite_3:lord_give_oath_2|Yes, {s65}.
dlga_lord_invite_3:lord_enter_service_reject|No, {s65}. I cannot serve you right now.
dlga_start:lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I have been giving much thought to our recent conversation. It is time for me to ask. Would you do me the honor of becoming my {husband/wife}?
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal:lord_marriage_proposal_female_pc_next_step|Yes. I would, my beloved {playername}.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal:lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_postponed|Let me think about this some more.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal:lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected|No. I've decided that it would not be appropriate for me to accept your proposal.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_postponed:lord_start|Of course, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. Take all the time you need.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected:lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected_confirm|Do you mean to reject my suit outright, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected_confirm:lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected_confirm_yes|Yes. I do.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected_confirm:lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_postponed|No, you misunderstand. I just need some more time to think about it.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected_confirm_yes:close_window|Well, in that case, let me tell you something -- with those harsh words, you have removed the scales from my eyes. I would agree that it would not be appropriate for me to marry one such as you. Good day, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}.
dlga_lord_female_pc_marriage_proposal_rejected_confirm_yes:close_window.1|Such is your right, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. If you ever wished to reconsider, I would be overwhelmed with joy.
dlga_start:lord_start.7|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, it brings my heart great joy to see you again...
dlga_start:lord_start.8|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, I am always your humble servant
dlga_start:lord_start.9|If it isn't my brave champion, {playername}.
dlga_start:lord_start.10|Good to see you again, {playername}.
dlga_start:lord_start.11|We meet again, {playername}.
dlga_start:lord_meet_neutral|And what fool dares approach me on this day!?
dlga_start:lord_meet_neutral.1|Do I know you?
dlga_lord_meet_neutral:lord_intro|I'm the great {playername}. The bards sing songs about my deeds all over the known world.
dlga_lord_meet_neutral:lord_intro.1|My name is {playername}. At your service {reg65?madame:sir}.
dlga_lord_meet_neutral:lord_intro.2|I'm {playername}.
dlga_lord_meet_enemy:lord_intro|I'm {playername}, {s65}.
dlga_lord_meet_enemy:lord_intro.1|They know me as {playername} the Great. Tales of my courage in battles are told all across the known world.
dlga_lair_quest_intermediate_1:lord_pretalk|Splendid work, {playername}. Your audacious attack is the talk of the realm. No doubt they, or others like them, will soon be back, but for a short while you've bought this land a small respite. We're most grateful to you.
dlga_lair_quest_intermediate_2:lord_pretalk|Well, {playername}, I guess that at least some of those brigands have escaped, and, of course, it will be the peaceful travellers of this land who will pay the price. Still, it was good of you to try.
dlga_lord_start:lord_generic_mission_completed|Your surgeon managed to convince my friend and made the operation. All we can do now is to pray for his recovery. Anyway, I thank you for lending your surgeon to me, {reg59?madam:ser}. You've got a noble spirit indeed. I won't forget what you did today.
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk|I see you've received my invitation to our games, {playername}. It's good to have you among us.
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.1|So there you are. It's a shame you couldn't make it out this way for the games. I'd have enjoyed a chance to cross swords with you, {playername}.
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.2|It was an honour to have you among the participants for our games.
dlga_lord_start:wedding_ceremony_bride_vow|May the Old Gods and the New witness that I'm ready to give you my {s11} {s4}, to have in marriage...
dlga_lord_start:lord_wedding_reschedule|It's good to see you, {playername}. We look forward to the wedding, as soon as we can all gather for the feast.{s12}
dlga_lord_wedding_reschedule:lord_start|It's no problem. I can wait.
dlga_lord_wedding_reschedule:lord_return_dower|I've got no faith any more that this wedding will be concluded. Please return my dower.
dlga_lord_return_dower:close_window|Well, that is your right, if you indeed have no confidence in our family's commitments. Take your money.
dlga_lord_talk:eormenred_historia|I heard that you've been north of the Wall.
dlga_eormenred_historia:lord_pretalk|Sorry, but I hardly know you, and I don't feel comfortable to share my knowledge right now.
dlga_eormenred_historia:eormenred_talk1|What? - His eyes widen with horror. - Yes... but do you plan to travel north into the land of always winter? You shouldn't go there, {playername}. I've heard some troubling stories of late. A small company of men...
dlga_eormenred_talk1:eormenred_historia1|Please, continue.
dlga_eormenred_talk1:close_window|Enough. I've got other matters to attend to than listen to this rubbish.
dlga_eormenred_historia1:eormenred_historia2|The Wildlings were causing annoyance in the north: somehow they got past the Wall and pillaged the villages south of it. Thus, the Night's Watch sent out some rangers to investigate. But what they found wasn't Wildlings to be the problem, but something else entirely. The men said they found death, cold as ice, and eyes as blue as the sea. Apparently, Wildlings had been re-animated or such...
dlga_eormenred_historia2:eormenred_historia3|Of the rangers who'd travelled there only one returned, they say you could see the terror in his eyes. As if he'd seen something no living being should ever see. Probably just scare stories, though. Men talk much when there's nothing else to do, like some damn washerwomen. Anyway, this ranger fled South and was caught by Stark troops near Winterfell. You know what they do to deserting crows, don't you? Ned Stark himself beheaded that poor lad, and that's how his watch ended.
dlga_eormenred_historia3:eormenred_historia4|Hmm, what do you think he saw?
dlga_eormenred_historia3:close_window|You really believe this nonsense? I'm leaving, bye..
dlga_eormenred_historia4:eormenred_historia5|I've got no idea, but I'll tell you this. Whatever it was I certainly wouldn't like to come face to face with it. This man was loyal, a seasoned ranger. He wouldn't have fled easily: somebody... or something made him lose his senses. If you're wise enough, you would do well to stay this side of the Wall!
dlga_eormenred_historia5:lord_pretalk|Thank you, my lord. Maybe going beyond the Wall isn't such a good idea.
dlga_eormenred_historia5:close_window|Haha, dead men walking!? I doubt it, you old fool. Farewell.
dlga_lord_talk:gae_talk|You look like a wise man. What's the most famous weapon in the known world?
dlga_gae_talk:lord_pretalk|Wise? Me? Haha! That was a good one, {lad/lassie}! There are many famous weapons scattered across the realms of men, you just have to find them.
dlga_start:freed_lord_answer1|I'm in your debt for freeing me, friend.
dlga_freed_lord_answer1:freed_lord_answer_11|You're not going anywhere, 'friend'. Wait here or I'm gong to kill you.
dlga_freed_lord_answer_11:close_window|I'll have your head on a spear for this, you bastard! Someday!
dlga_freed_lord_answer1:freed_lord_answer_21|You're free to go wherever you want.
dlga_freed_lord_answer_21:close_window|Thank you, good {ser/lady}. I never forget someone who's done me a good turn.
dlga_start:close_window.119|Greetings to you, {reg59?madam:ser}. I'm here to see if the brotherhood can help us put an end to those raiders plundering our village.
dlga_start:close_window.120|Don't you be causing any trouble around here.
dlga_start:close_window.121|If you want something to do, go and see Beric.
dlga_start:close_window.122|Welcome to our humble abode. You look like a competent warrior. Maybe you would like to join our cause?
dlga_start:close_window.123|I hope you weren't followed here, {reg59?madam:ser}.
dlga_start:druid_refugee2|By the Seven Gods, have mercy! I was just following orders!
dlga_druid_refugee2:close_window|Sorry, pal...
dlga_druid_refugee2:close_window.1|Psst... (You whisper into his ear.) Do not worry, friend, I'll get you out of here.
dlga_start:quarry_refugee2|I'm busy, talk to the foreman.
dlga_quarry_refugee2:close_window|Very well, good man. Farewell.
dlga_start:close_window.124|May the Gods be with you.
dlga_regular_member_talk:sacparty_action|We need the Seven to cleanse us of our sins. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags to the families of my fallen men for your aid.
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_talk|- You do not worship the Seven, probably best to ignore them. -
dlga_sacparty_action:regular_member_talk|- He prays to the Warrior for strength. - Amen. Your men will feel better now.
dlga_regular_member_talk:briton_action|We need the Lord of Light to cleanse us of our sins. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags to the families of my fallen men for your aid.
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_talk.1|- You do not worship the Lord of Light, probably best not to speak. -
dlga_briton_action:regular_member_talk|- The Red Priest prays to the Lord of Light - The night is dark and full of terrors... your men will feel better now.
dlga_regular_member_talk:saxon_action|We need the Drowned God to cleanse us of our sins. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags to the families of my fallen men for your aid.
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_talk.2|- You do not worship the Drowned God, probably best not to talk. -
dlga_saxon_action:regular_member_talk|- The Drowned Man prays to the Drowned God. - Your men will feel better now.
dlga_regular_member_talk:picto_action|We need the New Gods to to aid us with justice. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags to the families of my fallen men for your aid.
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_talk.3|- You do not worship the New Gods, probably best to ignore them. -
dlga_picto_action:regular_member_talk|- He prays to the Father. - Amen. Your men will feel better now.
dlga_regular_member_talk:anglo_action|We need the Old Gods to cleanse us of our sins. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags to the families of my fallen men for your aid.
dlga_regular_member_talk:regular_member_talk.4|- You do not worship the Old Gods, probably best not to speak to them. -
dlga_anglo_action:regular_member_talk|- He prays to the Old Gods. - Old gods, hear my prayer... Amen. Your men will feel better now.
dlga_regular_member_talk:porta_presentacion|Hey, what can you do in battle?
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Lord of Dorne. When the men see me during battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.1|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Lord of the Westerlands. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.2|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Lord of the Reach. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.3|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Lord of the North. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.4|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Greyjoys. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.5|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Stormlands. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.6|Me? - The dothraki answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Dothraki standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.7|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a mercenary standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.8|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Riverlands. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.9|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of the Vale. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.10|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer in the service of Dragonstone. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.11|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a standard bearer for the Night's Watch. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.12|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Braavosi standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.13|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Norvoshi standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.14|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Lysene standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.15|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Myrish standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.16|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Qohoric standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.17|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Volantine standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.18|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Pentoshi standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.19|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Tyroshi standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.20|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a Lorathi standard bearer. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.21|Me? - The septon answers in a humble voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm important for an army. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.22|Me? - The priest answers in a humble voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm important for an army. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.23|Me? - The drowned man answers in a humble voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm important for an army. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.24|Me? - The begging brother answers in a humble voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm important for an army. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.25|Me? - The man answers in a humble voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm important for an army. When the men see me during a battle, they'll gain courage. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.26|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a musician from Essos. My music will increase the courage of your men during a battle. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_porta_presentacion:regular_member_talk.27|Me? - The soldier salutes you and answers in a loud, proud voice. - I'm very useful, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm a musician from Westeros. My music will increase the courage of your men during a battle. If things go wrong, they'll fight longer before fear seizes them.
dlga_regular_member_talk:porta1_presentacion|Hey, what can you do for my men?
dlga_porta1_presentacion:regular_member_talk|Me? - The woman approaches you and whispers in your ear. - I'm very useful, m'{reg59?Lady:Lord}. I'm the wife of one of your soldiers. If you have wives (30) in your party, your men will gain morale (each 48 hours).
dlga_regular_member_talk:follower_woman_action|I need you to help raise the morale of my men. I'm willing to pay 500 silver stags for your efforts.
dlga_follower_woman_action:regular_member_talk|Men? Oh... well, it's important to help.
dlga_start:sacerdotes_party_talk|My {reg59?Lady:Lord}, we're only poor septons trying to bring some light to the people of this land.
dlga_sacerdotes_party_talk:close_window|The Faith of the Seven, eh? It's time to reunite you with your creator!
dlga_sacerdotes_party_talk:sacerdote_pary_action|We need the new Gods to cleanse us of our sins. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags to the families of my fallen men for your aid.
dlga_sacerdote_pary_action:sacerdotes_party_talk|- They pray to the Warrior. - Amen. Your men will feel better now.
dlga_sacerdotes_party_talk:close_window.1|Very well, carry on.
dlga_start:paganos_party_talk|We worship the Old Gods of the Forest. What do you need?
dlga_paganos_party_talk:close_window|You worship the false gods you scum. For that you must die!
dlga_paganos_party_talk:paganos_party_action|My men need the Old Gods. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags for your aid in this matter.
dlga_paganos_party_action:paganos_party_talk|I'll talk to your men about the Old Gods of the Forest, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}. That will encourage them to proudly fight by your side.
dlga_paganos_party_talk:close_window.1|Nothing, please continue.
dlga_start:rhllor_party_talk|We worship the one true God, the Lord of Light. Do you need something?
dlga_rhllor_party_talk:close_window|You filthy scum worship the red demon! Now you must die!
dlga_rhllor_party_talk:rhllor_party_action|My men need R'hllor. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags for your aid in this matter.
dlga_rhllor_party_action:rhllor_party_talk|I'll pray to our lord for you and your men. That will encourage them to proudly fight by your side.
dlga_rhllor_party_talk:close_window.1|No, please continue.
dlga_start:drowned_men_party_talk|We're followers of the Drowned God. What do you want!?
dlga_drowned_men_party_talk:close_window|Ha, today we worship the Storm God! Die, ironborn scum!
dlga_drowned_men_party_talk:drowned_men_party_action|My men need the Drowned God. I'm going to donate 200 silver stags for your aid in this matter.
dlga_drowned_men_party_action:drowned_men_party_talk|We'll make a sacrifice in your name. That will encourage your men to proudly fight by your side.
dlga_drowned_men_party_talk:close_window.1|Nothing, please continue.
dlga_lord_talk:eormenred_creditos|Hmm, your face looks familiar. Have we meet before?
dlga_eormenred_creditos:lord_pretalk|Sure, {playername}. I'm Lyonel Corbray, head of House Corbray.
dlga_lord_talk:brustwarzen_lenny_creditos|Hmm, your face looks familiar. Have we meet before?
dlga_brustwarzen_lenny_creditos:lord_pretalk|Sure, {playername}. I'm Jason Mallister, head of House Mallister.
dlga_lord_talk:piipe_creditos|Hmm, your face looks familiar. Have we meet before?
dlga_piipe_creditos:lord_pretalk|Sure, {playername}. I'm Renfred Rykker, head of House Rykker.
dlga_lord_talk:palestine_creditos|Hmm, your face looks familiar. Have we meet before?
dlga_palestine_creditos:lord_pretalk|Maybe, {playername}.
dlga_pj_talk:idibil_creditos|Hmm, your face looks familiar. Have we meet before?
dlga_idibil_creditos:npc18_pretalk|Most probably, {playername}.
dlga_lord_talk:uruksoth_creditos|Hmm, your face looks familiar. Have we meet before?
dlga_uruksoth_creditos:lord_pretalk|Hmm, {playername}.
dlga_lord_start:lord_generic_mission_completed.1|Hah! Our little plot against {s3} worked perfectly, {playername}. The fool has lost one of his most valuable retainers, and we're one step closer to bringing him to his knees. Here, this purse contains {reg5} silver stags, and I wish you to have it. You deserve every coin. And, need I remind you, there could be much more to come if you've a mind to earn it...
dlga_lord_start:close_window|You weren't able to complete a simple task. I'd set up everything. The only thing you needed to do was sacrifice a messenger, and we'd be celebrating now. But no, you were too damned honourable, weren't you?
dlga_lord_start:quest_meet_spy_in_enemy_town_completed|Have you brought me any news about that task I gave you? You know the one I mean...
dlga_quest_meet_spy_in_enemy_town_completed:quest_meet_spy_in_enemy_town_completed_2|I have the reports you wanted right here.
dlga_quest_meet_spy_in_enemy_town_completed_2:lord_pretalk|Ah, well done. It's good to have competent {men/people} on my side. Here's the payment I've promised you.
dlga_lord_start:lord_pretalk|Brilliant work, {playername}! Whatever you did, the nobles of the {s13} are clamouring for war! Soon the time will come for us to reap the benefits of our hard work from fields ripe for plunder. This war is going to make us rich, mark my words!
dlga_lord_start:lord_collect_debt_completed|I'm told that you've collected the money owed me from {s7}. Good, it's past time I had it back. I believe I promised to give you one-fifth of it all, eh? Well, that makes {reg3} silver stags, so if you give me my share - that's {reg4} silver stags - you can keep the rest.
dlga_lord_collect_debt_completed:lord_collect_debt_pay|Of course, {s65}. {reg4} silver stags, all here.
dlga_lord_collect_debt_pay:lord_pretalk|I must admit I'm impressed, {playername}. I'd lost all hope of ever getting this money back. Please, accept my sincere gratitude.
dlga_lord_collect_debt_completed:lord_collect_debt_no_pay|I'm afraid I don't have the money with me, ser.
dlga_lord_collect_debt_no_pay:close_window|Is this a joke? I know full well that {s7} gave you the money, and I want every silver stag owed to me, {reg59?madam:ser}. As far as I'm concerned, I hold you personally in my debt until I see that silver.
dlga_lord_start:close_window.1|I heard you got rid of that poxy merchant that was causing me so much grief. I can see you're not afraid to get your hands dirty, eh? I like that in a {man/woman}. Here's your reward. Remember, {playername}, stick with me and we'll go a long, long way together.
dlga_lord_start:close_window.2|Oh, it's you. Enlighten me, how exactly does one lose a simple fight to some poxy, low born merchant? Truly, if I ever need my guardsmen to take a lesson in how to lay down and die, I'll be sure to come to you again. Just leave me be, {playername}, I've got things to do.
dlga_lord_start:lord_kill_local_merchant_let_go|You! Do you have sawdust between your ears? Did you think that when I said to kill the merchant, I meant you to have a nice chat with him and then let him go?! What possessed you?
dlga_lord_kill_local_merchant_let_go:lord_kill_local_merchant_let_go_2|Ser, I made sure he won't act against you again.
dlga_lord_kill_local_merchant_let_go_2:lord_pretalk|Piffle! You were supposed to remove him, not give him a sermon and send him on his way. He'd better do as you say, or you'll both regret it. Here, this is half the money I promised you. Don't say a word, {playername}, you're lucky to get even that. I've got little use for {men/people} who cannot even follow simple orders.
dlga_lord_start:lord_follow_spy_completed|Beautiful work, {playername}! You've captured both the spy and his handler, just as I hoped, and the pair are now safely ensconced in my dungeon, waiting to be questioned. My torturer shall be busy tonight! Anyway, I'm very pleased with your success, {playername}, and I give you this purse as a token of my appreciation.
dlga_lord_start:lord_follow_spy_half_completed|Blast and damn you, you stupid fool! I wanted two prisoners, {playername}! What you've brought me is one step short of useless! I already know everything the spy knows: it was the handler I was after. Here, half a job gets you half a reward. Take it and begone.
dlga_lord_start:lord_follow_spy_half_completed.1|I asked you for two prisoners, {playername}, not one. Two! Still, I suppose you did capture the spy's handler, the more important one of the pair. The spy won't dare return here and proves quite useless to whatever master he served. 'Tis better than nothing. However, you'll understand if I pay you only half the promised reward for what is but half a success.
dlga_lord_start:lord_follow_spy_failed|Truly, {playername}, you're nothing short of totally incompetent. Failing to capture both the spy and his handler plumbs astonishing new depths of failure. Forget any reward I've offered you. You've done absolutely nothing to earn it.
dlga_lord_follow_spy_half_completed:lord_pretalk|I did my best, {s65}.
dlga_lord_follow_spy_completed:lord_pretalk|Thank you, {s65}.
dlga_lord_follow_spy_failed:lord_pretalk|Hmm. As you like, {s65}.
dlga_lord_start:lord_generic_mission_completed.2|Splendid work, {playername}. All the serfs are back, properly cowed, and they're busy preparing for the harvest. You've certainly earned your reward. Here, take it, with my compliments.
dlga_lord_start:lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed|{playername}. I've been waiting patiently for my serfs, yet none have returned. Have you an explanation? Were you outwitted by simple field hands, or are you merely incompetent? Or perhaps you are plotting with my enemies, intending to ruin me...
dlga_lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed:lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed_1a|Forgive me, {s65}, those serfs were slippery as eels.
dlga_lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed:lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed_1b|Perhaps if you'd treated them better...
dlga_lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed_1a:lord_pretalk|Hmph, that is hardly an excuse for failure, {playername}. Now if you will excuse me, I need to recruit new men to work these fields before we all starve.
dlga_lord_bring_back_runaway_serfs_failed_1b:close_window|Hah, now you reveal your true colours, traitor! Your words match your actions all too well. I should never have trusted you.
dlga_lord_start:lord_runaway_serf_half_completed|You disappoint me, {playername}. There were three groups of serfs that I charged you to return. three. Not {reg17}. I suppose the ones who did come back shall have to work twice as hard to make up for those that got away. As for your reward, {playername}, I'll only pay you for the serfs you returned, not the ones you let fly. Here. Take it, and let this business be done.
dlga_lord_runaway_serf_half_completed:lord_pretalk|Thank you, {s65}. You are indeed generous.
dlga_lord_runaway_serf_half_completed:lord_pretalk.1|Bah, this has proved to be a waste of my time.
dlga_lord_start:lord_deal_with_bandits_completed|{playername}, I was told that you've crushed the bandits at my village of {s5}. Please know that I'm most grateful to you for that. Please, let me pay the expenses of your campaign. Here, I hope these {reg14} silver stags will be adequate.
dlga_lord_deal_with_bandits_completed:lord_pretalk|Not a problem, {s65}.
dlga_lord_deal_with_bandits_completed:lord_pretalk.1|Glad to be of service.
dlga_lord_deal_with_bandits_completed:lord_pretalk.2|It was mere child's play.
dlga_lord_start:lord_pretalk.1|Damn it, {playername}. I heard that you were unable to drive off the bandits from my village of {s5}, and thanks to you, my village now lies in ruins. Everyone said that you were a capable warrior, but apparently, they were wrong.
dlga_lord_start:lord_deliver_cattle_to_army_thank|Ah, {playername}. My quartermaster has informed me of your delivery: {reg13} heads of cattle, as I requested. I'm impressed.
dlga_lord_deliver_cattle_to_army_thank:lord_pretalk|Not a problem, {s65}.
dlga_lord_deliver_cattle_to_army_thank:lord_pretalk.1|Glad to be of service.
dlga_lord_deliver_cattle_to_army_thank:lord_pretalk.2|Mere child's play.
dlga_lord_start:lord_scout_waypoints_thank|You make a good scout, {playername}. My runner just brought me your reports of the mission to {s13}, {s14} and {s15}. Well done.
dlga_lord_scout_waypoints_thank:lord_pretalk|A simple task, {s65}.
dlga_lord_scout_waypoints_thank:lord_pretalk.1|Nothing I couldn't handle.
dlga_lord_scout_waypoints_thank:lord_pretalk.2|My pleasure, {s65}.
dlga_lord_start:lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army|The army's supplies are dwindling too quickly, {playername}. I need you to bring me {reg3} heads of cattle, so I can keep the troops fed. I care very little about where you get them, just bring them to me as soon as you can.
dlga_lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army:lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army_accepted|Very well, I can find you some cattle.
dlga_lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army:lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army_rejected|Sorry, ser, I have other plans.
dlga_lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army_accepted:close_window|Excellent! You know what to do, {playername}, now get to it. I need that cattle sooner rather than later.
dlga_lord_mission_told_deliver_cattle_to_army_rejected:close_window|That... is unfortunate, {playername}. I'll have to find someone else who's up to the task. Please go now. I've work to do.
dlga_lord_start:lord_pretalk.2|Thank you for answering the summons, {playername}. However, as we're at peace now, we don't need your services any more. You may attend to your other business.
dlga_lord_start:lord_report_to_army_asked|Ah, you've arrived at last, {playername}. We've been expecting you. I hope you've brought with you troops of sufficient number and experience.
dlga_lord_report_to_army_asked:lord_report_to_army_completed|I've got a company of good, hardened soldiers with me. We're ready to join you.
dlga_lord_report_to_army_asked:lord_report_to_army_continue|I don't have the sufficient number of troops yet. I'll need some more time.
dlga_lord_report_to_army_completed:close_window|Excellent. We'll be moving soon. Now, you are a {man/warrior} of sound judgement, and we trust that you'll do what is necessary to support our campaign. I don't require you to remain close at hand, and I won't count it against you if you believe that your forces would be of better use elsewhere. But if you do choose to remain with me, to support me in battle, that would be appreciated. I may also have additional tasks for you to perform.
dlga_lord_report_to_army_continue:close_window|Then you'd better hurry. We'll be moving out soon against the enemy, and I need every able hand we can muster.
dlga_lord_start:lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints|{playername}, I need a volunteer to scout the area. We're sorely lacking on information, and I simply must have a better picture of the situation before we can proceed. I want you to go to {s13}, {s14} and {s15} and report back whatever you find.
dlga_lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints:lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints_accepted|You've found your volunteer, ser.
dlga_lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints:lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints_rejected|I fear I must decline.
dlga_lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints_accepted:close_window|Good {man/lass}! Simply pass near {s13}, {s14} and {s15} and check out what's there. Make a note of anything you find and return to me as soon as possible.
dlga_lord_mission_told_scout_waypoints_rejected:lord_pretalk|Hmm... I'm disappointed, {playername}. Very disappointed. We'll talk later, I need to go and find somebody to scout for us.
dlga_lord_generic_mission_thank:lord_generic_mission_completed|You've been most helpful, {playername}. Let my express my sincere gratitude for your assistance.
dlga_lord_generic_mission_completed:lord_pretalk|It was an honour to serve, my lord.
dlga_lord_start:lord_pay_debt_2|I think you owe me {reg1} silver stags, {playername}. Do you intend to pay your debt any time soon?
dlga_lord_pay_debt_2:lord_pay_debt_3_1|That's why I came, {s65}. Here it is: every silver stag I owe you.
dlga_lord_pay_debt_2:lord_pay_debt_3_2|Alas, I don't have sufficient funds, {s65}. But I'll pay you soon enough.
dlga_lord_pay_debt_3_1:lord_pretalk|Ah, excellent. You're a {man/woman} of honour, {playername}. I'm satisfied. Your debt to me has been paid in full.
dlga_lord_pay_debt_3_2:lord_pretalk|Well, don't keep me waiting much longer.
dlga_lord_start:lord_start.1|By the way, I hope you get a chance to meet my {s11}, {s14}.
dlga_lord_start:lord_start.2|By the way, I'm sure that my {s11}, {s14}, would be delighted were you to pay her a visit. She awaits you in her chambers.
dlga_lord_start:lord_buy_prisoner|I heard that you've captured our enemy {s3} and that he's with you at the moment. I can pay you {reg6} silver stags for him if you want to get rid of him. You can wait for his family to pay his ransom, of course, but there is no telling how long that will take, eh?
dlga_lord_buy_prisoner:lord_buy_prisoner_accept|I accept your offer. I'll leave {s3} to you for {reg6} silver stags.
dlga_lord_buy_prisoner:lord_buy_prisoner_deny|I fear I can't accept your offer.
dlga_lord_buy_prisoner_accept:lord_pretalk|Excellent! Here's your {reg6} silver stags. I'll send some men to take him to our prison with due haste.
dlga_lord_buy_prisoner_deny:lord_pretalk|Mmm... as you wish, {playername}, but you'll not get a better offer. That I can assure you.
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.3|I lift a {s5} to your health, {playername}! You're most gracious to host us on this occasion. Now, what is it?
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.4|To your health, {sire/your Highness}. Long may you reign. What is your bidding?
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.5|What is your bidding?
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.6|I wish to welcome you to my hall on this auspicious occasion. Now, what is it?
dlga_lord_start:lord_talk.7|Let us lift a {s5} to the health of our host, {s4}. Now, what is it?
dlga_lord_talk:offer_gift_quest_complete|I've got all the materials for {s4}'s gift.
dlga_lord_talk:intrigue_quest_state_complaint|My lord, there's something I wish to tell you in confidence about one of your vassals.
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_complaint:lord_pretalk|Whatever you've to say, I'd ask you to wait until we're alone.
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_complaint:intrigue_quest_state_complaint_plyr|What is it? I value your opinion, although I hope that you're not trying to sow dissension among my vassals.
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_complaint_plyr:lord_intrigue_quest_complaint_stated|My liege, {s4} is widely held by your vassals to be {s5} and a liability to your realm
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_complaint_plyr:lord_pretalk|Actually, my liege, never mind.
dlga_lord_intrigue_quest_complaint_stated:lord_pretalk|Hmm... this is most troubling to hear. Although I don't encourage my vassals to speak ill of each other, I value your opinion. Perhaps I should think twice about granting {s4} any further fiefs or offices.
dlga_lord_intrigue_quest_complaint_stated:intrigue_quest_state_complaint_failed|Sew discord among my vassals, will you? With everything else going on, do you really think I appreciate my nobles turning on each other like quarrelling dogs? Let me ask you this, {playername}. Did someone put you up to this?
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_complaint_failed:intrigue_quest_state_accept_blame|I stand by my words, my liege.
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_complaint_failed:intrigue_quest_state_deflect_blame|Yes, sire. {s4} put me up to denouncing {s5}!
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_accept_blame:lord_pretalk|Indeed. You may stand by your words, but keep them to yourself. I won't have you undercutting my faithful follower {s4}.
dlga_intrigue_quest_state_deflect_blame:lord_pretalk|I thought as much. Here's some advice for you, {lad/lassie}: don't meddle in the quarrels of others. Now, enough of this.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_denounce_1|I want to tell you something. We've had enough of your {s4} ways
dlga_lord_denounce_1:lord_denounce_2|I'm sorry... what did you just say?
dlga_lord_denounce_2:lord_denounce_3|You've heard me clear enough. You'll {s4}
dlga_lord_denounce_2:lord_pretalk|Never mind. You must have misheard me.
dlga_lord_denounce_3:close_window|Why would you say such a vile thing? To insult me like this, in spite of our friendship... how much crueller is a knife in my back from an erstwhile friend than facing the sword of a sworn foe? I don't know what game you're playing, {playername}, but I want no part of it. Go away! Get out of my sight!
dlga_lord_denounce_3:close_window.1|Hmm... really? Is that your opinion, or did one of my rivals put those words in your mouth? Never mind. I won't play these filthy games of yours. Go away, and take your intrigues with you!
dlga_lord_denounce_3:lord_denounce_4|I won't have you shame me in public, {ser/my lady}. Retract your words, or meet me on the duelling ground.
dlga_lord_denounce_3:lord_denounce_4.1|Is that so? Well, then let me tell you this: you're a vile snake, a filthy knave, and, if you don't meet me on the duelling ground, a miserable coward. What do you say to that? Do you retract your words, or shall we cross our swords?
dlga_lord_denounce_4:lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel_confirm|It would be a pleasure to fight you.
dlga_lord_denounce_4:lord_denounce_retract|I spoke rashly. I retract my words.
dlga_lord_denounce_retract:lord_pretalk|I thought as much. Now, be gone from here.
dlga_lord_pretalk:party_encounter_lord_hostile_attacker_2|But enough talking - yield or fight!
dlga_lord_pretalk:lord_talk|Anything else?
dlga_hero_pretalk:lord_talk|Anything else?
dlga_lord_talk:lord_quarrel_intervention_1|I wish to address your quarrel with {s11}
dlga_lord_talk:lord_recruit_1_relation|Stay your hand! There is something I must say to you in private.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_bandit_information|I'm hunting a group of bandits with the following description... have you seen them?
dlga_lord_talk:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance|Who do you think should be made the marshal of our realm?
dlga_lord_talk:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance.1|Who do you think should receive the fief of {s4}?
dlga_lord_talk:lord_husband_auto_recruit|I need you to renounce your allegiance to {s4} and join the {s5} now, my {reg65?wife:husband}.
dlga_lord_husband_auto_recruit:lord_pretalk|Ask me again when we're outside of these walls.
dlga_lord_husband_auto_recruit:close_window|As you wish.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_recruit_1_relation.1|There's a matter which I'd like to discuss in private.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_recruit_1_relation.2|There's something which I'd like to discuss with you in private.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_talk|CHEAT -- Reset lord decision seed and intrigue impatience.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel|CHEAT -- Let's duel (insult).
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult:lord_pretalk|Hah! I admire a quick tongue. Perhaps some day I'll remove it with tongs to examine it at greater leisure, but today, at least, I'll salute your wit and courage.
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult:lord_pretalk.1|I meant no offence, madame.
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult:lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_battle|Are you trying to provoke me? Well, I'd have you know that I'm under no obligation to duel women, commoners, rebels, or brigands. I could, however, order my men to seize you and horsewhip you. Would you like them to do that?
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult:lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel|Are you trying to provoke me? Well, I'd have you know that I'm under no obligation to duel women, commoners, rebels, or brigands. However, in your case, I'd be delighted to make an exception. Are you ready for a lesson in deference to your betters, {varlet/girl}?
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult:close_window|Are you trying to provoke me? Well, I'd have you know that I'm under no obligation to duel women, commoners, rebels, or brigands. You're lucky that I'm in a good mood because I'm perfectly within my rights to order my men to seize you and horsewhip you. Now begone, {lad/lassie}! I've had enough of you!
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_battle:lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_battle_confirm|I'd like to see them try.
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_battle:close_window|This isn't worth the shedding of blood.
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_battle_confirm:close_window|Enough of your insolence! At {him/her}, lads!
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel:lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel_confirm|I'm ready to teach you one.
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel:close_window|This isn't worth the shedding of blood.
dlga_lord_respond_to_insult_challenge_duel_confirm:close_window|So be it. Defend yourself!
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2:lord_quarrel_intervention_3a|Ah, well. It sounds like you're in the right then.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2:lord_quarrel_intervention_3b|Whatever your differences may be, I want you to settle them.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2:lord_quarrel_intervention_3b.1|Could you not be convinced to settle your differences?
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_2:lord_pretalk|On second thought, I want nothing to do with this.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_3a:lord_pretalk|I'm glad that you think so.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_3b:lord_quarrel_intervention_4|For the sake of our friendship, I defer to your judgement. I'll try to make amends with {s11}.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_3b:lord_pretalk|I will not reconcile with {s11}. I know my rights.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_4:lord_pretalk|Let it be as though our quarrel never occurred.
dlga_lord_quarrel_intervention_4:lord_pretalk.1|I suppose that you should speak to {s11} and see if he'll do the same for me.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response|I had already made up my mind to support you.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response.1|I had already made up my mind to support {s4}.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response.2|I'm unable to decide at this time.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response.3|I support {s15}. {s10}
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response:lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate|Let me tell you whom I support...
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response|CHEAT -- Reset support.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate:lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select|Whom do you support?
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select:lord_internal_politics_pretalk|I'd like to nominate myself for that honour.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select:lord_internal_politics_pretalk.1|I support my husband, {s4}
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select:lord_internal_politics_support_acknowledge|I would support you, {s4}
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select:lord_internal_politics_support_same_acknowledge|I would support your choice, {s4}
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_support_acknowledge:lord_pretalk|That is most gracious of you, but I do not seek the honour, and I decline your support.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_support_acknowledge:lord_pretalk.1|I do not trust you, and I do not need your support.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_support_acknowledge:lord_pretalk.2|That is most gracious of you.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_support_same_acknowledge:lord_pretalk|You may tell him that yourself. I don't trust you, and I'll have no part in any game which you are playing.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_support_same_acknowledge:lord_pretalk.1|Given your relation with {s4}, I don't think that he would welcome your support.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_support_same_acknowledge:lord_pretalk.2|I'll tell {s4}. He'll no doubt be grateful for your support.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_choose_candidate_select:lord_internal_politics_pretalk.2|I support {s4}
dlga_lord_internal_politics_pretalk:lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response|Ah. Most interesting.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response:lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support|Can I convince you to support me instead?
dlga_lord_internal_politics_cur_stance_plyr_response:lord_pretalk|Anyway, enough of politics for the time being.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support:lord_pretalk|You've engendered too much controversy to be a viable candidate right now. I would advise you to wait a little while before seeking any further honours for yourself.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support:lord_pretalk.1|I'm sorry. I wouldn't wish to strain my relationship with {s4}
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support:lord_pretalk.2|You've already been well rewarded with fiefs appropriate to your accomplishments, I would say.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support:lord_pretalk.3|I think you would need to prove yourself further before you're eligible for that position.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support:lord_pretalk.4|Hmm... that is too much to ask, given the state of our relationship.
dlga_lord_internal_politics_plyr_request_support:lord_pretalk.5|I would support you with pleasure.
dlga_lord_recruit_1_relation:lord_pretalk|I'm a bit weary of talking about politics right now. Perhaps at a later date.
dlga_lord_recruit_1_relation:lord_recruit_pretender|You've raised the standard of rebellion on behalf of {s16}. Have you come to plead {reg3?her:his} case?
dlga_lord_recruit_pretender:lord_recruit_3_dilemma_1|I have.
dlga_lord_recruit_pretender:lord_recruit_1_relation|No, that's not why I'm here. There's another issue I wish to discuss.
dlga_lord_recruit_2:lord_recruit_2_philosophy|What do you think, in general terms, about kings, lords, and politics?
dlga_lord_recruit_2:lord_spouse_leave_faction|My {reg65?wife:husband}, I believe that you should rethink your allegiance to {s11}
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction:lord_spouse_leave_faction_2|{s9} has always been a good liege to me, but I'll hear you out. What do you suggest we do?
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction:lord_spouse_leave_faction_2.1|I see no particular reason to abandon {s9}, but I'll heed your advice. What do you suggest we do?
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction:lord_spouse_leave_faction_2.2|Yes. As a liege, {s9} is a great disappointment. What do you suggest we do?
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_2:lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king|I believe you should be king, my husband!
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_2:lord_spouse_leave_faction_proclaim_queen|I'm the rightful queen of Westeros and Essos.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_2:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king:lord_pretalk|Perhaps some day, my wife, but before I declare myself king, I should like for one of us to hold a fortress which could serve as our royal court.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_proclaim_queen:lord_pretalk|While I don't contest your claim, my wife, I should like for one of us to hold a fortress which could serve as our court before we declare ourselves publicly.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_proclaim_queen_confirm:close_window|I am ready now, my {wife/husband}. Let us go forth to seek our throne.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_proclaim_queen_confirm:lord_pretalk|Perhaps I'm not yet ready.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king:lord_pretalk.1|Perhaps, but I would need your full support to press that claim. You were well-advised to resolve {s4}'s rebellion before pushing this any further.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king:lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king_2|Most of the great families of this land have a claim to the throne... given the recent issues with the succession, I should be as legitimate a king as {s4}.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king_2:lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king_3|While king, I'll defer to your judgement in the appointment of ministers, the conduct of diplomacy, and other such matters.
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king_3:close_window|Very well, my husband. Let us ride forth to press your claim!
dlga_lord_spouse_leave_faction_husband_king_3:lord_pretalk|Actually, let's bide our time for a bit longer.
dlga_lord_recruit_2_philosophy:lord_recruit_2|{s43} Did you wish to speak of anything else?
dlga_lord_recruit_2:lord_recruit_2_discontent|How do you feel about {s15}?
dlga_lord_recruit_2:lord_recruit_3_a|Do you remember what I'd told you earlier?
dlga_lord_recruit_2:lord_recruit_quarrel_describe|I've heard that you quarrelled with {s16}
dlga_lord_recruit_quarrel_describe:lord_recruit_2|It's no secret. {s14}
dlga_lord_recruit_2:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_lord_recruit_2_discontent_b:lord_recruit_3|Sometimes I do worry about the state of the realm.
dlga_lord_recruit_hesitant:lord_recruit_hesitant_persuade|Can't I persuade you to say a little more?
dlga_lord_recruit_hesitant:lord_pretalk|Ah. Very good.
dlga_lord_recruit_hesitant_persuade:lord_recruit_3|If you put it that way, I admit that I do sometimes worry about the state of the realm.
dlga_lord_recruit_hesitant_persuade:lord_pretalk|You try my patience, {playername}. I said I have nothing to say.
dlga_lord_recruit_3:lord_recruit_3_a|Well, I have something to tell you.
dlga_lord_recruit_3:lord_pretalk|Well, that's interesting to know. But enough about politics for now.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_reset_claim:lord_recruit_3_claim|Yes, that's it.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_reset_claim:lord_recruit_3_a_reset|Let me phrase that a little differently.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_b:lord_recruit_3_why|I ask for your support in claiming the Iron Throne.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_b:lord_recruit_3_why.1|I ask you to pledge allegiance to my liege, {s45}, as monarch of all Westeros and Essos.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_b:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_why:lord_pretalk|Neither of us has so much as a single fortress to our name. Would you rule your kingdom from an outlaw's den in the woods?
dlga_lord_recruit_3_why:lord_recruit_3_d|Why should I support {s44}?
dlga_lord_recruit_3_d:lord_recruit_3_claim.1|If {s45} were {s47}, {s45} would deal with all men fairly and uphold the rights of the commons.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_d:lord_recruit_3_claim.2|If {s45} were {s47}, {s45} would uphold your ancient rights as a noble of this land.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_d:lord_recruit_3_claim.3|Because {s45} can unify Westeros and Essos and end this discord.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_d:lord_recruit_3_claim.4|Because {s45} will reward you with lands.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_d:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_lord_recruit_3_claim:lord_recruit_3_claim|Do you perhaps tell each person what you think they most want to hear? {s12}
dlga_lord_recruit_4:lord_recruit_4_objective_conditions|I ask you to pledge your allegiance to {s16}.
dlga_lord_recruit_4:lord_pretalk|Never mind.
dlga_lord_recruit_4_objective_conditions:lord_recruit_5_security|Let me think...
dlga_lord_recruit_6:lord_recruit_6_reaction|It's time for you to make a decision.
dlga_lord_recruit_6:lord_pretalk|No need to decide anything. We can speak of this at a later time.
dlga_lord_recruit_6_reaction:lord_recruit_7_decision|Very well...
dlga_lord_recruit_7_decision:lord_recruit_pledge|Very well, I'm ready to pledge myself to {s4} as my {reg4?queen:king}.
dlga_lord_recruit_pledge:lord_recruit_pledge|Remember. You've promised me a fief, {playername}. I'll see to it that you hold that promise.
dlga_lord_recruit_pledge:lord_recruit_pledge_conclude|So be it. I pledge allegiance to you as your faithful vassal. I'll stand at your side to fight your enemies should you need my sword and uphold your claims and those of your legitimate heirs. I expect in turn that you'll protect me and recognize my rights as your vassal.
dlga_lord_recruit_pledge:lord_recruit_pledge_conclude.1|So be it. You may inform {s4} that I'm now {reg4?her:him} faithful vassal, that I'll follow {reg4?her:him} as long as my breath remains, and that I'll be at {reg4?her:his} side to fight {reg4?her:his} enemies should there ever be need of my sword. In addition, I swear to uphold {reg4?her:his} lawful claims and those of {reg4?her:his} legitimate heirs. In turn, I expect {reg4?her:his} protection and recognition of my rights as a vassal.
dlga_lord_recruit_pledge_conclude:close_window|Now... it's a momentous step I've taken. I'll take my leave, as I may need some time to prepare myself for what comes next.
dlga_lord_start:close_window.3|I've received the gift, presented to me through my {s11} {s10}. It was a noble gesture of yours, {ser/my lady}, and I dearly regret that we've ever quarrelled.
dlga_lord_start:close_window.4|I've received the gift, presented to me through my {s11} {s10}. For {reg4?her:his} sake I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.
dlga_lord_start:close_window.5|I've received the gift, presented to me through my {s11} {s10}. Bah! Do you really think you can buy my friendship that easily?
dlga_lord_start:close_window.6|I've received the gift, presented to me through my {s11} {s10}. As dear as {reg4?she:he} is to me, however, I cannot forget our differences.
dlga_lord_talk:denounce_lord_results|I did as you suggested and denounced {s4}
dlga_denounce_lord_results:lord_pretalk|Yes, and hopefully now {s4} will think twice before entrusting him with any additional fiefs, honours, or offices. We are grateful to you, {playername}.
dlga_denounce_lord_results:close_window|So you did - and we've heard that he forced you to retract your words and thus emerged from this affair looking stronger than before. You will forgive me, {ser/my lady}, if my gratitude to you is somewhat muted.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_quest_intrigue_result|I did as you asked and spoke to {s5} about the danger posed by {s4}.
dlga_lord_quest_intrigue_result:lord_pretalk|So we hear. Hopefully now {s5} will think twice before entrusting him with any additional fiefs, honours, or offices. We're grateful to you, {playername}.
dlga_lord_quest_intrigue_result:close_window|So we hear - but alas, {s5} doesn't seem to have listened. Still, we're grateful to you for trying, {playername}.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_lend_companion_end|I should like {s14} returned to me, {s65}, if you no longer require {reg3?her:his} services.
dlga_lord_lend_companion_end:lord_pretalk|You've too many men in your company already, {playername}. You cannot lead any more at the moment.
dlga_lord_lend_companion_end:lord_pretalk.1|Certainly, {playername}. {reg3?She:He}'s a bright {reg3?girl:fellow}; you're a lucky {man/woman} to have such worthy companions.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_ask_to_collect_debt|I've come to collect the debt you owe to {s1}.
dlga_lord_ask_to_collect_debt:lord_ask_to_collect_debt_2|Oh. Well, {s1} did lend me some silver a ways back, but I've done him many favours in the past and I consider that money as my due payment.
dlga_lord_ask_to_collect_debt_2:convince_begin|{s1} considers it a debt. He asked me to speak to you on his behalf.
dlga_lord_ask_to_collect_debt_2:lord_pretalk|Then I won't press the matter any further.
dlga_convince_accept:close_window|My debt to {s8} has long been overdue and was a source of great discomfort to me. Thank you for accepting to take the money to him. Please give him these {reg10} silver stags and thank him on my behalf.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_ask_to_make_peace|Please, {s64}, it's time to end this war between {s12} and {s13}.
dlga_lord_ask_to_make_peace:lord_ask_to_make_peace_2|Eh? I'm not sure I've understood you correctly, {playername}. War is not easily forgotten by either side of the conflict, and I have a very long memory. Why should I take any interest in brokering peace with those dogs?
dlga_lord_ask_to_make_peace_2:convince_begin|Perhaps I can talk you into it...
dlga_lord_ask_to_make_peace_2:lord_pretalk|Never mind, peace can wait for now.
dlga_convince_accept:close_window.1|You... have convinced me, {playername}. Very well then, you've my blessing to bring a peace offer to {s14}. I cannot guarantee they'll accept it, but on the off-chance they do, I'll stand by my word.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_challenge_duel_for_lady|I want you to take back your accusations against {s1}.
dlga_lord_challenge_duel_for_lady:lord_challenge_duel_for_lady_2|What accusations, {knave/wench}? Everyone knows that this wanton bitch fucks her stable boys and anyone else she can lay hands on while her foolish husband is away. Bah! That filthy cunt is worse than any damned whore in Flea Bottom! I merely repeat the words of many.
dlga_lord_challenge_duel_for_lady_2:lord_challenge_duel|You'll recant these lies, sirrah, or prove them against my sword!
dlga_lord_challenge_duel_for_lady_2:lord_pretalk|If you say so...
dlga_lord_talk:lord_challenge_courtship_rival|Relinquish your suit of {s5}!
dlga_lord_challenge_courtship_rival:lord_challenge_courtship_rival_2|Or what? Do you intend to duel over a lady, {knave/wench}? I'll let you know our liege frowns on this sort of hot-headed challenge when every man must stand together against the foreign foe.
dlga_lord_challenge_courtship_rival_2:lord_challenge_duel|Do you fear to fight me?
dlga_lord_challenge_courtship_rival_2:lord_pretalk|My pardon. I've spoken too rashly...
dlga_lord_talk:lord_message_delivered|I bring a message from {s9}.
dlga_lord_message_delivered:lord_pretalk|Oh? Let me see that... Well, well, well! It was good of you to bring me this, {playername}. Take my seal as proof that I've received it, and give my regards to {s9} when you see him again.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_message_delivered_enemy|I bring a message from {s9}.
dlga_lord_message_delivered_enemy:close_window|Oh? Let me see that... hmm. It was good of you to bring me this, {playername}. Take my seal as proof that I've received it, with my thanks.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_deliver_message_prisoner|I bring a message from {s11}.
dlga_lord_deliver_message_prisoner:lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2|Can it be true? Oh, thank you kindly, {playername}. You've brought hope and some small ray of light to these bleak walls. Perhaps one day I'll be able to repay you.
dlga_lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2:lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2a|'Twas the least I could do, {s65}.
dlga_lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2a:close_window|You've no idea how grateful I am, {playername}. A thousand thanks and more.
dlga_lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2:lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2b|Worry not, {s65}. You'll have ample opportunity once you're free again.
dlga_lord_deliver_message_prisoner_2b:close_window|Hah, of course, {playername}. My eternal thanks go with you.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer|Fear not, I'm here to rescue you.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_2|By the seventh hell, are you serious? What is your plan?
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_2:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_3|A simple ruse, {s65}. If we exchange garments, I'll take your place here in prison while you make your escape disguised as myself. I paid the guards a handsome bribe, with which I'm sure they've already purchased half the wine stocks of the nearest tavern. With some luck they'll soon get so drunk they'd have trouble recognising even their own mothers, let alone telling one of us from the other... at least not until you're safely away.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_3:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_4|Hmm, it might just work... but what of you, my {friend/lady}? The guards won't take kindly to this trickery. You may end up spending some time in this cell yourself.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_4:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_5a|Not to worry, {s65}. The place is already starting to grow on me.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_4:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_5b|I'll be fine as long there's an ample reward awaiting me at the end.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_5a:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_6|You're a brave soul indeed. I won't forget this.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_5b:lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_6|Of course, my {friend/lady}, of course! Come to me when you've regained your freedom, and perhaps I'll be able to repay the debt I owe you.
dlga_lord_rescue_by_replace_offer_6:close_window|Quickly, {s65}, let's change our garments. It's past time you were already away from here.
dlga_lord_talk:lord_ask_pardon_after_oath_renounced|{s66}, I wish to restore my old oath to {s4}.
dlga_lord_ask_pardon_after_oath_renounced:lord_pretalk|That's too great a matter for me to decide, {playername}. You should seek out {s4}. Such clemency is his alone to grant or deny.
dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms:lord_pretalk|As you like, {s65}. I'll accept your judgement.
dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms:lord_pretalk.1|A shame, {s65}. A shame.
dlga_lord_ask_pardon_terms:lord_pretalk.2|Very well, go and die without me.


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