Basilisk / バジリスク

Basic Information

Type Vehicle
Durabilty 1100p
OKE Weight 9080kg
Payload 28600kg
Payload in Engine Power 150% 42900kg
On-Board Arms 3
Weapon 1 Assault Gun, Beam Gun, Electromagnetic Pulse Gun, Napalm Gun, Shell, Shotgun, Cannon
Weapon 2 Rocket Launcher(S16/M8/L4) , Missile Launcher(S16/M8/L4), Land Mine Dispenser(8), Aerial Mine Dispenser(8),
Special Launcher(Sonic Blaster(16),the others(8))
Weapon 3 The same as Weapon 2.
On-Board Options 4
On-Board Energy 3400GJ 680kg
On-Board Energy in its rate 150% 5100GJ 1020kg
Heat Resist 3200P


Attack Low Chop.
Attack High Hit upward from left to right.
Attack Far Dash pushing his left arm.

Special Move

Number Name Summary
1 Right Rotate Strafe Rapid fire with weapon1 rotating about 70 deg. rightward.
2 Left Rotate Strafe The converse of 1.
3 Strafe Forward Rapid fire with weapon1 from about 60 deg. left to about 60 deg. right centering the front.


Often Observed Styles


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最終更新:2014年01月06日 02:18