正式名称:Jungle Combat
作者:Lord Nader
作者:Lord Nader
(BATTLEFIELD FILESより。Description、Readmeも併記。)
Jungle Combat is a minimod coded to convert EoD maps to DCF. Please note that I do not take any
credit whatsoever for creating any of the content in EoD, DCF, DC, or BF42, I merely changed the code so they'd all work
together. Also note that since the EOD and DCF code conflict, there may be CTDs. Please e-mail me about any bugs you
encounter. Enjoy!
Jungle Combat is a minimod coded to convert EoD maps to DCF. Please note that I do not take any
credit whatsoever for creating any of the content in EoD, DCF, DC, or BF42, I merely changed the code so they'd all work
together. Also note that since the EOD and DCF code conflict, there may be CTDs. Please e-mail me about any bugs you
encounter. Enjoy!