
|>			|&ref(Uniticon-scout_bike.png)|
|英語名			|Scout Bike|
|ユニットタイプ		|車両-速い-金属|
|プレイヤーの必要レベル	|10|
|訓練施設の必要レベル	|1|
|ブロック		|-|
|ベース	|&ref(Damage_melee.png,fig)150 %|







After the first few grueling ranks, the Scout Bike becomes a versatile multi-target attacker from any row, especially in PvP given its low unit value! 
In the front, its mobility and dodge bonuses should frustrate its attackers. 
Its ammo-consuming attacks and high reload are its biggest drawbacks at higher ranks.

Interestingly, this is the only non-artillery vehicle where the operating soldier is visible. 

he Scout Bike is the first unit available for from the Vehicle Factory. 
Relatively cheap compared to the other vehicles available, they are extremely fragile although difficult to hit. 
Its basic attack has a range of 1 making it ideal for attacking infantry or critters in the front row, sort of like the Shock Troop. 
However, its weakness of 150% damage from Crushing attacks makes it very difficult to rank up since most Critter attacks will destroy it in one hit.

The Scout Bike improves vastly at level 3 when a new attack, "Down the Line", becomes available for research. 
The submachine gun will now hit all enemies in a line, even passing through blocking units. 
Unlike the Firedrake or Heavy Recon, this attack is not limited to targeting directly in front of the Scout Bike, 
but can target any line (drag-targeting, like Artillery and Grenadier) from any position, including safely from the back row. 
It has less damage potential than Burst fire, hitting twice instead of 3 times and also has an increased cooldown of 2.

The last attack, "Backfire", changes the Scout Bike's attack pattern to an entire row. 
However, the Scout Bike can only target the rearmost unit of a column, similar to Dust Walkers. 
This attack will then hit that entire row, including units that the Scout Bike could not originally target! 
Similar to Down the Line, the damage is decreased and cooldown lengthened.

After the first few grueling ranks, the Scout Bike becomes a versatile multi-target attacker from any row, especially in PvP given its low unit value! 
In the front, its mobility and dodge bonuses should frustrate its attackers. 
Its ammo-consuming attacks and high reload are its biggest drawbacks at higher ranks.

Interestingly, this is the only non-artillery vehicle where the operating soldier is visible. 


|弾薬|>|>|>|>|>			|4|
|リロード|>|>|>|>|>		|8 ターン|
|>|>|>|>|>|>				|&ref(偵察バイク-爆撃炎.png)|
|攻撃アイコン|>|>|>|>|>			|&ref(35px-Wicon-mg_3wide.png)|
|習得ランク|>|>|>|>|>		|1|
|ダメージタイプ|>|>|>|>|>	|&ref(Damage_projectile.png,fig)|
|射程|>|>|>|>|>			|1|
|射程圏|>|>|>|>|>		|第一線|
|使用火薬数|>|>|>|>|>		|1|
|補給時間|>|>|>|>|>		|1 ターン|
|ランク				|  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |
|ダメージ			|20-24 (x3)|22-26 (x3) |24-28 (x3) |26-31 (x3) |28-33 (x3) |30-36 (x3)|
|攻撃力				|22 |27 |32 |37 |42 |47 |
|>|>|>|>|>|>				|&ref(偵察バイク-徹底攻撃.png)|
|攻撃アイコン|>|>|>|>|>			|&ref(35px-Wicon-mg_5wide.png)|
|習得ランク|>|>|>|>|>		|2|
|ダメージタイプ|>|>|>|>|>	|&ref(Damage_projectile.png,fig)|
|射程|>|>|>|>|>			|1-5|
|射程圏|>|>|>|>|>		|照準|
|使用火薬数|>|>|>|>|>		|2|
|補給時間|>|>|>|>|>		|2 ターン|
|開発コスト|>|>|>|>|>		|&ref(Resource-nanopod.png,fig) 8, &ref(Resource-time.png,fig) 48 分 |
|備考|>|>|>|>|>			|照準型の攻撃ですが、ブロック型のユニットを越えて攻撃可能|
|ランク				|  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |
|ダメージ			|-|22-26 (x2) |24-28 (x2) |26-31 (x2) |28-33 (x2) |30-36 (x2)|
|攻撃力				|- |27 |32 |37 |42 |47 |
|>|>|>|>|>|>				|&ref(偵察バイク-バックファイア.png)|
|攻撃アイコン|>|>|>|>|>			|バックファイアアイコン画像|
|習得ランク|>|>|>|>|>		|4|
|ダメージタイプ|>|>|>|>|>	|&ref(Damage_projectile.png,fig)|
|射程|>|>|>|>|>			|1-5|
|射程圏|>|>|>|>|>		|直接(最後列)|
|使用火薬数|>|>|>|>|>		|2|
|補給時間|>|>|>|>|>		|2 ターン|
|開発コスト|>|>|>|>|>		|&ref(Resource-nanopod.png,fig) 16, &ref(Resource-time.png,fig) 1時間 12分|
|ランク				|  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |
|ダメージ			|-|- |- |26-31 (x2) |28-33 (x2) |30-36 (x2)|
|攻撃力				|- |- |- |37 |42 |47|


*&u(){ステータス & 昇格データ}
| |  1  |2|3|4|5|6|
|&ref(Resource-SP.png,fig)必要経験値	|N/A|895 |2,300 |5,625 |12,300 |45,875|
|&ref(Stat-HP.png,fig)HP		|65 |70 (+5) |80 (+10) |85 (+5) |90 (+5) |100 (+10)|
|&ref(Stat-Bravery.png,fig)勇敢さ	|20 |25 (+5) |25 |30 (+5) |30 |35 (+5)|
|防御					|65 |70 (+5) |75 (+5) |80 (+5) |90 (+10) |90|
|&ref(Stat-Dodge.png,fig)回避		|40 |45 (+5) |50 (+5) |55 (+5) |65 (+10) |65|
|&ref(Stat-Ability.png,fig)スキルスロット|1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1|
|昇格コスト|N/A				|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)4時間&BR()&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)3,260 &BR()&ref(Resource-iron.png,fig)1,575|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)12時間&BR()&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)12,340&BR()&ref(Resource-iron.png,fig)2,800|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)1日&BR()&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)34,520&BR()&ref(Resource-iron.png,fig)4,375&BR()&ref(Resource-gear.png,fig)5|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)2日&BR()&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)82,900&BR()&ref(Resource-steel.png,fig)2,925&BR()&ref(Resource-gear.png,fig)15|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)2日&BR()&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)333,390&BR()&ref(Resource-steel.png,fig)3,975&BR()&ref(Resource-widget.png,fig)4|
|&ref(Resource-SP.png,fig)撃破経験値	|28 |36 |44 |48 |56 |64|
|&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)撃破獲得金	|120 |180 |220 |240 |280 |320|
|PvPユニットコスト			|6 |7 |9 |11 |12 |14 |

|訓練所レベル				| 1 | 7 | 15|
|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)時間	|5h 51m  |4h 30m  |1h 21m |
|&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)ゴールド	|5500 |5500 |3850|
|&ref(Resource-iron.png,fig)鉄		|825 |825 |578|

|病院レベル				| 1 | 3 | 10|
|&ref(Resource-time.png,fig)時間	|1h 8m  |1h 8m  |27m 12s |
|&ref(Resource-Gold.png,fig)ゴールド	|3713 |2475 |1238|
|&ref(Resource-iron.png,fig)鉄		|563 |375 |188 |


--PvP値が減少: Rank 1: 7→6, Rank 2: 9→7, Rank 3: 11→9, Rank 4: 12→11, Rank 5: 14→12


#comment_num2(below, size=60, num=10)
