

Note - (2017/08/30 (水) 13:10:46) の1つ前との変更点



#image(Note_01.jpg) &bold(){Node Type}: Other *ノード説明と目的: The Note node allows you to show text notes in the network view. This might be handy for reminding yourself what some part of the network is doing or for giving instructions to people you're sharing a file with. You can enter text for the note by opening the node's param view and using the big text field. If not all of the Note text can be displayed in the note box in the network view then there will be an ellipsis (…) in the bottom left corner. You can see more text by resizing the node or zooming into the network. **設定: |Text field||| |Text Colour||| |Use custom text size||| |Custom text size||| |Colour|||
#image(Note_01.jpg) &bold(){Node Type}: Other *ノード説明と目的: The Note node allows you to show text notes in the network view. This might be handy for reminding yourself what some part of the network is doing or for giving instructions to people you're sharing a file with. You can enter text for the note by opening the node's param view and using the big text field. If not all of the Note text can be displayed in the note box in the network view then there will be an ellipsis (…) in the bottom left corner. You can see more text by resizing the node or zooming into the network. **設定: |Text field||| |Text Colour||| |Use custom text size||| |Custom text size||| |Colour||| #image(Note_02.jpg)

