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萩生田朋克 (Tomokatsu Hagiuda)



+ English
Joined in 2012. Graduated from Nihon Kogakuin College.

When he was 20 years old, he met Falcom music when he listened to the song “Zwei 2” recommended by his friends. After joining the company, he worked hard at “Ys Foliage Ocean in CELCETA” and worked on the next title “Sen no Kiseki”, but left for some reason. Therefore, the only official credit is "Ys Foliage Ocean in CELCETA".

Although his practical period was short, he has left nearly 30 songs such as orchestras, pops, techno and ballads. He is characterized by the supple and beautiful strings that appear frequently in the “Suburban Town of Trista”, “Path of Spirits”, and Flash II “Relief Towards Tomorrow”. His beautiful point is the clear sound without turbidity and the rich sound with depth. On the other hand, the vividness is thin and slightly dark.

It is close to Mr.Sonoda's style, but the sound making is more coherent and has a modern sense. Has excellent skills to create well-balanced songs. However, rock songs such as “THE DAWN OF YS”, which is not so popular, and “Don't be Defeated by a Friend!” Arranged by Mr.Unisuga may be weak.

Will the representative song be "Return to the Dorms". As shown in this song, it was a song that had a good listening feel and a good sense. It wasn't very flashy, but it was a solid song. If he was still enrolled, he would have been working to fill the hole between Mr.Sonoda and Mr.Unisuga, and he would have been able to produce a theater accompaniment that did not rely on outsourced composers such as Mr.Singa. It is a really disappointing early retirement.

  • 在籍期間 : 2012


実務期間は短かったがこれまでにオーケストラ、ポップス、テクノ、バラードなど30曲近くを残されている。氏の特徴としては「近郊都市トリスタ」「精霊の小道」「明日への休息」などで顕著だがしなやかで艶のあるストリングスにある。全体の混濁しないクリアな響き、奥行きのある豊かな響きも氏の美点。反面色彩感は薄くやや仄暗い。園田氏のスタイルに近いが音作りはまとまりがありモダンなセンスも光る。バランスの良い曲を作り出す優れたスキルを持っているように思う。ただ世間的にあまり評判が良くない「THE DAWN OF YS」、宇仁菅氏にアレンジされた「Don't be Defeated by a Friend!」など激しめの曲は苦手としているのかもしれない。



THE DAWN OF YS イース セルセタの樹海 2012/09/27 (原曲:金田直樹)
明日への休息 閃の軌跡II 2014/09/25
剣の遊戯 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
GATE OF AVALON 東亰ザナドゥ 2015/09/30
交易町ケルディック 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
近郊都市トリスタ 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
精霊の小道 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
静かなる昂揚 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
カレイジャス発進! 閃の軌跡II 2014/09/25
さわやかな朝 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
一途な気持ち 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
Machinery Attack 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
赤点です... 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26 「特科クラス《Ⅶ組》」メロディ含む
アーベントタイム 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26 ラジオ風加工
寮に帰ろう 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
夜のひととき 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
今はまだ... 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
新しい仲間たち 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
Don't be Defeated by a Friend! 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26 (編:宇仁菅孝宏)
幻煌 閃の軌跡II 2014/09/25 (編:宇仁菅孝宏)
Strain 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
夢幻回廊 閃の軌跡II 2014/09/25 (編:園田隼人・宇仁菅孝宏)
黄昏のエチュード 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
大市の賑わい 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
Sonata No.45 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26
走れマッハ号! 閃の軌跡 2013/09/26




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