「Information to visitor from foreign countries.」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Information to visitor from foreign countries. - (2008/04/14 (月) 19:36:38) のソース

<p>**編集者向けメモ<br /><br />
ページだけでも設置。追加編集支援を要請する!。<br /><br />
主にFHSW鯖に現れる外人向け。<br />
ガチとマターリの概念、鯖での最低限のルール(乗り捨てすんなとかあんまりふざけた事やってるとkickvoteだとか)<br />
それと簡単なアルファベット日本語の対訳ex: www=lol gaijin=foreigner みたいな事を載せていくページ。<br />
「また馬鹿外人がCV突撃させてるよ・・・」とか「チャットでベラベラうるさい外人なんとか汁」みたいな事を減らすのが目的。<br />
FHSW公式に負けないような内容にしていきませう。あと中身は英語以外でも可。<br /></p>
<h1><br />
It is an example as follows. Please check a thing with oneself having done
<p>*I use a tank, an armored car, an airplane as a substitute for a taxi. A
line abandoned it to the place that I wanted to go.</p>
<p>* I stepped on a tank, but I hated it being destroyed and stayed at the same
spot all the time.</p>
<p>* A ship ran aground</p>
<p>* Though there was the vehicle which I wanted to get on, I shot it because I
seemed to be taken to other people.</p>
<p>* Because I was not able to step on the seat where I wanted to step on, I
kept on telling [escape].</p>
<p>*I did  TK</p>
<p>*However, I do not apologize</p>
<p>*I changed a team and a team for an instant</p>
<p>*I moved to a team of the one that won.</p>
<p>*Everybody does not hear that I say.So,I did a chat in large quantities.</p>
<p>*I voted, but did voted of it many times because it was rejected.</p>
<p>* Even if it was said uneven by a chat, I did not confirm even the number of
<h3>With a Japanese server, please do not do the above.<br /></h3>
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