
ベネディクトの手記 - (2018/04/23 (月) 05:11:25) の編集履歴(バックアップ)


September 12rd(9月12日)

I began my search in the summer of 1956 after hearing of the town of Weeks, a place that had an unusual number of missing persons reports.
America is filled with such towns.
But what made this one more odd than some,was that there had never been a report of a body found.

Indeed, the number of open missing cases stood at a staggering 364, the last of which happened a mere ten weeks ago.
So, thusly I embark on my journey.

September 21rd(9月21日)

It only took me a few hours upon my arrival to feel the malignant presence that lurked in the forgotten town of Weeks.
Its buildings and structures in various stages of decay, all of them abandoned to the ravages of time.

I visited the library in Wetherfield, a nearby town. It didn’t take me long to find information about the region.
Once a vast, prosperous and sprawling industrial area, Weeks, suddenly became a ghost town,
not through the lack of iron ore, but on account of a series of terrible disasters.
私はウェザーフィールドの図書館を訪れた。 この地域に関する情報はすぐ入手できた。

Once again, I had found a place touched by the darkest of evils,
so powerful that it spread like a virus in the area, consuming the world around it, rotting the core from within.

The locals of Wetherfield would not discuss or talk further of the town of Weeks.
The locals acted like the sort of thing you would see in your weekly Penny Dreadful, their eyes wild with terror.
What happened here?

September 23rd(9月23日)

I have spent two days in this derelict library. The archives are somewhat unorganized.
But I have managed to learn more about the town of Weeks.
I get this eerie feel as I sit in that basement, but I feel a need to learn more.
I have come too far now.
私は誰もいない図書館で2日間調べ続けた。 新聞の記事はまとめられてるとは言えなかった。

I managed to piece some parts together and it seems like everything leads back to The Macmillan Estate.
A huge industry with a mine and foundry and the former heart of Weeks.
I found some police reports and complaints.
But no sign of legal action.
The archives here does not tell the whole story. But my mind tells me that I need to find this place.

As The Macmillan Estate might sit upon some answers about these unexplainable disappearances I simply must go further.
I feel somewhat uneasy as my comfort zone most often is behind a desk.
But I can not be shackled to words and must instead make use of action.
All I have managed to find out is that some deaths occurred and it was just shortly after that, that this...rot took hold of Weeks.
私はその感覚の正体が「死」であることを理解した。 この町には死が蔓延している。

I have tried to find my way and I asked the librarian.
But she refused to even talk about it.
Old maps in the archive show the way. But nobody is willing to take me.
I will set forth tomorrow. On my own.

??? September(?)(9月? 日時不明)

I can not explain what happened today.
I awoke to find myself in this strange place. I have no memory of how I came here.
My last recollection was of leaving Wetherfield and beginning my journey towards The Macmillan Estate.
私は気付いたら見知らぬ森にいた。 どうやってここまで来たか、覚えていない。

The last part I had to travel by foot.. A seemingly never ending fire burns next to me.
I can not even tell how long I lay asleep.
私は歩いていたはずだ…。 気づいたら私は焚き火の前にいた。

This area of the woods seems to have no day or night, just an intolerable gloom.
Unsure what awaits me but I will keep filling this journal.
Maybe with a hope to warn others.

Entry 1 after the Awakening(目覚めてから1日目)

Am I alive? I no longer know or care.
I have tried to hike my way out of these forsaken woods to no avail.
Multiple times I have tried to escape the fog and each time, I have come face to face with a nameless terror that stalks the darkness.
私は生きているのだろうか。 それを知る術はないが、もう気にする必要もないのかもしれない。

A being in a human form. Even though I feel “human” is an exaggeration.
It is a shadow of its former self. A horrid shadow.
I fear I cannot escape this place, nor the being stalking these woods.
I just barely manage to escape. Silence is key it seems.
それは人間の形をしていた。 (いや、人間ではないかもしれない)
霧と一緒にあの恐ろしい影が私を追ってくる。 私はこの場所から逃れられないだろう、深い森が足元へ這い寄ってくるのを感じる。
この恐怖から逃れたい…。 私は沈黙する事でしか、抵抗出来なかった。

I have also seen, this...evil thing.
This Entity reaches out to pluck those who fall into its path,bringing them to its hideous construct where it plays with their soul for all eternity.
The entity curses these innocents with an endless game of life and death.
Each death brings an awakening into a fresh hell where the hunt begins again. I am but a mere puppet in this grim theater.
死ぬとまたこの森で目覚め、また狩りが始まる、そんな夢を見続けた。 私はホラー映画の中の操り人形のようだ。

Entry 6(6日目)

What defines reality? Is it just that you can taste and touch.
Feel the pain as the blade slides in between your ribs.
Taste the iron tinged flavour of blood in your mouth and the smell of death as the darkness takes you?
現実とは何だろう? それは単純で実際に手で触れるものだったり、味がするものだろう。

Is it hope that drives you on?
Hoping that the next time will bring your actual death, or hope that the next exit reveals a way back home.
I yearn for some kind of escape. Be it death or life.
私は脱出したい。 たとえ死ぬかもしれなくとも。

Entry 17(17日目)

The Entity is a force of darkness from an ancient place with no name.
No sense of purpose other than to endlessly torture its victims over and over again.
It is torture and not death it seeks as there is always an escape.
Perhaps it feeds off our hope as it seems to offer it to us before dashing it cruelly at the last second.

With each “death” I feel myself weaker, a little piece of my soul devoured by the darkness before I awake.
I fear, eventually that I will lose hope. I wonder, then, what this dark entity will do with me then.
I want to find out, but I fear the answer.
もっとも恐れていたことは希望を失うことだった。 私が死んだら怪物は私をどうするのだろう。

Am I alone here? I believe I have seen traces of others as the beings hunt me.
All I seek is that soothing, flickering campfire light.
ここには私一人だけなのだろうか? あの怪物以外の誰でも良いから私を見つけてくれると信じている。

Entry 26(26日目)

Each killer seems pulled from a place of great darkness, their own violent actions summons this most ancient of evils from its slumber.
The Entity reaches out, taking them willingly into the place between worlds where it demands they do its bidding.

They must hunt and kill the prey set in front of them. Some go willingly, others need to be convinced.
The Entity tortures them until they are less human and far more thing.
Until the last light of humanity has faded from their souls and they take up their weapons and sacrifice the survivors.
The killers are needed to feed the Entity with the hope that keeps it alive. I am a pawn in this parasitic charade.
狩りと殺しが日常的に行われた。 喜んでやるものもいれば、自分を納得させて非道の道に進むものもいる。
殺人鬼は生存者に生きる希望を残しておかなければならない。 私はまるでチェスの駒のようだ。

Entry 49(49日目)

My travels have revealed four hellish places, connected by one true evil.
Each one features a past so violent and disturbing that it all ends up a jumble of things I will never forget.
In these places of such foul thought, something lurks between the fabric of what we know as real and the dream world.

Awoken by violence, it touches our world, calling the killers and victims to it.
The more it pulls from the real world, the stronger it becomes and the more it spreads.
I came seeking answers but I drown in riddles instead.
I know not how long I will be able to carry on.

I have all the time in the world.
But only during the small pauses that I am granted. During the hunt my time is restraint.
I learn more and more. But my hope and sanity depletes faster and faster.
全ての時間をこの世界に費やしてきたが、ほとんど休む時間はなかった。 狩りが私を縛り付ける。
たくさんのことを見聞きした。 しかし、希望と正気はどんどん無くなっていった。

What am to become of me? Have the killers started out at this campfire too?
I bid this journal adieu. I must focus on staying alive.
私はこの後どうなるのか? 殺人鬼もこの焚き火を見ているのだろうか。
もう今回で終わりにしよう。 私は生きるのだ。



  • 凄い全部翻訳されてる!ありがたいなあ -- 名無しさん (2016-08-16 16:24:53)
  • このゲームって生存者は全員死んでて、目的は脱出じゃなくて成仏なのかな? -- 名無しさん (2016-09-05 05:10:37)
  • 日時不明部分の一文が翻訳ソフトと見比べると記述が違ったので修正しました。 -- 名無しさん (2016-09-21 23:28:22)
  • 追記:翻訳ソフトと見比べておかしい記述だった部分は全体的に修正しました。 ミスがあるなら修正してくれると嬉しいです。 -- 名無しさん (2016-09-22 00:55:43)
  • 錯乱しているのは、「霧に映った自分の影を怪物だと思い込んだ」のではなくて、罪の告白なのかと。「ただ逃れたい一心」で見てしまった「人間だと思っていた何か」に恐怖してるようです。ゲームの主題的にも、プレイ中にもよくあるアレ。 -- 名無しさん (2018-04-23 03:49:03)
  • 筆者が望んだのは「本当の死」で「脱出」すること。あと2秒…というところで殺してくれないエンティティは残酷だと愚痴ってます。焚火について「A seemingly never ending fire burns next to me」と書いているのは、「永遠に終わらないように思える炎が燃え(尽き)て」「僕の目の前にある」「次は僕の番だ」という言葉遊びwoしてると思います。 -- 名無しさん (2018-04-23 04:27:28)
  • 「Am I alone here? I believe I have seen traces of others as the beings hunt me. 」ここには俺一人なのか?かの存在が私を狩るに連れて他の者の「痕跡」が見えるようになる。 -- 名無しさん (2018-04-23 05:11:25)