
Death is not death. In this place, life is fleeting.
To whomever might find this lore.

I can but only provide you with one advice: always move forward. This is what keeps me alive, and have so for a while. 
If I were to advise further I would suggest you harvest every forsaken location for anything that might thwart the horrors that lurk within.
And keep an eye on the gates. If they open you must flee.
「常に前進し続けろ」、これが第一の忠告だ。 前進だけが自分を生かし続け、生き長らえさせてくれる。

I hope my scribbles have not been in vain. If you find this lore, make use of it and pass it on.
If you find me, bury my body. 
私の忠告が無駄にならないことを願っている。 この報告書を見つけたら活用し、誰かに伝えてほしい。

*The Entity(エンティティ)
This thing, that I dubbed The Entity, is evil in its purest form.
I find it hard to spot, but I can hear the cracking sound this loathsome thing emanates. 
Like a deity, it surrounds the area, closing in on me as its killers hunt me.
It does not seem to be dangerous in itself. Not until you are caught and the killer hangs you from one of the abhorrent hooks.

I have ended up there over and over and every time I yearn for both release as well as escape.
Pain melts with fear in a most horrid way.
Yet I return to it, more or less every night. Once on the hook, the Entity takes over, pulling one upwards to something else.
私も毎晩一度はフックに吊るされていた。 フックに吊るされるとエンティティが姿を現し、人間をどこかに連れ去ってしまう。


*The Killers(殺人鬼)
These things differ from time to time.
But each acts in a similar manner, and with similar human physical traits.
But they are more reminiscent of beasts of burden even though I can spot some flicker of humanity. 

With scars and marks on their skin and body. As if they have been self-mutilating themselves.
They even look dead. I fail to see some humanity in them.
They are bent on finding me.
But somehow they frain from killing me. Instead I am hung from one of those dreaded hooks.
‪肌には傷や印があった。 まるで自らを切り裂いていたかのように。
しかし、何故か彼らは自らの手で私の命を殺すのを控える。 代わりに私を恐ろしいフックの1つに吊り下げた。‬

I keep asking myself why they do not snuff the life out me themselves.
But someone must control them. Might they do someone else’s biddings?‪
もしかしたら、何者かが彼等を操っているに違いない。 あるいは他の者の命令に従っているのだろうか?‬

I keep trying to understand them at the same time as they stalk me.
I try finding something that can pinpoint their purpose.
I wonder if they might be punished? But in that case, are not I in the same position?
Being punished for something, as I try to escape and find some way out of here.
They play their role. Without any diversions, they are like a machine that is set on finding any living soul. 
彼等は彼等の役割を全うしている。 幾許の楽しみもなく、彼等はまるで生者の魂を見つけるよう機械のようだ。‬

Are they without hope? Who do they serve? Is there even a master? 
I have never seen them rest or stop. They hunt until the hooks are occupied. 
But where do they go after that? Trying to find some answers is one of the few things that keep me sane. For now. 
‪彼らに望みは無いのだろうか? 何者だろうか? 主は存在するのだろうか?
私は彼等が休むところも、止まるところも見たことが無い。 フックが満たされるまで彼等は狩り続ける。
だが、その後何処へ行くのか? いくつかの答えを見つけようとする事で私は正気を保っている。 今のところは。‬

If you stumble upon of these beings you must run and you must hide. Without any sound.
‪もし貴方がこの存在に出くわしてしまったなら、走り、隠れなければならない。 そして、音を決して立ててはいけない。‬

*The Stain(シミ)
The first time that I spotted this reddish fire burning on the ground, I thought I had finally reached the doorstep of insanity. 
But I was wrong. 

After several encounters with this burning fire, I managed to tie it to the killers. 
Somehow it gives me hope as one can manage to avoid them if you see this burning warning.
Maybe giving me hope is its purpose?

*The Heartbeat(心音)
Maybe it is the will to survive that makes me even more alert to sounds.
Sight is limited in this darkened part of the world. 

In this case their heartbeats. Not my own, but instead the killers’ as they close in on me.
I just hope that they do not pick up on mine as my heart races for every thump i can hear even clearer.
この場合の心音。 私のものではなく、私に迫ってくる殺人鬼の心音であった。

*The Meathooks(肉フック)
These viscous hooks, strewn about this nightmarish world represent the true horror of the thing that rules this place - this Entity.
Killers bring their prey to the hooks to torture them before that twisted mess of claws comes down for the finishing blow. 

There is still a chance of escape once hung from a hook.
Either by enduring excruciating pain as you twist and turn to manage to escape with a shoulder in pieces.
Sometimes you even might get help from others that also resides within this nightmare.

One of the most horrific scenes is not always to be the one on the hook. But rather a witness.
To see fear as someone else struggles for freedom is something I wish I could unsee.
Limbs moving in unnatural ways and also my own inside struggle.
最も凄惨な光景は、いつもフックの上で起こるとは限らない。 むしろ目撃するものだ。

Sometimes I try to help. But many times my fear of the hooks grows too big.
What is survival with blood on your hands?
時には救助を試みる。 しかし、多くの場合フックへの恐怖が余りにも膨れ上がる。

*The Generators & Gates(発電機&門)
These strange machines can be found across this abandoned world.
They seem to be some kind of generators, fueling lights. 

At first I paid no attention to them, but as days turned into months I employed all of my engineering skills to actually fix one.
It attracted one of these beings that is after me.
But I also noticed that they were somehow tied to something else.

The only possible escape lies behind huge ornate metal gates.
They taunt me every time lay my eyes on them keeping me in, as a caged animal.
But as I discovered, they can be opened. Somehow these generators are the key to getting them open. 
だが私は気が付いた、あれは開くことができる。 どういうわけか、これらの発電機は門を開くためのカギとなる。

As I managed to repair enough of them, the gates opened, and I ran with all my soul towards the camp fire in the distant.
Sometimes I escape and sometimes I stare the Entity in the eye and wake up at the never ending fire. 

Why aren’t the killers following me through the gates?
I might never know.

*The Chests(木箱)
The first time I found a chest, I didn’t manage to open it before a killer caught me.
I got exuberated as something new shined some light on this hellish life I now live.

I did not pay enough attention. But the next time I was more careful and I managed to loot it.
But I must grasp whatever I find with my hands, cause all is lost if the killers lays his hands on me.
私は警戒を十分にしていなかった。 しかし、次は以前より慎重に動いた事から中身を奪う事ができた。
だが、私は手にした物を全て把握しないといけない。 何故なら、殺人鬼が私を捕まえたなら全てが無意味になるからだ。

*The Campfire(キャンプファイヤー)
What keeps this eternal fire burning?
I seldom question it anymore as I yearn for its warmth.
I get a few moments of peace every time I visit it. At the same time, I hate it, as I never want to see it again.

I tried burning my hand in it one time, but felt nothing.
But how come it is still warm?

*The Key(鍵)
During my latest ordeal I found a key.
I have never stumbled upon anything like it.
And I have spent more days inside this limbo than I can remember.

This key almost scorched my hand. It felt as if sat upon great power.
Everything became so much clearer and sight and sound hit me with great force.
I suspect also that it is used to open something.
私は、この鍵で手を傷つけた。 この鍵が大きな力を纏っている事を感じたのだ。
大きな視界と聴覚が私に襲いかかった。 全てが非常に明確に把握できるようになったのだ。

But I have not had the time to understand its purpose fully.
But my heart tells me that somewhere I will find a keyhole.

*The Hatch(ハッチ)
This hatch I found baffles me.
As I witnessed the last survivor being, yet again, the victim of the dreaded hook I stumbled upon it as I slowly backed away.

I finally found my keyhole.
With my last strength I opened it, entered its tunnels and somehow found my way to the campfire.
私は最後の力で扉を開き、 トンネルに入って何とかキャンプファイヤーへの道を見つけた。

Now I sit here contemplating its purpose. 
Is hope more important for the Entity than I thought? 
Is this hatch just a treat you give a dog to as encouragement? For now I take what I can get.
このハッチは、家畜犬と化した私に励ます意味のエンティティの施しだろうか? 今の私には得る物を取る事しかできない。

*The Basement(地下室)
I went further than I have ever dared to before.
I can not say what drove me to venture upon this journey, but as I am back at the campfire I will try to depict what I saw today.

Inside one of the houses, there was a staircase leading down to this room of torture.
A basement with four hooks. But not like others that seem much more random.
These four hooks are...arranged somehow. They must have a purpose.
4つのフックを備えられた地下室。 しかし、遥か上にある不規則に備えられた他のフックとは異なっている。
これら4つのフックは…何とか整備されていた。 殺人鬼が命を奪う目的を手放さない為にも。

I do not know anything about this place.
But it felt packed with memories of endless suffering and torture.
The smell of dried blood and bowels still resides in my nostrils.

*The Offerings(オファリング)
I found something odd during today’s nightmare.
A wreath made of animal bones. Nothing in nature creates something like this.
At the campfire I could find get some light so that I were able to investigate it further. 
動物の骨で作られた花輪。 このような物が自然に生まれる事はない。

But I fumbled and dropped it into the fire. And it quickly disappeared.
To my surprise, the fire can burn things. But why this and why not my hand?
しかし、慌てていた私は火の中に落としてしまった。 骨の花輪はすぐに消え失せた。
私はこの燃える現象に驚いた。 しかし、何故骨の花輪は燃えて私の手は燃えなかったのだろう?

The next day something had changed. The world differed.
My only conclusion is that I was supposed to find this.
A simple offering? But to whom? And who made it? Are these offerings my way out of here?
翌日に何かが変わっていた。 世界が異なっていた。

A simple offering?
But to whom? And who made it? Are these offerings my way out of here?
しかし誰の為に? 誰がそれを作った? これらの布施で此処から脱出できるのだろうか?

*The Procedural(手続き)
Every place feels mysterious, yet is somehow the same.
Every time I wake up I shiver with fear for what new nightmare awaits. 

Each departure from the campfire is into confusion. 
Slowly I learn the different places, recognizing features and buildings but I never really understand the pattern. 

As if some powerful force is shuffling the world as if we were a deck of cards.
Maybe we are just pawns on a scrabble board?

*The Survivors(生存者)
I am not alone. If you set aside the killers. I have found others.
Survivors that are just like me. Or at least I believe so, I want to believe so.
私は一人じゃない。 あの殺人鬼に私が捕らえられてしまったとき、私は彼らを発見した。
それは私と同じ状況に陥った生存者。 あるいは...少なくとも私はそう信じたいと考えている。

Sometimes I manage to just catch a glimpse of a poor soul as he gets carried away. 
Others I have actually told my name. I do not always want to know their names. 

It makes it harder as they hang from the hook. 
I help them...sometimes. Just as they help me.
Fear is our common denominator.  And we bond. We have nobody else. 
私は時々...彼らを助ける。 以前、彼らが私を助けてくれたように。
恐怖だけが私達の共通点だ。 私達には絆がある。 私達以外は他に誰もいないからだ。

Human contact and interaction sooths this trial we share.
I ask myself whether I am better off alone, or if we can come farther together.

Sometimes I bare shame as I sneak away from screams.
But I have equally often been on the other side, hanging two feet of the ground, whereas I see someone, watching from shrubbery.
Like a witness.

Maybe it is important to watch, and remind oneself that pain is not the only thing that burdens our lives at this point?
But also our souls. Do we deserve to live if we were to escape?
しかし、私達の魂も。 私達が此処から脱出できた時、私達は生きる事に値するのだろうか?

- 公式ページの報告書らしき文と一致していたので足りない部分を追記しました。  …とはいえ、翻訳できないし長いので半分に分けるのも有りかも…?  -- 名無しさん  (2016-08-18 13:22:35)
- ジェネレーター&ゲートの説明まで翻訳しました。殺人鬼は個別のwikiページからの引用です。 誤訳または問題があったら対処お願いします  -- 名無しさん  (2016-11-23 00:58:00)
- 感謝です。 殺人鬼の個人紹介については個別ページがあるので削除します。  -- 名無しさん  (2016-11-23 04:58:13)
- 翻訳、感謝します。  -- 名無し様  (2016-11-24 19:44:38)
- 翻訳をしました。 翻訳の翻訳の翻訳をした為に間違いがある可能性が高いです。 その場合は修正をお願いします。  -- 名無しさん  (2016-12-21 06:18:02)
- 素敵翻訳、乙です  -- 名無しさん  (2017-02-16 17:02:05)
