
コンバットチョロQ/小ネタ - (2014/09/17 (水) 16:04:35) の最新版との変更点



こちらは、''コンバットチョロQ''の小ネタを置くページです。 ---- **メニュー -&link_anchor(楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事){楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事} ---- ***&aname(楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事,option=nolink){◆楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事} コンバットチョロQのサウンド担当をされた佐藤天平氏の、RocketBabyによるインタビューが海外サイト「Game Music Online」にて掲載されています。 氏がコンバットチョロQのサウンド担当となった経緯や思い出、曲への想いについて語っています。 [[Game Music :: Interview with Tenpei Sato (RocketBaby - October 2000)>>http://www.squareenixmusic.com/composers/sato/oct00interview.shtml]] &color(red){[!]リンク切れ} ※該当リンク先が消去されてしまったため、以下にチョロQに関連していた部分を引用いたします。 Interviewer : How did you get the job for Choro Q? Tenpei Sato : Mr. Odagiri, who was the game's director, liked my music and he called me. Interviewer : How did you approach writing the music for Choro Q and how long did you work on it? Tenpei Sato : I tried making magnificent and heavy sounds that would be as good as music in Hollywood SFX movies. Please listen to the music with a big speaker. I worked on Choro Q for three months. Interviewer : Any memories of working on Choro Q? Tenpei Sato : I tried pretending that I was using a real orchestra by using synthesizer, programming MIDI data. Making music with MIDI techniques is one of my policies. This is an important technique to put real life into the machine and make the best of it. I also wrote a book at the same time called Computer Music Super Beginners Manual from the Softbank company. Interviewer : Are you working of the PSX2 version of the game? Tenpei Sato : Yes., in September I composed and recorded a theme song for the new PSX2 Choro Q. The song is written in English and is very soulful. The singer is a woman who has a very powerful voice!!! The new Choro Q will be released some time in December in Japan. I also worked on Billiards EX and American Arcade, a pinball game, for the PSX2. ---- ****コメント欄 #divclass(free_cmt){#pcomment(コンバットチョロQ/小ネタ/コメントログ,reply)} [[コメントログ>コンバットチョロQ/小ネタ/コメントログ]]
[[トップページ]] > [[コンバットチョロQ]] > [[小ネタ>コンバットチョロQ/小ネタ]] ---- こちらのページでは、&bold(){コンバットチョロQ}の小ネタについてまとめています。 ---- **メニュー -&link_anchor(楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事){楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事} ---- ***&aname(楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事,option=nolink){◆楽曲担当、佐藤天平氏のインタビュー記事} コンバットチョロQのサウンド担当をされた佐藤天平氏の、RocketBabyによるインタビューが海外サイト「Game Music Online」にて掲載されています。 氏がコンバットチョロQのサウンド担当となった経緯や思い出、曲への想いについて語っています。 (チョロQHGのインタビューと同一です) [[Game Music :: Interview with Tenpei Sato (RocketBaby - October 2000)>>http://www.squareenixmusic.com/composers/sato/oct00interview.shtml]] &color(red){[!]リンク切れ} ※該当リンク先が消去されてしまったため、以下にチョロQに関連していた部分を引用いたします。 >Interviewer : >How did you get the job for Choro Q? > > Tenpei Sato : > Mr. Odagiri, who was the game's director, liked my music and he called me. > >Interviewer : >How did you approach writing the music for Choro Q and how long did you work on it? > > Tenpei Sato : > I tried making magnificent and heavy sounds that would be as good as music in Hollywood SFX movies. > Please listen to the music with a big speaker. > I worked on Choro Q for three months. > >Interviewer : >Any memories of working on Choro Q? > > Tenpei Sato : > I tried pretending that I was using a real orchestra by using synthesizer, programming MIDI data. > Making music with MIDI techniques is one of my policies. > This is an important technique to put real life into the machine and make the best of it. > I also wrote a book at the same time called Computer Music Super Beginners Manual from the Softbank company. > >Interviewer : >Are you working of the PSX2 version of the game? > > Tenpei Sato : > Yes., in September I composed and recorded a theme song for the new PSX2 Choro Q. > The song is written in English and is very soulful. > The singer is a woman who has a very powerful voice!!! > The new Choro Q will be released some time in December in Japan. > I also worked on Billiards EX and American Arcade, a pinball game, for the PSX2. ---- ****コメント欄 #divclass(free_cmt){#pcomment(コンバットチョロQ/小ネタ/コメントログ,reply)} [[コメントログ>コンバットチョロQ/小ネタ/コメントログ]]

